My Tough Husband

Chapter 144: What are you awkward!

Late this night.

Yinger reported the situation in Han Tingxuan's room.

"Sun Qiuyi didn't have the slightest suspicion. He trusted Zhang Luobing and liked Zhang Qiushui very much. Zhang Luobing had been involved in some things, but it was superficial. Sun Qiuyi did not tell Sun Qiuzhong and Sun about the Zhang Luobing brothers. yuan."

"Yeah." Han Tingxuan nodded faintly. "Add more firewood and speed up. Let me reveal the news that I will leave for Qizhou in the future.

"Yes!" Ying Er took the order and left. However, he personally protects Han Tingxuan, and this leaving is to leave the task to others to do, and he will not leave Han Tingxuan's side.

Yun Shen and his brother Yun Luochuan are responsible for cultivating talents.

And these people will go to various places in the celestial dynasty after they "get a teacher". Some are hidden in pharmacies, some are hidden in restaurants, and some are hidden in large families. In short, there are all kinds of places.

The two Luo Bing brothers came directly to Qingzhou more than a month ago.

This time, Han Tingxuan needed them, so he arranged it for them. Of course, since this story is made up, then this is not just a story.

Not to mention the straw bag under Sun Qiuyi, even if Sun Qiuzhong or Sun Yuan sent someone to investigate, they would get such an answer! Of course, if Sun Yuan and others conduct a more detailed investigation, some clues will still be revealed.

However, the two brothers Zhang Luobing were the same after arriving in Qingzhou, and no one could find out anything. And if you want to go back to the Celestial City, hehe, the relationship forces there are the most complicated, even if the Sun family goes out, don't even think about guaranteeing how accurate information is! What's more, his Han Tingxuan often wandering around Zhufang is already a thing everyone knows.

However, it was only occasionally at night, but I never brought back a single person!

And the night he usually went to Qingzhufang... was actually when he stayed overnight in the palace.

After fooling Tian Yusu once, he and Mo Yanzhi discussed later and came up with this idea.

In this way, things like Nangong Yu can also be avoided.

Since it was reported that he was lingering in Qingzhufang, no one from Nangong's family had come to look for him... but it was not really giving up, it's hard to say!

However, it is true that he was much quieter. And the effect is good! Although his identity is there, it is impossible to be truly quiet, unless the emperor's honor is no longer!

This time, the two brothers Zhang Luobing came here can be regarded as a beating righteously.

However, the decision to use these two people was made by Han Tingxuan after the inspection, otherwise, even if they were trained by them, who can guarantee that such a big thing will not be accidental?

Whenever there is a little accident, the result will be forever! Naturally have to be cautious again!

And so far, the situation is developing in the expected good direction...

After that, Han Tingxuan went to bed, but was a little hard to sleep in bed. He found that as time passed, he really missed his husband more and more...

On the other side, Tian Yusu, he and Han have been in Songzhou for more than two days.

And almost as soon as they arrived here, two groups of "mysterious people" came to win him over!

And what those two groups of mysterious people said and expressed their dissatisfaction with Han Tingxuan and their identification with oneself...

Even, there was another group of people just now, this one was more direct, only he didn't say that Tian Yusu should sit on the throne!

After sending away those wonderful flowers, Tian Yusu who lived in the inn seriously wondered whether he should live in the county office...

At least, in that case, you can save some trouble!

But... In turn, Tian Yusu slowly raised the corners of his mouth. I was really hit by Han Tingxuan. After I changed a place, someone would come to win him over!

Regardless of whether or not it is Sun Yuan’s people who are leading the waves, Sun Yuan’s people should not be far away!

When Tian Yusu was thinking this way, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Who?" Tian Yusu asked directly.

"Me." Han's voice sounded outside.

Tianyu paused for a while, and then hurried to open the door. From that day on, the cold hadn't stepped on him anymore, so why did he take the initiative to find him? Opening the door, Han didn't mean to come in, but directly said outside: "The four days are up, I have to go back." Tian Yusu's mouth twitched fiercely. "Are you talking about this?"

Han said indifferently: "Well, otherwise it would be impolite." After that, Han had to leave directly.

Tian Yusui's mouth was tightly pursed, and when the person turned around, he violently pulled the opponent. "Don't go!"

Perhaps Han didn't expect Tian Yusu to pull him directly, and was stunned. Even more unexpectedly, the other party would say "no". After a moment of surprise, Han frowned. "Why are you not allowed? I am not yours."

Tian Yusu's mouth tightened when he heard that, almost a line. He took a deep breath and tried to slow down his tone as much as possible.

"Han Tingxuan made you come naturally for his reason. My people have already gone out to find the tunnel leading to Qingzhou. Maybe it also exists here. If you don't look at such a big thing here, don't you look at it? Ok?"

Han doubts. "What's wrong?"

Tian Yusu smiled bitterly. "Do you think Han Tingxuan completely believes me? How many people come to see me? Have you seen it? In case I promised someone..."

Han's brows suddenly frowned. "No!"

Tian Yusu slowly raised the corners of his mouth. "So, are you sure you don't want to watch here?"

