My Tough Husband

Chapter 126: Care more than expected

On the other hand, although Han Tingxuan said he was a little drunk, he knew better that if drunk people took a bath, they would take a bath more and more. The best thing is to take a shower and rest earlier.

And he also knew that Mo Yanzhi would worry about him if he went out too late. Therefore, I got a little bit of water in the bath, and then Han Ting Xuan went up.

What he didn't expect was that he had just put on his underwear or something. There was a little movement coming from the door. He thought it was Mo Yanzhi who had come, and smiled as he just wanted to talk. Then, he shut up, his smile stiffened. Up.

Because it was not Mo Yanzhi who came in, but a brother who had never seen him before.

That brother wore very sandy clothes and could hardly cover himself...

The brother stepped on small steps to Han Tingxuan, kneeling to salute. "I have seen Wang Chen's husband."

Han Tingxuan's mouth twitched fiercely, and then suddenly thought of his previous joke.

Okay! **** it! Should he praise the virtuous husband of his family!

I just made a joke, and actually sent him a brother! Damn it!

Han Tingxuan's face turned pale, what he wanted to do most at this time was to grab Mo Yanzhi over and give him a slap in the face! it is good! that is really good! My husband gave it out so generously! It's so good!

If he hadn't been sure that Mo Yanzhi loved him very much, he would have doubted whether this person cares about him!

The brother who was kneeling on the ground didn't listen to Han Tingxuan calling him to get up for a long time, and he was a little puzzled. He lifted his head slightly, and then saw Han Tingxuan with a green face.

This guy was so frightened, he said: "Wang Chen..."

Han Tingxuan really didn't want to pay any attention to him, so he walked outside, he was going to find Mo Yanzhi to settle the account, and then told someone to throw the people inside!

But I didn't expect that after going out, he would be greeted by an empty room...

Han Tingxuan was taken aback, and then there was even greater anger, **** it! Is this to give them "work" and even let out the dormitory? It's **** it!

Should he still feel honored? Han Tingxuan felt that he was going to explode!

After that, Han Tingxuan reached the door and called Ying Yi with a deep voice.

As soon as the shadow appeared, Han Tingxuan asked coldly: "Where is the emperor?"

Ying Yi replied: "Subordinates don't know."

Han Tingxuan almost died of anger, don't you know? Looking at it again, he is not stupid, he naturally found the displeasure of Ying to him. Think about it, well, it's actually made by myself!

He has forgotten that his family can't be joking!

Han Tingxuan could barely suppress the anger in his heart, and said lightly: "The emperor has misunderstood, I didn't want to find anyone...Where is the emperor now?"

Ying Yi paused for a while before saying: "Just now the subordinates went down to find someone. I just came back. I really don't know where the emperor is. The subordinates go down to ask Ying Er and them."

Ying Yi disappeared, but after a while, Ying Yi came back, bringing some rare tension. "Prince Chen, the emperor is gone."

Han Tingxuan was taken aback. what? Missing? When I was about to ask something, I saw Ying Yi disappeared again, and at this moment, there was a little movement behind him... it turned out that the brother came out.

Han Tingxuan's eyes flickered, saying whether it was anger or other things. This person must have been brought here in secret, and it must be true that no one sees it outside.

However, if this person is allowed to go out like this...he can realize that disaster will happen.

Han Tingxuan didn't look at the waiter, but walked to the door and faintly called Zhou You's name.

Soon, Zhou You came in alone.

"The slave knocks to see the husband of Chen Wang." Zhou You hurriedly saluted.

"Send this person to the concubine, just say that I meant it, do you understand?" Han Tingxuan glanced at the waiter faintly, and said.

Zhou You looked terrified and nodded immediately. "Yes, the minion understands."

The waiter was trembling with fright, and just wanted to intercede, but he walked to the other side, and directly clicked on the dumb point of the person to see the horrible speed of the travel. Only then did Han Tingxuan know what a real person is not showing his face. Human skill, not to lose the shadow guard!

