My Tough Husband

Chapter 66: Buns infested

What Han Tingxuan bought were indeed small gadgets, a suitcase and two stones, but this stone was a bit special. It looked like glass inside, and it was also glowing with lavender brilliance. It is good for viewing and playing, and it feels slippery. Slippery, not bad.

There is also a pair of things similar to cufflinks, but they are more sophisticated and the colors are also nice.

Mo Yanzhi hooked his mouth while playing with the stone. "Well, thank you husband, I like it very much."

"Ha, just like it." Han Tingxuan was happy when Mo Yanzhi said he liked it.

"In other words, I'll lie down on the bed for a while and think about something." The design of the brothel passed through in my mind.

"Good." Mo Yanzhi nodded immediately. "Husband, go ahead."

Mo Yanzhi hung the bag around his waist, with small stones and cufflinks inside.

When it got dark, Qi Fengyuan came over and knocked on Mo Yanzhi's door. Mo Yanzhi's brows suddenly wrinkled. He quickly looked at Han Tingxuan and saw that the person had opened his eyes.

Mo Yanzhi quickly said, "Husband, did you wake you up?"

Han Tingxuan waved his hand, "It's okay, it's time to get up."

With that said, Han Tingxuan got up from the bed, Mo Yanzhi did not go to look after Qi Fengyuan outside the door, but waited for Han Tingxuan to put on his coat.

"Come in." Han Tingxuan said after finishing his clothes.

Qi Fengyuan opened the door and walked in, "Master, madam, there are guests coming."

There was a hint of joy on Qi Fengyuan's face, and Mo Yanzhi glanced at the other person faintly, "Steward Qi, in the future, it is not a particularly urgent matter. Don't bother you when your husband is resting."

Qi Fengyuan paused slightly, and then quickly lowered his head. "Yes, it was the fault of the old slave."

Han Tingxuan also paused slightly. He did not expect that Mo Yanzhi would "motivate" Qi Fengyuan. However, Mo Yanzhi was half the master of this family, and also the noble King Chen. Since he decided to follow the rules, then Han Tingxuan is naturally impossible to stop.

Moreover, such a husband shouldn't be too domineering...

But... it's still very important to do both kindness and prestige. So after Qi Fengyuan bowed his head and admitted his mistake, Han Tingxuan smiled and took Mo Yanzhi's hand. "In other words, I think it's the eldest brother who came here, but Steward Qi didn't want to wait for the eldest brother, so he came. Let's go, let's meet the eldest brother."

Qi Fengyuan raised his head fiercely. He didn't say who was here. He just said that it was a distinguished guest. Your lord, his lord immediately guessed that it was the emperor, and he used the title of eldest brother. Be particular.

There is no rule for courtiers to wait for emperors, this is a sin. The crime of gross disrespect.

However, if the eldest brother asks the younger brother to wait, then there is nothing...

At this moment, Qi Fengyuan truly admired Han Tingxuan and regarded him as his future master, rather than simply the husband of His Royal Highness Chen Wang.

Qi Fengyuan also discovered that he had underestimated His Royal Highness Chen Wang. His Royal Highness Chen Wang is indeed his Royal Highness. Even though he was not born in the emperor's family since he was a child, he is well-educated, cold and strong, and will not be easily taken by others. And he has his own ideas, and no one can object to it.

Secretly took a deep breath in my heart, Qi Fengyuan calmed his mind, and decided that he would no longer be so reckless in the future...He couldn't let His Royal Highness Chen and his master have a bad impression of him! Otherwise, he too failed to be a man!

"Is the big brother here?" Mo Yanzhi was stunned and looked at Han Tingxuan.

Han Tingxuan smiled. "It should be like this." Then, Han Tingxuan turned to Qi Fengyuan. "Really? Steward Qi."

"Yes." Qi Fengyuan said respectfully immediately.

"Where is Big Brother?" Han Tingxuan asked, but his attitude was somewhat casual.

Qi Fengyuan didn't dare to be casual at all, and quickly said, "In the guest room."

Han Tingxuan nodded, and then took Mo Yanzhi's hand to go out. Steward Qi was about to follow, but Han Tingxuan waved her hand, "Go and prepare dinner, Steward Qi, and take it to the inner room."

Steward Qi had a meal and quickly bowed his head and said, "Okay, the old slave will prepare now."

"Haha, housekeeper Qi, don't be too polite. In your own house, you can talk about old slaves, just match me." Han Tingxuan smiled.


"This is an order." Han Tingxuan said lightly.

Qi Fengyuan looked straight, and hurriedly said: "Okay, I know. I'm going to let people prepare."

"Well, I'll send it over in half an hour, no hurry." Han Tingxuan arrived again.

"it is good."

After that, Han Tingxuan took Mo Yanzhi out of the house first. This Han Mansion was really big, and it took ten minutes to walk from their bedroom to the guest meeting room.

Of course, this has something to do with Han Tingxuan's slow walking speed.

If Mo Yanzhi used his light effort to fly by, I am afraid it would be a matter of less than a minute.