Han hesitated, as if he didn't know how to decide. After a while, he reluctantly said, "Then I will stay."

Tian Yusu breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that he was a bit sad again. When did he need to use tricks to keep people behind? It's so...failed!

But facing such a high martial arts, a young man who is not willing to disappear directly in front of him, and is extremely stubborn...He is really gone.

If he is not tempted, his personality has nothing to do with him. It's just that if you are tempted, you can't be calm... can't... don't care.

Han left, Tian Yusu sighed.

At this time, a shadow guard came over and reported that he was looking for Dongshan in Songzhou and he found a trace.

Tian Yusu immediately asked, "Have you found the tunnel?"

"It's still not completely certain, but there are organs on Dongshan in Songzhou."

Organ... Tian Yusu calmly said: "Retreat the people back, don't be spotted, this king will definitely want that group of people to eat in one go!"

"Yes!" The Shadow Guard left with orders.

And Tian Yusu thought about the next step... how could he force others to turn back at Han Tingxuan, and let people gather here, and then... a pot!

Of course, as for Han Tingxuan, can't force people to rebel?

Sorry, he really didn't think about it! If not, Han Tingxuan can't let him come here!

However, the situation in Songzhou has not been fully understood. The situation of the officials here has yet to be verified. A bad one cannot be spared, but a good one cannot be wronged.

It's just that they are all in their own territory. If the prefect here says that they really don't know... it's also a fool! Who is the prefect of Songzhou? Oh... it seems to be Leng Huzhou, the faction... it is neutral.

Leng Huzhou... at most forty this year, right? He has been an official for many years, and Songzhou has never made a big mistake under his governance.

I just don’t know if he is still neutral now...

Thinking about this, Tian Yusu decided to personally explore the reality of this Leng Zhifu! And the entourage...

After thinking about it, Tian Yusu's eyes flashed, and he went directly to Han's room.

"Chan, are you there?"

Han poked out his head suspiciously. Didn’t I just finish talking? Why are you here again?


Tian Yusu smiled slightly. "I plan to go to the prefect here. All of my subordinates have gone to work. There is not much people around me. Would you like to be with me?"

Han thought for a while and nodded. "Oh."

After closing the door, Han and Tian Yusu walked outside. Although they lived in an inn, they had taken care of the entire inn. Therefore, there were no other people besides them.

The two walked out of the inn, but did not go directly to the prefect, but went shopping along the road.

Of course, Han also discovered that Tian Yusu always intentionally or unintentionally brought the topic to the local magistrate or prefect...

In the end, I bought a lot of things, but Tian Yusu also found a lot of news.

This prefect Leng Huzhou has been ill for more than half a month. These days, the magistrate Niu He is dealing with it!

"Sick?" Tian Yusu narrowed his eyes slightly. "Han, do you believe it?"

Han did not answer, but said, "Will you go?"

"I want to go, but... not now." Tian Yusu thought for a while, and said, "Han, let's go again at night." Han has no problem, he also thinks it is not good to go now. In case what happened to the Leng Zhifu, he would undoubtedly be stunned by going there now, and he still has this idea.


Seeing that the other party agreed, Tian Yusu couldn't help softening his expression, and said softly: "Would you like to buy some snacks outside?"

Han paused and shook his head. "No need to."

Tian Yusu was a little helpless, and tentatively said: "Han... Qingyi is just my subordinate, do you know?"

Han said indifferently: "What does this have to do with me?" After speaking, he walked forward directly.

Tian Yusu narrowed his eyes and grabbed the opponent's arm. "Han, it really doesn't matter? Then tell me, what are you awkward?"

Han froze for a moment, then frowned fiercely. "What am I awkward? How can I be awkward!"

Tian Yusu said with a smile but not a smile: "Isn't it? Han, from that day you saw me and Tsing Yi together, you are not happy until now, are you? Haven't you thought about the reason?"

Tian Yusu was already extremely beautiful, and this smile-like expression on the opponent's face was even more charming. Han watched, his heartbeat missed several beats, and then looked away a little flustered.

And Tian Yusu looked at the other side, and the expression on his face became even more profound. "Han, I know you are running away... just, do you want us to keep going like this?"

Han pursed his lips tightly. "I do not know what you're talking about."

Tian Yusu sighed. "Han, you..."

"Lord!" Just when Tian Yusu wanted to say something, an exclamation came, and then a slightly obese man ran over chokingly.

It turned out that Tian Yusu and Han had arrived at the door of the inn without knowing it, and the county magistrate Niuhe had been waiting here for a while!

Seeing this person, Tian Yusu's expression became slightly colder for two minutes, and the unpleasant color flashed in his eyes, and then looked at Han, where is the shadow of the other party?

As a result, Tian Yusu became even more unhappy. It's a **** magistrate that you can say something from the bottom of your heart and improve the relationship between the two of you after finally catching someone!

"Go down to Guanniu River and join the prince. The prince is Jin'an."

Tian Yusu glanced at each other faintly. "Oh, it's the magistrate of Niu."

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