My Tough Husband

Chapter 147: Sea of ​​dead corpses

One day and night later, Han Tingxuan found that his county office was besieged.

Surrounded by three thousand officers and soldiers.

Wearing exclusive clothing for court officers and soldiers, but belonging to individuals, the total number is three thousand, or more.

At this time, it was late at night, and no people dared to probe, even if they heard the movement!

Although Sun Yuan decided to rebel, he had no plans to pierce that layer of skin.

and so…

"The husband of Chen Wang has been killed, and the people inside are fake! The culprit was caught by the official to comfort the spirit of Wang Fu in the sky!"

"Sun Yuan! You are rebelling!" Liu Yong shouted angrily. "You are a fake! We adults stayed in there!"

Sun Yuan didn't even look at Liu Yong. Anyway, he was just a **** but wanted to establish a chastity memorial. Everyone knows what's going on! "This person is also a fake! Give it to me! Take down everyone inside!"

"Haha." Han Tingxuan finally appeared, and Sun Yuan's expression was extremely clear in the torch. "Master Sun, you can tell such a big lie in rebellion, it's really...tsk."

Those two "tsk tuts" made Sun Yuan's face completely cold. "Thief! Don't think that you can get away with the skin of Wang Fu Chen, Wang Fu has already been killed, you don't want to put it on! Go!"

Sun Yuan didn't want to talk nonsense at all. He didn't want to have extra branches, he just wanted to take down Han Tingxuan with the fastest speed.

There are more than 3,000 guards, naturally not more than a hundred people can contend, but Han Tingxuan is not worried at all.

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes, and Sun Yuan secretly screamed bad.

Sure enough, another team of thousands appeared.

Sun Yuan knew that he had been recruited by looking at the banner scarf that did not belong to them, but before he acted, he had anticipated the possibility of being recruited.

However, Han Tingxuan certainly didn't think he still had a back player, right? Sun Yuan looked at the reinforcements that appeared, although his expression was gloomy, but he did not flinch.

Han Tingxuan's eyes were not so good, even if there were torches, but the night was night, he did not have the eyes of Monkey King, so the expression on Sun Yuan's face was naturally not clear.

However, Han Tingxuan could not see clearly, and the Shadow Guard could see clearly!

Ying Si immediately said: "Master, then Sun Yuan doesn't seem to be flustered when we see our reinforcements appear."

"Oh?" Han Tingxuan's eyes flashed.

At this moment, Sun Yuan gave an order to the guards who had already infiltrated the county office. "Set fire! Shoot arrows! Kill the thief first!"

The Shadow Guard was shocked and hurried to Han Tingxuan to leave.

Han Tingxuan didn't have the need to stay at this time, so naturally he didn't struggle.

As a result, the fire ignited the county government, accompanied by arrows.

Sure enough, I was fully prepared!

But Han Tingxuan was not unprepared here, but the number of people was too small after all, so Liu Yong ordered to protect Han Tingxuan from the county's retreat.

The thousands of reinforcements who arrived fought with Sun Yuan's three thousand guards.

However, Sun Yuan had already chased Han Tingxuan with a team of more than 300 people before.

After Han Tingxuan was taken by the shadow guard to leave the county office, he and dozens of shadow guards rushed to Xishan on horseback.

Soon, they could hear Sun Yuan's horse hooves chasing soldiers.

"Haha! Han Tingxuan! Don't go on the right side of heaven! You have no way to go to hell! You came here! Haha!"

Sun Yuan smiled very proudly, even crazy.

At this time, Han Tingxuan found that they were surrounded.

In front of them, a team of a thousand people came, and on their left and right sides, there were a team of more than a thousand people! And behind them is Sun Yuan's team of hundreds!

At this moment, Han Tingxuan thought of a word. Embarrassed on all sides!

This is Sun Yuan's killer! Another team of almost four thousand people!

Han Tingxuan and others stopped. If it is said that one direction must be chosen to break the siege, then there is no doubt that Sun Yuan is better, after all, there are only two to three hundred people there.

but! Two or three hundred people compete against a dozen people, even if these dozen people have high martial arts, can they win? I believe fools will know the answer.

