My Tough Husband

Chapter 155: Do not worry about the pregnant woman

When Han Tingxuan arrived, Mo Yanzhi hadn't finished the game. Looking at the other party's gentle expression, immediately, Han Tingxuan's eyes were also filled with soft colors.

Then Han Tingxuan walked over and embraced his husband from behind.

"In other words, what are you looking at."

Mo Yanzhi didn't believe that his husband hadn't seen what he was looking at, not to mention that the things were still in his hands!

So Mo Yanzhi smiled and lifted things up. "This, my husband didn't see it?"

Han Tingxuan smiled. "I can see it, but, in other words, are you admiring your craft?"

"Huh?" Mo Yanzhi was a little puzzled, and then quickly thought of what the other party meant, and suddenly shook his head. "No, although I did the outside of this thing, I didn't do the most important inside!"

"Haha." Han Tingxuan smiled.

"What does your husband have for dinner?" Mo Yanzhi asked.

Han Tingxuan reported a few dishes. "Now Weizilou is developing new dishes again."

"Well, it was all the husband's idea, right?" Mo Yanzhi said with certainty.

Han Tingxuan nodded. "It's all about the dishes, your husband pretends to have as much in his mind."

After all, although it was not a foodie before, even for business talks, some high-end restaurants had to go every other way. Naturally, there are many good things to know.

I even hired a chef for other reasons because of my interest. How else would I know so many recipes? However, for some dishes, he only needs to talk about the composition, and it is easy for people on the issue of formula ratio to study.

"The husband is really amazing." Mo Yanzhi was not a compliment, but he really felt so.

Han Tingxuan smiled and embraced Fu Lang into his arms.

After warming for a while, Han Tingxuan said, "Go take a bath."

Mo Yanzhi naturally did not disagree, but Han Tingxuan said before that pregnant women shouldn’t take a bath too often, which is not good for children. This is what Mo Yanzhi listened to, so even if you take a bath every day, it’s no more than a quarter of an hour. It's just the way it looks.

He helped Mo Yanzhi into the bathroom and took off his clothes one by one for his husband.

At this time, Mo Yanzhi's lower abdomen was already bulging a lot, and it could be seen from the front, let alone the side. But fortunately, it is winter, and the Chinese New Year is about to come again. The thick clothes are worn one by one, so the belly is not obvious.

But after the new year is over, it's hard to say.

You know, the child grows wildly after five months, almost one day a day. At that time, the big belly is not so easy to cover up!

Mo Yanzhi watched Han Tingxuan stare at his stomach, a little worried and uncomfortable. "Husband, isn't it... ugly?"

Han Tingxuan was surprised, "How come?"

Looking at Mo Yanzhi again, he was uncomfortable, a little awkward in his eyes, and suddenly felt distressed, and he hurriedly went over and hugged the other person in his arms. "Silly, how can it be ugly? People who are pregnant are great!"

"Really?" Mo Yanzhi blinked, a little unbelieving, what's so great about this?

Han Tingxuan smiled. "Of course, moms are great... well, we call Daddy Mom over there."

"Mom? Do you mean the same thing as your mother?" Mo Yanzhi made inferences.

"Huh?" Han Tingxuan was surprised. "Is this also called mother?"

Mo Yanzhi smiled. "Husband, have you forgotten? Zhuo You called Yun Rou for her mother's empress. When Yun Rou was not a noble concubine, she also called her mother's concubine."

"Um... so, there are also mothers?"

"Yes, but it's only for large families or royal families. Most people don't call it that way."

"It turned out to be like this." Han Tingxuan searched his memory and found that it was really the case. Laughed.

"In other words, then our child was born to call you the father, the concubine..."

Mo Yanzhi had a hint of forbearance and sorry in his eyes. "Husband, I'm sorry, our child is about to call someone else the mother and concubine." Han Tingxuan was also a little uncomfortable, but it was only a little bit. He didn't want to make Mo Yanzhi feel uncomfortable because of his "a little bit", so He smiled and led the person into the bathroom. At this time, while talking, both of them were naked.

Once in the bath, let Mo Yanzhi sit on the side steps. The steps in this bath are very spacious, originally prepared for the emperor. However, Han Tingxuan won't occupy a seat even if he sits on it.

Mo Yanzhi blinked. "Husband?" Was it his illusion just now? He seemed to...feel that his husband...touched him. "Huh?" Han Tingxuan turned around and saw that Mo Yanzhi's expression was a little weird, and he didn't react to what happened to the other party for a while.

