The Frieza Legion has changed masters!

The Frieza Legion was officially renamed the Dragon Ball Legion, the owner is unknown, the military advisor Namek Bick, and the executive officer Saiyan Vegeta.

As soon as this news came out, the whole universe shook!

The Frieza Legion occupies 70% of the planets of the Seventh Universe, and more than 2/3 of the planets are Frieza Legion’s, even the remaining 1/3 have known the situation through various methods~

Except for those primitive societies that have not yet entered the interstellar age -!

Azure Star, a planet that resembles Earth, and even the humans on it look like Earthlings.

Their technology is much more advanced than that of humans on Earth, and they have entered the interstellar age early.

However, after entering the interstellar age, the first war was the war of extermination launched by Frieza.

95% of the Azure Star people on the entire planet were killed, and only 5% of the Azure Star people were left to survive.

Instead of killing them all, Frieza sold the planet to the Blue Star people who looked about the same as them.

After all these years, the Azure Star people have been assimilated by the Blue Star people, and there are only a few people left who still remember how the Frieza Legion slaughtered his people in the first place.

Yu Xing and Cherry were among those men, and when the news of Frieza’s elimination came, they were moved to tears.

Yu Tao looked at her parents puzzled, why did she cry directly?

“Mom and Dad, what’s wrong with you? What are you crying about! The change of owners of the Frieza Legion has nothing to do with us! ”

Yu Xing said with a cold face:

“Why doesn’t it matter?! I’ve been telling you since I was a kid that we are Azure Star people, not Blue Star people! ”

“This planet is Azure Star, it’s our planet! The Blue Star people are all invaders, outsiders! ”

“Our fellow people were slaughtered by Frieza, and then the planet was sold to the Blue Star! Frieza is our enemy! ”

Cherry also wiped away her tears, her eyes shining with hatred.

“Damn Frieza, finally killed! He led the legion to burn, kill and loot in the universe, and finally overturned! ”

“God forbid! Finally took in the villain Frieza! ”

Yu Tao listened to her parents’ words and nodded hurriedly.

She had heard these words for so many years, and she had known them for a long time, but she didn’t care.

The past is gone, what’s the use of talking about that now?

The experience of the Blue Star people is even worse than that of the Azure Star, the direct planet was destroyed, and the savings accumulated after many years of exile finally wanted to buy a planet in the hands of the murderer who destroyed the planet!

But what else can they do but do that?

Weak strength, no right to speak, the universe is such a place where the weak eat the strong.

Yu Xing asked his daughter, wanting to know more about the situation.

“Who is this man who killed Frieza? He won’t be the next Frieza! ”

“The Frieza Legion was originally doing the business of killing people and robbing planets, and now that the Frieza Legion has changed masters, it won’t still do that!”

Seeing his father ask about this, Yu Tao suddenly became happy.

“The Frieza Legion has been changed to the Dragon Ball Legion, which is different from before, they don’t rob and kill any planet, but each planet needs to pay a protection fee.”

“All planets within his sphere of influence need to pay protection money, and after paying the protection fee, the Dragon Ball Legion will guarantee peace between the planets and prevent the rest of the planets from invading at will.”

“But if you don’t pay protection money, the Dragon Ball Legion won’t manage, and no matter what happens, the Dragon Ball Legion won’t interfere.”

“The most important thing is that the Dragon Ball Legion will give a treasure to every planet that pays a protection fee! A treasure called Dragon Ball! ”

Cherry said happily,

“It sounds like this Dragon Ball Legion is much better than the Frieza Legion, charging protection money to protect the planet, this method is really good!”

“What are you talking about Dragon Ball?”

Yu Tao was even more excited, she gestured with her hand and said:

“It’s seven yellow beads with red stars in them, there are seven of these dragon balls!”

“The number of stars in each one is different, if you collect all seven dragon balls, you can summon the dragon, and the dragon can fulfill one of your wishes!”

“It’s amazing to think about! If I could collect all the Dragon Balls, I would make a wish that I would never run out of money! ”

Yu Xing’s eyes lit up,

“The master of this Dragon Ball Legion is so calculating!”

“With Dragon Ball, it is estimated that the planets that have not been conquered before will know about it, and they will all want to join the Dragon Ball Army!”

“There won’t be a fool who is unwilling to pay protection money, so let’s exchange it for such a powerful treasure!”

Yu Tao shook her head, thinking of the news she saw before,

“Looks like there are fools! Not only did he not want to hand it over, but after knowing the treasure, he even wanted to rob the Dragon Ball Legion’s things, and I heard that he had already killed a team of Dragon Ball Legion people! ”

Yu Xing looked incredulous,

“What planet is so good? Even Frieza is dead, and there are still people who dare to resist?! ”

Yu Tao pointed to a huge planet in the sky,

“That’s them! Del Star! ”

Yu Xing suddenly realized when he saw it,

“It’s them, no wonder!”

“At the beginning, the Frieza Legion also thought about killing the Del people and selling the planet.”