Ying Si and Ying Qi glanced at each other, and Ying Si anxiously said, "Master, we will take you out."

Compared with the impatience of Ying Si and Ying Qi, Han Tingxuan seemed a little leisurely.

Ying Si Yingqi couldn't figure it out.

Is the master crazy? Still so calm at this time?

Sun Yuan has appeared in Han Tingxuan's sight.

Han Tingxuan smiled. "Master Sun, this is your next player? Another team of thousands? Unexpectedly, Master Sun has hidden a lot of soldiers in this small Qingzhou! I wonder if there are any more?"

"Han Tingxuan, crush you to death, we are enough for a few hundred? Others are needed? Hahaha! If you are acquainted, please hand over my two sons quickly, otherwise, you won't think about it. You need to know your own death!"

The four green veins in the shadows protruded and scolded angrily. "Sun Yuan! You are looking for death! Our adults have any accidents, you two sons don't want to live!" Sun Yuan snorted coldly when he heard the words. "Really? I also want to know whether the life of Wang Fu Chen or the lives of my two boys is worth the money!"

Han Tingxuan smiled. When a spark of fireworks appeared in the sky, the smile on Han Tingxuan's face became even more gorgeous.

"Who is worth, Master Sun won't know soon?"

Sun Yuan's eyesight was better than that of Han Tingxuan, so under the torch, he clearly saw the smile on Han Tingxuan's face, and his expression suddenly became gloomy.

"Han Tingxuan! Today is your death date. You can still laugh. Okay, I will see if you can laugh later, and give it to me!"

Sun Yuan's words fell. Suddenly, he was in front of Han Tingxuan, but now that he was talking to Sun Yuan, the team behind Han Tingxuan suddenly heard one after another screams.

Then, there were screams from the teams on both sides!

Everything happened in an instant. Then, Sun Yuan looked at it with shock and realized that behind the three-faced team did not know when a few more teams appeared!

There are not many people in those teams, about two to three hundred.

It is estimated that the total of the three sides would look like a thousand people, but the face of this thousand people is completely changed by Sun Yuan!

"The Celestial Guards! Damn! How could the Celestial Guards be here! There are still so many!"

The Celestial Guards, this kind of Guards and the usual Celestial Guards, guards, are basically two concepts.

Although sometimes the guards are also called the imperial guards, they are more often called the guards.

And the guards and the imperial guards are simply incomparable!

Over the ages, the guards of Tiancheng have a total number of only three thousand, each of which is the best fighter and the most powerful dead soldier.

There are more than five to ten guards for one guard!

These three thousand imperial guards have always belonged to the emperor only, and only the emperor can control them, and only the emperor of the heaven can command them!

These imperial guards usually exist as shadows. When there are no tasks, they are training, training and retraining.

What they are responsible for is that it is not so much the safety of Tiancheng as it is the safety of the emperor.

These three thousand imperial guards, although different from the shadow guards in a hidden place, they are also considered as hidden troops.

This army is simply not comparable to ordinary people!

The emperor is not here! But there were only three thousand guards, but one thousand appeared here!

Think about the terrifying combat power of the Janissaries, can Sun Yuan's face look good?

Sun Yuan's face changed as the screams came one after another. "Retreat! Retreat!"

At this time, behind Sun Yuan, another team appeared, and this team had a total of almost three thousand people. In fact, this is Sun Yuan's real killer.

Those who outflank Han Tingxuan just now are not counted!

However, the arrival of these three thousand teams did not make Sun Yuan feel any more sense of security. He watched that team and rushed over on horseback!

"Protect the officer! Go to the Xishan Bamboo Forest!"

The three thousand soldiers led Sun Yuan to the Xishan Bamboo Forest.

In the team, Han Tingxuan was also embarrassed to avoid the killing of the outflank soldiers. After all, he and the soldiers were a little close just now. Now, those soldiers are attacked on their backs, and some choose to fight, but some go forward, and this "forward." Isn't his Han Tingxuan a stumbling block?

The four shadows and seven guards are around Han Tingxuan, and the other shadow guards are not far from Han Tingxuan.

At this time, Ying Er grabbed Han Tingxuan's shoulders, and flew high with the people, and then stepped on the tops of the people and headed in the opposite direction of the Xishan Bamboo Forest.

