My Tough Husband

Chapter 89: Drop with the enemy

When they arrived on the mountain, Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu naturally couldn't ride horses anymore.

So the two went to the mountain alone.

Han Tingxuan glanced behind him, his martial arts was a scum, naturally he couldn't see where the invisible shadow guards were. But he knew that besides Tian Yusu's dark guards, his own shadow guards were also there, so he was also very relieved.

Han Tingxuan's climbing of the mountain is naturally inferior to Tian Yusu's practicing family. Although Han Tingxuan doesn't know how high Tian Yusu's martial arts is, Mo Yanzhi has said that he is between him. It's not specific.

Mo Yanzhi said so, what else does he have to think about!

After climbing for more than 20 minutes, Han Tingxuan was tired and rested for a while.

Tian Yusu looked at Han Tingxuan who wiped sweat on his forehead and smiled. "Do you need help?"

Han Tingxuan looked at each other. "How to help?"

Tian Yusu pointed to his back. "Leave you behind."

Han Tingxuan will promise to have ghosts! Waved his hand. "How dare you trouble Seventh Uncle, I'll just rest for a while by myself."

Tian Yusu didn't force it, just said: "Then take a break."

After a five-minute rest, Han Tingxuan continued to climb the mountain. At that time, watching the beast rush down, the speed was so fast, why was it so tiring to climb up by himself!

Even though Han Tingxuan knew that he was not comparable to Tian Yusu in terms of physical strength, he was unwilling to be underestimated. After a short rest, he continued to crawl. This time, he crawled in one breath. It took fifteen minutes to go up.

The mountains are messy, after all, there is a jungle inside, where many wild beasts live.

The mess is because there are many traces of trampling in the jungle outside, and those traces are trampled by wild beasts. Such traces are the result of natural herds.

When they walked into the jungle, Han Tingxuan didn't dare to go too deep. They came here to see, mainly to find if there were any "people" coming.

But luck was not sure whether it was good or too good, and soon Han Tingxuan found a flute behind a tree. Tian Yusu looked at the flute and immediately said, "It is said that the beast Taming King uses the flute when he is taming the beast."

Han Tingxuan: "..." He almost wanted to growl, is there such a coincidence?

He felt that more than ninety-eight percent, this flute was placed here by Tian Yusu's people long ago!

However, at this moment, he somewhat believed that this beast attack was really done by the beast Taming King... But, didn't that person follow Tian Yushun's order? Otherwise, what is Yusu doing so actively this day!

Putting the flute in his waist, Han Tingxuan continued to walk inside to see if there were any other clues. After walking a few steps, Han Tingxuan patted his forehead.

Industry specializing in surgery! Why should he find it himself!

"Seventeen!" Han Tingxuan shouted.

A few moments later, Shadow Seventeen appeared outside the jungle, and then jumped over one by one.

"Look for it, there is a trace of someone in this forest... the nearest one!"

Because there are beasts in the jungle here, ordinary people will not come, but some hunters will come! However, this jungle is more dangerous, and Orion will not go deep.

However, if the herd is to be triggered, man must be deep!

Shadow Seventeen took the order and drilled into the depths, and Han Tingxuan immediately turned back and went back.

Tian Yusu looked at it and smiled. "Don't walk in anymore?"

Han Tingxuan immediately expressed his disgust. "dirty!"

Tian Yusu's rare thing is a bit speechless, I really can't tell that this person is... dirty!

Han Tingxuan had already left, and Tian Yusu naturally wouldn't stay by himself.

However, the accident... happened at this moment!

Han Tingxuan only felt that he had stepped on his feet... and then his body fell involuntarily!

Tian Yusu was a few steps away from Han Tingxuan. He just flicked his eyes and pulled the opponent, but what Tian Yusu didn't expect was... with his martial arts he didn't catch it! And his feet also sank, and then, he himself fell too!

However, although Tian Yusu is going down, he can martial arts, at least, he can protect himself with light work, but Han Tingxuan can't do anything! So, he screamed instinctively.

Tian Yusu looked at his brows and wrinkled slightly, and then rushed down by himself with light work, and soon caught up with Han Tingxuan, and then grabbed the opponent's arm.

Han Tingxuan looked towards Tian Yuexi, and didn't have time to say anything...they were there.

However, it is not the real land, but a big net! The net was framed between two trees, and they just fell on it!

