"Mengtong, what are you doing?" Another woman came over and said, "I fell in love with this man first." She looked at Chen Tao and said with a smile, "Handsome man, ignore her, let Xiao Xiao Stay with you."

As she said that, she grabbed Chen Tao's other hand.

This girl named Xiao Ning is different from Meng Tong next to her.

Xiao Ning's bust is amazing, her figure is tall, and her looks are a bit lacking, but her figure is enough to score high marks.

When Mengtong heard this, she was not happy. She glared at Xiaoning and said, "What are you doing? You fell in love with it first, but I made the move first. Then this is mine. Just go away and don't make trouble." "

Xiaoning glanced at Mengtong and said, "What's wrong? Do you think this handsome guy can like you? He wants breasts but not breasts, and he wants butt but not butt." She said disdainfully.

When Mengtong heard this, she frowned and said, "Why, are you so big? There are advantages to being small."

She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Handsome guy, are you right?"

Chen Tao retracted his hands.

After this, the two women were slightly startled and looked at Chen Tao together.

Mengtong said: "Okay, handsome guy, choose one."

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Mengtong and said, "I'm not here to play, I'm here to find friends."

"Friend?" Mengtong was slightly startled, then she showed a playful smile: "Girlfriend?"

Chen Tao said: "Yeah."

He said: "Do you know Zi Qing?"

When Mengtong heard this, she said, "Oh, I know, it's the one who dances."

She looked at Chen Tao in surprise: "She is your girlfriend?"

Chen Tao said: "Well, is it strange?"

Mengtong showed a smile: "It's a little strange. Zi Qing is from the slums. How could someone like you find a woman from the slums to be his girlfriend?"

"However, if you are really her boyfriend, you have come at the right time tonight, otherwise she may not be your girlfriend tomorrow."

This sentence made Chen Tao slightly startled. He frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Mengtong looked at Chen Tao playfully and said with a smile: "Want to know? Then give me this number."

She raised two fingers and looked at Chen Tao: "If you give me this number, I will tell you."

Chen Tao said: "Two years?"

Mengtong smiled and said, "Yeah."

Chen Tao said: "Okay." He stretched out his wrist.

Mengtong also stretched out her wrist.

When Mengtong stretched out her wrist, Chen Tao could see the time on Mengtong's wrist.

Three hours.

The woman only had three hours left to use.

This is normal. In a place like the slums, everyone lives on the edge of death.

Whenever and wherever the time comes, people are gone.

Chen Tao gave Mengtong two years.

Mengtong looked at the time on her wrist, her eyes lit up slightly, she looked at Chen Tao and said, "There are many people here, come here with me."

With that said, Mengtong walked to the right.

This is the entrance to the bar, and there are many people coming and going.

It's really not suitable to talk.

Chen Tao followed Mengtong and entered an alley.

Meng Tong put her hands behind her back. She looked at Chen Tao playfully and said, "The Red Dragon Bar is Brother Red Dragon's territory. Whatever Brother Red Dragon wants, as long as it is in the Red Dragon Bar, it belongs to him. "

"I heard rumors that Brother Red Dragon has fallen in love with Zi Qing today, your girlfriend. If you don't come tonight, I guess you won't be able to see your girlfriend in the future."

Chen Tao frowned.

Is Zi Qing being targeted by her boss?

This is not good news.

Mengtong came closer and actively put her arms around Chen Tao's neck. She looked directly into Chen Tao's eyes, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly. She smiled and said, "Brother Red Dragon is not easy to deal with. Otherwise, you can take the girl with you." Can I change my friends? Actually, I’m no worse than Zi Qing.”

So close, Chen Tao could smell her fragrance.

Chen Tao held Mengtong's hand and said, "Let go."

Mengtong looked at Chen Tao's determination and pursed her lower lip, feeling a little bored.

She let go and stepped aside.

Zi Qing needs him and must go there.

Chen Tao turned around and was about to leave.

But when he turned around, he found that the exit of the alley was blocked.

Blocking the exit were two men.

The two men were tall and built, and one of them had a bald head.

Chen Tao took a look.

He found that the bald head looked familiar.

