My Tough Husband

Chapter 124: Sacrificial Ceremony

Mo Yanzhi has not been free since getting up in the morning.

Today is the ceremonial ceremony, he spent a long time longer than usual on dressing alone.

These days, when it comes to dressing, he and Zhou You are the two to do it, and Yuan Qing is occasionally added.

However, no one else has ever approached him, especially in terms of diet.

After finishing the dressing, Mo Yanzhi had to deal with other things.

On this day, although Lou Yanqing presided over the ceremony, in terms of process, because he is not the real Tian Yuexi, he naturally has to spend more time memorizing the process, and he can’t make any mistakes, including waiting for him. Speeches, declarations, rituals and so on.

He had been busy for an entire hour, and he didn't start eating breakfast until half of the morning. At this time, his stomach protested a little, and Mo Yanzhi hurriedly ate two fruits.

At this time, the outside attendant came to report, saying that Wang Chen and Wang Xian were waiting outside the door of the imperial study room.

This sacrificial ceremony requires their participation.

The virtuous king Tian Yusu participated every year, and Han Tingxuan was only added this year. If it weren't for his status as the king's husband, he would not be qualified at all. Even the status of Wang Fu is very reluctant, this still has the glory of the emperor's honor, otherwise, it will not be his turn.

Mo Yanzhi ate two fruits, drank a bowl of bird's nest porridge and passed by.

"See the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live." Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu saluted together.

"Uncle Huang and Wangfu Chen are welcome." Mo Yanzhi said quickly.

Tian Yusu and Han Tingxuan got up, Mo Yanzhi said, "Are you both ready?"

"Yes, Weichen is ready." The two replied at the same time.

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "It's so good."

At this time, the voice of the waiter outside resounded again. "The concubine is here."

Lou Yanqing walked in, first to meet Mo Yanzhi, then to Tian Yusui, and finally to Chen Wangfu.

After all, it was just a concubine, and it was incomparable with the queen. Otherwise, he would be a courtesy, and he would only need to be courteous to the emperor and virtuous kings, and Han Tingxuan would need to be courteous to him in turn.

But he was not a queen, so he was the one who bowed to Han Tingxuan.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a joint that when Empress Sun and Mo Yanzhi met for the first time, they would talk about etiquette, but in the end it turned out that Mo Yanzhi did not have to bow to the empress!

Unfortunately, Mo Yanzhi's identity no longer exists.

Lou Yanqing is here to report the situation, and he is also ready here.

Seeing that the time was almost there, a group of people walked out together.

The place where the ritual ceremony was held was in the east gate square of the imperial palace. There, there is a special sacrificial stand.

And this sacrificial platform is usually guarded by heavy soldiers, because it has statues of emperors of the past dynasties, as well as golden dragons that represent the will of the people and the will of heaven.

However, the golden dragon is lying on top of the statues of the emperors of the past dynasties.

It represents that all the emperors of the heavenly dynasties are guarded by golden dragons, and they are the heavenly emperors who choose the master of the golden dragon! On behalf of it, the fortune of the heavenly dynasty is guarded by the golden dragon and dragon energy.

The steps of the stone platform have a total of 399 floors.

Lou Yanqing needs to stand on the 399th floor first, and then kneel down to wait for the emperor to go up.

And this distance requires the emperor to complete it alone.

During this period of time, the civil and military officials all need to kneel and wait for the emperor to step up the stairs step by step.

On such a big day, all civil and military officials, as long as they have official positions, even if they are seriously ill, need to attend as long as they are not too immobile.

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu stood at the top of the hundred officials. This was not because their position was the highest, but because they were elected representatives of the royal family.

One step behind them are Guan Jinghou and Yonganhou. This Yong'an Hou was already very old, and he was considered to be the uncle of Tian Yuexi's grandfather, and he was noble.

Moreover, the heirs of Yong'an Hou are somewhat withered, it can be said that it is a single pass. It's not like waiting for an official, who has a big family. Yonganhou had only one son, but his son also passed away four years ago. There was a grandson, but it was a pity that his grandson died on the battlefield ten years ago. The grandson left a kid behind. That kid is three years older than Tian Yuexi, and he hasn't married his husband yet. Named Tianyuexin.

You must know that the name "Yue" is not something that anyone can marry, like Tian Yuexi and Tian Yueqi. It was also the first emperor's gratitude for the Yonganhou family, so he gave the name Tian Yuexin.

Behind Guan Jinghou and Yonganhou are Dongfang Patriarch, Dongfang Xu, Nangong Patriarch, Nangong Jue, and Sun Family Patriarch, Sun Luo.

After these three, there are their aunts, Dongfang Ye, Nangong Qingtian who rushed back from the border, and Sun Xiucheng. Sun Xiucheng is Sun Qili's Laozi.

After that, it was the left minister Li Su, the old Shangshu Wangyi of the Ministry of War, and the Shangshu Tan Jun of the Ministry of Industry.

So... according to the rank of officials...

As Mo Yanzhi stepped forward, all the ministers bowed their heads.

The solemn sacrificial ceremony, at this moment, can be regarded as the official start...

Mo Yan went up step by step, the feeling in his heart was complicated.

This is not his position, and he does not want to walk in such a position.

However, from the moment Tian Yuexi found him, his life has changed.

Coming to Tiancheng, I thought it was the beginning of a new life, and their life would be better. Unexpectedly, he lost his child...

Until now... he and his husband have no way to retreat, they can only move forward!

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