My Tough Husband

Chapter 240: Royal Driving

After staying with Old Man Xuantian for two days, Mo Yanzhi read many notes left by Old Man Xuantian, but he didn't find anything useful.

Mo Yanzhi took some books about the governance of the world and sent them to the palace.

For the time being, it was first handed over to Tian Yusu's hands.

Tian Yusu frowned when he was holding those books. What did Mo Yanzhi do for him with these things?

Yes, the current emperor is Mo Yanzhi...

Every time he thinks of this, Tian Yusu's mood is very complicated.

The most important thing is that Mo Yanzhi's changes are really too big...

In the next few days, Mo Yanzhi took Han Tingxuan to the south and returned slowly. He stopped at some places with excellent scenery along the way. He didn't do anything, just took Han Tingxuan to lie down by the stream. Lie down, stay on the green hills, sit by the lake.

At the same time, there were two very mighty tigers who followed with each other.

Every day, Mo Yanzhi gives Han Tingxuan a good massage.

Every day, Mo Yanzhi would walk many places with Han Tingxuan on his back.

Every day, Mo Yanzhi would treat Han Tingxuan very thoughtfully.

So, a few days later, they returned to the imperial palace, the alliance between the Moon Dynasty and the Heavenly Dynasty had been carried out, the army of the Moon Dynasty had already set off for the border, and their Heavenly Dynasty, they would also leave tomorrow.

This time, the emperor Mo Yanzhi wants to be conquered by himself!

The officials are naturally opposed, but is it useful? Of course it is useless!

What's more, the current officials are very afraid of Mo Yanzhi, even if they are admonishment, they don't dare to go too far.

In the past, there were still admonishers. When Mo Yanzhi wanted to take Han Tingxuan to the palace, Mo Yanzhi had only one action, which was to fulfill the other party.

In the end, the remonstrative minister became a real remonstrance and lost his life.

Since then, those who cherish life will basically not be admonished.

Even some people who liked admonition before, now they don't like it... There is only one life, so whoever wants to lose it!

Therefore, the matter of Mo Yanzhi's imperial conquest is already fixed.

In the middle of the night, Han broke into the palace. Naturally, no matter how high Han's martial arts is, the imperial palace is not Han's residence.

What's more, Han's purpose is not to not be discovered!

Therefore, the news of Han Chuang Palace was reported to Mo Yanzhi by the shadow guard. At this time, Mo Yanzhi was staying with Han Tingxuan in his bedroom.

In addition, there is their son Dandan.

The little guy is almost five months old, and he can already crawl now. He can climb a little bit farther with his calf kick, and he is very energetic.

He hadn't seen Han Tingxuan for a long time, because Mo Yanzhi refused. What he didn't want his son to see was a father who could not speak and play with him.

It's just that he will set off with Han Tingxuan tomorrow, so he took the child over and put it on the bed.

Although the little guy hasn’t seen his father for a long time, he obviously didn’t forget that Mo Yanzhi was placed next to Han Tingxuan. The little guy went to Han Tingxuan and waved his face. The appearance of his teeth and claws was very cute, but, There was no smile on Mo Yanzhi's face.

The little guy's nails were a bit long, and I didn't know the severity of the scratches on Han Tingxuan's face, and a blood stain appeared.

Mo Yanzhi's expression became cold, and after grabbing the child, he spanked the other side's ass. Some strength.

The little guy had a pain, and immediately started crying.

Mo Yanzhi said coldly: "Shut up!"

Jomo's momentum was too strong, the child was frightened, and immediately stopped crying, but the tears were in his eyes, and the little appearance was very wronged and coldly said. "No one can hurt him, including you."

The little guy was a little trembling when he was frightened, Mo Yanzhi gave the little guy a fixed look, and said lightly: "Come here."

Soon, Ying Yi came in.

"Take the prince down and rest earlier."

"Yes!" Yingyi took the child and went out in response.

When he got outside, the little guy squashed his mouth and started crying again. It was very pitiful. Yingyi sighed and patted the child softly. The child was soothed and finally stopped crying.

Kageichi handed the little guy over to Niu Ma Ma's hands. return.

"The emperor, Han Chuang Palace."

Mo Yanzhi glanced at Han Tingxuan, and after a long time, finally said lightly: "Take it to the side hall."

"Yes!" Ying Yi took his orders and left.

Han was brought by the shadow guard, "Big Brother Yan." Han didn't kneel down, didn't salute, just called out.

