My Tough Husband

Chapter 64: Ghostly Han Tingxuan

After breakfast, after listening to Ying Si’s report, Han Tingxuan realized that both he and Fu Lang had been "corrected"!

However, this also means that trouble is coming soon.

Sure enough, a guard at home came to report that there were some "hanging out" people near the door, and seeing that the purpose was not simple, someone even came to the door and asked about the situation at home.

Posing his lips, Han Tingxuan said, "Don't worry about it. Just keep the door safe. If someone rushes management reason, just throw it out."

The guard got the order and went down.

Han Tingxuan called Lu Tian, ​​the chief guard at home, and gave two more instructions, and the other party took the order.

Mo Yanzhi looked at Han Tingxuan. "Husband, what am I going to do?"

Han Tingxuan thought for a while, and said: "In the past few days, you should not go out first. Your name has not been completely determined. After you enter the palace, you can go out. Even if someone does it, you have to think about the consequences. "

"Yeah." Mo Yanzhi nodded.

At this time, the outside housekeeper Qi came over, with joy on his face. "Master, madam, are there two in the palace, saying that they are going to make clothes for the lady."

Han Tingxuan immediately understood, it is estimated that the days of the face saint will be two days ago, and nodded. "Let's go together."

The two Moya had been taken to the large living room meeting the guests. After Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan entered, the two Moya immediately knelt down.

"Meet His Royal Highness Chen Wang, Chen Wang Wangfu."

Chen Wangfu...Han Tingxuan's mouth twitched slightly. The title of His Royal Highness King Chen sounds pretty good. But Wang Hu...It's really not that he wanted to be crooked, the first thing he thought of was his dead husband...

"Cough cough." Han Tingxuan coughed. After "Master", he was once again called Lei Dao.

"You two, please get up."

It's the old man in the palace. He is a person who has served the first emperor and the first empress. At this time, he doesn't get entangled. After Han Tingxuan let him go, he became generous.

After explaining the intention, it is time to measure the body.

It can be seen that the two of them are closer to Mo Yanzhi, and they both speak softly. It seems that Mo Yanzhi is afraid of frightening Mo Yan. His expression is always cold. Han Tingxuan found out that this husband seems to have had facial paralysis since childhood? Except for myself, there are more expressions, even for the old man Haishan and Tian Yuexi, they all have a cold face...

It's not that Mo Yanzhi doesn't care about them, but that it is difficult for other people to cause his mood swings...

Well, maybe he should be honored? My husband is the most special to myself... I really should be honored and happy!

Indifference also has the benefits of indifference. Mo Yanzhi's status is different now, and he doesn't need to be enthusiastic about anyone anymore, just wait for someone to flatter him. Coldness is also a kind of momentum! It's not to be underestimated!

After measuring the size, Han Tingxuan kept the two of them and drank a cup of tea. When the cup was about to be refilled, he said goodbye to the convenience and wanted to return to the palace.

Han Tingxuan did not keep anyone.

After the person left, Han Tingxuan said, "In other words, I'll go out for a while. Look at the house. If you need any rectification, you can do it yourself."

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "it is good."

Han Tingxuan went out and went directly to Weizilou.

Seeing this restaurant that I designed by myself has turned into reality from blueprints, let alone, the sense of accomplishment is really strong.

The first floor of Weizi Tower is almost overcrowded. Fortunately, you have to go up to the second or third floor. Apart from the characteristic semi-circular staircase, there are other options.

You know, some "big people" may not like crowded people.

Therefore, at the back of the restaurant, there is actually another staircase, wood-colored, but also semi-circular, which is very different from the long strips in all the restaurants here.

And only "regular customers" will be told that there is a passage behind them.

Those who come and go, even if some people want to show off, they will lead people from behind to avoid the "untouchables" in front, so as to set off their nobleness.

Of course, there are also some people who have raised the second floor specifically to show off that they can consume, or are qualified to go to the third floor, deliberately let the servants clear the way and swagger up to the white stone stairs.

When Han Tingxuan went there, he just saw two upstarts let his subordinates "open the way." Then he enjoyed the attitude of the stars Gongyue and went upstairs, and then got the envy of other people on the first floor and so on... Complacent.

