Beerus shook his nose and sniffed the air, a look of intoxication on his face.

“Vess, I’m kind of convinced of you now, the things on this planet are really delicious!”

“I can’t help but move!”

Beerus was about to walk towards the food as he spoke, and Vees~ opened his mouth and said:

“Lord Beerus, you can’t do that! You have to talk to others, and others allow it to eat it! ”

Beerus retracted his steps, looked at Xiao Han on the side and asked:

“Hey, can I eat some of your food?”

Xiao Han raised his eyebrows, this God of Destruction is really polite!

I have to say that the master’s teaching is really good!

“Beerus-sama, please, it was originally food for the two of you!”

“The two of you are tired from the journey, it’s better to finish eating first and then talk about business!”

Beerus had a smile on his face,

“Hahaha, you kid is very good, just this alone, I won’t destroy this planet!”

Beerus hurriedly walked to the table where the food was placed, looked at all kinds of delicious food, and was about to start.

“Lord Beerus!”

Vis stood at a table where he was eating, watching Beerus shout.

Beerus glanced at Veess, reluctantly withdrew his hand, and walked over to Vess and sat down.

Sun Wukong whispered:

“This God of Destruction looks very good, so polite, not at all as fierce as the Lord of the Realm said!”

Vegeta’s body trembled, and he had been trembling since he saw Beerus.

Thinking of his father’s humble Beerus, trampled under his feet, remembering his own powerless appearance, he was terrified.

As fearful as he was Vic, who was once a god, he was the only one on the scene who could feel the aura of a high-level god.

As a planetary god, the lowest-level god, can you not be afraid when you meet the highest-level god in the universe?

Xiao Han glanced at Sun Wukong,

“Lord Beerus can hear you, as soon as you say this, the king of the northern realm will be unlucky!”

“Sit down, let’s start serving!”

Sun Wukong touched his head and said in surprise:

“No, it won’t!”

The king of the North on the king of the realm looks like he has no love, and he is so good to Wukong.

The tricks were passed on to Goku, but Goku actually sold him!

Lord Beerus won’t beat him!

After Xiao Han had everyone sit down, the servants began to bring a variety of delicacies to Beerus’s table.

In order to avoid problems, Xiao Han also specially threw Buu somewhere else.

I’m just afraid that Buu and Beerus will grab something, so I’m going to do it!

Xiao Han came to Beerus’s table and asked:

“Lord Beerus, Ves, can I sit here?”

Beerus stopped what he was doing and glanced at Xiao Han,

“You want to eat at the same table as me?”

Xiao Han said with a smile:

“Why not? Isn’t Lord Beerus here for me? ”

Beerus’s eyes narrowed, what is the identity of this kid, worthy of being at the same table with me?

Weiss reminded:

“Lord Beerus! This meal was entertained to us! ”

Beerus glanced at Vess, who was frantically stuffing something into his mouth.

He was startled,

“Vess! Leave me some! ”

After saying that, he didn’t care about Xiao Han anymore, and began to frantically start sweeping the food on the table.

As for this guy, I’ll wait until I’m done to see if he’s qualified to sit at the table with me, the God of Destruction.

I have been eating out for so many years, except for Weiss, no one dares to share a table with me, quite bold!

But the most important thing now is to eat!

Vess, this guy eats too fast!

I have to say that the creative ability of the earthlings is really amazing!

Although the combat effectiveness is not very good, it is definitely the first in the universe in terms of food!

There is no place in the universe where the food is better than that of the earth, and the food of the alien planet is ugly, disgusting, and the taste is so unpleasant, let alone the taste.

It’s like the earth’s food, with all the color, flavor and taste!

Xiao Han was eating slowly, but he was robbed by the two guys Weiss and Beerus and almost didn’t eat anything.

I was speechless, and I was very polite at the dinner table.

It’s like a husky who has been hungry for three days!

Xiao Han could only walk to the long table and take a plate of pudding.

If memory serves, Beerus seems to be fond of pudding.

Xiao Han returned to the dinner table and said to Weiss and Beerus:

“Would you like to try the pudding! Smooth and tender! Bounce! ”

Weiss’s eyes lit up and he nodded,

“I want to taste it!”

Beerus also nodded hurriedly,

“Give me one, give me one!”

Xiao Han gave each of them a pudding, picked one up himself, and took a spoonful.

After Weiss finished eating, his eyes directly turned into stars, and his whole body swayed, looking like he was enjoying it.

“It’s delicious! It’s so delicious! Earth’s stuff is so delicious! ”

Beerus also swallowed it in one gulp, his eyes widened, and he took the pudding away directly from Xiao Han.