Mo Yanzhi paused for a while, and finally looked at Han, and said lightly: "What are you doing?"

Han said: "I'll come to see Big Brother."

Mo Yanzhi glanced at each other. "Come with me."

Bringing Han to the bedroom, Han looked at Han Tingxuan on the bed and pulled the other party's wrist. After checking the pulse, the other party fell silent.

The eldest brother has no toxins in his body, so his blood will only be highly poisonous.

Putting down Han Tingxuan's hand, he said coldly: "The Quicksand Sword Sect has been uprooted, and the other Northern Cloud Sect has almost ceased to exist. A bottle of medicinal pill was found during the house search. It might be useful."

As Han said, he took out a bottle of pill.

Mo Yanzhi glanced, and said lightly: "No need."

Han opened his mouth and said, "Try it, what if it works?"

Mo Yanzhi sneered. "These days, many miraculous medicines in the palace have been taken by the husband."

Han does not give up. "Maybe it can be done?"

Looking at the persistent cold, Mo Yanzhi said lightly: "Then stay. I will let the imperial physician check the ingredients. If it is non-toxic, let the husband take it."

"Good." Han breathed a sigh of relief. Then he said: "Tomorrow I will go with you."

Mo Yanzhi said indifferently, "No, you can stay here with Uncle Qi."


"No." Mo Yanzhi's voice became cold.

Han lowered his head. "I see... Big Brother, Big Brother will wake up, surely."

Mo Yanzhi's expression slightly softened by two points. "Well, you go."

Han finally said nothing, and left...

After refreshing, Mo Yanzhi went to bed, hugged Han Tingxuan, feeling the slight warmth from the opponent, and fell asleep... The next day, the 300,000 army was pulled out, although the emperor was there, but the speed of advancement Not slow at all!

Han Tingxuan was placed in the emperor's luxury carriage early.

It's just that, for the "sniper rifle", or there may be some long-range bomb attack, so there are a total of seven such luxury carriages.

Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan were in one of them.

Those seven carriages were driven by shadow guards. If there is a "long-range bomb", they can also respond and separate the bombs.

Therefore, these seven people are all powerful masters in the shadow guard.

It is Ying San who is in charge of Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan.

Although the emperor was among them, the general responsible was Nangong Jue's younger brother Nangong Xiao.

Nangong laughed thirty-three this year, but she was also mature and stable. Above the military strategy, you can get the true biography of the old general of Nangong.

Nangong Xiao was responsible for all relevant matters, and Mo Yanzhi never got out of a carriage from start to finish.

There are actually people in the seven carriages, all shadow guards.

Among these 300,000 people, there are a few more familiar people.

Yang Shuo and Yue Youbai were among them, and Yang Shuo was still a centurion.

Obviously, Yang Shuo chose to join the army in addition to his status as the emperor merchant. For the sake of Yue Youbai, even in terms of identity, he wanted to stand at a height comparable to the opponent.

For this, Yue Youbai is supportive.

On this day when Han Tingxuan was in a coma for a month and a half, 300,000 troops arrived at the border.

After the emperor settled down, Han Tingxuan was also placed in the emperor’s camp.

However, there are also seven places in the barracks for the emperor’s camp.

No one knows where the emperor will stay today, except for the shadow guard who is close to him, and this is naturally for the sake of safety.

There are five shadow guards around Han Tingxuan at any time, and a total of ten people work in twelve hour platoons.

After the emperor arrives, he naturally can't just be in the camp, it is still necessary to appear in the generals appropriately.

Mo Yanzhi didn't know much about marching and fighting, so he didn't interrupt.

General Nangong and General Zheng are in charge. Although they are both over sixty years old, Jiang is very hot. These two have been in the army for decades and have to attack the Jin Dynasty. Rely on them.

Although the Moon Dynasty is in alliance with the Tian Dynasty, the armies on the two sides are naturally not in one place.

They are responsible for attacking the Jin Dynasty from left to right, and it is bound to destroy the Jin Dynasty!

The figure returned from the tent of the General Council, and Mo Yanzhi quietly came to one of the emperor’s tents under the leadership of the shadow guard.

Han Tingxuan was still in a coma. Fortunately, it was not winter now. Although the temperature at the border gate was a little colder than that in Tiancheng, it was not cold to sleep at night.

"Have Chen Wangfu eaten dinner?" Mo Yanzhi asked Yingyi lightly.

Ying Yi immediately said, "Subordinates have fed it."

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "Fetching water, I want to wipe off Wang Chen's husband."


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