My Tough Husband

Chapter 152: Hit the jackpot

A few more days passed peacefully. On this day, Han Tingxuan was talking to Mo Yanzhi in the Imperial Study Room.

The thing about Yue Youbai.

"Huh? Husband, you mean that Yue Youbai waited to meet with the official?"

"The guess is so. Yue Youbai followed Tian Chuanyun, but if you met with Tian Chuanyun in the past, you would not choose the official Jing Waiting in the mansion. Therefore, I suspect that the official Jing waiting to see Yue Youbai this time may be the official Jing Waiting. "Han Tingxuan said.

"If that's the case..." Mo Yanzhi thought. "You said, what would they say?"

"It's really hard to say." Han Tingxuan touched his chin, "But this time the Qingzhou incident is so big, I don't believe that the officials are waiting to be involved at all."

Mo Yanzhi nodded when he heard this. "indeed."

Han Tingxuan sighed. "No matter, let's not talk about it for now. I took Yue Youbai's affairs from your hands just because I didn't want you to worry about it. When I see you today, I'm just telling you. Don't waste time."

With that, Han Tingxuan picked up Mo Yanzhi and sat on his lap while he sat on the dragon chair.

"Is the baby good?"

Mo Yanzhi nodded softly. "Well, it's all good these days."

"That's good, if he is not good, tell me, I will spank him when he is born!"

"Good!" Mo Yanzhi's eyebrows were crooked.

Han Tingxuan gently touched Mo Yanzhi's bulging belly through his clothes, "It's almost four months, right? It's not that big."

"It's not much bigger until the Chinese New Year." Mo Yanzhi estimated the days.

"That's it." Han Tingxuan nodded, some when he was expecting Mo Yanzhi's belly to really grow up.

Originally, it should feel against the peace, after all, in his own cognition, Mo Yanzhi is also a man.

However, maybe it was the reason of this world, maybe it was some other reason. In short, Han Tingxuan found that the sense of violation of sight did not appear. On the contrary, he was still looking forward to it.

Mo Yanzhi turned his head, "Husband, how is your family?"

"Of course." Han Tingxuan smiled and nodded, as he was about to talk about things at home, the voice of traveling around sounded outside.

"The emperor, the slave has something to report."

Mo Yanzhi frowned slightly, while Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows, traveling around to understand his temperament, knowing that he was inside but still came in at this wouldn't be a trivial matter!

So Han Tingxuan stood up, put the dragon chair in place, and then helped Mo Yanzhi to sit on the chair.

"Come in." Mo Yanzhi said lightly.

Zhou You pushed the door in, and quickly closed the door.

Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi both squinted their eyes when they saw each other's action.

"The emperor." Zhou You knelt down, "The Concubine Lou has secretly announced Doctor Shen this morning. Now that Doctor Shen is still in the Concubine's palace, there is a secret message... Concubine Lou is pregnant."

Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan were both taken aback when they heard the words. "what?"

Zhou You kneeled, lowered his head, and repeated it softly. "Lady...I'm pregnant."

Zhou You didn't know the affairs of Concubine Lou and Ying 27, but he knew Mo Yanzhi. Now, it is impossible for Mo Yanzhi to touch Concubine Lou, but Concubine Lou is pregnant. What does this mean? Traveling around can hardly imagine!

However, what surprised Zhou You was that, apart from the surprise just now, the reaction of the emperor and the husband of Chen did not seem to be very big?

"Okay, I see, you can go out." Mo Yanzhi said lightly.

After hearing this, Zhou You naturally wouldn't stay any longer, so he hurried out.

Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi looked at each other, and Han Tingxuan frowned immediately. "Unexpectedly, it will happen once."

Mo Yanzhi blinked. "Husband, what do you say?"

Han Tingxuan thought for a while, and said, "So, what do you think?"

Mo Yanzhi didn't answer right away, he thought for a moment, and said, "The child in my belly is four months old, but the child of Concubine Lou is only one month old..."

"Hmm..." Han Tingxuan groaned. "What do you think?"

Mo Yanzhi sighed. "Although this child is a trouble, but the identity of Concubine Lou is what we need. I forgave and didn't punish what happened that day. Now, I have a child..."

Han Tingxuan rubbed Mo Yanzhi's head. "You want to accept this kid?"

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "Yes, just treat it as a blessing for our baby."

"But if we give birth to a elder brother, what about this child?" Han Tingxuan said in a low voice.

Mo Yanzhi lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Han Tingxuan couldn't help but rubbed the opponent's forehead again. "It seems you have thought about it."

Mo Yanzhi said softly: "If this is the case, it can only be this way... We will have other children, and Lou Yanqing and the children will be sent out of the palace at that time."

This is also a solution, but... after all, it is a lot of trouble.

However, if this makes my husband happy, it is also worth it.

Moreover, it is not bad to pray for your own baby.

With a decision, Han Tingxuan said: "If that's the case, let's just go over. I should go, too."

Mo Yanzhi nodded lightly, a little bit unwilling.

Han Tingxuan kissed the tip of the other's nose. "Come here tomorrow night."

Mo Yanzhi blushed slightly. "it is good."

After Han Tingxuan left, Mo Yanzhi went to Lou Yanqing.

In Lou Yanqing's room, a group of people had been sent out long ago, and Lou Yanqing's face was a little pale.

When Mo Yanzhi arrived, he immediately fell to his knees, his body trembling a little.

Mo Yanzhi looked at Lou Yanqing's appearance and slowly lowered his eyelids.

"Shadow Twenty Seven." Mo Yanzhi said lightly.

The next moment, Ying Twenty-seven's figure appeared.

Lou Yanqing stiffened even more at the moment Mo Yanzhi exited. At this moment, she couldn't help but raised her head and stared at Shadow Twenty-Seven.

