My Tough Husband

Chapter 69: Saving people and reasons

Mo Yanzhi heard what Han Tingxuan said, and hesitated: "Husband...Is it necessary?"

Han Tingxuan smiled and took Fu Lang's hand. "In other words, if the peddler is really a brother, but can't be seen by Shadow Seventeen, then we can be considered a strange man. There must be some way for the other party to do this, and this method... …Very useful to us."

Especially, in undercover, gathering intelligence, etc...

Having said that, Han Tingxuan also joked. "In other words, you look the same as your elder brother. If you master this technology, then you can become a elder brother, haha!"

Mo Yanzhi listened, rolled his eyes and looked at Han Tingxuan speechlessly. "Husband, what did I do when I became a big brother? You can't talk nonsense about this. It's a big crime when someone with a heart hears it."

"Haha, just kidding." Han Tingxuan said, "Let's follow up and have a look."

This time, Mo Yanzhi had no objection.

Han Tingxuan at this time would never have thought that one day, when they were forced to go to Liangshan, his jokes today would come true.

After such storms, he would personally send his husband to the throne of the highest emperor in the world. But there is no joy at all, some are just the anger of hatred, full of sadness.

This day has not yet arrived, so the current Han Tingxuan is just immersed in the joy of discovering strange people.

Then, Han Tingxuan chased after him.

When the hawker arrived at the house, a little more than two-year-old doll ran out immediately. "Ancestor?"

The peddler quickly picked up the child. "Little Lie, my ancestor is back, Xiao Lie is not afraid, what about father?"

"Woo, ancestors, go see my father, my father vomited blood, woo..."

The peddler came in grief and hurried in with the child. At this time, the green shirt ran to the house and quickly followed in.

Han Tingxuan and the others also walked out of the dark, "I heard you? Is that child's ancestor?"

"Well, I heard... Is it really a position?" Mo Yanzhi was surprised.

"Let's go in and take a look." Han Tingxuan said.

"My son." Tears fell when the vendor entered the room. He put down the child and rushed to the bed.

The young man on the bed is not too old, at most twenty, and skinny, with both eyes sunken. If you look closely, you will find that there is only one leg underneath the other's bed!

The young man's name was Zhou Luqing. He barely opened his eyes when he heard his father's voice, and then pulled out a faint smile. "Daddy, you are back... I'm afraid... I won't see you..."

"Qing, what are you talking about! You will be fine, will be fine! Daddy will go to the doctor, find the doctor..."

"No, don't!" Zhou Luqing cried out in a loud voice. "Daddy, there is no money at all at home, I have no rescue, no, don't waste money... Please, do you want me to be uneasy when I leave?" "Green!" Old man Zhou thoroughly Cried.

At this time, Brother Lushan, Zhou Fulang shouted on guard. "Ah, who are you? Our family has nothing you can think of! What else are you doing!"

Old man Zhou and his son immediately looked over after hearing this, but saw Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi open the curtain and walk in.

Zhou Luqing was also excited. "You...who are you...what else do you want to do..."

Old man Zhou was surprised. "Is it you?"

Zhou Fulang saw that his father actually knew these two people, he was just surprised and didn't look like hatred, so he hurriedly said, "Daddy, do you know them? Who are they?"

"You...what are you..." Old Man Zhou looked at Han Tingxuan and the others in surprise, and forgot to cry for a while.

Han Tingxuan immediately said: "The old man came back anxiously. We happened to hear your son-in-law said that something happened at home. We were a little worried. Although we met by the water, we admired the old man's behavior, so we came to have a look. , Can you help me?"

Old man Zhou was moved and sad. The old tears. "We, it's okay... you are all good, we are okay... you go."

The old man Zhou didn't want Han Tingxuan and the others to get involved in this inexplicable matter of his own family! This is for their good!

Han Tingxuan said: "Old man, since we are here, we have to help out when we see the difficulties of the old man. Let’s go and find a better doctor. Now this is the most important thing. ?"

Hearing this, Old Han Zhou couldn't say anything against it.

But Han Tingxuan took the child and asked Ying Shiqi to call someone.

It's also a coincidence that the filming seventeen originally wanted the doctor of the Tiancheng, but unexpectedly saw the old man Haishan outside! So he showed up and invited people over.

The old man Haishan didn't know Ying Seventeen, but he didn't think this little guy would lie to him. Since his apprentice is also there, let's go check it out. Then he followed.

Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi saw the old man Haishan's eyes light up. "master!"

The old man Haishan smiled and said, "It's really you...what are you doing here?"

"Master, I'll talk about it later, come and see this patient, and see what's going on..." Mo Yanzhi led the old man Haishan to the bed.

The old man Haishan frowned as he looked at Zhou Luqing's appearance. "How did you make it like this?"

The old man Zhou came out of grief, tears streaming down his face, Zhou Fulang pleaded: "Old man, look at my husband, is there any help? Uuu..."

The old man Haishan glanced at Zhou Fulang and said, "Go and get some hot water."

