My Tough Husband

Chapter 208: Discover the trace of treasure

When Han Tingxuan woke up the next day, Mo Yanzhi hadn't woken up yet.

Han Tingxuan turned his head and looked at his husband's sleeping face, peaceful and peaceful. He couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed the other's lips... Mo Yanzhi opened his eyes. "Husband..."

Han Tingxuan smiled and kissed the other's eyelids, "Are you awake?"

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "Well, I woke up."

Han Tingxuan's fingers gently stroked the opponent's face. "The skin is so good."

Mo Yanzhi turned his eyes to look at the other party, "Huh?"

Han Tingxuan took the opponent's hand and let the opponent touch it by himself. "Is it good to touch it yourself?"

"I think the husband is very good." Mo Yanzhi said seriously.

"Ha." Han Tingxuan smiled. "You actually said that your husband is good?"

"Isn't it?" Mo Yanzhi smiled and sat up from the bed, "Is my husband hungry?"

"Well, I miss the fruit." Han Tingxuan smiled, then thought of something, and said: "By the way, I found a medicine stone. Is that a good thing?"

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "It is indeed a good thing, where is it?"

Han Tingxuan talked about his alliance with Yun Yuan, focusing on Yun Yuan's identity.

Mo Yanzhi smiled faintly after listening. "So, the medicine stone belongs to Yun Yuan?"

"Well, yes, the medicine stone is on Yanhu Mountain... By the way, how many people are still on Yanhu Mountain?"

Mo Yanzhi said, "I haven't paid attention to that since I came back, so let's find someone to ask."

Han Tingxuan nodded. The two got up. Although Mo Yanzhi's stomach was more than seven months old, his skills were neat and he was not cumbersome to walk at all.

After Mo Yanzhi got up, he even put on a coat for Han Tingxuan. Han Tingxuan stopped, and Mo Yanzhi smiled and said, "This is what husband Lang should do."

Seeing how serious the other party was saying, Han Tingxuan didn't say anything.

After finishing the order, the two did not go out, and directly invited Yingyi.

Ying Yijiang has said everything. The Imperial Guard and some shadow guards are now hunting down Yun Yuan and others. No, to be precise, they are hunting down Wu Qiankun and others.

The entire Yucheng has almost turned into a military base, all exits are set up with checkpoints, and there are martial arts masters here. I said earlier that the elders of the two factions of the Quicksand Sword Sect and the Northern Cloud Sect went to Yanhu Mountain.

There, a total of six people went there, but they lost half of them.

Only one elder of the Northern Cloud Sect left alive, but now it was not in the Northern Cloud Sect but was locked up by Sun Yao's army!

And resist? OK, as long as they can have this ability!

This time the court’s soldiers and horses are dispatched, martial arts? Then you have to stay aside, otherwise, the opponent is the army!

Therefore, the Quicksand Sword Sect and the Northern Cloud Sect can only find the martial arts leader in Yucheng...

Not to mention there, Sun Yao almost flattened the entire Yanhu Mountain with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

All the hidden organs and secret passages were found out.

However, apart from the gray-clothed people who died, no one else had hair.

The "bronze mirror monitor" was also removed, and this principle was just that no one had thought of before, but it was okay to follow the same pattern.

It's just that a few rare materials are used in it, which is destined to be non-productive.

But it is still possible to follow suit at a critical time.

And all of Yun Yuan's "collections" were also brought back, including the medicine stone, which is now Shen Fangde's body. Contribute to Mo Yanzhi's fetal maintenance and Han Tingxuan's physical recuperation.

After reporting the incident one by one, Han Tingxuan waved his hand to let Ying Yi go out.

Mo Yanzhi went to get the fruit, Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi ate two fruit with warm water.

Subsequently, Mo Yanzhidao. "Husband, let's get another medicine over the neck."

Han Tingxuan nodded. When washing his face, Mo Yanzhi carefully wiped off the residual powder from yesterday, and then applied the new golden sore medicine, which is good. After applying it, the pain is naturally unavoidable. However, it is a little bit like this. The little pain, Han Tingxuan can still bear.

Han Tingxuan said nothing, but Mo Yanzhi couldn't help asking, "Does it hurt?"

Han Tingxuan smiled and shook his head when he heard the words. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt."

Mo Yanzhi didn't say anything more, just called the Shadow Guard to send the porridge.

Soon, the breakfast was delivered. There were preserved eggs and lean meat and chicken shredded meat porridge. It is impossible to eat preserved eggs, but the chicken shreds. If you eat these two kinds of porridge, naturally, Han Tingxuan made it. If so, there is no preserved egg here at all! Han Tingxuan's hot breakfast is very comfortable. After all, it is winter now. The hot breakfast in the morning is naturally comfortable.

After Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi finished eating, the Shadow Guards removed all the bowls and chopsticks.

And for the next few days, Han Tingxuan spent his life as a pig.

Eat and sleep, sleep and eat, at most it is a walk, and other things are not dealt with. Isn't this a pig's day? However, in order to calm Fu Lang's anger, and to prevent Mo Yanzhi from worrying, he still did the pig's daily life with due diligence...

In the past few days, Yucheng has changed its color.

There is actually an underpass on Yanhu Mountain, which actually leads directly to Suzhou.

However, the passage is not fully accessible, and in some places it is necessary to use internal force to blast away the soil.

That passage was the back road Wu Qiankun left for himself on Yanhu Mountain, so this time, when tens of thousands of soldiers were surrounding the mountain, he went out from that back road.

It's also because of the existence of this channel that you didn't even face up with people outside.

At the same time, it was also because of the existence of this passage that only he knew, so, in fact, Wu Qiankun did not leave immediately, but kept hiding in the dark.

I also saw the confrontation between Yun Yuan and Tian Yusu.

I also saw Yun Yuan's threat to Han Tingxuan and the threat to those shadow guards.

And this look... Wu Qiankun still recognized Yun Yuan's abilities.

After that, Wu Qiankun left...

And this passage, led by Sun Yao from Soushan, made people discover...

However, Wu Qiankun was also ruthless. He had long thought that the passage here would be exposed, so after he left, he directly smashed some dirt walls with his fists.

Those earth walls naturally blocked the passage, not that latecomers could not be found, but it took time.

With the accumulation of these hours, Wu Qiankun hadn't gone out early?

However, even though Wu Qiankun escaped, the forces he stayed here are unlucky!

Wu Qiankun appeared here, even taking Yanhushan as a stronghold, naturally he was not alone here.

Yun Yuan and the others are examples.

Hidden in Yucheng City, I don’t know where it is. But the hidden ones are almost pulled out.

Except... Yun Yuan those few who escaped do not know where they are hiding!

In addition to Yun Yuan and the others, several martial arts schools here have been hit to varying degrees.

Especially the two factions of the Quicksand Sword Sect and the Northern Cloud Sect were the hardest hit.

And under the strong blow of the imperial court, the two factions also shrank, and even, no one went out these days!

And the people of these two factions did not go to the Wulin League to "snoop" any more news.

This time, the emperor was furious and sent an army directly. How many people are there in a school? It's only one or two hundred if it's dead, right? This may be considered as the outer court, but how many soldiers and horses does the court have? Tens of thousands!

There are tens of thousands of people staying here!

To a certain extent, the court will not interfere much in the development of the arena. The premise is that the court can't provoke the court, but this time, the prince Chen is involved in the arena.

Therefore, the emperor's anger, the result of the emperor's anger is... some martial arts schools have been cleaned up.

And, still take the two biggest surgery directly!

Who told them to be unlucky just now when Wang Chen's husband was missing, they sent someone to Yanhushan? The cats and puppies were not sent, but the elders of the school! Three were dispatched at once!

If you send a cat or puppy, you can put the blame on others, and you can even say that you don't know, but the elder sent is... can you escape?

What's more, the elders were all in Yanhushan at that time, and it happened that Wangfu Chen was also there... Isn't this stabbing a hornet's nest?

Therefore, for the Quicksand Sword Sect and the Northern Cloud Sect, which have been suppressing many small sects, most people take the attitude of gloating.

And there are so many people in Yucheng!

The treasure appeared in Jade City, and many martial arts people were gearing up, but now...many people are a little bit restrained.

A few days later, this treasure had news again.

It is said that a few single knights temporarily formed a small gang, and this small gang found a clue in a pear garden in the east of Yucheng.

It is said that they were only going to compare swords in the Pear Garden at that time. The place there was relatively spacious. Although there was a "garden", there was no owner and it was a land without a master.

Therefore, those six talents went to Pear Garden.

During the competition, they cut down a pear tree and found something under the tree.

Then one of them missed the organ and almost died, and only two words were found above that organ.

"Feiteng." Feiteng turned out to be the name of that school! That's right, the school at the time was called Feiteng!

The six are overjoyed, so they need to research institutions, and it is best to have a treasure.

But I didn't think that the institutions here are very powerful.

In the end, all six people were injured.

And there are already many people from the rivers and lakes here, so the movement here was discovered by others. Therefore, the more people from the rivers and lakes here, this place is no longer a secret...

As a result, the news of the birth of the treasure spread all over Yucheng, and many people from the rivers and lakes went there...

Everyone hopes that he is the lucky one!

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