Zhou You left with the attendant brother, and Han Tingxuan hurriedly recruited Ying Yi again, only to realize that the matter was serious, and Mo Yanzhi had really disappeared.

The shadow guard didn't know where he was.

At this time, Han Tingxuan had no anger in his heart, only anxiety.

When he came, Mo Yanzhi was only wearing the inner shirt, and he might not remember to wear one more when he went out. He was still pregnant!

Now that the night is a bit cold, he even avoided the shadow guard's sight, where did he go!

The disappearance of the emperor is a major event, but because it is a major event, it cannot be made public.

Therefore, only a few shadow guards who can be absolutely trusted are looking for Mo Yanzhi.

Half an hour later, the Shadow Guard heard news that Mo Yanzhi was not in the palace.

Han Tingxuan was taken aback for a moment, and a place quickly flashed across his mind... that was naturally his own home!

Therefore, Han Tingxuan did not dare to delay, and hurried home with Yingyi's help. They secretly entered their cold house, but no matter how secret they were, they also alarmed Yingqi and Yingsi, the two highest martial arts, oh, and cold.

In fact, Han came out first.

"Cold." Han Tingxuan smiled reluctantly. "I came back from the palace to deal with something in a hurry, it's okay, don't worry, go to sleep" "Oh." Han nodded, and left without asking anything more.

Han Tingxuan did not breathe a sigh of relief, and asked Ying Si half expectantly. "Is the emperor coming?"

Ying Si and Ying Qi knew that the emperor was Mo Yanzhi now, and both of them were taken aback. "The subordinates never found out."

Han Tingxuan suddenly felt excited, could it be that he guessed wrong? He didn't come back?

But if you don’t even come here, where can the other party go?

Some unwilling to give up, Han Tingxuan ran to his bedroom, Ying Si and the others hurriedly followed.

Before arriving at the door of the room, a picture: "Wang Chen, the emperor is inside."

Han Tingxuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and between the ups and downs, he didn't know how he was feeling.

Ying Si and Ying Qi glanced at each other, hiding in the dark, and Ying Yi, too, no one went in with Han Tingxuan, they all knew that the two needed to be alone to solve some problems.

Han Tingxuan opened the door and walked in, then closed the door, moonlight came in, and he could see the figure on the bed. I just can't see the outline clearly.

In order to be able to see his husband's appearance clearly, Han Tingxuan lit an oil lamp.

I can see people, Mo Yanzhi curled up on the bed, his back turned to this side.

Han Tingxuan pursed his lips, walked over, and sat down in front of the bed, trying to see if the person was asleep, but he didn't expect that he couldn't see Mo Yanzhi's face at all because he was buried by the other's hand.

Han Tingxuan had a pause, and softly tried to pull the person's hand away, but he didn't expect to encounter obstacles.

Han Tingxuan is determined now, this person is awake!

"That's it..." Han Tingxuan yelled softly, then pulled the person's hand down, but did not think about it. What came into view was a pair of red eyes, and there was even a little water stain inside.

Han Tingxuan was taken aback. I have never seen Mo Yanzhi really cry. Even when he cruelly deprived of their children at that time, what he said was only a tear when he yelled at me and listened to you like this.

Silent tears, but not like this...

Han Tingxuan suddenly felt the pain in his heart as if he was being picked up, "In other words..."

Mo Yanzhi turned away slowly. Did not speak.

Han Tingxuan hugged the person fiercely, Mo Yanzhi's body was extremely stiff, Han Tingxuan was irritated until now, even if he was a little angry at the beginning, now he has become sorry and distressed!

"Yes..." Han Tingxuan muttered, then gently kissed the opponent's cheek, chin, and moved up from the face to the eyes...

Mo Yanzhi opened his eyes and watched Han Tingxuan kiss him. After a while, he slowly closed his eyes. Husband’s body is only cold, there is no smell of other people...

