My Tough Husband

Chapter 161: Snow beauty

Zhou Yue couldn't accompany Xi Yan all the time, he hadn't completed the task his father gave him.

Moreover, when sending the letter, he also agreed to the invitation of the two brothers.

Of course, what he promised was naturally the elder brother of his father's friend, otherwise, he would not have a relationship with each other at this time.

Xi Yan didn't want to hold Zhou Yueqing, so Zhou Yue was giving medicine to the other party before he left with peace of mind after watching the other party take the medicine.

When Ying Si came, Xi Yan was feeling uncomfortable due to internal injuries, pressing his palms on his chest, coughing violently.

Ying Si was startled when she heard the coughing, and quickly opened the door and came in.

Xi Yan was taken aback, and looked up in horror instinctively.

When facing outsiders, he is strong, not strong, he does not want to show his weakness.

However, only he himself knows that since the events of that day, he has been a little scared, and he is very repulsive from contact with men.

Zhou Yue is his friend, and the situation is fine. But if it's someone else...

Seeing the man dressed in black, Xi Yan was instinctively afraid. This black suit reminded him of the man who threatened him, and also reminded him of the dirty scene that morning.

"You...who are you..." Xi Yan gripped the quilt tightly. Although he didn't think there was anyone in the Prince Chen's mansion that could be disadvantageous to him, he couldn't help being scared.

Ying Si came in and saw such a pair of frightened eyes like a deer. For some reason, Ying Si felt a thorn in her heart and couldn't help softening her voice.

"Don't be afraid, I am Ying Si, and I am responsible for healing you."

Xi Yan shrank back, "No, no, I'm fine."

Ying Si frowned slightly, but he felt distressed when he looked at Xi Yan like this...The brother who lost his virginity was indeed afraid of contacting men.

However, if the internal injury is not treated, it will easily fall to the root of the disease, and for the sake of his future, he can't let it go.

"Master Xi, I'm just following orders."

Xi Yan watched Ying Si continue to walk towards him, and couldn't help getting stiffer. "You, don't come over, I, I will tell Wangfu Chen, I don't need..."

At the next moment, Ying Si had already come to the bed and spoke. "Offended."

Then, he pulled Yingsi up and made it into a cross-legged posture.

Xi Yan's figure suddenly stiffened, staring at Ying Si in horror.

Ying Si lowered her eyes slightly. "Master Xi, you are offended."

The next moment, Ying Si nodded Xi Yan's acupuncture points, and then pressed his hand on the opponent's chest...

Xi Yan was tapped on the acupuncture points and couldn't move. He could only watch Ying Si meet him...

The next moment, there was a warm feeling in his body, and Xi Yan was taken aback.

Ying Si earnestly carried out the route operation work assigned by the doctor, and did not dare to be sloppy at all.

As time passed, Xi Yan felt that the pain in his body had alleviated a lot, and he couldn't help but look at the person in front of him.

The same black dress, but this person did not have that murderous and evil spirit.

This person's voice is not harsh, just now, and very soft.

And now...

The clenched fist on his side slowly let go, the feeling of warmth in the body was too real, Xi Yan couldn't help closing his eyes...

Tiancheng, in a luxurious room with a windy atmosphere.

"Huh? Xi Yan is at Han Tingxuan now?" This was the voice of a brother, lazily.

"Yes." This is a man's voice, which is inherently harsh and rough.

"How does Xi Yan feel?" The brother's voice was joking.

The man paused slightly. "The subordinate's consciousness was not clear that night. He only remembered to hold a person, but he was not sure if that person was Xi Yan."

"Huh?" The brother seemed a little surprised when he heard this. "How to say?"

"Originally, my subordinate thought he was Xi Yan that night, but when he went to Xi's house later, he found that Xi Yan was locked up and beaten, but the waiter next to him was violently killed. On the day, the time turned out to be the day after that day, and he still fell into a well and died. The subordinates felt that it was very abnormal."

"So, did you check it?" The brother raised his brows. "Aren't you really thinking about that Xi Yan? You actually returned to Xi's house after that?"