Mo Yanzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and faintly lost. It turned out that the husband was not careful... He thought that he wanted it... Yes, he was pregnant, even if he wanted it, he would not choose to be in a place like a bath. of……

Mo Yanzhi shook his head slowly. "It's okay, your husband will take a bath together?"

"Of course." Han Tingxuan deliberately stayed away from Mo Yanzhi. The naked husband was too attractive. He was afraid that he would not be able to control it. That would be bad!

Mo Yanzhi looked at Han Tingxuan a little far away from him, was even more disappointed, and a little wronged. Didn’t you just say that you don’t think you are ugly?

In fact, it is really disgusting, right?

Thinking of this, Mo Yanzhi felt a little depressed. In fact, if these things had been before, he wouldn't feel much about it. However, since becoming pregnant, he found that his mind has become much more delicate, and things that he didn't care about before are now...

Mo Yanzhi also felt a bit distressed for such a self!

Han Tingxuan was soaking himself with a towel, and he didn't notice that Mo Yanzhi was wrong for a while. When he found it, he saw that Mo Yanzhi had already stepped back to the last step, and he almost missed the pool!

Han Tingxuan was taken aback! "Say it!"

Mo Yanzhi was also taken aback, as Han Tingxuan suddenly raised a loud voice, he quickly looked over, and saw Han Tingxuan approaching him furiously.

"In other words, what are you doing!"

Mo Yanzhi blinked, puzzled for a while, he didn't do anything!

Han Tingxuan suddenly became even more annoyed when he looked at the other person so confused, "Look at what you are now!"

Mo Yanzhi's heart sighed when he heard the words. He was thinking that Han Tingxuan actually didn't like him now. He didn't expect the other party to be really...

Mo Yanzhi's face couldn't help being pale. "Husband..."

Looking at Mo Yanzhi's appearance, how could Han Tingxuan continue to curse!

As a result, Han Tingxuan, who was defeated once again, had to go and hug his husband quickly in his arms, and drag the person up carefully.

"Did you not see? You almost missed your face in the pool just now! You want to scare me to death!"

Only then did Mo Yanzhi understand what the other party was talking about, and his face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, husband, I...I didn't pay attention, I worried my husband."

Han Tingxuan couldn't help scraping Mo Yanzhi's nose. "You, now that you are pregnant, you must not think too much, understand? What were you thinking about just now?"

Mo Yanzhi hesitated and shook his head. "No, nothing."

Han Tingxuan stared. "You don't look like nothing at all!"

Mo Yanzhi was slightly wronged. "Husband..."

Han Tingxuan didn't plan to compromise anymore, staring. "Say! Tell your husband what you were thinking about just now!"

Mo Yanzhi was a little embarrassed, lowered his eyelids, and said softly: "I...I'm wondering if my husband doesn't like the appearance of my big belly...I don't think...not good looking..."

Han Tingxuan opened his mouth in surprise, he didn't expect the other party to be entangled with this, and then he could only sigh heavily. His husband really thought too much now!

However, this may be a common problem of pregnant people? It seems that I have heard people say before that people who are pregnant like to think crazy... Now it seems to be true!

Thinking of this, Han Tingxuan was not ready to "reprimand", but "comforted" him!

Han Tingxuan put his arms around Mo Yanzhi, and his palm slowly moved down from the opponent's stomach.

"In other words, don't you know how attractive you are to your husband? If you weren't afraid of touching you and hurting your baby, why would you deliberately stay away from you?"

Mo Yanzhi blinked his eyes when he heard the words. "Husband, really?"

"Is this still a holiday?" Han Tingxuan kissed Mo Yanzhi's profile, making the other party feel his own heat.

Suddenly, Mo Yanzhi blushed.

Han Tingxuan's voice also dropped by two points. "So, in other words, if you think about it in the future, your husband will punish you!"

Mo Yanzhi blushed, but still nodded. "Ok……"

Han Tingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and after fifteen minutes of soaking, the two husbands got up.

This night, Han Tingxuan slept with Mo Yanzhi in his arms, and the other party slept particularly securely...

On the fifteenth day before the end of the year, the Tianchao received a report.

The signature on this report is the Royal Family of the Moon Dynasty.

The general idea is also very simple, that is, they sent someone to congratulate the New Year!

There was no such thing in previous years! And that representative... turned out to be the prince Yue Youlong of the Moon Dynasty and the only emperor, Yue Youbai!

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