Then the old man Haishan said to Ying Shiqi: "Go and buy some medicinal materials. What about paper and pen?"

Old man Zhou hurried to get a pen and paper, shaking his fingers, and saw hope.

The old man Haishan scribbled a pile of medicine. "Go ahead."

Shadow Seventeen hurriedly went, and there was a peerless master of the old man Haishan, so there was no need to worry about the safety of the master and the others.

"Master, you haven't read it yet, did you grab the medicine so early?" Mo Yanzhi couldn't help but said.

The old man Haishan glared at his apprentice. "Have you dismantled the stage like this?"

Mo Yanzhi touched his nose, "Hehe, didn't I remind the master?"

The old man Haishan snorted. "Don't say it so nicely, you just don't trust the master."

After all, the old man Haishan stared at Han Tingxuan. "It was you who caused my apprentice to be broken."

Han Tingxuan, who was also shot while lying down: "..."

The old man Haishan sat on the side of the bed, and then he got his pulse. After a while, he sighed. "It can save lives, but the treatment process is painful."

"What? Can you save your life? Really?" Old Han Zhou almost jumped up happy when he heard the words. This family of them has met a noble man!

At this moment, the old man Zhou was very grateful that he was kind for a while, looking at a baby about the same age as his grandson, he gave him a bunch of candied haws with much love!

The old man Zhou didn't know that Han Tingxuan and the others did their best to help not because of "gratefulness." It was because of worrying about the skills passed down by others' ancestors!

The old man Haishan nodded looking at the ecstatic old man Zhou. " all go out first. I'm going to give him silver needle treatment first. You don't bother if you don't have my instructions. Also, prepare more hot water."

"Good. Good." Old man Zhou nodded repeatedly.

The old man Haishan said to Zhou Fulang who came over with a large pot of hot water: "Come on, take off all the clothes on your husband's body, and then wipe more with hot water."

"Okay." Zhou Fulang hurriedly went busy...

Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi went outside, while the old man Haishan and Zhou Fulang were busy inside.

Zhou Lie, the grandson of Old Man Zhou, is a few months older than Tian Zhuo, and the two children have already played together.

Old man Zhou knelt down facing Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi. "Benefactor, thank you very much, thank you... Otherwise, me, old man, I really don't know what to do!" Old man Zhou cried bitterly.

Han Tingxuan hurriedly helped Old Man Zhou up. "Old man, you are so serious! For us, it's just a matter of effort. As long as your son can be well, then everything is worth it..."

"Good, good." Old man Zhou wiped a tear from his face.

Next, Han Tingxuan asked about the situation in Zhou's home.

It turns out that this week the old man is really a brother. His husband is the only son in the family, and he himself is an abandoned son. After marrying his husband, he is also married happily, and he also has his son Zhou Luqing.

At that time, they were not in Tiancheng, but in Baizhou.

Later, when his father-in-law did business with Moya, he brought him and his husband and family to the city of Heaven. This happened ten years ago. At that time, my child was still young, only more than ten years old.

Their business is doing pretty well. Six years ago, his son was seventeen years old and married his current husband. The family is even more happy. Although the son's husband was not pregnant soon, they did not urge him.

However, all the changes started three years ago.

The father-in-law and what is old are too old, but they did not pass away from illness, but died of anger! It is their business rivals who are mad at their father-in-law. Those people who have taken a fancy to their shop, actually want to buy and sell.

Finally, during a conflict, his father-in-law was **** to death, and his husband...Three months later, he was beaten severely when he returned late from an outing. He was also **** when he came back. And still can't afford it! He passed away after only a few months.

Then, their shop couldn't keep it... Those black-hearted people actually attacked his only son!

The son was discovered early and did not die, but he lost a leg forever!

Just when his son was desperate and wanted to commit suicide, his husband found out that he was pregnant for more than four months, and his son persisted for the sake of the child.

However, the dark wounds from the beating were still there, and they had to take medicine constantly...The shop at home was sold to them at a low price, and the money they got was almost spent in the past three years!

They are desperate. Later, this week the old man went to set up a street stall, but he was always looked down upon because of his brother status. He was in his forties and fifty years old, and he also encountered gangsters who used his hands. He knew that these belonged to those people. Instruct! Fortunately, although he was an outcast, he had a master before the age of fourteen. The master’s skills are not high, but he has a unique skill, which is disguise, and there is also a master’s formula. With the prescription of medicine, plus some other medicinal aids, you can make yourself a kid!

Moreover, the timeliness of the formula can be long or short. However, the formula was too bad after all, after taking it, especially the first time, it was simply inhuman torture. But in order to make a living, he had to do it!

He has done a lot of work, and selling candied haws is still a matter of recent months.

Speaking of these, Old Man Zhou was very sad. He couldn't help crying again, and he put all these grievances in his heart, because he couldn't say, because he still has grandsons to take care of!

After hearing this, Han Tingxuan couldn't help saying: "Zhou, such vicious competition forced buying and selling, and even killed people. Didn't you report to the official?"

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