"Master forgive me." The man knelt down.

The brother seemed to be very generous and waved his hand. "Beauty, everyone loves it, what did you find afterwards?"

"I don't know if my subordinates thought too much, but they saw Xi's concubine and Tian Chuanyun walking together."

"Huh?" Brother sat up slightly. "Tian Chuanyun? Why did you report it until now?"

"The master forgive me, but the subordinates are only investigating secretly, and they only inform the master of the results."

The elder fell silent and said lightly: "Next time, don't make your own claim. I will judge whether intelligence is important or not. You don't need to speculate."

"Yes" "In addition to seeing Xi's father and son standing with Tian Chuanyun, what else did you investigate about that night?"

"The master forgive the sin, the subordinate is incompetent, and has not been able to find out. Their tails are very clean. The subordinate found the corpse of the waiter Xiaoyu and checked it. The other party should have had **** before he died. Short, now it’s cold again, his body hasn’t rotted, so the subordinates can barely see that he has been violated. That’s why the subordinates suspect that it was not Xi Yan who was with the subordinate that day. And the subordinate, Xi Yan, Including the waiter, they should all be caught in the trap."

My brother's face was slightly ugly when he heard this. "You are all specially trained, and ordinary drugs and poisons can't make you lose your mind immediately, but you have been recruited without knowing it... Tian Chuanyun, and only the deputy leader of Tian Jue Clan can do this. Handwriting."

The man did not speak.

The brother sighed slowly for a long time. "Big brother is still saying that even the most sloppy character is not to be underestimated when he uses his brain to harm people."

The man knelt, still silent, he knew that he didn't need his words at this time.

The brother waved his hand for a long time. "The official is waiting for the old fox to stare at you, Tian Chuanyun... Give it to Xiao Ba. That kid has been a bit idle recently, and he dared to move his mind to my person and let Xiao Ba find him something. trouble."

"Yes!" The man answered immediately.

"Go on, pay attention later, and don't expose your deeds. Tian Chuanyun's people are not vegetarians. If he didn't see you entering the Xi's house, he wouldn't set up such a round. Also, don't exercise right now. Yan, but if you expose... Then Xi Yan, you must die!"

"Yes" Brother seemed to be tired, and waved his hand again. "Go down."

The man stepped back silently.

About two quarters later, the door of this brother's room was knocked on. The brother was stunned and asked indifferently: "Who?" The next moment, the person outside the door did not answer, because the other person pushed directly. The door comes in!

When he saw this man, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the laziness in his eyes faded by two points.

Who is the person here? If Han Tingxuan was here, he would say, I know, Yang Shuo!

That's right, the person who came in was Yang Shuo!

"Ah, Brother Xue, have you rested in broad daylight?" Yang Shuo relied on his identity as the "boss". In the past few days, this Snow Beauty has been very happy.

Yang Shuo doesn't think this person looks like an ordinary brother, such a person, the waiter of the brothel? He thought it was impossible anyway! Not sure about the other party's purpose? It doesn't matter, he can check it!

With this person's cold and arrogant character, he doesn't believe that he can't really provoke him! As long as the other party is really angry, it will be exposed!

Yang Shuo’s current identity is the boss, and he is naturally playing the image of a playboy, and what he is doing now is naturally all kinds of activities. To explain it in modern words, it is called unspoken rules!

"Boss Yang, why are you here?" Brother Xue got up without a trace and got off the bed. Because he hadn't taken off his clothes yet, he was dressed just right now.

"Come and see you, are you still used to it?" Yang Shuo said as he approached. "Thank you, Boss Yang, for your concern. Brother Xue is still busy at night, so hurry up and take a rest." The implication is that if you are okay, hurry up. Fuck off!

But who is Yang Shuo? He was here to provoke the other party, so there will be ghosts when he leaves like this!

As for you to be tired at night...what does it matter to him!

Therefore, Yang Shuo leaned forward again without a wink, and he even moved directly to grab the other's waist!

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