My time is running out

Chapter 91 Unexpected

Her skin was as white as cream, her eyelashes were long and narrow, and she had a pair of blue eyes.

This face was extremely beautiful, with an exotic style.

The woman's clothes set off her mature and proud figure, and also made her look heroic.

But the problem was that this dress was completely strange to the people in Chen Tao's world.

And the pair of dragon horns.

What was wrong with this woman?

When Rosser saw this woman, his expression became solemn, and he turned around and ran.

He ran very fast, as if he didn't want to fight this woman.

But this woman didn't care about this, the pair of dragon wings behind her flashed, and she pounced on Rosser.

The silver-white long sword in her hand rolled.

Rosser's body broke into three pieces and fell to the ground, with purple blood flowing.

Seeing this, the woman put the long sword to her waist, spread her wings, flew into the sky, and flew away.

This scene that was completely beyond common sense made everyone stare wide-eyed.

Lin Na's eyes trembled: "What did I just see..."

Lin Na slowly adjusted her mood and looked in the direction of Chen Tao, but found that Chen Tao was no longer there.

She was slightly startled: "Where is the master?"

In fact, when the woman with dragon horns flew into the sky, Chen Tao spread his wings and chased after her.

The woman glanced at Chen Tao behind her, and she stopped her action, flying in the air, looking at Chen Tao.

It seemed that she was waiting for Chen Tao to pass.

Chen Tao flew in front of the woman.

The woman glanced at the wings behind Chen Tao and looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at the woman in front of him.


Although the woman in front of him looked different from ordinary people, her beauty was completely beyond common sense.

There was almost no flaw.

Chen Tao slowly gathered his mind, looked at the woman and said: "Who are you?"

The woman didn't say anything, just stared at Chen Tao.

When Chen Tao saw this, he didn't know what to do.

The reason why Roser could talk directly to Chen Tao was because Roser entered Chen Tao's channel and used a program similar to a translator.

But the problem was that Chen Tao didn't know the gene channel of the woman in front of him, and he couldn't enter her gene channel, so he couldn't use the translator to talk.

Chen Tao said: "What is your gene channel? I can enter your gene channel, so I can write a program to talk to you..."

At this point, Chen Tao suddenly had a headache.

She didn't understand at all, so how could she give him her channel?

"It's very rude to ask a girl for a gene channel." The woman suddenly said, "Only the closest friends are qualified to enter the girl's private channel with the girl's permission."

This is standard Earth Star language!

Chen Tao said, "Can you speak my language?"

The woman crossed her arms, smiled charmingly, and said, "As a dragon, it is not difficult to learn a civilized common language."

As soon as this charming smile appeared, Chen Tao felt that the murderous temperament of the woman in front of him was gone, and what was left was a unique charm that only women have.

The woman looked at Chen Tao, she smiled and said: "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Lin, I am a dragon. We dragons live about 30,000 light years away from here. We dragons exist to maintain the balance of the universe."

"I know what you want to ask, you want me, why do I want to kill Rosser?" She looked at Chen Tao and said with a smile: "It's very simple to answer, the Kot Galaxy is an aerospace-level civilization, far beyond the civilization of your world. If you let the Kot Galaxy invade you, it will be devastating for your civilization."

"In order to maintain the balance of the universe, we dragons will not allow this to happen." Lin looked at Chen Tao, looked at Chen Tao for a while, she looked at Chen Tao and said: "Strange, as a pre-nuclear civilization, you have the genes of a second-level warrior."

She crossed her arms and looked at Chen Tao strangely.

Noticed Lin's demeanor.

Lin looked too perfect, her frown and smile seemed to move Chen Tao's soul.

Chen Tao suppressed his strange emotions and said, "What is the second-level warrior gene?"

Lin looked at Chen Tao and said, "You don't know..., that's even more strange. The second-level warrior gene is a technology that can only be encountered after reaching the aerospace level civilization. It can upgrade the human genes and gain special abilities. The Kurt star you just saw is the owner of a second-level warrior gene."

"Well..." At this point, Lin had to look at Chen Tao again and said, "Very special, your genes seem to be stronger than those of the Kurt star."

Lin looked at Chen Tao, she showed a playful smile and said, "I really want to study you carefully, but unfortunately, I don't have much time. See you again if I'm lucky."

She spread her wings behind her and flew into the sky.

Chen Tao looked at Lin's back, and he didn't chase her. He just watched quietly and watched her leave.

Dragon people, invaders of the Kurt galaxy.

Today, Chen Tao met two people from civilizations outside the earth.

One is an invader, and the other is a person who maintains balance.

Lin's charming and playful smile left a deep impression on Chen Tao.

Dragon people...

A little special.

Chen Tao didn't think much about it, suppressed his boiling emotions, flapped his wings and flew down.

"Master." Seeing Chen Tao coming back.

Lin Na's eyes lit up slightly.

Chen Tao nodded slightly and said, "Pack up and go back."

"Yeah." Lin Na responded.

Chen Tao opened the micro wormhole, stepped into the micro wormhole, and returned to the deck.

The people of the Teke Galaxy intend to invade the Earth, but it seems that the combat power of the Dragon People's forces looks much stronger than that of the Kurt Galaxy.

It is estimated that there will be nothing on the Earth.

Chen Tao has a special idea.

There has been no invasion of foreign civilizations on the Earth until now. Is it because of the protection of the Dragon People?

Chen Tao was too lazy to think about it, adjusted his mood, and entered the restaurant.

Let's go to eat.

"Dear." Seeing Chen Tao come in, Zi Qing's eyes lit up slightly.

He Yixuan also smiled and said, "Are you back so soon?"

Wu Yao sat at the dining table and looked at Chen Tao.

Li Xiaolu's eyes on the side also showed joy.

Seeing the four women, Chen Tao said, "Don't mind me, just keep eating."


Chen Tao sat at the dining table, and No. 3 beside him brought him bowls and chopsticks.

It's no use thinking about it now, so let's just continue living here.

Chen Tao thought that with the dragon man here, the people from the Kurt galaxy wouldn't be able to make any big waves.

But everything that happened later was completely beyond Chen Tao's expectations.

Half a month later.

Chen Tao was sitting on the deck reading a book.

Suddenly, Chen Tao noticed the light of fire, and he looked up.

A ball of fire wrapped in flames fell from the sky.

Entering the air, the flames of the fireball disappeared.

Chen Tao saw a pair of familiar wings.

Is it a dragon man? ! Unlike the last time Chen Tao saw a dragon man, this time the dragon man had his eyes closed, his body bent, and looked like he had lost consciousness.

"Bang!" The dragon man fell to the ground, and the ground shook and sank.

A micro wormhole appeared, and Chen Tao walked out of it. He looked at the dragon man lying on the ground, and he slowly squatted down and took a closer look.

He found that the dragon man lying on the ground was the female dragon man, Lin, whom Chen Tao had seen last time.

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