My Tough Husband

Chapter 43: Don't forget your duty!

Mo Yanzhi listened to Liu Lianlian's words, his expression became more and more indifferent.

Liu Cai was married to Mo Guangning a few months later after his father who adopted Mo Yanzhi passed away. In fact, at that time, Liu Cai was already two months pregnant.

Seven months after entering the door, Liu Cai gave birth to a kid named Mo Beizhi. She gave birth to her brother Liu Lianlian the following year.

In terms of age, Liu Lianlian is actually three years younger than Mo Yanzhi.

However, the big family pay attention to the elder brother and the elder brother. The elder brother said that marriage is better than the second elder brother, and the husband’s family also cares a lot, because this represents the concern in the brother’s family.

Mo Yanzhi was only an adopted son, and Liu Cai naturally couldn't let him occupy the status of a brother-in-law. But Mo Yanzhi's age was there again. Finally, Liu Cai thought of a way. That is, the status of elder brother must belong to his biological son Liu Lianlian. Mo Yanzhi is an adopted son and has to "respect daddy" for the decision. Although he is old, he is not much bigger. Ranked behind Liu Lianlian on the genealogy.

This situation is not uncommon in many large households, but it is really not many. The Mo family is not a big family, but it can't suppress Liu Cai's "follow the trend."

Liu Lianlian grew up under the guidance of Liu Cai, and her scheming is sometimes a bit more important than Liu Cai. When he was a child, he saw that Mo Yanzhi was particularly unpleasant, because the other party was an adopted son, but he was obviously the eldest brother, but he was abruptly overtaken by his own latecomers. So seeing people always call them "younger brother" and "younger brother", because it is naturally humiliating.

Of course, Liu Lianlian is not actually called "brother", because she got into trouble when she was a child, and she needed Mo Yan to top the tank, or she would call her "brother" in order to appear "helpless", "filial" and "gentle" in front of others.

It was because Liu Cai did such a thing without being said to him. At that time, Mo Guangning almost didn't agree to it for the sake of face. But Liu Cai finally got it done. On the genealogy, Liu Lianlian's name is before Mo Yanzhi!

Because of this, Liu Cai's reputation is not very good. Many people say that he is fierce and domineering.

Sometimes, Liu Lianlian and Mo Yanzhi would deliberately call him "brother" when they were outside. Of course, someone who knew the situation of their family was there when they called him. In this way, it seemed that Liu Lianlian was sensible, although for the sake of Father "filial piety" recognized the name of this "brother", but when he was away, he still respected the adopted brother of Mo Yanzhi.

After going back and forth, Liu Lianlian's reputation is much better than Liu Cai!

In this way, there are really many people who tell Liu Lianlian about their relatives, especially after Mo Yanzhi gets married! Which family is not the first elder brother to marry first, unless the elder brother and the second brother of a big family are at least seven or eight years old. But Liu Lianlian and Mo Yanzhi are only three years old, and Liu Cai is also fifteen this year, so you can say that they are kissing.

Generally, shouldn't it be Mo Yanzhi's turn after Liu Lianlian is married? After all, the names are all there.

However, the Mo family was stunned that Mo Yanzhi was married. Although it was rather shabby to say that he was married, he was married in front of Liu Lianlian!

It is said that Liu Lianlian contributed to Mo Yanzhi's marriage. Because Liu Cai did not agree, she asked for a dozen or so betrothal gifts at first, but Liu Lianlian felt very sorry for this "brother", so she turned the betrothal silver into a couple of couples, and the Han family took it out, and Mo Yanzhi was only married. Past.

In this way, Liu Lianlian's reputation will be even better! What a nice guy, gentle, sensible, virtuous, don't you hurry up to send someone to talk to him? There are kids of marriageable age in the family, and many of them are dispatched.

And the truth of the matter? The betrothal gift Liu Cai asked for was indeed twelve taels. But Han Tingxuan's father and daddy fancy Mo Yanzhi because the other party is dull and good at work. Their baby boy can't lift his shoulders and can't pick them, and they want to find a husband who can do it.

However, if the husband Lang is too expensive, they are also unwilling!

Ten taels of silver, even ten taels of silver from a wealthy family is almost the same! What's more, Mo Yanzhi has no dowry at all!

Finally, Yinzi talked about three or two, and Liu Caihui agreed that it was because of Liu Lianlian's persuasion.

Thinking of benefiting her brother's reputation, Liu Cai nodded and agreed!

Today, Liu Lianlian and Liu Cai came here, of course, with the purpose of "handling" Mo Yanzhi.

What kind of person is Mo Yanzhi? In the Mo family, they are basically transparent. Can they beat and scold anyone at will? Why was it so tough last time? Isn't there a "husband" backing it up? It must be instigated by Han Tingxuan! This is the decision made by Liu Lianlian and Liu Cai after discussion.

And today, they just took a look! By the way, let Mo Yanzhi not forget his "duty!"

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