“Great! I’ve lived for hundreds of millions of years, and it’s the first time I’ve eaten something so delicious! ”

Xiao Han said with a smile:

“Haha, there are so many delicious things on earth! If you like it, Lord Beerus and Vis can stay on Earth for a while longer, and I can let you both taste all the food! ”

The King of the Northern Realm on the Realm King was heartbroken when he heard this, and he clutched his little heart and said:

“How can Xiao Han be like this! He still wants to leave Lord Beerus behind! What if something goes wrong! ”

A smile appeared on Weiss’s face when he heard this,

“Good! All right! ”

Beerus’s face also showed joy, but then his face darkened again.

“Well, but we still have business! I’m looking for that guy who is about to step into the realm of the gods! Where’s that guy, Ves! ”

Vis took another bite of the pudding, and his whole body was so excited, it was so delicious!

“Far away, close at hand!”

Beerus took a bite of the pudding, well, what a bullet!

“What do you mean! Weiss! ”

Xiao Han paused for a moment, and then said:

“Someone about to step into the realm of the gods? Vis, are you talking about me? ”

Beerus stopped moving, looked Xiao Han up and down, and continued to eat the pudding.

“Your strength is very good, you are considered the strongest human I have seen in so many years, but you are still far from the realm of gods!”

Vis picked up another takoyaki and put it in his mouth,

“Lord Beerus, you guessed wrong! He’s the guy who got close to the realm of the gods! ”

Beerus was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Xiao Han with a straight face,

“You’re the god of whatever?”

Xiao Han frowned, Super Saiyan God?

“Probably not, I’m just an ordinary person with relatively strong strength, what is the realm of gods?”

Weiss explained to Xiao Han:

“The realm of the gods is the realm of the gods, and when the strength reaches a certain level, the power in the body will transform into divine power.”

“When you have divine power, you have entered the realm of gods!”

“Divine power is very powerful, even if a mortal has divine power, he can have very strong strength!”

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“For example, Lord Beerus’s power of destruction is a very powerful divine power!”

Xiao Han raised his eyebrows, he knew Beerus’s destructive divine power, but he didn’t know how to master it.

Beerus can be so strong entirely because he has the power of destruction, as Vis said, even a pig with the power of destruction can become a god of destruction.

“Does the Realm King God also possess this kind of divine power?” (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Beerus snorted disdainfully,

“The King of the Realm? Hum! They are only partially endowed with divine powers, they don’t have divine powers, otherwise how could they be so weak! ”

Weiss says:

“It stands to reason that only the God of Destruction in the universe can be regarded as a real god, because this God of Destruction has complete divine power!”

“In addition to the God of Destruction, if someone can comprehend the God of Destruction and become a candidate for the God of Destruction, it can be regarded as having divine power, and the rest of the divine power has hardly appeared.”

“However, it seems that you are about to enter the realm of the gods to have divine powers!”

Xiao Han looked surprised, he didn’t expect that there was such a saying that after entering the realm of gods, his own power would be transformed into divine power!

Weiss also said that he was about to enter the realm of gods, so he didn’t need to become a super saiyan god, as long as his combat power kept improving, he could enter the realm of gods?

Beerus took a sip of the delicious miso soup with a satisfied expression.

“Weiss, it’s not as easy as you say! There are only a handful of people in all the universes who have broken through the realm of gods, and it is too difficult for a person to break through the realm of gods with his own combat power! ”

“Either they have penetrated the rest of the divine power, or they have accidentally obtained the divine power of others, and very few people can break through the realm of gods with their strength.”

“How many people are trapped outside the threshold of the Divine Realm, but how many have stepped in?”

Weiss stared at Xiao Han directly,

“Not necessarily, Xiao Han has only been cultivating for two years before he has gone from an ordinary person to a powerhouse who is about to enter the realm of gods!”

“In my opinion, he still has a good chance!”

Beerus was shocked, and the spoon in his hand fell to the ground, but fortunately, Weiss was quick and grabbed it in his hand.

“How long? Two years! ”

Beerus looked at Xiao Han, his eyes as big as brass bells.

He couldn’t believe that Xiao Han had actually approached the God Realm in two years!

You must know which person who is close to the realm of the gods has not cultivated for thousands of years, and those who have entered the realm of the gods in a few years are unheard of!

Beerus looked Xiao Han up and down,

“You’re the god I’m looking for?”

Xiao Han shook his head,

“Probably not, you’re looking for the Super Saiyan God!”

Beerus’s eyes widened again, then nodded,

“That’s right, it’s the Super Saiyan God! How do you know? ”

Xiao Han pointed to the Saiyans who were eating Haisai on the side,

“They are all Saiyans, and they can all become Super Saiyans, but they are not Super Saiyan gods!”

“I can also transform into a Super Saiyan, but I can’t become a Super Saiyan God yet!”

Beerus frowned,

“What a mess, just tell me where the Super Saiyan God is! Or is it that I woke up too early, and you haven’t become a Super Saiyan god yet! ”

“I was supposed to wake up in 39 years, but I woke up 20 years early, so you can only enter the realm of gods after 20 years, and I came for nothing?”

Beerus’s face was ugly, and if he had run for nothing, he wouldn’t have just left it at that!