Entering the inner room, I found that Tian Yuexi was not here alone. He also held a child in his hand, a small doll made of pink jade, at most two years old, and Tian Yuexi, Mo Yanzhi Five points alike. At a glance, he knew the identity of the other party, he was the current little prince, Tian Zhuoyou.

Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi were stunned when they saw the little baby.

Tian Yuexi didn't use a mask, her face was a little pale, but she passed, the same face as Mo Yanzhi with a slight smile.

"Han, in other words, this is my son, Zhuo You." Tian Yuexi said, and then patted the baby in her arms. "Zhuoyou, call people" The two-year-old's voice was crisp. "Have you seen Uncle Zhuo You? Have met Uncle Xuan."

Mo Yanzhi's mood was complicated when he heard this "Uncle?" Looking at this child who has five points similar to him, my heart is even more complicated.

If his child can be born safely, it will look like this...

Han Tingxuan glanced at Mo Yanzhi beside him, and squeezed the palm of the opponent's hand. Silent comfort.

Mo Yanzhi felt Han Tingxuan's movements and turned his head quickly. He was relieved when he saw Han Tingxuan smiling slightly, "Husband" Haha, your uncle is incompetent, your little nephew is calling you Too! "Han Tingxuan said with a smile.

Mo Yanzhi quickly turned to Tian Zhuoyou when he heard the words, and said, "Eh, what did you hear?"

Han Tingxuan smiled and walked towards Tian Yuexi. "Uncle Xuan didn't know that you were coming, so I didn't prepare a meeting ceremony for you. Let's do it, will you follow your uncle later? There are so many good things in his place. Go pick two, eh?"

The two-year-old kid didn't really understand what Han Tingxuan was saying. He could only understand what Han Tingxuan said. Knowing that Han Tingxuan was going to give him something, he said crisply: "Zuo You has a lot of things, no more."

"Ha." Han Tingxuan smiled as he listened to this childish speech. "Zuo You doesn't need to be polite with Uncle Xuan." Then, she opened her hand. "Come on, uncle Xuan, okay?"

Zhuo You glanced at Tian Yuexi, saw the other party smiling, and opened her small hand.

Then, Han Tingxuan hugged the child. "Ha, fortunately, Zhuo You is two years old. If he is a little bit small, Uncle Xuan would not dare to hold him."

While talking, Han Tingxuan gave the child an "airplane."

No one had ever played with him before. The child was startled at first, and then felt excited, giggled, and lost the rigorous little adult appearance at the beginning.

"Uncle Xuan can only fly so little, but your uncle can fly you so high." Han Tingxuan squeezed the child's cheek and said.

"Really?" The child lit up his eyes, let alone, the child's eyes are quite big, this is probably the same as the child's mother, oh, it should be daddy. Anyway, they are not very similar to Tian Yuexi.

"Of course it's true, your Uncle Xuan never lied." With that, Han Tingxuan threw the child directly at Mo Yanzhi!

That's right, just threw it over!

Han Tingxuan's actions shocked Mo Yanzhi and Tian Yuexi. Mo Yanzhi hurriedly picked up the person.

Tian Yuexi's face turned black. Gritted teeth. "Han Tingxuan, if it wasn't for me to make sure that you didn't want to murder my emperor, then someone would arrest you!"

Mo Yanzhi was also angry and funny. "Husband, the child is too young to be scared."

But the child thought Han Tingxuan was playing with him, and the smile on his face was a bit big. "Uncle?" He didn't recognize his birth so much, and looked at Mo Yanzhi's face very curiously. "Uncle, you look like your father!"

"Haha." Mo Yanzhi smiled. "Well, uncle, you are twins with your father, so they look alike."

"What is a twin?" The child didn't understand the term.

"It means being born together in Daddy's stomach together." Mo Yanzhi said.

The child blinked, "Then why does Zhuo You have no twins?"

"Um..." Mo Yanzhi was so poor, he could only look at Han Tingxuan for help.

Han Tingxuan laughed. "Because your father is not good. If your father is good, he can give you a younger brother who looks the same as you. What a pity, you can ask your father to settle the account."

Hearing this, the child looked at Tian Yuexi and shrank his neck. "Father is very powerful."

Tian Yuexi glanced at Han Tingxuan speechlessly, really didn't understand how so many weird thoughts were in this person's mind. The explanation for the child now is too!

Mo Yanzhi also smiled. "Zhuo You, your uncle Xuan is talking nonsense. Your father is very powerful, why would you take you to pick something you like?"

The child looked at Tian Yuexi again, and Tian Yuexi nodded. "Zhuo You, go with your uncle. Just ask what you like and ask your uncle to give it to you."

The child smiled brilliantly when he heard this. "Okay! Thank you Father, thank you Uncle!" The bright smile really made the sun pale...

Mo Yanzhi's eyes softened a lot, "Husband, eldest brother, then my child and I will go out first."

"Well, go ahead." Tian Yuexi nodded. Afterwards, Mo Yanzhi went out with the baby in his arms.

Han Tingxuan looked at Tian Yuexi and said, "Big brother, did you have your son so cute when you were a kid?"

Tian Yuexi turned black immediately. What is it that he had his son so likable when he was a child? This way of questioning... why are you so indifferent!

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