My uncle is Inzaghi

Chapter 306 Don’t be too relaxed!

With Li Mo's response.

The morale of the Real Madrid fans suddenly rose, and they shouted Li Mo's name crazily.

This shouting made Barcelona players and fans a little confused. ,

what happened?

Aren't we the ones scoring goals now?

What are the people of Madrid so excited about?

Can calling Li Mo's name make up for the loss caused by conceding the ball?

How naive!


Barcelona equalized the score, and the balance of the game has tipped to Barcelona's side.

Such an advantage cannot be compensated by the Real Madrid fans shouting a few times in the stands and then Li Mo pretending to compete.

Enrique sat back on the coaching bench.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Being able to equalize the score quickly is really important for Barcelona.

Now the game is finally back on track

"Messi has scored, but Li Mo hasn't yet. These two great shooters are facing off in the Champions League final. The winner is about honor and dignity!"

"How will Li Mo respond?"

The commentators began to focus on Li Mo.

Messi scores a goal.

Everyone will think of Li Mo.

Just like Li Mo scored a goal.

Everyone will immediately think of Messi.


This competitive relationship is the focus of everyone's talk.

After the game restarts.

Real Madrid kicks off.

Li Mo kicked the ball towards Alonso who was behind him, and then ran straight forward.

He has to run to the front of the penalty area in one breath.

In this case.

He can contain Barcelona's entire defense and allow Real Madrid to press the ball past half court.

And Barcelona's morale is at its peak.

They pressed forward immediately, preparing for a high-position press.

Alonso didn't let the football stop at his feet either.

He continued to pass back.

Barcelona's players also continued to press hard.

They should try their best to use this morale in the next game.

Frontcourt pressing is what Barcelona is good at.

If they can steal the ball in the frontcourt, they can launch an attack directly on the spot, directly threatening Casillas' goal.

Faced with Barcelona's pressing pressure.

Real Madrid kept passing back.

The two centre-backs pull apart.

Modric retreated to his own penalty area to receive the ball.

In the stands.

Barcelona fans laughed.

Playmakers are forced to get the ball in such dangerous places.

Doesn't this give Barcelona a chance?

Once the ball is intercepted, it's a one-shot!

Just when Barcelona fans were expecting Real Madrid players to mess up their position.

They saw Modric suddenly launch a long pass!

This long pass is not to Li Mo, but to Di Maria on the wing!

Di Maria received the ball in an area that was completely unguarded.

Then he quickly dribbled the ball directly towards the baseline.

Alves fought and retreated. He knew that Di Maria was very fast, so he did not rush for the ball. Instead, he stayed inside, forcing Di Maria to go outside.

Di Maria's approach is very direct, simple and crude.

You want me to take the outside line?

Just what I wanted!

He dribbles the ball directly downfield.

"Di Maria!!"

as the narrator exclaimed.

Di Maria burst from the outside.

Alves wanted to foul, but his feet slipped and he missed the best opportunity!

"Alves slipped! Di Maria!!!"

The commentators became excited.

Mascherano hurriedly took over.

But when he made up for it.

Di Maria has already dribbled the ball into the penalty area.

The cheers from the stands suddenly echoed through the sky.

Di Maria now has two options.

One is a direct shot.

One is a pass.

Di Maria decisively chose to pass the ball!

The angle of the shot is too small.

And now Li Mo has already moved forward into the penalty area.

He decisively hooked the ball into the small penalty area! !

Pique was originally close to Li Mo.

The moment Di Maria passed the ball.

Li Mo suddenly started.

Pique's starting speed is more than one beat slower than Li Mo!

When Li Mo threw away Pique.

The decibel level of the cheers reached a new level! !

amidst the huge noise.

Li Mo raised his feet.


Far corner!

Then jumped up.

He dodged the oncoming Valdez.

When he landed.

The football has rolled across the goal line! !

Two to one! !

All the fans in the audience were stunned at this moment.

