My Tough Husband

Chapter 172: Finale appearance

In the morning, Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan woke up basically at the same time. Han Tingxuan was very surprised by this.

"Yes? Why did you wake up so early?"

Mo Yanzhi blinked. "Well, I just woke up."

Han Tingxuan squinted, feeling that the other party did not tell the truth. "Really? Don't you want to send me away?"

Without talking about the central issue, Mo Yanzhi could only blink.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Han Tingxuan still doesn't understand. "You, just take care of yourself, I'm not a kid, I want you to do something, and I want you to get up with me! Sleep a little longer!"

"You are going to the old man Xuantian today..." Mo Yanzhi changed the subject.

Han Tingxuan almost laughed angrily. "Yeah, I'm going there, but it's night time!"

Mo Yanzhi flattened his mouth, feeling a bit wronged.

Han Tingxuan squeezed the opponent's cheek. "Well, since I wake up, then have breakfast together?"

Mo Yanzhi was happy now, showing a smile. "Ok."

Han Tingxuan thinks that such a husband is... childish! So, could not help but smile and kiss the pink lips of the other party. "That's it..."

"Huh?" Mo Yanzhi looked at Han Tingxuan.

Han Tingxuan kissed the opponent's forehead again. "You don't have to be late today morning, right?"

Mo Yanzhi heard the slight black line. "Where do I often be late?"

Han Tingxuan nodded seriously. "Well, often these days!"

Ms. Mo Yanzhi was angry when she heard that. "Husband!"

"Okay..." Han Tingxuan smiled and begged for mercy. "Don't talk about pulling, don't talk about pulling, it's not that you are late often, but your husband is late."

"You..." Mo Yanzhi was frustrated.

The husband and wife had a fight early in the morning, and both of them were in a good mood.

After having breakfast together, Han Tingxuan left to go to the morning court, and Mo Yanzhi... of course it was necessary too!

This day's Tiancheng is particularly lively, the specific manifestation is not at the stalls, but... the carriage on the street!

The old man Xuantian’s home is in the fringe area of ​​Tiancheng, and he lives in a bamboo forest. However, the three-story bamboo house is also quite large in size. The main thing is that there is a large open space near his house. , Seems to be a martial arts field?

Therefore, no matter how many people go to the martial arts field today, they can still stay in the martial arts field. However, they are just staying. Tables and chairs are only available in the rooms of the houses, but only a few. Zhang only.

But there must be hundreds of people celebrating today!

However, these don't need Old Man Xuantian to trouble himself, other people can naturally handle it for him.

Among them, the Nangong family and the Dongfang family contributed the most. They were also the most capable, and it took less than half a day to fill the training ground with tables and chairs.

Moreover, there are everything from wine, dishes, etc. The cooks have all been invited, and now they are preparing the dishes for the dinner party. There are dozens of small two and his like, but they are afraid that they will be too busy with the food and beverages.

In addition, the waiters have invited more than just a few, and these waiters brought the guests here.

Those who know know that this is the birthday of the old man Xuantian, but those who don't know think that the Nangong family and the Dongfang family will join together for a happy event! But it's almost there! This specification is about the same as a wedding event!

Even more solemn.

It can be seen that the Dongfang family and the Nangong family attach great importance to the 90th birthday of the old man Xuantian!

Someone reported the busyness there to Han Tingxuan, and Han Tingxuan just smiled faintly.

Before departure, Han Tingxuan asked Zhou Yue to come over. Zhou Yue was wearing a Chinese dress today, which was obviously very particular, but even so, it didn't shine. But it also gives people a bright feeling.

Han Tingxuan blinked. He had always looked at Zhou Yue as his subordinate, but it was the first time he clearly realized that he was a brother!

Zhou Yue immediately saw that Han Tingxuan's expression was a little weird, and couldn't help but worry: "Well Chen Wangfu? What's the matter? Isn't it... My dress will embarrass Han Mansion?"

"Of course not!" Han Tingxuan hurriedly shook his head. "No, no, very good. I just thought, you can be regarded as my party. Well, I am still a good opponent. Yue has reached the age of marriage? I have a lot of boys, see. Which one is in, say, I will help you with the line!"

When Zhou Yue saw Han Tingxuan's "off-line" for the first time, his mouth opened wide in surprise.

Han Tingxuan smiled as he looked at the other party like this. "Really!"

When Zhou Yue heard the words, he blushed in a hurry and said: "Yue is not in a hurry, not in a hurry... Well, the students have to take the scientific examination, I am afraid that there is no time to consider this."

Han Tingxuan sighed. "That's really a pity, all the shadow guards under me are all good! If you want to think about it, Yue Qing can say it!"

Zhou Yue couldn't laugh or cry. "Okay, the student got it."

Han Tingxuan waved his hand. At this moment, Han and Tian Yusu walked here.

"Big Brother." Han greeted Han Tingxuan.

"Come here?" Han Tingxuan smiled and glanced at Tian Yusu. "Uncle Qi is really early."

Tian Yusu rolled his eyes. "Just because you don't take it seriously, they've already arrived."

Han Tingxuan didn't care, "If there are not enough people, there won't be a banquet there, right? Besides, the royal family, shouldn't they be the finale?"

"What's the finale?" Tianyu didn't understand.

"It's the last one to go, attracting everyone's attention!"

