My Tough Husband

Chapter 134: Secret road

Han's location at this time should be the location of the temple's wing, which is where the monks lived.

Here is the worst burned, because most of the houses are made of wood, so naturally here is also the worst burned. Han appeared at the door of one of the wing rooms. Here, two blackened corpses were poured outside, and some dark yellow rags could be seen. Moreover, the heads of the corpses had no burnt hair and bald heads. It can be seen that the monk inside the temple fell here.

Han squatted down in front of the two corpses, but he didn't know how to look, so he looked at Tian Yusu who had also landed.

"Tian Yusu, these two are monks, right?"

Tian Yusu nodded. "Well, it's the monk." Then, he called in a shadow guard and asked the other party to check if there were any clues about the two monks.

But Han, he walked into the wing room.

There were three dead bodies in the wing, and the furniture in the room was burned, but compared to the outside, the furniture inside was not so completely burned.

Tian Yusu and Han searched inside.

This was the first one. When no clues were found here, the two went to the second and third...

At the end of this temple, a total of 23 corpses were found, and the monk who escaped... 1te was the presiding officer. That person, Tian Yusu didn't let Sun Yuan and his people take away the opponent's body, and a shadow guard was still watching outside.

Han Tingxuan also came, but he had just arrived, and it was already night.

The host's body has been taken back, but Wang County has not let their people take over.

After Han Tingxuan arrived, he directly approached Han. At that time, Han and Tian Yusu searched the hall for clues.

They felt that those people would not do anything to a temple for no reason. There must be some problems with the temple itself!

And until now, they are not so much searching for clues in such a temple, as they are looking for... secret roads in this temple!

That's right, it's the secret road!

"Big Brother, you are here." Han saw Han Tingxuan coming over and immediately passed by.

Tian Yusu glanced over here and passed by. "What happened to Zhou Yue?"

There was nothing to conceal, Han Tingxuan told the result directly.

Tian Yusu raised an eyebrow. "Is the case closed like this?"

Han Tingxuan said indifferently: "Otherwise, how about it? Do you want to go to the vine?"

Tian Yusu thought for a while, "Yes, neither is right now."

Han Tingxuan looked at Tian Yusu and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Isn't Uncle Qi coming here for business? Why are you so interested in this temple?"

Tian Yusui pursed her lips, and then said softly: "Intuition will have something to do with the blow to my businessman's hand."

"Really?" Han Tingxuan squinted again, but didn't say anything.

Han looked at Han Tingxuan and then at Tian Yusu, without saying anything.

At this time, a secret guard said: "Master, found the secret path!"

Sure enough, there is a secret road! Everyone's eyes brightened slightly, and then they all walked over there.

It was behind a Buddha statue, not the true Buddha in the main hall, but a place in the northeast corner, still the sage old man!

Han Tingxuan couldn't help feeling a little, although time and space are not very the same, but history is somewhat similar.

Moreover, some allusions are actually the same.

Including some myths and legends, is it a diversion after a certain dynasty?

Of course, Han Tingxuan doesn't know these things, and doesn't want to guess these things, because they are meaningless!

When he reached the entrance of the dark tunnel, the shadow guard who started first had already gone down first, and a moment later, the shadow guard's voice came from below. "The prince, it's a prison."

Turned out to be a prison?

Tian Yusu and Han Tingxuan looked at each other, and then Tian Yusu said, "I'll get off first."

Han Tingxuan nodded. After going down at Tian Yusu, he said coldly: "Big Brother, I will take you down."

Han Tingxuan said: "Okay, be careful."

After Han Tingxuan and Han went down, Qian Yun, played by Ying Er, and Ying Si Ying Qi, all went down, followed by several shadow guards from Tian Yu Su.

When Han Tingxuan landed, he immediately smelled a stench, and he frowned with some discomfort.

Tian Yusu and the shadow guard who came down first were in front.

The place where they are located is very spacious. There are three cells they have made. In one of them, a lot of people were squandered. They were all dead. But looking at it, they probably died within a few days, because although there were some corpses. The smell came out, but I didn't see the appearance of the corpse. That is, it hasn't rotted yet.

There was only one iron chain in the second cell. The chain was thick and not very long. It was hung from above.

The shadow guard who came down first checked and said, "It's Hantie."

The iron chain made of cold iron is extremely difficult to break, and it is very strong, even a master cannot easily break the chain.

Han Tingxuan also walked into the cell...

"There are words here." Shadow Guard found a few words under the withered grass.