No one expected it.

Real Madrid's first attack after conceding the ball reaped results.

After a brief silence.

The commentary box was the first to recover.

"Li Mo!!! The ball went in!"

"Beautiful! Beautiful! Real Madrid scored in their first attack after conceding the goal!"

"Incredible! Incredible!"

"Li Mo! Beautiful goal!"

"Two to one! Two to one! Real Madrid has exceeded the score again!"

And right now.

Real Madrid fans also reacted!

They stared in disbelief at Li Mo, who was running and celebrating with his arms outstretched.

Less than a minute ago.

They were chanting Li Mo's name.


Li Mo immediately responded with a goal!

What does it mean to respond to requests?

In the eyes of Real Madrid fans at this moment, Li Mo is almost a god!

next moment.

All the Real Madrid fans jumped to their feet, cheering, roaring, and jumping with all their strength, regardless of whether the people around them were familiar or not, whether they were male, female, old, young, attacking or receiving.

Anyway, hugging, cheering and kissing is all.

The entire stadium was completely boiling.

In such an atmosphere.

Barcelona fans almost choked.

They stared at the court in horror.

The relaxation, comfort, joy, and excitement a minute ago all disappeared.


It's at a loss.

It's helpless.

It's at a loss.

It's fear.

Some Barcelona fans even feel like they are dreaming.

What's going on here?

We just scored.

Evened the score.

When he is looking forward to the team's ability to destroy Real Madrid in a spectacular way.

How come we were just one minute ahead?

The opponent's first shot after kick-off.

it turns out

Scored a goal directly? !

Is there something wrong?


There must be a mistake somewhere!

This is unscientific.

Shouldn't this be true?

It shouldn't be like this!

Is Li Mo really so scary?

Is Real Madrid with Li Mo really invincible?

Barcelona's players also looked confused.

Their eardrums were vibrating.

Now this stadium has completely become the world of their opponents.

It is difficult for them to accept reality.

They were hit harder than the Barcelona fans in the stands.


Their goalscoring was brilliant.

A dazzling kick, gorgeous and smooth.

A joy to watch! !

Real Madrid's goals are indeed lower than Barcelona's "technical level".

A long pass, a sprint, a cross pass, and a grab.


Just scored a goal.

This way of scoring is certainly not exciting.

And it also has a lot to do with Barcelona's own "cooperation".

If they don't press up front and press.

Real Madrid may not have this opportunity.


Real Madrid scored a goal in a way that was not very exciting in the eyes of Barcelona people.

But whether it’s exciting or not.


If the ball goes in, it goes in.

Barcelona took the lead for less than two minutes.

Real Madrid exceeded the score again.

Such a situation, such a gap, has caused the morale of Barcelona's players to fall to the bottom.

The expression on Enrique's face hardened.

He was sitting on the coaching bench just now, chatting and laughing with his assistant coach. It seemed that he was about to win the Champions League and wash away the shame of being beaten three times by Real Madrid this season.

But soon.

Reality gave him a vicious blow.

Real Madrid looked back and scored.

The one who scored the goal was Li Mo, who has never been ignored.

He frowned.

The expression on his face gradually became serious.

He knows that the players must feel uncomfortable now.

Anyone encountering this situation would probably be confused.

After finally equalizing the score, they lost the ball again two minutes before they were happy.

If this continues.

Barcelona may be crushed.

Enrique frowned, let alone attacking now.

Before the end of the first half, not conceding more goals is the first priority.

If you fall behind by one goal, you can still find a chance to come back in the second half.

Two goals behind.

Then even Barcelona will be helpless.

Because the opponents they faced were not just any cats or dogs.

They are Real Madrid!

Enrique took a deep breath.

Come to the sidelines and press down with your hands.

Hold on!

Don't panic.

Although Barcelona's morale has fallen to the bottom.

But they still have a lot of experience. ,

They know that pressing forward now is seeking death, so they choose to shrink the backcourt.

