My Tough Husband

Chapter 19: Rapport and seek cooperation

Han Tingxuan feels distressed, regardless of whether this is in front of others! He took Mo Yanzhi's hand, "Doesn't you trust your husband? My husband is really sad."

Mo Yanzhi was silent for a moment, then slowly shook his head. "You are not afraid."

Han Tingxuan smiled, "Of course I am not afraid. Whatever I say is good. In other words, I stop you because of my own ideas, not because you are afraid of something."

"Huh? What?" Mo was puzzled.

Han Tingxuan took the other person's hand and walked to the crowd.

As soon as the bully boss was lifted up, seeing the two evil stars coming over, everyone turned pale with fright.

Han Tingxuan walked over and smiled. "I have something to discuss with your boss, so avoid it."

Everyone looked at each other and didn't move.

Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows, "Do you prefer my husband's way of throwing? If that's the case, I can only fulfill you!"

Everyone turned pale, even the night could not hide it!

The boss was still a character, and when he saw this, he waved his hand. "You guys step back."

Everyone hurried away after hearing this, but not too far, but such a distance is enough!

"I provoked you first, you beat me up, I was seriously injured, and I didn't care about it. I didn't find you to seek revenge, so what are you doing again?" Han Tingxuan Smiling at the person in front of him.

The person's body was a little stiff. After a long time, he said, "Look for a little money to spend."

Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows, it turned out that he opened a grocery store!

Nodded, Han Tingxuan pointed to the husband next to him, "With my husband here, do you still want to spend some money?" The other party immediately shook his head, gritted his teeth and said: "I have eyes and no beads."

Han Tingxuan smiled upon hearing this. "Everyone likes small money or something, we actually don't have any feuds, why don't we...cooperate?"

The other party was suspicious immediately. "Cooperation? What is cooperation?"

Han Tingxuan said, "I don't know what your name is yet!"

The other party fell silent and said: "Wang Weichao."

"Okay, Wang Weichao, the cooperation I said is also very simple, that is..." Han Tingxuan approached the other party slightly and said his requirements and plans in the other's ears.

Wang Weichao was a little stunned after listening.

Han Tingxuan smiled. "You don't need to reply to me right away, so let's give you two days to think about it. You also know where my shop is. If you decide to cooperate, then go to my shop to find me in two days. If you don't want to have a relationship with me Relationship, then you don’t have to show up, and today’s things will be treated as if nothing happened before, how?"

"…it is good!"

After getting the answer, Han Tingxuan didn't stay too much, and went on to Murakami with Mo Yanzhi.

Mo Yanzhi looked at Han Tingxuan very puzzled. "Husband...Why do you want to tell him that?"

"Haha." Han Tingxuan smiled. "In other words, the little gangsters in the city, although they look down on people, but tell you, they actually know no less than some big officials!"

Mo Yanzhi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said: "Yes, and they know some news that others won't pay attention to, right?"

"That's right!" Han Tingxuan shook Fu Lang's hand rewardingly, and found that his hand was cold, but the opponent's hand was very hot. "This... is internal strength? Your hands are so hot and comfortable."

"Yeah." Mo Yanzhi nodded. "Do you want to learn?"

Han Tingxuan was surprised when he heard the words, "I can still learn? Isn't this something easy to learn from a young age?"

Mo Yanzhi was a little funny when he heard this, but in fact he really curled up his mouth. "No, although you will learn better when you are a child, it doesn't mean that you won't be able to learn as an adult. It's just internal strength. As long as you persist, you can learn!" Suddenly, Han Tingxuan became excited. "Really? Well, in other words, you teach me!"

Flying to the sky or something... It's exciting to think about it! Although this is an exaggeration, it is also good to fly over the walls! This is what he pursued in ancient times as a modern man!

Looking at Han Tingxuan's happy appearance, Mo Yanzhi was a little puzzled, but the other party's joy obviously also infected him, and the two of them carried the sacks...and went back on the road.

Of course, what is in the sack is a Quyuan Plow!

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