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu hurriedly walked over, Han Tingxuan's eyes lit up, it was the handwriting of the old man Haishan!

The old man Haishan was locked up here!

There are only a few words, Qiankun, Wuying, and at the end there is a word that looks a bit like...Sun.

The writing looks a little bit, but it should be Sun!

Han Tingxuan's eyes were cold, Sun Yuan?

Tian Yusu also frowned. "Qiankun? Wuying? What does this mean?"

Han Tingxuan didn't understand what these meant, and checked in the cell to see if there were other clues, but apart from these few words hidden under the withered grass, there was nothing else.

There was nothing in the third cell. Of course, it was possible that there was something in it, but it was taken away.

It's like... the old man Haishan!

After taking a deep breath, Han Tingxuan said, "Let's go ahead."

Tian Yusu had no objections, so a group of people went forward...

As we progressed, the terrain here narrowed a lot. And the front is very dark. Tian Yusu asked Shadow Guard to make a few torches before he could barely see the front.

At this time, Han Tingxuan didn't know what he had stepped on, and he squeezed, Tian Yu was taken aback, and immediately said, "Beware!"

Then, a rain of arrows flew towards them.

Han Tingxuan thought that if he came down alone, he would definitely be killed!

Fortunately, they have a lot of people, and most importantly, they are all kung fu masters.

Han Tingxuan was surrounded by people who didn't know how to martial arts, and there were not so many people on Tian Yusu's side.

Ying Si Ying Qi is even better guarding Han Ting Xuan.

Ying Er followed Han Tingxuan closely, and Han took Han Tingxuan and leaped forward while avoiding.

Finally, the arrow was hidden, and no one was injured!

"There are agencies here, everyone be careful." Tian Yusu said, but said to Han Tingxuan.

Han Tingxuan nodded. Ying Si walked in front, paying attention to the mechanism, Han Tingxuan tried to follow the steps that others had walked.

In this way, after about a quarter of an hour, everyone came to a place similar to a hall.

There was a small platform above the empty hall, and there was a small Buddha statue on the small platform.

It's just that they are black, and the eyes of the Buddha statue... are actually blood red!

Everyone was a little attracted by the Buddha statue. At this moment, the blood-red eyeballs above the Buddha statue's eyes suddenly turned over, and then two mists sprayed out.

The faces of everyone changed slightly. "Poisonous gas! Watch out!"

In the next moment, Han Tingxuan felt a wet veil on his nose and mouth, and then Han led him to a rush. The other people were not slow, but that was the case. When everyone passed through the hall, two shadow guards coughed a few times and vomited a mouthful of blood.

And Han Tingxuan discovered that the wet veil he was covering his nose and mouth just now turned out to be... blood!

"Han! What did you do!" Han Tingxuan was shocked.

Tian Yusu looked over fiercely, and Han waved his hand indifferently. "It's okay, just a little bit. You don't need it now, you give the veil to the two, cover your mouth and nose and adjust your breath for a while."

Han Tingxuan was really desperate, but took a deep breath, suppressing the restless mood, and said: "Is the trauma medicine taken? No need to take it!"

Seeing that Han Tingxuan was angry, Han didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly applied medicine to his arm.

Tian Yusu was also very angry, his fists were tight, but he knew that he was not qualified to say anything.

After that, Han Tingxuan gave the veil to the two, letting them be half of them.

The two of them covered their faces with a veil, raised their heads, and adjusted their breath.

After a while, both of them felt much better, with some surprises.

At this time, Han Tingxuan looked at Tian Yusu, looked at the other's unkind eyes, raised his eyebrows, and said slowly: "Uncle Qi, are you okay?"

Tian Yusu spit out a few words stiffly. "It's okay."

Han Tingxuan smiled, did not say anything, and then everyone continued to move forward.

This time, they encountered the narrow passage again, and they didn’t see that the passage became wider...

Then, all of them heard the sound of running water, and after a few turns, everyone walked out of that place...

"Where is this place?" Han Tingxuan asked, looking at the invisible night outside.

"I don't know for the time being." Tian Yusu looked around and said, then let the two shadow guards go out to investigate the situation-Tian Yusu came to Han without a trace. "Is your arm okay?"

Han turned his head and glanced at the other person with some unclear meaning. Faintly said: "It's okay." Such a coldness... Tian Yusu suddenly felt extremely depressed!

Han Tingxuan also noticed the movement here, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Cold." Han Tingxuan said.

Han immediately walked over. "Ok?"

"Let's take a look here too..."

"Good." Han had no objection.

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