Since that night, he has never seen this person again, but in his heart there is a feeling that the other person is right next to him, isn't it an illusion?

Mo Yanzhi glanced at the twenty-seven eyeshadow lightly. "I only ask once, Ying Twenty-seven, do you want this child?"

Ying Twenty-seven also froze when he heard the words, and the atmosphere suddenly condensed.

After a while, when Lou Yanqing thought that Ying Twenty-seven would not answer, the other party's voice rang in a low voice.

"The subordinate wants it."

Lou Yanqing only felt the complexity in her heart that could not be said at this moment, as if her heart had been in her throat, but it fell to the ground at this moment... Then Lou Yanqing looked at Mo Yanzhi nervously.

This child is an extremely unexpected, but he is a brother, and there is always an instinctive expectation for the child, not to mention that he knows that his identity is in this palace, and he is afraid that he will be lonely for a lifetime.

So, having a child... is not a good thing.

And that night... These days, he always thinks at midnight when he dreams back. Now that the child is also here, he naturally hopes that he can give birth. But is it possible?

Lou Yanqing didn't dare to think about this possibility...

Mo Yanzhi took a deep look at the twenty-seven eyeshadow, and the curvature of the corners of his lips rose slightly, but the curvature was really too shallow, so no one saw it.

"In that case, this child stays and you will take care of it yourself. However, the child has been four months old, so don't forget this."

"Yes!" Lou Yanqing responded excitedly.

Mo Yanzhi didn't say much, just left one sentence when he left. "Shadow Twenty-seven, when there is no one, there are more concubines who take care of the inconvenience."

After all, Mo Yanzhi left.

Ying Twenty-seven stiffened slightly, and when Mo Yanzhi left, he also stood up from the ground.

Lou Yanqing did the same, but her figure shook slightly when she got up, and Ying Twenty-Seven immediately caught the opponent.

"Are you okay?" Ying Twenty-Seven's voice was a little hoarse.

Lou Yanqing couldn't help blushing and shook her head. "No, it's okay."

Ying Twenty-Seven let go of the other party, and didn't know what to say for a while.

After a moment of silence, Ying Twenty-seven said: "I'm in the dark. If you have any needs, just speak out and I can hear it."

Lou Yanqing lowered her head. Somewhat uncomfortable said: "I, I see."

Ying Twenty-seven said nothing more. A flash disappeared in place...

There was only one person left in the room, Lou Yanqing blushed a little, her palm lightly touched her stomach...

Here, there is a child... his flesh and blood...

Mo Yanzhi, who had left Lou Yanqing's place, returned to the Imperial Study...

This night, Mo Yanzhi had a dream.

In the dream, there is a cute doll calling him Daddy...

Then Mo Yanzhi woke up.

When he woke up, he touched his stomach, and a very soft smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

At the same time, Han Tingxuan was not very happy because he had a nightmare.

He doesn't remember exactly what he dreamed of, but he felt tight in his chest, so he woke up.

When he woke up, he saw a pair of eyes, which were dark...

Han Tingxuan was taken aback! "Drink! Who!"

The voice of cold sounded. "Brother, it's me..."

The corners of Han Tingxuan's mouth twitched. "Cold? What are you doing this night!"

Han said softly. "Brother, Mo Yanzhi is not dead, is he?"

Han Tingxuan was surprised. "what did you say?"

Han pursed his lips, but insisted, "Mo Yanzhi is not dead, is he?"

Han Tingxuan smiled. "Why do you think so?"

Han said: "I saw it."

Han Tingxuan was taken aback. "How can it be?"

Han said: "Why is it impossible? I saw... Brother, you don't believe me, do you?"

Han Tingxuan smiled bitterly. "No."

Han lowered his head. "Then I won't ask." The figure was indescribably frustrated.

"Han." As the opponent turned around, Han Tingxuan stopped him.

Han turned his head and looked at Han Tingxuan quietly.

"Why do you have to cling to an answer? Actually, it's meaningless, isn't it?"

Han was slightly taken aback.

Han Tingxuan smiled and said softly: "We all know that words are alive. It is like this in our hearts, isn't it enough?"

Han was silent and said, "Big Brother, I understand."

Han Tingxuan smiled, "It's good if Han understands it, and I can't scare my eldest brother like this next time. My heart is not good." Han Wenyan apologized: "Big brother, it's my fault."

"Fool, go to sleep."

Han nodded and smiled. "Well, next time I promise not to scare my eldest brother so much. Don't worry, my eldest brother."

"Yeah. Good." Han Tingxuan couldn't help but said.

Han frowned and protested: "Brother, I'm not a kid."

"Haha!" Han Tingxuan laughed. "Yes, the eldest brother knows that you are not a kid."

Han curled his lips and said nothing.

After Han left, Han Tingxuan couldn't help but sigh softly.

"In other words, Han knows that you are alive...I know, I am taking a risk. But if you are here, you will choose to believe, right? Han... but our brother..."

After murmured, Han Tingxuan lay down again, only to find out sadly that he couldn't sleep anymore!

So, he had to start counting sheep silently.

But counting sheep is not always useful.

So, in the end, poor Han Tingxuan could only open his eyes until dawn, and then two more dark circles under his eyes the next day, it was really sorrowful.

When Steward Qi came over, he saw Han Tingxuan who was yawning. Can't help but say: "Master didn't sleep well?"

Han Tingxuan waved his hand. "Steward Qi, why, something happened early in the morning?" "Little General Nangong Invincible is waiting outside."

"Nangong is invincible?" Han Tingxuan frowned. "Why did he come here early in the morning?" "I don't know about this." Steward Qi shook his head.

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