Tian Yusu is speechless, who is this!

Han Tingxuan smiled. "Okay, here is also ready, let's go."

"Han, did you go too?" Han Tingxuan asked immediately.

"Yeah." Han nodded. "I went to protect the big brother."

"Okay, I really need to protect Big Brother today." Han Tingxuan thought for a while and said, "Yue Qing, when we pass, you don't follow us."

Zhou Yue nodded without asking anything. "Ok."

There are not too many people in the royal family, but three carriages are still used.

One is Tianyu Su, one is Han Tingxuan and Han and Zhou Yue, and the rest is one.

When he got there, Han Tingxuan silently discovered that this scene was really spectacular!

The carriage outside, flattering, it's so unreasonable to stop...

In this ancient times, horse-drawn carriages and other things just stopped out of a momentum that was not inferior to other luxury cars such as modern BMWs and Ferraris!

Han Tingxuan and the others were the last to arrive, but they were still free to park the carriage.

Han Tingxuan discovered that although there were a lot of people and cars, there were a lot of people who kept order, so there was no chaos at all. Even the carriages were parked by everyone and everyone should be there. Location!

After getting off the carriage, Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu walked inside together, and Zhou Yue had already passed by himself on the other side.

Han Tingxuan and the others didn't take two steps, and Yang Shuo's grinning voice already sounded.

"Brother Han! Uncle Seven!"

Han Tingxuan smiled at each other. "Already here?" Yue Youbai stood beside the other party, "Xiaoxue." The other party was smiling gently, like everyone else.

"Xiaoxue is here too." Han Tingxuan also greeted the other party.

"Brother Han, Uncle Seven." Yue Youbai also greeted Han Tingxuan.

After a warm greeting, Han Tingxuan pulled Yang Shuo aside, but ensured that Yue Youbai could also hear him.

"Brother Yang, you and my brother are okay, but Uncle Seven... I honestly tell you that he is a virtuous king."

"What!" Yang Shuo's eyes widened in surprise, as if he really didn't know it, which shows that his acting level is still very high!

Han Tingxuan smiled bitterly, "I didn't say before that it was because of Uncle Qi, oh, King Xian didn't want so many people to know his identity, so... I'm sorry, brother, but you don't have to worry, Uncle Qi will definitely not To blame, you shouldn’t apologize specifically. If this is the case, Uncle Qi will be unhappy. You just have to go in and don’t be honest."

Yang Shuo immediately understood Han Tingxuan's "good intentions." Nodded earnestly, and said, "Thank you brother for reminding me. I know."

"Haha." Han Tingxuan patted Yang Shuo on the shoulder easily. "I know the brothers will understand."

After that, Han Tingxuan didn't go in with Yang Shuo, but Yang Shuo secretly pulled Xiaoxue aside to talk, and it was natural that it was not so difficult to guess.

"Xiaoxue." Yang Shuo's expression was a bit awkward.

Yue Youbai looked at each other. "Huh? What's the matter? Why don't you go in with Brother Han and the others?"

Yang Shuo flattened his mouth, and then said softly, "Um... Do you remember what you said when you came here and admired Wang Fu Chen?"

Yue Youbai blinked. "I just said... I admire him a little bit."

Yang Shuo waved his hand. "Anyway, it's the same thing. I, I'm a bit jealous, so I didn't tell you. Actually, you already know Wang Fu, Brother Han!"

Yue Youbai immediately made a surprised expression upon hearing this. "what?"

Yang Shuo took Yue Youbai's hand. Yue Youbai was a little uncomfortable. There are many people here today. The most important thing is that many of his men are hiding in the dark...

However, Yang Shuo grasped very tightly, and in the end, Yue Youbai did not shake off the opponent's hand.

So Yang Shuo explained contentedly: "I didn't deliberately hide it from you, I just don't want you to know that Brother Han is the person you admire!"

Yue Youbai couldn't smile wryly. "you……"

Yang Shuo leaned over and quickly kissed the other person's face. "Anyway, I'm stingy!"

Yue Youbai had a meal, and the warm touch on his cheek... made him feel very complicated.

"That's right, Brother Han told me just now that Uncle Seven is actually a virtuous king! Oh my God, it scared me!"

"What? King Xian?" Yue Youbai also expressed surprise.

"But it doesn't matter, Brother Han said, Uncle Qi will not care about our impoliteness with us, he is an informal person!"

Yue Youbai smiled and nodded. "Oh."

"Well, nothing else, let's go in. Anyway, we and Brother Han will not be in line today."

"Okay..." Yue Youbai responded, and then made a gesture of "according to the plan" towards the place where no one was there. Of course, Yang Shuo didn't notice.

After Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu entered, they were surrounded by ministers.

Many of these faces that came today can be seen in the dynasty. These people saw Tian Yusu and Han Tingxuan come to salute, so Han Tingxuan was almost breathless.

Fortunately, it was late when they arrived, and it didn't take long before Old Man Xuantian appeared.

Han Tingxuan looked at the other person. It was an old man who looked a little immortal... Ninety years old, but look, at most 70?

Han Tingxuan was surprised at the other party's youth, but he didn't expect that the old man Xuantian looked straight towards him!

Look at him? Han Tingxuan thought it was impossible, and thought it was his illusion. Unexpectedly, the old man Xuantian directly confronted him!

Facing each other!

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