“But there is a strong man among the Del people who drove all the Frieza Legions out of the planet, and even the strong men sent by the Frieza Legion headquarters have been defeated.”

“Because of Frieza’s strength, he just drove out all the Frieza legions and didn’t kill anyone.”

“Now I saw that Frieza was dead, so I killed him directly!”

“Still, how dare he? The owner of the Dragon Ball Legion killed Frieza! ”

Both Cherry and Yu Tao shook their heads and looked up at Del Star in the sky.

In space, Xiao Han’s spaceship was heading to Atlanta Star at full speed at the moment, and after arranging the affairs of the legion, except for Bick, the rest of the people followed Xiao Han out of Planet 1.

It took a while for Vic to find people who could work, so he stayed on Planet 1.

For this reason, Vic also asked Xiao Han to help him build a gravity room, after all, he was doing things for himself, and Xiao Han directly told Vic how to install the gravity equipment.

It stands to reason that Vegeta should also stay, responsible for the suppression of the Legion and the disobedient planet.

Coincidentally, there happened to be a planet that was not afraid of death and not only killed the people of the Legion, but even robbed the Dragon Ball.

This planet is Del Star!

It’s only the first day!

Not long after the order was issued, there was a blatant rebellion!

Vegeta, the executive, must give them a little color to see, otherwise how the Dragon Ball Legion will rule the universe.

He still knows the truth of killing chickens to show monkeys!

It just so happened that the location of this planet was on the same route as the star of Adrath, and Vegeta boarded Xiao Han’s spaceship and set off together.

Yadratt is about two days away from Planet 1, while Del is only 3 hours away from Planet 1.

On the ship, Raditz frowned and said to Vegeta:

“Why is this Del Star so familiar? Have we been?! ”

Vegeta held her head high,

“How do I know! You were in charge of counting the information of these planets, you shouldn’t know better than me, I was only responsible for attacking. ”

Raditz was a miscellaneous man in the Vegeta team before he came to Earth.

Because the combat effectiveness is too poor, the usefulness of the battle is not even as good as that of the vegetable man, so he is only responsible for counting the news of the headquarters, which planet needs them to deal with, and then sending the target point to Vegeta and Naba.

Thinking about it this way, Vegeta really doesn’t seem to know about the situation on this planet, but why does it sound familiar?

Forget it, you’ll know when you get there anyway!

Three hours later, the spacecraft slowly landed on Del Star.

At the same time, the Dragon Ball Legion spaceship near Del Star also slowly descended with Xiao Han’s spaceship.

At this moment, everyone in Del Star is wearing combat uniforms and is ready to fight.

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The people of Del Star are very short, and they look very much like the animals on the earth, and I don’t know if I think the animals on the earth have become sperm.

The wolf-like creature at the front is their patriarch, King Del!

It was he who killed the people of the Dragon Ball Legion and robbed the Dragon Balls.

Thousands of aliens descended from the Dragon Ball Legion’s spaceship, filling the sky to the brim.

King Del looked disdainful and didn’t pay attention to this garbage.

Xiao Han’s spaceship opens, and Vegeta and Raditz step down.

“I’ve seen Lord Vegeta, Lord Raditz!”

Thousands of people knelt down on one knee and saluted Vegeta and Raditz, a sight that gave them great psychological satisfaction.

A smile appeared on King Del’s face when he saw Vegeta, and his hanging heart was relaxed.

When Raditz saw Queen Del, she felt that King Del was more familiar, as if she had been familiar with her.

He looked at the combat power detector, and the combat power was 250,000!

No wonder he is so arrogant, he is killing and stealing things, and he is confident in his own strength for a long time!

The previous Frieza legion, it seems that no one can deal with him except Frieza! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

King Del shouted at Vegeta:

“Isn’t this Vegeta, Frieza’s garbage boy? I thought I heard it wrong, the executive of the Dragon Ball Legion! What a big name! ”

Vegeta looked at King Del and instantly recognized this guy, no wonder Raditz said that Del Planet was familiar.

They’ve been here a long time ago, and not only they’ve been here, but Team Kinut has also been here, just to deal with King Del.

Vegeta was confident that she could deal with him, but she was choked up, and if it weren’t for Frieza’s face, he would have been killed.

Even the Kinute team was defeated by King Del!

Raditz didn’t even get off the spaceship because of his poor strength, but just saw it.

But Vegeta remembers it very well, after all, there are not many people who can defeat him.

There are even fewer people who defeat Team Kinyut!

The reason why King Del kills and robs things again is because he knows why Vegeta is an executor.

What strength Vegeta has, he doesn’t know? The weak one can’t do it, but the words are very big!

Let him be an executive, which means that those who are stronger than him are estimated to be dead!

According to King Del’s prediction, the guy who killed Frieza was either badly wounded and died, or was killed by Vegeta and the guy named Vic.

Otherwise, why didn’t he come forward, and he didn’t even come out by name.

After capturing Frieza’s legions and surrendering all the rights, they either died or went wrong.

