"It's done! The people of the world have also become! "

Yue Buqun is very excited...

Ying Zheng's cultivation was successful, and at the same time, Li Shimin also cultivated successfully!

What does this mean?

This means that this technique is cultivated according to the current cultivation method, and the probability of success is extremely high! I should be able to cultivate successfully!

Liu Bowen: "Hahahaha, I saw it, I saw it!" "

For this Void Dragon Generation Technique and that Purple Qi East to practice Qi Technique, Liu Bowen is also very hot, but he has not been able to grasp the essentials before, and now, Huan Zheng and Li Shimin are charging ahead, and they have no reason why they can't cultivate!"

If it really doesn't work, practice a few more times, and you will definitely succeed!

Mu Chen mastered this technique and skillfully performed it, this is because his talent is huge, and his talent against the sky is naturally incomparable to an ordinary person like himself;

And the success of Ying Zheng's cultivation, that does not rule out chance, it may be accidental cultivation success...

But now.... Not only did he win the government, but Li Shimin also successfully cultivated!

That shows that this exercise is universally adaptable!

Success in cultivating by yourself is basically a matter of time!

If they can become immortals, who doesn't want to cultivate immortals?


Great Tang Palace....

In the small courtyard in front of Li Shimin's sleeping palace...

Cheng Yanjin looked at Li Shimin with a shocked expression...

He originally wanted to speak, but now, he didn't dare to make any moves...

Although the King of Qin in front of him was still the King of Qin, Cheng Yanjin found that he didn't know this Majesty at all!

Your Majesty turned out to be.... In Xiuxian?

Although this idea is very absurd, if someone said so to himself before, then he would definitely burst his dog's head, but now... I saw it with my own eyes!


Cheng Yanjin could only wait quietly....

After another while.... The wind and clouds dispersed, and the earthy yellow, thumb-sized little yellow dragon disappeared into the palace...


Li Shimin looked up to the sky and laughed.



"Your Majesty.... Your Majesty.... You this? "

Cheng Yanjin is already stunned, and he can't speak clearly...

"Hahahahaha. Biting Jin, this matter is a long story, then it will be a long story short, and the simple words are.... Cultivating Immortals! "

Xu has been taught by the immortals and has begun to cultivate immortals, so this auspicious Khan matter will be released for the time being, let everyone stick to it, the grain and grass in the city can still last for a few days, there is no big problem, wait for Xu to give this immortal method to practice well, this opportunity is rare!"

"Your Majesty, this, this..." Cheng

Yanjin was already stunned, completely speechless...

Li Shimin walked to Cheng Yanjin's side and reached out to pat his shoulder...

"Biting Jin, don't worry, when Xuan cultivates successfully, we won't forget our brothers, when the time comes, we will cultivate immortals together and build my immortal Tang!"


When Cheng Yanjin heard this, he immediately gasped for air!

He glared and looked at Li Shimin with a shocked expression...

He couldn't believe it....

He couldn't believe that His Majesty, who he was familiar with, was actually cultivating immortals!

I can't believe it, Your Majesty he..... He was actually willing to bring himself to cultivate immortals together!!


Cheng Yanjin has been completely attacked by this sudden wave of information attacks...

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, bite gold, a person becomes an immortal, how boring is eternal life? When you have some understanding of this immortal method, and after consulting the immortals, I will pass this technique to you, and then I will wait to find the immortal path together!

"Your Majesty..... Your Majesty!!! Cheng

Yanjin was extremely excited.

What kind of boss is this?

Xiu Immortal has not forgotten himself!

Such a king's affection, such a king's heart...

Cheng Yanjin's face turned red, he only felt that the most correct choice in his life was to follow such a boss as Li Shimin!

"Hahahahaha, bite the gold, hurry up, go back to cultivate immortals first." You help Xu stabilize this situation, and you must not disturb Xuan's practice unless you have a last resort!" "

You can come again if you have no bottles and jars, this opportunity to cultivate immortals can't come again!"

After that, Li Shimin turned around and walked back towards the sleeping palace... The steps are brisk, the mood is happy....

At this time, behind Li Shimin, Cheng Yanjin looked solemn and bowed to Li Shimin from a distance...

It is rare to see Cheng Yanjin showing such a serious expression...

"Your Majesty rest assured, the minister will definitely go all out! Live up to the trust! "


And at this time...

In a group chat....

Ying Zheng: "6666666! Although Shimin's cultivation talent is not as good as Xuan, this brain is indeed a bit of a thing! Why didn't you expect this wave of operations? "

Ying Zheng: "Immortal Tang? Hahahahaha, interesting and interesting, Xu also wants everyone to practice together and get an immortal Qin out!

Yue Buqun: "After I learn the exercises, I will slowly take my Huashan Sect disciples to cultivate immortals together!" Gee, if others practice martial arts and I cultivate immortals, I don't believe that this can't revitalize Huashan! Yue

Buqun's heart was extremely excited at the moment.

God knows how much I've carried over the years!

In order to revitalize Huashan, he can give up everything! Originally, I was still struggling with whether to go against the chivalrous heart to snatch the Evil Sword Spectrum, but now it's good. Rob? Grab a fart!

Sword spectrum to ward off evil?

What garbage exercises?

Fuck you!


Li Shimin returned to the dormitory and returned to the group chat for the first time.

