My Tough Husband

Chapter 176: —Who was recruited in the accident...

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu didn't answer this sentence.

Mo Yanzhi glanced at the two faintly. "Just talk about your own opinions."

Tian Yusu thought for a while, and said, "Those assassins are dead men. They can raise such a large number of dead men. Without the financial resources and power, I'm afraid it will not be easy to do."

Mo Yanzhi heard the words and said, "Uncle Seven can be suspicious."

Tian Yusui pursed the corners of her lips and bowed her head slightly. Did not speak.

Mo Yanzhi said indifferently: "It seems that Uncle Qi is the object of suspicion, no matter who it is, after all, I grant you innocence."

Tian Yusu didn't look up, but said softly: "The official is waiting."

There was silence in the imperial study, and for a long time, Mo Yanzhi's voice sounded majestic. "Leave this matter to Uncle Seventh Emperor to investigate."


"Uncle emperor retreat first."

"Yes, Weichen retires." Tian Yusu retired with orders.

After a while, Han Tingxuan walked towards Mo Yanzhi. It was late at night, and Han Tingxuan said distressedly: "You weren't asleep when the accident happened?"

Mo Yanzhi said: "...Hmm."

Han Tingxuan sighed. "I don't know where the officer is waiting for this, but there is another person who has important suspicions."

"Yue Youbai?" Mo Yanzhi immediately thought of the other party.

"Yes." Han Tingxuan nodded solemnly. "I suspect it is him."

"He and Guan Jinghou are in the same spirit."

"It's true...but I'm afraid this matter is not easy to handle. I thought Yue Youbai would target me, but I didn't think that his heart was so big that he wanted all these young second generations to die."

"Not necessarily all." Mo Yanzhi shook his head. "Yue Youbai is the emperor of the Moon Dynasty, no matter how powerful he is, but these forces will definitely not be in our celestial dynasty. What he can do... is to kill some, and then muddy the water." Han Ting Xuan Wenyan thought about it carefully and nodded. At this moment, he couldn't help thinking of the pictures he had seen.

In those pictures, there is no doubt that the anti-thief has an official waiting to be with his son. But besides them?

Yue Youbai? or more?

At this time, he hopes he can see more, so that he can at least know who is interested in that throne...

But now, even if I know Guan Jinghou and Tian Chuanyun, there is no evidence...

"Husband, what are you thinking about?" Mo Yanzhi couldn't help asking after seeing Han Tingxuan's silence for a while.

Han Tingxuan regained consciousness and shook his head. "It's nothing."

"Husband..." Mo Yanzhi glared unhappy. "What Elder Xuantian is asking for you, you haven't told me yet."

When Han Tingxuan heard the words, Old Man Xuantian said...he really couldn't say it!

Although his husband knew that he was a person in another world, he didn't know that he had a calamity, let alone how much he had changed. Han Tingxuan didn't intend to say anything before the calamity was over.

However, if you don't say anything, then Mo Yanzhi obviously can't deal with it here.

Fortunately, this person is not only the emperor, but also his own husband.

Therefore, Han Tingxuan smiled and hugged the other's waist. "Old man Xuantian fortunes for our future baby."

"Huh?" Mo Yanzhi didn't expect such an answer, and he was stunned.

Han Tingxuan smiled. "Yes, you heard that right. It just gave our baby a fortune, do you know? Our baby is not only a son, but also the emperor of our celestial dynasty!"

Mo Yanzhi fiercely opened his eyes. "Is it a kid?"

"Well, that's right." Han Tingxuan smiled and kissed Mo Yanzhi's chin. "Still a good emperor."

Mo Yanzhi blinked, a little awkward. "emperor?"

"Yes." Han Tingxuan smiled. "You forgot. Didn't we say long ago that we will retire when our son can replace us?"

"Yes. I know." Mo Yanzhi smiled. "I'm just very happy... It's just that, what did Elder Xuantian tell you about this?"

"This was originally a matter of the royal family. Maybe the old man Xuantian saw me more pleasingly to uncle Qi and not so pleasing to the eye, so he told me that he was not called Uncle Qi." Han Tingxuan said very irresponsibly.

Mo Yanzhi was speechless for a moment. "such?"

"Otherwise? By the way, he also gave me a piece of jade pendant for me to wear, saying it is good for my body."

Han Tingxuan knew what to say to make her husband feel at ease, so he said directly that it was good for the body.

Sure enough, Mo Yanzhi immediately said, "Oh? That's a good thing... let me see."

