My time is running out

Chapter 63 D6 Fighter

Chen Tao looked at He Yixuan beside him, raised his head, and looked at Ziqing.

Ziqing looked at him with a smile on her face.

She didn't seem to care about He Yixuan's actions.

Chen Tao retracted his gaze, looked at No. 1 beside him, and said, "Do you have a way to repair the gate?"

No. 1 nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

Chen Tao said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

No. 1 nodded slightly.

Chen Tao pulled his hand out of He Yixuan's arms, stroked He Yixuan's hair, looked at Ziqing, and said, "The matter has been resolved, and it's late, go back and rest."

Ziqing nodded slightly.

Ziqing left.

Chen Tao looked at He Yixuan beside him and said, "You should go back to bed early too."

He retracted his hand and left with Ziqing.

He Yixuan was slightly startled, she looked at Chen Tao's back, and she smiled.

He Yixuan was not in a hurry.

Chen Tao did not agree to her immediately, which made her feel a little safe.

Such a devoted man is what she wants most.

Chen Tao returned to the bedroom, took a shower, and changed into a bathrobe.

He slept until the next morning.

He was gently woken up by Ziqing and ate the delicious breakfast prepared by No. 3.

Ziqing invited Chen Tao to take a walk over to Yuehu Lake to see the scenery over there.

Yuehu Lake is a large lake with clear water.

There are ancient buildings by the lake.

Standing on the sandalwood paved road, looking at the clear Yuehu Lake next to it, it feels good.

There is also an open grassland by the lake.

Ziqing took Chen Tao's hand and walked to the front of the grassland.

"You stand here." Ziqing said to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at Ziqing.

Ziqing stood on the grass. She took off her shoes and stepped on it barefoot.

The grass by the lake is artificial turf, and it is now clean after being washed by the rain last night.

She stepped on it with her bare feet, but she was not afraid of getting dirty or hurt.

Ziqing looked at Chen Tao and said, "I want to dance for you."

Chen Tao smiled and said, "Yes."

She was wearing a cotton close-fitting tank top, which fit her body. When she held her waist, her upper body was bulging.

She wore tight jeans, outlining her long legs that were one meter long.

She had a mature and charming figure.

After hearing what Chen Tao said, Ziqing smiled and raised her hand to untie the hair tie on her hair.

Her slightly curly hair naturally fell behind her.

She threw the hair tie aside.

Looking at Ziqing's preparation, Chen Tao called Black Lightning over.

The black car slowly stopped not far away.

Then the explosive car music sounded from the car.

Hearing this sound, Ziqing followed and danced.

She was serious, looking at Chen Tao with big eyes, and her mature and perfect posture brought others some shocking visual enjoyment as she danced.

Her hair fluttered, and her beautiful face was expressionless, giving people a different kind of charm.

Everyone has different fields.

Perhaps dance is Ziqing's field. In this field, her every move is full of confidence. Looking at Chen Tao, she showed a faint smile while dancing, looking extremely charming.

Ziqing came to Chen Tao with the rhythm of the music, holding Chen Tao's hand, circling Chen Tao, twisting her mature figure while circling Chen Rao.

Close to Chen Tao, she took the initiative to kiss Chen Tao.

Lips parted.

Ziqing smiled, took three steps back, and continued to show her charm in her dance.

A piece of music ended.

Ziqing's dance slowly stopped.

Chen Tao clapped his hands.

"Pa pa pa..." Applause sounded.

Chen Tao smiled and said, "It's beautiful."

Ziqing smiled: "From now on, my dance will only be shown to you alone."

Chen Tao smiled: "Okay."

Ziqing's eyes were full of joy.

"Ring, ring, ring..."

Chen Tao's cell phone rang.

Hearing the ringing of the cell phone.

Chen Tao was slightly startled. He took out his cell phone and took a look. It was an unfamiliar number.

Who could be calling?

Chen Tao answered the phone and put it to his ear: "Hello."

"Chen Tao? This is Wu Yao. There is an emergency." Wu Yao's voice was nervous: "Run away now! Don't stay in Yuehu Manor anymore!"

Hearing this, Chen Tao frowned and said, "Why?"

Wu Yao said: "I just got the news that the Tianfa Alliance has sent two D6 fighters to Yuehu Manor. They want to bomb Yuehu Manor! The D6 fighter is equipped with the most advanced missiles of the Tianfa Alliance! If it bombs, the entire Yuehu Manor will become ruins in a few seconds."

Wu Yao's voice was nervous. She said: "I want to stop it, but I can't. Now you can only leave Yuehu Manor quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

Chen Tao frowned.

D6 fighter? Bombing?

It seems that the Tianfa Alliance did not give up the action because of the loss of a team last night.

They chose a more terrifying method to deal with Chen Tao.

Wu Yao said hurriedly: "Hurry up, the speed of the D6 fighter can be close to the speed of sound! It will be too late if you hesitate."

At the same time as Wu Yao's voice fell.


A strange sound came.

Chen Tao raised his head and saw that there were two fighters flying towards this side from not far away in the sky.

Seeing this, Chen Tao narrowed his eyes slightly.

This fighter is very close to this side.

With Chen Tao's eyesight, he can see the mark on the fighter.

It is a mark of lightning.

Chen Tao narrowed his eyes.

"It's really fast."

Wu Yao on the other side of the phone also heard the movement here.

"What?" Wu Yao's voice was a little panicked.

Chen Tao said: "Nothing, then I will go to prepare here first, thank you."

He hung up the phone.

Chen Tao rarely said thank you to people, but this time he really had to thank Wu Yao.

Although the speed of the D6 fighter made this intelligence not very useful, no matter what, Wu Yao also risked being targeted by the Tianfa Alliance to give Chen Tao a hint.

This favor is worthy of Chen Tao's thank you.


Chen Tao saw that the position for loading missiles directly below the D6 fighter opened, and two missiles fell directly and shot in the direction of Chen Tao.

Looking at the missiles in front of him.

Time was paused in an instant.

The whole world turned into code.

Chen Tao looked at the two missiles that were suspended in the air, and the fighter jets that turned into codes in the sky.

Chen Tao slowly clenched his fists, and the veins on his fists bulged

Heaven Punishment Alliance!

If Chen Tao did not have these abilities, facing the bombing of the D6 fighter jets, everyone in Yuehu Manor would surely die!

The Heaven Punishment Alliance was determined to kill Chen Tao.

Chen Tao calmed down his anger and looked at the two missiles in the sky.

"Nebula, change the target and orbit of the missile, aim the orbit at the opponent's fighter jet, and change the target to their fighter jet."

A mechanical voice sounded: "Received the order, reprogram the missile, and it is being written..."

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