If he doesn’t destroy hundreds of planets, it will be difficult to hide the anger in his heart!

Xiao Han sighed, looking at Beerus’s expression, it seems that this thing can’t be good!

“I know how to make a Super Saiyan God, but…”

Beerus said directly:

“Then you hurry up and find out the Super Saiyan God while I’m eating, I’m so sleepy!”

“If you can’t find it, I’ll make you look good! Even if you’re the one most likely to step into the realm of gods, I’ll destroy you! ”

Xiao Han was helpless, and sure enough, he finally came to this point.

Weiss looked at Xiao Han and asked curiously:

“Do you know this Super Saiyan God? I thought it was Beerus-sama’s nonsense! ”

Beerus looked angry,

“Hey! Weiss! It was my prophetic dream! How can it be nonsense! ”

“Boy, tell him if the Super Saiyan God exists!”

Xiao Han thought about it for a while, and said to the two:

“The Super Saiyan God is a god in Saiyan mythology and legend, and it doesn’t exist now!”

“But I know how to make the Super Saiyan God born!”

“It is recorded in the mythological book of Namek that five Saiyans with righteous hearts joined forces to pour their hearts into another righteous Saiyan…”

Xiao Han stopped suddenly, he suddenly reacted, five people injected into another person, isn’t this six people?!

Beerus looked at Xiao Han,

“Now that you know the method, let’s conjure it up quickly!”

Weiss glanced at Xiao Han and said:

“What’s wrong? Suddenly stopped! ”

Xiao Han scratched his head and laughed:

“I’m the wrong person! Although there are a lot of Saiyans under my command, it seems that there are not enough of them with a righteous heart! I thought that 5 people would be enough, but I thought that I was just 5, and it turned out to be 6! ”

Weiss glanced at Sun Wukong and the others who were eating, covered his mouth and smiled:

“Hahaha, Lord Beerus, it looks like you’ve made a trip for nothing!”

“There are only five Saiyans with righteous hearts, and one is a one-year-old child!”

Beerus’s face sank,

“So, you can’t find the Super Saiyan God?”

Xiao Han hurriedly said:

“Lord Beerus, eat first, I’m talking after eating! I want to figure it out! There are so many delicious things that can’t be wasted! ”

Beerus’s gloomy face instantly turned into a smile when he came into contact with the food that was served.

“Eat first! Ha ha! It’s delicious! You’d better find me an opponent, it’s okay if it’s not a Super Saiyan god, if I don’t have a good time, I’ll destroy you! ”

Xiao Han nodded and stood up.

Damn, why 6 people?

It seems that I can only find a way to break through the realm of gods by myself!

Weiss said that after the combat power reaches a certain level, the power in the body will be transformed into a higher level of power and divine power.

Now all you need to do is break through!

As long as you can become Super Saiyan 4, your combat power will already be able to break through the realm of the gods!

Super Saiyan 4 will turn into a golden giant ape under the Super Saiyan stage, and after regaining his senses, he will compress his own power to normal.

Xiao Han thought that he could control his mind well with the power of a giant ape, but in fact it was too far away!

Xiao Han tried several times, but every time he was about to turn into a golden giant ape, Xiao Han felt that he was about to lose consciousness, so he stopped.

In the state of the golden giant ape, the power of the giant ape has become a new force, and Xiao Han can’t control it at all now.

After Weiss’s explanation, he probably understood that maybe this was the divine power of the Saiyans, the power of the golden giant ape!

If you break through Super Saiyan 4, your power will be replaced by the power of the Golden Great Ape, and you will enter the realm of the gods.

But before Xiao Han entered the realm of the gods, how could he control the divine power?

That’s just too hard!

So he had been waiting for the divine dragon divine power to gather enough wishing power, and then wait for him to regain his senses after transforming into a golden giant ape.

The current will power is simply not enough, and it can only increase the success rate of regaining sanity, and it may not be 100% successful.

But even if it drags on for a while, the earth may be destroyed by Xiao Han, who has turned into a golden giant ape.

However, now that Beerus is here, maybe he can take care of it!

Xiao Han looked at Vegeta and Raditz again, what a bunch of unreliable guys!

Among the dozen Saiyans, even five Saiyans with righteous hearts can’t make it up!

Let others know that they think the Dragon Ball Legion is a villain organization!

There is no righteous heart, I think everyone has an evil heart!

Evil Heart?!

Five Saiyans with Righteous Hearts can transform into Super Saiyans by passing on their mental power to another Super Saiyan with Righteous Hearts.

What about the evil heart?

Xiao Han’s eyes lit up!

Doesn’t he care if he’s a righteous Super Saiyan God or an evil Super Saiyan God, isn’t it just a god?!

ps: Leave a message in the comment area with questions, this chapter is completely based on brain thinking, and there may be problems with some details. If you have any questions, leave a message, your brain is about to explode! Lose!.

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