After a while, Han Tingxuan hugged Mo Yanzhi, and said softly: "In other words, the husband is not good. You shouldn't make jokes like that. But, do you want to **** off your husband? I'm making a joke, you really Sent me a person, did you forget what we said? This is you..." The accusation, there was a sudden pause, because Han Tingxuan discovered that, in fact, he was doing it all by himself, if it weren't for his own words, Where will things happen now!

"Husband..." Mo Yanzhi shouted. "Are you kidding?"

Han Tingxuan really didn't know what to say, so he kissed Mo Yanzhi's lips. "Naturally it's a joke. In other words, you have to believe that in this world, the husband wants to touch and hug, you are the only one, you are the only one!"

Mo Yanzhi's lips trembled. "But... the husband hasn't been for a long time... I, I'm worried..."

When Han Tingxuan heard the words, he couldn't laugh or cry. "In other words, what do you want your husband to say about you? Since you are so worried about this problem, then you can help your husband solve it, how about it?" After all, people have kissed the past without waiting for anyone to answer...

When the heat spread, Mo Yanzhi said softly: "Child..."

"Don't worry, my husband won't make it to the end, just let Yanzhi help..."

The night was going on, and the two were close to each other, and they could hear each other's heartbeats. Mo Yanzhi's red eyes slowly faded from red until this moment...

Giving other people to the husband is more painful than cutting his flesh. It was only now that Mo Yanzhi discovered that Han Tingxuan was far more important than he thought.

Until now, he knew that he was not generous at all, and even if it was unfeeling to vent, he didn't want others to be near his husband.

He only wanted Han Tingxuan, who belonged to him from the inside out, and only belonged to him!

As for Han Tingxuan, his mind was actually more complicated than Mo Yanzhi.

When he knew that Mo Yanzhi was missing, he knew that this man, his wife in this other world, was more important than he thought.

He only knew that he cared more about him than he thought. Looking at the other person's eyes red, the anger will disappear, the depression of unbelief will disappear with the wind, and some are just full of heartache.

Mo Yanzhi, this person has probably melted into his bones and blood, and has become his own poppy, a poppy that he can't quit or can't quit, and he is happy with it.

Before dawn the next day, Han Tingxuan woke up first, watching Mo Yanzhi who was asleep, he leaned over and kissed the other party's lips. At this moment, Mo Yanzhi screamed and woke up.


Han Tingxuan kissed the other's chin. "It's getting late, we have to go back to the palace in secret."

Mo Yanzhi blinked and nodded. "Ok."

The two got up and put on their clothes. Mo Yanzhi was a little embarrassed and said, "Husband, I was self-willed last night." Han Tingxuan was soft-hearted. "Fool, it's the husband's fault, it's all the husband's fault..."

Mo Yanzhi took the initiative to hug Han Tingxuan's waist. "Husband..."

Han Tingxuan hugged the opponent back. "In the future, if you are unhappy, please talk to your husband? Your husband doesn't like your generosity." Mo Yanzhi blushed embarrassedly and nodded. "Well... I know it."

Han Tingxuan kissed the other party's lips with satisfaction. "I know you can do it! If you can't do it... Your husband will fight!" "Fight?" Mo Yanzhi blinked and then smiled. "Where to fight?"

Han Ting Xuanyin laughed and hit Mo Yanzhi's **** twice. "Of course it's here!"

Mo Yanzhi didn't expect the other party to actually do it, and his face blushed fiercely.

Han Tingxuan looked at such a handsome husband, suddenly couldn't help but kiss him again...

Mo Yanzhi closed his eyes and responded enthusiastically.

The husband and wife were tired and crooked for a while, and when they had to leave, they hurried out...

After this lesson, Han Tingxuan has already decided to pay attention to the next time he speaks. In case he accidentally hurt his family husband again, wouldn't he regret it and have nowhere to regret it?

The only blame is the **** three-wife and four-concubine system in this world! Humph!

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