My Tough Husband

Chapter 166: It's man-made, not God's punishment

When Han Tingxuan went back, Mo Yanzhi was naturally waiting there.

Seeing Han Tingxuan's safe return, Mo Yanzhi was relieved.

"You are back, husband, are you okay?"

Han Tingxuan smiled and shook his head, and took his husband's hand. "In other words, how can I have anything to do?"

Mo Yanzhi said uneasy. "Of course I don't worry about you going out."

"Don't worry, I won't let myself go." Han Tingxuan smiled. Then he said: "In other words, why don't you ask what happened and how did you solve it?"

Mo Yanzhi smiled slightly. "Didn't I know what happened? As for the solution... I saw you come back and smiled, that's enough."

Han Tingxuan was moved by the words, and couldn't help but kiss her husband. He knew that his husband was most concerned about himself, otherwise, the other party would definitely ask how the situation was resolved when he came back.

However, his family only worried about himself, how could he not be moved!

"In other words, did I say a word?"

Mo Yanzhi doubts. "Huh? What?"

Han Tingxuan smiled. "Being able to marry you is definitely the happiest thing in my life!"

Mo Yanzhi paused, then smiled. "is it?"

"Yeah." Han Tingxuan nodded affirmatively, and then hugged Mo Yanzhi distressedly. "The matter has been resolved, someone will tell you tomorrow, now, nothing is more important than our rest, eh?"

"Okay! I understand." Mo Yanzhi agreed softly.

This night, Han Tingxuan entered the imperial palace openly, but did not come out.

Outsiders know that the emperor sympathized with the hard work of the king and husband, and stayed in the palace directly after the report! What a glory this is!

And in fact? Greater glory is yet to come!

At least, Master Chen is still sleeping on the dragon bed now! There is an essential difference between staying and staying in the dragon bed!

Mo Yanzhi was still asleep when Han Tingxuan woke up early in the morning.

The pregnant person was originally a little lethargic, but Mo Yanzhi was woken up last night, and since then, he has been waiting for Han Tingxuan to come back, so naturally he did not sleep well.

It's normal to still be asleep now, so Han Tingxuan didn't bother the other party, but got up first and went out.

His movements were minimized, and Mo Yanzhi might have been really tired and didn't wake up.

In fact, Mo Yanzhi often wakes up late these few days, and sometimes he needs to travel around to call him.

No way, as Han Tingxuan said, pregnant people will be lethargic.

Han Tingxuan went outside and told Zhou You that half an hour later, if Mo Yanzhi hadn't woken up, he would call the other party, and Zhou You naturally agreed repeatedly.

As for Han Tingxuan, he stayed in the palace in an upright manner, but he also had to "go out" from the palace where he stayed.

Therefore, Han Tingxuan went there secretly with the help of the shadow guard, and after making the illusion of staying there, he went out, and let the people guarding in the outer hall go in and tidy up.

Of course, the person in charge here is actually the person who does not speak, and the person who will not talk about it.

Moreover, even if there is something else uneasy, there is nothing wrong with it. Because Han Tingxuan also came last night. But it was the Shadow Guard who changed his appearance to come here. Han Tingxuan himself did not come.

"Participate in Chen Wangfu." The guards outside saluted Han Tingxuan.

Han Tingxuan waved his hand. "Well, get up all."

"Xie Chen Wangfu."

At this time, Yuan Qing came from one side, and Han Tingxuan saw the other side smiling slightly. "Manager Yuan, got up so early?"

Yuan Qing gave Han Tingxuan a gift, and Han Tingxuan raised his opponent's hand.

Yuan Qing smiled and said: "Wang Chen's husband got up early, and the slave dare not say it is early."

Han Tingxuan said: "Manager Yuan, has the emperor risen?"

Yuan Qing smiled and shook his head. "The emperor didn't go to bed until the wee hours last night, and he has not gotten up now."

Han Tingxuan was in awe. "The emperor has worked so hard."

"Yes." Yuan Qing sighed. "We who serve the emperor feel that the emperor is really hard."

"The emperor has to take care of Yuan Yuan."

"Don't dare! That's just a matter of a slave!"

The two exchanged a few words before they separated.

Han Tingxuan walked in the direction of the Golden Luang Hall. Although it was said that it would take a long time for the early morning to begin, it was an honor for him to be staying overnight as a foreign minister, and he could not do more in the public. What, otherwise, it would be arrogant and affection, but it would be bad!

Therefore, Han Tingxuan walked directly to the Golden Luang Hall.

After half an hour, some ministers arrived.

Han Tingxuan was a little surprised. As for the time of the court, it hasn't arrived yet, right?

Did those people come so early?

