Yunye said with a pitying face.

Indeed, Yunye had already planted a black shadow in Siso's shadow.

Once he makes a move, he will get the black tiger heart benefit given by friendship and send it directly to Xitian.

Although it will not directly become the next flying bird, it is still no problem to lie down for a while.

"Yunye-san, you still like to joke so much."

Siso smiled and did not take this passage to heart.

But his tense body showed that he was not as leisurely as he seemed.

"It's not interesting, let's go."

"By the way, I missed another one."

Yunye immediately snapped his fingers.

Located in a luxury hotel dozens of kilometers away.

"Asuka must have gotten things back by this time."

"It's time to knock on Wright, this idiot, who dares to rob even my things."

Ne-Yo said with an angry look, and then picked up the phone on the side.

"Toot toot."

The sound of the phone echoed throughout the room, and there was a silence.

It made Ne-Yo feel a little flustered, and even felt like he was choked by a big hand.

"Hey, who is it."

Finally, a voice came over the phone.



Before Ne-Yo could finish speaking, his head flew out as if it had been cut by a sharp blade.

Crossing a beautiful skyline, sprinkling bright red blood, like crimson eyes.

Ne-Yo's old body also fell to the ground with a thud.

"What's going on, why don't you talk."

The person on the phone seemed to have a premonition that something bad was going to happen and began to urge.

'Sibba' sat on the couch and picked up the phone.

"Ne-Yo is dead."

As soon as these words came out, the other side instantly quieted down.

"No matter who you are, as long as you kill Ne-Yo, you are the enemy of the gangsters of the whole world."

"I don't need to know who you are, you're already a dead man anyway."

The opposite side was very calm and arrogant, and directly announced Yunye's death sentence.

This is true, as one of the ten old men, killing him is equivalent to going against the entire ten old men.

And the Ten Old Man, as the supreme leader of the world's gangsters, would naturally arrange for people to hunt down and kill everyone who was involved.

Although Ne-Yo's death is a good thing for them, Yunye challenges their majesty.

It must be addressed.

"What are you."

Yunye asked curiously.

The power of those who can be turned to by Ne-Yo should not be small.

"It's okay to tell you, I'm Melena Brutt!"

A presumptuous voice came from the other side of the phone

and heard the name, and a hint of surprise appeared in Yunye's eyes.

Melena is the leader of the Ayi family in the gangster forces of the Kakin Empire.

There are more than twenty people with the ability under his hand, and their strength cannot be underestimated, and they also have a place in the entire Kajin Empire.

And what has been able to get to this day is all her ability to read.

【Etude for Love】Spread

through Melena's saliva increases the patient.

Infected people who kill can increase the level, increase the total amount of qi and power. Once you reach level 20, you can discover your unique abilities.

When the level reaches 100, the infected person also becomes a class 0 patient, and can form a unique infection group.

Kill Normal Level +1, Ability Level +10, Prince Level +50. The current level of Melena is LV45.

With this ability to infect the legion, Melena managed to own and hold her position, and even allied with the four princes of the Kakin Empire.

It is a woman who is willing to do whatever it takes for an end.

"It's dirty."

Yunye whispered.

Even if this kind of mental ability is given to him, it will definitely not be used.

Relying on saliva to deliver the virus is not tolerated for people with psychological cleanliness.

"What do you say! You dare to call me dirty!

"Kill you! Kill you! You wait for me! As

if touching the pain point, the originally calm Melena instantly roared hysterically.

The sharp voice penetrated Yunye's eardrums through the phone, making him feel a burst of discomfort.

"Tried to kill me. Then come on.

After that, Yunye hung up the phone directly regardless of what the other party was saying.

There were not a thousand but eight hundred people who wanted to kill him.

One more, not more, one less.

Seeing that everything was done, he got up and prepared to leave, looked at Ne-Yo's body again, and found a blood-red number in his chest pocket.

"This guy."

Stepped forward and took it out.

4 spades!

Not surprisingly, it was Siso who left his mark.

It can be seen that he also had the idea of plundering Ne-Yo.


At the mouth of the lane.


Yunye, who was standing in place, suddenly said.

"What's wrong."

Siso looked over sharply.

Suddenly, a card flew towards his chest and was picked up by him.

"Take the stuff, don't lose it."

After that, Yunye walked towards the mouth of the alley.

The sunlight shone on his body, which was extremely dazzling.


Siso smiled at the 4 of spades in his hand, turned and walked like a deep alley.

The darkness gradually eroded his figure until it disappeared.

In the entire alley, only the corpses of birds are still lying on the cold, damp ground, waiting to be found or decompose alone.

From then on, the ten old men became the nine old men.


Just out of the alley, an excited voice came into his ears.

Turning to look, Guerra ran towards this side with a wave of his arms.

"It's really fun here, there are so many things I haven't seen before."

"Look at the new phone I just bought."

With that, Guerra took out the newly purchased phone.

It is the popular Golden Turtle Type 07, which is used all over the world, has no outdoor call range restrictions, and is also accompanied by 200 ethnic language translations, which can be watched on TV or video.

"I bought one for you, Laike, and my mother."

Gra handed an identical phone to Yunye from his bag.

"Thank you."

"With this phone, you will be able to talk to your mother often in the future."

Yunye said gently.

Gragha's mother was in a small village and did not have such a high-end thing as a portable phone, so she had to find the village chief as an intermediary to contact for every call.

Every time Yunye could see Guerra standing in the corner, holding the phone, as if waiting for something.


Guerra smiled and her eyes were full of light.

"What about Laike, where did he go?"

"We have important trips ahead."

Yunye asked with some doubt.

In the past, Laik should have come to him a little faster than Guerra.

But now it's rare to be late.

This abnormal behavior made Yunye feel a hint of foreboding.

More importantly, in order to give them privacy, he only placed some protective devices on the bodies of the two and did not use black shadows to enter their shadows.

This makes it impossible to locate in time

: "Forget it, let's go first."

After thinking for a while, Yunye finally decided to finish the important things first.

Very few of Elaike's strength can stop him, so don't worry for the time being.

After deciding, the two walked towards the center of Youkexin.

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