Then, they only heard a "click", and saw that the top of the mountain above them was so closed!

Of course, the distance was too high, Han Tingxuan hadn't seen anything, but Tian Yusu's eyesight had seen people and saw two points, but it was not clear.

Tian Yusu himself never expected that he would fall from that place!

Han Tingxuan looked at the height of the net from the ground, and secretly said that it was dangerous.

It's really high! The net from the top to the bottom is very high, and from the top to the bottom... it's thirty meters!

"Where is this!" Han Tingxuan looked at Tian Yusu fiercely, calculating how likely the other party would deliberately let him fall, but found that Tian Yusu... his face was a little pale.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?" Wasn't it okay just now? Why is his face so pale suddenly?

Tian Yusu quickly tapped a few fingers on himself, then took the pill from his arms and ate it.

Han Tingxuan looked at each other inexplicably. "what happened to you?"

There were only two people, and Han Tingxuan didn't bother to be hypocritical, what is his name, Uncle Qi, this person is his murderous enemy, okay? Uncle Seven! He just wanted to poke the opponent into seven holes!

Tian Yusu didn't answer Han Tingxuan, but just sat seemed to be doing exercises.

Han Tingxuan felt even more inexplicable, and he carefully climbed to Tian Yusu's side.

Of course it is climbing... the net is swaying terribly, at a height of 30 meters, he falls down, and he doesn't know how to martial arts, he will definitely die, okay? Climbing to Tian Yusu’s side, Han Tingxuan watched Tian Yusu’s eyes closed with sweat on his face... It must be his luck, but... why!

Is it because of a fall? impossible! If you fall, you won't be able to hold yourself and fly down together!

Moreover, he hasn't been injured by a man who doesn't know martial arts, and it is impossible for this person to be injured!

However, looking at this person's appearance... it looked like he was seriously injured.

Han Tingxuan wondered if he had a sneak attack at this high the chances of success would be!

Hmm... Does this person seem to have martial arts similar to what he said? So, even if the opponent seems to be injured now... it seems that he can't have much confidence in killing the opponent, right?

The most important thing is that I fell down with this person. If he dies... I'm afraid I will be madly retaliated by Tian Yusu's forces... The gain is not worth the loss!

The most important thing is that he doesn't know where this is for the time being.

What if he kills Tian Yusu, but he can't get out by himself? He can't do things like "to die together", and "reverse in the nest" shouldn't be done for the time being.

Therefore, Han Tingxuan, who was not planning to do it, remembered how to get off the Internet...

At present, if you can't fly down with light effort, then it is to climb to the tree with the net, and then climb down... However, the tree is too high! 30 to 40 meters, right? Really...

In modern times, he has never seen such a tall tree! Really... I've learned a lot!

The branches of this tree are not luxuriant. There are only a few roots and not many leaves. However, it should be alive. The dead tree is not like this.

Moreover, although there are not many leaves, and they are weird purple, they don't seem to be lifeless!

In other words, he seems to smell a little scent in the air?

Just as he was about to smell where the scent came from, Tian Yusu suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood over there!

Han Tingxuan was taken aback. "Hey, what's the matter with you?"

Tian Yusu's face was still a little pale after spraying out the blood, but... it seemed to be better.

Then, Tian Yusu looked at Han Tingxuan fixedly. "Give me your hand?"

"Huh? Why?" Han Tingxuan was puzzled.

Tian Yusu said indifferently: "I was poisoned. Let me see if you are also poisoned."

"What? Are you poisoned? How come!" Han Tingxuan was taken aback. "How can you be poisoned if you are so good?"

Tian Yusu looked at Han Tingxuan, and smiled for a moment. "Yeah, how can it be poisoned..."

Han Tingxuan frowned, just about to say something, and then his hand was caught. Han Tingxuan was instinctively struggling, but Tian Yusu's strength was a little bit strong, and his wrist was a little painful.

Han Tingxuan didn't like this feeling of being restrained very much, so he pushed the opponent hard.

In fact, this action is to let the other party let go of himself, how high his success rate is, Han Tingxuan doesn't know, after all, this is Tian Yu Su, the martial arts powerful Tian Yu Su! But what I didn't expect was that Tian Yusu was pushed down by him like this, and almost fell off the Internet!

Not deliberately playing him, but almost really fell! Leaning over!

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