Barcelona's defense is also very unique. They choose to control the ball in the backcourt, and only clear the ball until they can no longer control it.

Then after getting the ball, continue to use the ball to delay time.

Real Madrid, on the other hand, immediately launched an attack as soon as they had the ball.

They know that their opponent's morale has dropped, and this is the best opportunity to pursue victory.

Ever since.

On the field.

Barcelona became a defensive side, and they were suppressed and rubbed in the penalty area by Real Madrid.

A powerful space team.

The representative of gorgeous football.

The founder of tike-taka football.

Practitioner of Cruyff's football philosophy.

Now they have to use the "busing" tactic they despise most to deal with Real Madrid's onslaught.

Real Madrid fans couldn't be more excited.

This scene is really rare to see.

Even under Mourinho.

Real Madrid has won several games against Barcelona.

But it also relies on tough defense and a low-profile strategy.

And like this now.

Pressing and rubbing Barcelona, ​​Barcelona also set up a bus scene.


Quite rare.

They cheered loudly and cheered loudly for the Real Madrid players.

The Barcelona fans were on tenterhooks for their team, worried about conceding a goal before the end of the first half.

Fortunately for Barcelona fans, though.

There was little time left in the first half.

Barcelona played the game in an "unsightly" way in the final minutes though.

But in the end, they didn't concede any more goals.

As the referee blew the whistle at the end of the first half.

With goals from Alonso and Li Mo.

Real Madrid temporarily leads Barcelona with a score of two to one.

Enrique breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried about conceding the ball at the end of the first half.

But it's okay.

Barcelona withstood Real Madrid's onslaught in the final stages.

No more goals were conceded.

If you are only one goal behind.

Then we still have to pursue it.

Enrique is very confident in Barcelona's strength.

We were just one goal behind, but after halftime adjustments, we could surely come back in the second half.

And now what is in front of Enrique is the only way to Huashan - attack!

So there is nothing to worry about.

Li Mo is very strong.

No matter how strong Li Mo is.

this game.

He has no way out!

In the locker room.

Zidane looked serious and did not get carried away just because he was ahead.

He saw the state of the players after the first half.

Everyone was very relaxed, talking, laughing, and hanging out, as if this was not a Champions League final.

in other words.

The tension among the players was gone.

Especially after Li Mo scored.

The players seemed too lax!

This is not good!

This is the Champions League final.


Is Real Madrid's lead huge?

Not very big.

Just a one-goal lead.

With forty-five minutes left in the second half, anything can happen.


Act like you're sure of victory now.

Very easy to be punished.

So Zidane is ready to pour some cold water on the players.

"Okay, gentlemen. Calm down from your complacency first. Don't pay too much attention to the score in the first half. You must know that our opponent is Barcelona. I think you all know how strong they are. If you think It would be too naive for Barcelona to surrender with a two-to-one lead. Have you all forgotten that a one-goal lead is the most dangerous score in the world, so be more careful in the second half? , don’t take it lightly!”

Zidane trailed off.


The smiles on the faces of all the Real Madrid players gradually faded.

Everyone has experienced the days when they were dominated by Barcelona.

They never dare to underestimate Barcelona.

And a one-goal lead is the most unsafe score...

They just took a one-goal lead and felt proud, which was really inappropriate...

Zidane poured cold water on his players.

Over at Barcelona, ​​Enrique was busy cheering on the players.

Barcelona's morale is a bit low now - Li Mo's goal was too demoralizing.

Even the mighty Barcelona.

Encountering such a situation will inevitably lead to low morale.

"Remember you are Barcelona, ​​do you understand the meaning of this name? Barcelona will never affect the overall performance because of the gain or loss of a goal. It's just that the opponent was lucky enough to score a goal. We are only one goal behind. The difference of one goal is very important to us. To us, it’s simply not worth mentioning!” (End of Chapter)

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