As long as you kill Vegeta yourself, the Frieza Legion will be changed to the Del Legion!

Vegeta smiled cruelly at the corner of her mouth,

“King Del?! It turned out to be you, I said who was so arrogant, after seeing you, I knew. ”

“I didn’t expect the filthy race of the Del people to still survive in the universe, I thought you were dead a long time ago!”

The only talent of the Del people is that when they combine with different races, the offspring born will have the talents of the rest of the races.

That is to say, if the Del people are combined with the Saiyans, the offspring born will have the talent of the Saiyans.

For this talent, the Del people can be said to be full of evil deeds, everywhere to catch the opposite sex of the rest of the planet to come back to reproduce, when the offspring is born, the people who are captured will be brutally killed by the Del people.

King Del has gone through generation after generation of cultivation to emerge such a strong man, with the blood of many nationalities in his body.

Maybe in a thousand, tens of thousands of years, the Del people will be able to dominate the universe, but unfortunately, they provoked the Dragon Ball Army.

When King Del heard Vegeta’s words, his face turned pale,

“A defeated general dares to speak out! When I kill you, then go to Planet Frieza and kill that one named Vic, the Frieza Legion is our Del people! ”

Vegeta sneered disdainfully and disappeared in place.

“Who did you say you killed?”

Vegeta’s indifferent voice came from behind King Del, who was startled and turned to dodge.

It’s a pity that Vegeta directly grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.

King Del was shocked, how could it be? Why is Vegeta so strong?

The clansmen behind King Del were furious when they saw Vegeta’s movements, and they raised their hands and began to attack with qigong bullets.

The general combat power of the Del people is above 1,000, and there are even a few tens of thousands of combat power, but their qigong bullets hit Vegeta like tickling.

After the smoke cleared, Vegeta appeared unscathed in the sight of the Del people, and nothing was even done to the pinched Del King.

King Del’s face was full of fear, and he watched as the qigong bomb was about to smash into Vegeta’s body when it was wiped out by a powerful qi, and he didn’t touch Vegeta at all.

Vegeta turned to look at the Del people behind him and snorted coldly,

“Garbage, all die!”

Vegeta’s body suddenly burst out with yellow qi, and countless qigong bombs rushed out directly and smashed into the Del people.

King Del’s eyes were torn and he tried desperately to resist, but to no avail.

He could only watch his people die in front of his eyes, and he roared angrily, smashing at Vegeta one by one, but to no avail.

Vegeta looked at King Del who was struggling in his hands,

“Didn’t you say you were going to kill me? Do it! ”

King Del struggled and cried out:

“You have the ability, you let me go!”

Vegeta sneered and threw King Del out directly.

Even if it was just a casual throw, King Del flew millions of kilometers, and he was about to fly out of the planet, smashing countless mountains before barely stopping.

The first time King Del got out of trouble was not to rush to Vegeta and fight with him, but to fly directly into the sky, trying to escape from the planet.

King Del has many foreign talents, and space activities are a breeze, but Vegeta can’t!

Saiyans are known not to survive in space.

King Del smiled as he ran into space, but turned to horror when he saw Vegeta in front of him.

Vegeta raised her hand, and a purple ball of light appeared in the palm of her hand, and then gently threw it towards King Del.

King Del wanted to run, but was suppressed by a powerful momentum and could not move.

The ball of light smashed into King Del with an irresistible force, pressing him towards Del Star.

On Del Star, Xiao Han’s spaceship and Dragon Ball Legion’s spaceship have both taken off and left the planet’s surface.

Vegeta came to Xiao Han’s spaceship to say goodbye to Xiao Han, and got on the Dragon Ball Legion’s spaceship to return to Planet One.

Xiao Han’s spaceship also continued to fly towards Adestra, and behind the spaceship, Vegeta’s qigong bomb had already hit the ground.

The energy suddenly vented out from the qigong bullet, and King Del turned into ashes on the spot.

Energy is raging across the planet, and the creatures on the planet’s surface are destroyed in an instant.

The energy was still seeping into the center of the earth, until the center of the earth exploded, and a strong white light illuminated the entire starry sky.

On the Azure Star, Yu Xing, Cherry and Yu Tao are still discussing the Dragon Ball Legion, discussing what wishes they will make if they collect 7 Dragon Balls.

Suddenly, a blinding light came, and the entire Azure Star people closed their eyes.

When the light faded, they searched for the source of the light, but never found it.

Yu Xing looked at the sky blankly, and said in horror:

“De, Del Xing, no, no!”

Cherry and Yu Tao raised their heads violently, and the huge planet in the sky had disappeared!

Del Star is destroyed!

The three of them glanced at each other, and the appearance of the Dragon Ball Army appeared in their minds.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and sure enough, no cosmic overlord is simple, destroying the planet at every turn!

A day later, when Xiao Han’s spaceship was speeding to the star of Adrat, the star of Adrath also knew about the destruction of the star of Del.

What scared them even more was that Vegeta’s previous ship was approaching them.

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