At this time, most of the guards were also trying to escape to the secret road in the bamboo forest of Xishan.

Sun Yuan had all escaped, and the others were naturally not interested in Han Tingxuan.

Therefore, after Ying Er took the man out of the battlefield, no one went to chase Han Tingxuan.

Upon seeing this, Han Tingxuan's other shadow guards also used this trick to catch up with their master.

However, there is no "stumbling block" of Han Tingxuan. These guards want to escape to the Xishan Bamboo Forest. It is not so easy. There is also a Guards Killer chasing behind!

In the end, the group of four thousand people could escape there...only about one thousand people.

This is because Han Tingxuan ordered "the poor to not chase after them".

Otherwise, those people, I'm afraid they have to explain all here!

Looking at the sea of ​​corpses on the ground, Han Tingxuan's fist at his side was a little tight.

It turned out that this was the battlefield, and it was just a battlefield for internal fighting.

After taking a deep breath, Han Tingxuan said softly: "Execute the second step plan, Jin Tao."

Jin Tao is the leader of this thousand imperial guards.

"Wang Chen, please give instructions."

"Encircle Xishan Bamboo Forest, fake attack." Han Tingxuan said solemnly.


Therefore, in the bamboo forest of Xishan, Sun Yuan's heart was dripping with blood as he looked at the more than 1,000 people who had only come.

After waiting for almost two quarters of an hour, more than a thousand teams arrived. These are more than 3,000 people in the county government. Now, they are only half of them.

Sun Yuan looked at his only remaining hard work and felt terribly distressed.

At this time, a soft voice came. "Husband."

Sun Yuan's eyes softened a little, those in the Sun Palace, he finally only accepted the husband.

Sun Yuan held Sun Fulang's hand. "Let's go! Let's go to Songzhou."

Sun Fulang was very upset, but he was also moved. The only thing he worried about was his two news.

"Husband, boss and Qiuyi..."

"Don't worry, they will be fine." Even though they fled like a bereaved dog, Sun Yuan still gritted his teeth and insisted that Sun Fulang didn't say anything after hearing this.

The mighty team entered the tunnel and went directly from the tunnel to Dongshan in Songzhou...

Han Tingxuan returned to the county government office that was extinguished after the fire.

The county government was burned for a little and a half, and the people inside were busy at this time. Of course, it was Liu Yong and others who were doing the aftermath work and the guards who came to support it.

When Han Tingxuan returned, Liu Yong and the leader of the guards immediately came over to plead.

Han Tingxuan smiled faintly. "Okay, the county office has lost a lot of money. Please be careful and rebuild the county office as quickly as possible. This is a symbol of our court. Isn't it ruined?"

"Yes." The magistrate Wang was **** by the five flowers and sent to Han Tingxuan. The other party opened his mouth and called out injustice, saying that he didn't know, and how Sun Yuan was ambitions and so on.

Han Tingxuan felt impatient when he heard it, and waved to let people take it away.

The magistrate Wang's begging for mercy drifted away like a pig, and Han Tingxuan stood by the door, looking at the already pale sky.

"It's almost dawn... no wonder people often say that the darkest is before dawn. It's really good."

It's not that I haven't seen dead people, in fact, I'm used to dead people, but this kind of sea of ​​death, or the sea of ​​death accumulated by human lives, makes people look at...It is always unbearable.

Although most of those people are enemies, they are all human after all!

At this time, Tian Yusu's Flying Pigeon Biography also arrived.

There is only one sentence above: Songzhou is in place, no need to worry.

Han Tingxuan took a deep breath, "Qian Yun."

"Subordinates are here." Yinger appeared silently.

"Go to Qizhou!"


Han Tingxuan didn't feel tired at all after running around all night.

In fact, someone from Qizhou has already taken over, and he just went over this time just waiting for the result.

The people over there were sent by Mo Yanzhi himself, Zhang Xiuqi and Zhang Qiao...

Songzhou, Qizhou, Qingzhou, these three states, these three places in this area, I really did not expect to raise so many soldiers. But this time... the Sun family will surely be badly injured!

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