At this time, some ministers saw Han Tingxuan and immediately gathered here.

"Wang Chen came so early?"

Han Tingxuan did not conceal a smile and said, "I stayed here last night."

A minister was a little sighed. "Wang Fu Chen is really a man of God, we fools almost thought that the fire was a curse, but we didn't expect Wang Fu Chen to solve the case so quickly!"

"Yes, Wang Fu Chen is really a man of God." Another minister also said. "When the next official heard about it, he was frightened. People caught fire and burned to death. Ah, really... I shudder when I think about it. I didn't expect Wang Fu to solve this mystery as soon as he appeared!"

"Yeah yeah……"

"Wang Chen, can you tell us, what the **** is going on?"

Han Tingxuan was very surprised. So many people knew what happened last night, even late at night, so early in the morning? what happened?

"Masters, how do you know? That happened late at night last night!"

"Yes." One person was still a little sorrowful. "Xiaguan has a nephew who happens to be serving in the guards, so I know...

...? "Yes, yeah, my cousin's son also works there..."

Han Tingxuan listened carefully and discovered that these ministers all had "relatives" serving in the guards.

However, what happened late at night... so many people know, it's hard to say that there is no pusher in it.

However, Han Tingxuan thought, it is estimated that those who prepared for this move... don't know what they did later.

In other words, if a fire happened, then these ministers would know about it, and only later did they know that they had solved the matter!

Thinking of this, Han Tingxuan asked without a trace.

Sure enough, these ministers received news of burning to death, being cursed, God's punishment, and so on.

Then, they couldn't sleep anymore, but they didn't expect that in the early hours of the morning, they suddenly received news that it was not a punishment from the gods, but someone premeditated!

Premeditated! Moreover, this case was solved by Han Tingxuan!

Of course, in the end, who the chief messenger is now is still unknown, and the case has been transferred to the Criminal Ministry. However, it is enough to know that it is not a natural punishment but a man-made one!

Han Tingxuan smiled and explained "the principle."

There is a little bit of sulfur on the veil, of course, only a very small amount. Therefore, it is barely flammable.

And he hid a little spark in his sleeve, so he just moved a little, and a little wind blew past, and then the veil burned.

What really plays a big role is the "water" that I prepared, which of course is not normal water.

That is "water" with sulfur and oil. So suddenly, if you go down, it will naturally catch fire, and the water can't be extinguished! In that case, unless it is sand or the like, the fire can be extinguished in time, and everything else is useless.

However, this is true. If you are a real living person, even if you are burned in this way, you should be able to think of other ways to save yourself, such as rolling around, or there is sand outside...

However, the situation at the time was that Liu Yong screamed, but could not say anything else!

Therefore, Han Tingxuan guessed that the other party's health was not good, or it was simply poisoned, and that he was incapable of action at that time! He also told Li Shilang who was handing over this situation when he left.

As he spoke, another quarter of an hour passed, and Han Tingxuan and the ministers also walked towards the main hall of the Jinluang Hall.

Then, Han Tingxuan saw another person coming.

Tianyu Su...

Han Tingxuan smiled slightly. "Uncle Seventh Emperor is here too?"

Tian Yusu nodded with a smile. "It feels like it will be very lively today, so here it comes."

Han Tingxuan is really a little speechless, watching the excitement? Well, only Tian Yusu would say that.

After Tian Yusu came over, all the ministers who had been by Han Tingxuan retreated, leaving space for the two of them.

"You performed very well last night!" Tian Yusu said with a smile.

Han Tingxuan glanced at the other side sideways. "Uncle Qi received the news for the first time last night, right?"

"Yes, it's well designed." Tian Yusu's eyes flashed coldly, "This king is about to rush over, but the shadow guard came to say that the emperor's shadow guard has arrived. Since the holy driver has been alarmed, this king is on the contrary. It's not good to go."

Han Tingxuan nodded. "Me too."

"How can the emperor let you deal with it?" Tian Yusu asked with some doubts.

Naturally, Han Tingxuan could not say that he was in the palace at that time, and only said: "I have mentioned some strange people and strange things to the emperor, and it happened to be about the fire, so the emperor found me."

"So it's like this..." Tian Yusu didn't doubt it either.

Han Tingxuan nodded and said softly: "Pay attention to the wind direction of this matter, there should be changes."

Tian Yusu also nodded. "This king thinks so too."

"Uncle Qi please pay more attention to this aspect."

Tian Yusu waved his hand. "nothing."

Han Tingxuan smiled. "I feel much more relieved if Uncle Qi intervenes."

Tian Yusu raised his eyebrows. "The emperor still gives you a task?"

Han Tingxuan nodded calmly. "It does."

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