For such "upstarts", Han Tingxuan has already instructed the steward here to be ruthless! Squeeze their money out, and at the same time, flatter and please, so as to get some information.

You know, such nouveau riche or brother-in-law are actually very favorites in the family. Such a child, who is being raised, is not too scheming and is easier to approach. But because of their status, they will certainly not be restricted at home. As a result, they are very likely to know some "secrets."

These secrets are kept from outsiders at home...

Weizilou is responsible for the people approaching them. The goal is to paralyze their brains through flattery as much as possible, so as to "speak truth after drinking."

The six words he replied to Tian Yuexi: popular sentiment, intelligence, and trend.

Minxin means that on the first floor, because it is the most popular, ordinary people must come. What these people think is the easiest to know when they gather together, and they can also see it.

More and more people gather on the first floor, then, to a certain extent, Weizilou can become their "first". For example, Han Tingxuan came here today to let "His Royal Highness Chen" have been found. Back, rectification of the name, this news spread among the people. Here, the first floor represents the private sector.

Modern people know that the common people are the foundation of society. How many imperial courts were overthrown by the "untouchables" in the eyes of the nobles!

History can tell you what lessons the masses will be underestimated!

As for Han Tingxuan, since he already knew this "historical lesson." Then, of course these mistakes would not be made again!

In the future, His Royal Highness Chen Wang will surely have a good reputation among the people! He promised!

In addition, the first floor has another important role, that is, the driving force of change!

Above the court, the decision of the emperor may not be fully carried out by the minister. But what if it spread among the people first? What if the people all agree?

The difficulty of change... will definitely be greatly reduced, right? Especially, after having the benefits of Quyuan Plow!

Therefore, the third and first floor of Weizi Tower are very important!

And the second word, intelligence.

This shallow understanding is just to know which wealthy households and nobles have eaten here, what they consume, and who they bring. Or, a little deeper, that's what was said. These are all intelligence. But it is the most basic information.

But what about deeper? That is to get close to the target and discover the secret! But this link needs to develop slowly.

The secrets of some young masters may be easy to know, but the intelligence of some big people is not so easy to get. But as the saying goes, you are not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs!

The person in charge of intelligence only needs to find the pig teammates next to his **** opponent! Find the pig teammate who will harm the opponent of the gods, and all kinds of close, then, the opponent of the gods that is not easy to deal with will not be an opponent!

However, this is a long-term development. For the time being, here is not yet able to provide their own too advantageous convenience.

And the third floor, the trend.

Since it is not a problem to have money on the first floor and the second floor, you can get there with a little power. So, what about the third floor?

Not too rich, not too powerful to get on! So, is your heart itchy?

First floor, second floor, third floor, which floor do you want to go to the most? This is a trend!

Those on the third floor can be used. Let them get fascinated by the third floor, and let the third floor keep changing, so that those who go to the third floor can become talks on the first floor, and then they can be used by Weizilou!

The third floor returns to the first floor, what is it called?

Of course, the biggest reuse of the third floor is not here... but it will take longer to implement. Although Han Tingxuan was anxious, he knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu if he was anxious.

Want revenge, especially for Tian Yusu who has been the regent for so many years... That needs to be planned well, let alone be impatient!

Otherwise, even if his plan can be achieved, he will eventually fail because of his eagerness!

When he arrived on the first floor, Han Tingxuan did not let the people inside to "pick it up."

Instead, he was hiding in the crowd, listening to the crowd talking about Weizilou. Finally came to a conclusion.

To sum it up: This is a really good place! Be able to come here to save face! Next time I come here, I want to show off who I want to show off... Finally, Han Tingxuan glanced at some of the people in front of the sand screen, hooked up the corners of his mouth, and decided to find the steward here to implement his plan...

Weizilou has two supervisors, dealing with all disputes on the surface and managing the money chong of Weizilou. This person, and Qian Rongying are actually cousins!

There is another person who is in charge of the treasurer in the dark, and this person is responsible for more things. All Han Tingxuan plans to implement in Weizilou are looking for him. The opponent is a small kid, the same age as Han Tingxuan, named Yang Shuo. And this person was sent by Tian Yuexi himself, and said to Han Tingxuan: completely trustworthy.

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