"Okay." Han Tingxuan took out the jade pendant on his neck and showed it to the other party.

Mo Yanzhi touched, "I feel my hands are warm, it's Nuanyu."

"Well, is it a good thing?"

"Indeed, for a senior man like Xuantian, the things they send out are not bad, is it a meeting ceremony?"

"Well, yes." Han Tingxuan opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Mo Yanzhi smiled. "Then how could Zhou Yue become the closed disciple of Old Man Xuantian?"

"I don't know this either." Han Tingxuan was very helpless. "You don't know. Many people thought that what I said to Old Man Xuantian made Zhou Yue his disciple."

"I thought so when I first heard it."

Han Tingxuan smiled bitterly. "Especially, Zhou Yue is still living in my house now, you see, this... alas, it is estimated that the Nangong family's opinion of me should be even greater."

Mo Yanzhi chuckled. "is it?"

Han Tingxuan hugged Mo Yanzhi aggrievedly. "Yeah, so Fulang, you have to believe me! Don't misunderstand me like others, otherwise, your heart should be broken."

Mo Yanzhi smiled.

The husband and wife were warm for a while, and then Han Tingxuan left, and Mo Yanzhi went back to the bedroom.

Han Tingxuan didn't stay today, even if he was afraid of trouble, someone would come to the mansion to look for him. At that time, it would be difficult to explain if he was not there.

Unexpectedly, his intuition was very accurate. After Tian Yusu left the palace, the more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Therefore, he went straight to Han Tingxuan and saw the other party. The first thing he thought of was... Tian Yuexi!

"Wang Chen's husband only came back now?"

Han Tingxuan smiled faintly. "Talked to the emperor a few other things."

Tian Yusu narrowed his eyes.

Han Tingxuan also squinted his eyes, and said, "Uncle Qi and the emperor... the relationship seems not as good as you said?"

Tian Yusu was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Han Tingxuan smiled faintly. "Uncle Qi...please allow me to ask a violent question."

"What?" Tian Yusu frowned.

"Uncle Qi likes men... So, has Uncle Qi liked the emperor?"

Tian Yusu was taken aback for a moment and raised his eyebrows sharply. "what do you know?"

Han Tingxuan smiled coldly. "I should know what, I just guessed based on the occasional words of Uncle Qi and the emperor" Tian Yusui pressed his lips tightly.

Han Tingxuan said coldly: "Uncle Qi, I think you should remember that I said that Han Tingxuan dislikes half-hearted people the most. Now, Uncle Qi wants to be with Han? A Tsing Yi before, well, I can be It's a misunderstanding, what about the emperor? Uncle Qi, you can guarantee that you haven't been moved by the emperor?"

Tian Yusu stiffened when he heard the words. "You... what did the emperor say?"

"The emperor didn't say anything." Han Tingxuan frowned. "I discovered a little clue myself... I was only aware of it, but just now, I was a little sure."

Tian Yusu didn't believe it, and looked straight at Han Tingxuan.

Han Tingxuan sneered. "Uncle Qi, do you think you are hiding well? Then let me tell you the truth. In the Yushufang not long ago, I found that the relationship between you...something is wrong! Of course, I suspected it earlier. When Uncle Qi told me, you said that the emperor was too young, so he didn’t trust you instinctively. You said that the emperor died early, so some things did not tell the emperor. These seem to have no loopholes, but in fact No, what about the emperor's young age? What is his age in the emperor's house? Zhuo You is just like a young man at the age of two!"

Tian Yu Sui's lips pressed tightly.

Han Tingxuan continued: "So, I guess, there may be other reasons...In the Yushufang before, I saw Qishu's look was not right...So, Qishu, now, you tell me, do you like it? emperor?"

In fact, the reasons Han Tingxuan said were nonsense at all, but when they said it... he found that it was really so...

However, his family said that there is nothing to do with Tian Yusu about the Yushufang, so he can only find excuses from Tian Yusu's expression, but in fact, he didn't pay attention to Tianyusu's expression.

However, people with a guilty conscience... always show their feet...

Sure enough, Tian Yusu was silent for a while and said: "I said that I like it too much, but... between me and the emperor... there was an accident. When the emperor was fifteen years old... the king was secretly calculated in the palace. After taking the medicine, I went to the wrong room... Since then, if the emperor hadn't been pro-political, he would have killed me..."

As he said, Tian Yusu gave a wry smile.

But Han Tingxuan almost dropped his chin to the ground after listening to it! Big brother never said this!

I guess He Mo Yanzhi wouldn't say it! This this... is really amazing!

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