Li Shimin: "How?" I'll just say I can do it too, right? Ying

Zheng: "How about you?" It's still a lot worse than Xuan, Xu is a pioneer, do pioneers understand?

Li Shimin: "Hehe, it's just luck, wait for the cultivation of purple qi east to practice qi art, then let you see what is called talent!" Ying

Zheng: "Good! Wait! I like Ah Min, you are unruly!

Li Shimin: "Wait and see!" Let you understand what is called the frog at the bottom of the well, Yelang arrogant! "

Yo yo, come on, let Shu Chang see it, I really want to open my eyes!" "

The two directly exchanged dozens of messages in the blink

of an eye...

And at this very moment....


everyone's eyes suddenly shook...

Li Shimin and Huan Zheng, who were fighting each other, couldn't help but be stunned for a moment...

"This is....?"


Everyone's eyes flickered, and the picture in front of them changed drastically...

"Who started the live broadcast?"

Ying Zheng immediately realized what was happening....

"It's Lao Yue!"

Li Shimin has already seen the person in front of him...

At this moment, the picture in front of the eyes of Huan Zheng, Liu Bowen, and Li Shimin has turned into Huashan...

The top of Mount Hua....

Yue Buqun sat cross-kneeled on the empty boulder of the cliff, facing the white clouds on the top of Mount Hua...

"Fellow Daoists, Yue Mou has an understanding in his heart, please take a look!"

Saying that, Yue Buqun got up and began to pace under his feet...


A hundred meters away from the cliff, an old man hid in the canopy of a tree...

That's right, it is the only remaining Dana of the Huashan Sword Sect, and the wind is clear!

Feng Qingyang lay on the tree, his eyes looking at Yue Buqun from time to time...

To be honest, Feng Qingyang really looked down on Yue Buqun, although the talent was acceptable, it could not reach the top level, especially the sword art, which was simply too unsatisfactory.

But Yue Buqun is the head of the Huashan faction after all, and Feng Qingyang is too lazy to look at him, but he is also the attention of the market;

Yue Buqun likes to swallow the purple qi of heaven and earth on the top of this Huashan Mountain in the early morning, and practice the purple xia divine skill, and this is a place where the wind is clear and retreated, naturally the two often run into each other....

Of course, the so-called encounter is nothing more than Yue Buqun cultivating, and the wind is clear and secretly watching...

In ordinary words, the wind is clear and sleeps directly on the tree, too lazy to look at Yue Buqun, after all, Yue Buqun practiced and practiced after all, it is difficult to enter the wind and clear the eyes....

This time, it's no exception!

The wind was clear and he slept until Yue Buqun finished practicing the Zixia Divine Skill;

In the past, Yue Buqun basically went down the mountain after practicing the Zixia Divine Skill and then practicing the sword technique, but this time... This guy is actually in a daze?

And in a daze for a long time!

The wind was clear and puzzled.

Looking at Yue Buqun, who was in a daze facing the rising sun cross-knee, Feng Qingyang was speechless...

If you don't leave this Nima's, won't I have to stay here in the tree?"

However, Yue Buqun's abnormal situation also aroused Feng Qingyang's interest...


The old man wants to see what your kid is going to do!

Yue Buqun stepped forward and began to cast the Void Dragon Generation Technique...

After a while, the wind and clouds surged, accompanied by a dragon groan, a white dragon shadow gradually appeared on the top of Mount Hua...

Not far away, the wind is clear and stunned....

"This..." Feng

Qingyang's eyes widened at the official, unable to believe what he was seeing...

At the same time, in the chat group, everyone is pointing at each other...


In the chat group...

Huan Zheng: "Gee, Lao Yue is worthy of being a person who practices martial arts, this cultivation is long, quite a different demeanor

..." Li Shimin: "It's indeed something, but not much, it's still a little worse than Zhixuan..."

That's naturally a lot worse!

Li Shimin: "Qin Huang, what are you stepping on me for?" I didn't step on you! "

If you are guilty to tell the truth, then it should be that there is no forgiveness for the crime, after all, what Xunzhi said is true!" Between

words, Ying Zheng and Li Shimin stunned each other again...

The number of chats in the group chat is rising...

Watching the two scare each other, Liu Bowen chose to remain silent, not that he didn't want to speak, he really couldn't find an opportunity to say ah, the intensity of the conversation between the two was quite intensive! Can't plug it in at all....


And just when Li Shimin and Ying Zheng were intimidating each other...


Suddenly, Liu Bowen let out a soft snort...

Liu Bowen was bubbling, just as the two of them had been stunned for a long time, a little tired, the speed of conversation was slightly slower, and suddenly Liu Bowen's words attracted the attention of Li Shimin and Huan Zheng...

"Chief Liu, what's wrong?"

Liu Bowen: "See for yourselves!" Yue is in charge of him...."

Huan Zheng and Li Shimin hurriedly looked at the live broadcast screen...

At this time, a small white dragon the size of a thumb was hovering above Yue Buqun's head.... At this time, Liu Bowen was sitting cross-kneeled below Xiaolong...

Yue Buqun faced the rising sun, and between the clouds, wisps of purple qi began to spread out from the little white dragon...

Watch this scene.... Liu Bowen, Li Shimin, and Huan Zheng couldn't help but be stunned...

Group chat, fell into silence....

Lao Yue... What is this house doing?

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