Isn't this the guy who robbed him and Zi Qing last time?

The bald man tossed the switchblade in his hand and walked this way, with one hand in his trouser pocket.

Mengtong frowned: "What do you two want to do?"

The bald man touched his bald head, tilted his head and said, "Isn't it obvious? Don't talk nonsense, my time is precious. Hand over the 'time', we only want 'time' and no killing. Of course, if you resist, I don’t mind a few holes on your body.”

Mengtong's face turned pale, and she walked nervously to Chen Tao: "What should I do?" She looked at Chen Tao nervously.

Chen Tao spoke in his heart: "Xingyun."

sound together.

Chen Tao felt that everything around him was getting dark.

Suddenly, Chen Tao entered a dark space.

A blue flying body is suspended in mid-air above.

Chen Tao said: "I want to deal with those two people, is there any way?"

Nebula said in a mechanical voice: "Your physical body calculations have been adjusted now, and ordinary knives cannot hurt you."

"Adjusted? What do you mean?" Chen Tao still didn't understand.

Chen Tao heard Xingyun say before that his body's calculations were adjusted, so he got infinite time, but now Chen Tao still doesn't understand what it means that his body's calculations have been adjusted.

Xingyun said: "The human body is made up of genes, and genes can be obtained through calculations. Before, your physical genes were too weak. In order to protect you, I changed your genetic makeup without permission. Your current genes belong to level three. Gene. It is immune to gun damage and has strong self-healing ability.”

Chen Tao was confused, but he understood the last sentence.

In other words, his body is now not afraid of firearms, and it also has the ability to repair itself.

"So, I don't need to be afraid of those two guys?" Chen Tao asked.

Nebula said, "Yes."

Chen Tao nodded slightly and said, "Let me out."

When Chen Tao came out of the dark space, he found that everything around him was still, just like when he first came out.

Very weird.

Chen Tao said: "Let them move."

For a moment, the bald man resumed his action. He stared at Chen Tao and said, "Hurry up and give up your time honestly."

Chen Tao said: "What if I don't hand over it? How about it?"

This sentence made Mengtong couldn't help but look at Chen Tao.

Is he too courageous?

The bald man's face darkened: "It seems that you want to see blood."

He strode up to Chen Tao, stabbed Chen Tao in the stomach with the switchblade in his hand.

Chen Tao stretched out his hand and held the blade with his hand.

Mengtong was startled. She covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes full of surprise.

The bald man frowned and wanted to withdraw the blade.

But he found that Chen Tao's grip was very tight and he couldn't pull it back at all.

The bald man was slightly startled. He took a closer look and found that Chen Tao's hand was clearly on the blade, but there was no injury at all.

This scene made the bald man feel that something was wrong.

The bald man looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao punched the bald man in the face.


The bald man's body flew out and fell to the ground.

He lay on the ground, covering his face with his hands, and looked at Chen Tao with surprise and suspicion.

"Boss." The man next to him helped the bald man up.

The bald man picked up the switchblade and stared at Chen Tao: "What kind of monster are you?"

Chen Tao raised his hand and looked at his palm. He had just received the blade with his hand, but there was no scar on his palm.

Sure enough, Nebula didn't lie to him.

Mengtong's eyes lit up, there was surprise on her face, and she looked at Chen Tao like she was looking at a hero.

Chen Tao looked at the bald man. Chen Tao didn't have much time now. Zi Qing needed him.

The bald man seemed hesitant to take action.

Chen Tao didn't have time to wait for him to move.

Therefore, Chen Tao made the first move and strode closer to the two of them.

The bald man gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go."

He left with the man next to him. As he left, he stared at Chen Tao and said, "Wait for me!"

Looking at the backs of the two bald men running away.

Chen Tao withdrew his gaze and walked towards the bar.

"You are so awesome, you are simply Mengtong's hero."

A voice came from beside me.

Mengtong followed Chen Tao and said with a smile: "It's amazing. Not only is he rich and handsome, but he is also so powerful. It's great."

She seemed excited.

Chen Tao glanced at her. He didn't know what she was excited about, and he didn't ask. The most important thing now was to find Zi Qing first.

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