My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 400: The Money Of The Wealthy Gentry Is Returned In Full, And The Money Of The Common People

After having Velanestriad, Levin no longer kept the demiplane in a closed state, hiding in the parallel phase.

Instead, it unfolds directly in this world.

In fact, only in the expanded state can this demiplane constructed from the seeds of the plane continue to swallow up space and expand itself.

The reason why Levin had been hiding for a long time was that he was afraid that someone would break into his home while he was away.

But now that Vera Nestri is in charge, Levin is no longer afraid of having his home stolen.

In the following days, Levin would use the [Nature Spirit Enlightenment Technique] every few days in the forest to create a new tree spirit.

Based on the area of ​​​​the forest, Levin created a dozen tree spirits.

Under the leadership of Vera Nestri, they guarded the entire forest and took care of every plant and tree in it.

With the efforts of the tree spirits, the forest area is gradually increasing.

The entire demiplane is also expanding at an accelerated pace as the forest expands.

Time passed very quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was February 24th, which was the day of the third game of the Triwizard Tournament.

As early as half a month ago, the little wizards learned about the content of the competition.

This game is relatively simple and crude, that is the devil.

Because of the morning competition, the auditorium was very busy early in the morning.

At the long Gryffindor table, people were crowded around Lee Jordan.

“It’s the last hour! For those who haven’t placed bets, please note that we won’t wait until it’s too late.

Lee Jordan shouted loudly. He held a table with wizard battles and odds in his hand, and showed it to the little wizards around him.

Next to him, the Weasley twins were also helping. Little wizards kept running over to place bets. George was responsible for registering and Fred was responsible for collecting money. They were very busy.

Most of these young wizards came from Hogwarts, but occasionally wizards from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang came forward out of curiosity.

A Beauxbatons wizard couldn't help but widen his eyes after seeing the odds table.

"Did you write it backwards? Why is our Estella Dumont's winning odds so high, 10 to 1... That junior Harry Potter only has 6.7 to 1? Is this a shady plot?"

Upon hearing his words, several Durmstrang wizards immediately came forward to see what was going on.

Then they discovered that not only Estella, but also Durmstrang's Krum and Polyakov had low odds,

Klum's winning odds are 8 to 1.

Polyakov was even worse, losing 20 to 1, which just made it clear that he was a waste.

It's okay if you say that Hermione and Fleur's odds are a little lower. After all, their performance in the first two games is obvious to all.

Now, even Harry Potter, a fourth-year student, has higher odds than them. Are you looking down on people?

Don’t you know that Durmstrang is famous for its dark magic?

Durmstrang's wizards came forward to protest.

Li Jordan waved his hand impatiently, "This odds is definitely correct, we specially asked experts to calculate it... In short, do you want to place a bet?

Ah this…………

When it came to placing bets, several Durmstrang wizards looked at each other.

It doesn't matter if they give verbal support, let them bet on Krum and Polyakov to win...

Isn't this just a meat bun beating a dog?

They've already competed twice, and it's not like they haven't made a fool of themselves before.

So they looked at me and me at you, but no one came forward.

At this moment, the little wizards around them suddenly gave way, and a silver-haired boy wearing a Beauxbatons school uniform walked up to the twins.

It was Fleur's sister, Gabrielle Delacour.

Although she is young, she has initially shown her half-Veela demeanor.

With Ginny, Luna and Astoria beside her, the four beautiful girls stood together and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"I want to place a bet`]!"

She said softly, and slapped a bag of gold galleons hard in front of George, "30 gold galleons, buy Estella, senior sister, as my support for her."

"Gabriel, are you crazy?" Beside her, Ginny exclaimed, "This is your year's pocket money. Do you really think she can win the championship?"

Luna and Astoria also looked at her with strange expressions, wondering why she was so crazy.

Unexpectedly, Gabrielle said this: "I don't buy her to win the championship. I'm not that stupid. Buying her is better than buying my sister."

"What are you doing?" Ginny was a little confused.

Gabrielle winked at them mischievously, "I can buy a single game. Estella and Potter are dueling. The odds for Estella are actually 1 to 2. This is too high. I don't believe her anyway." If you will lose to Harry, just buy more and let them pay to death!"

Durmstrang's wizards suddenly realized after hearing this.

"You're right, I can pay for a single game!"

"Let me see, Polyakov's odds against Harry are 3.2. This is too high. I want to buy it!"

"Count me in and let them pay with their lives!"

On the Beauxbatons side, someone also responded: "Buy me 5 galleons too, and bet that Senior Du Meng can defeat Hacon!"

"And me, twice the principal, if you don't make money, you won't make it in vain!"

"But...", a young wizard from Beauxbatons hesitated, "If Senior Du Meng loses, I will have to eat dirt..."

Gabrielle rolled her eyes, "What are you afraid of? Don't you still believe in the strength of Senior Dumont? She can't beat Granger, and she can't beat Harry? Are these people from Hogwarts allowed to underestimate us Beauxbatons so much? !"

Her words couldn't help but use the power of Veela. Not only Beauxbatons, but also the wizard of Durmstrang was infected by her.

"That's right, how could Senior Du Meng lose!"

"We can't let them look down on Beauxbatons!"

"Durmstrang too!"

"Hogwarts loses its pants!"

In just a few minutes, George and Fred received many bets from young wizards from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Even many young wizards from Hogwarts came forward, most of them were Slytherins. , and is completely unfavorable to Harry Potter.

The amount they invested is not small, and it seems that they have spent all their capital.

On the surface, they all complained about Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

In fact, what they like is the high odds of 1 to 2 or 1 to 1.

They boasted that they had discovered the banker's behavior of forcibly promoting Hogwarts and looking down on the other two schools. They regarded this as a loophole, and naturally wanted to plunder the wool like crazy.

And Gabrielle, surrounded by her three friends, left the scene in a swaggering manner.

Just as the three of them were about to leave the auditorium, they were blocked by Levin in the foyer.

He had just finished watching this scene at Ravenclaw's long table, and he noticed something fishy in it at a glance.

"You guys..." Levin looked at the four girls and couldn't help but shake his head.

Then he looked at the silver-haired loli: "Gabriel, you are actually their supporter, right."

"Hey, hey, how did you see that?" Gabrielle stuck out her tongue and admitted immediately.

"Nonsense, at the invitation of Sirius, in the past half month, in addition to Hermione and your sister, I have also included Harry in my private tutoring class. Don't I know what his level is?"

Levin shook his head, with an expression of "everything is under control":

"What's more, who do you think they borrowed the principal for opening the market? Who do you think designed these odds?"

Good guy, this is a direct encounter with the big boss behind the scenes.

"Wow, I thought Gabrielle was smart enough to earn some pocket money. "So the real master is here." Astoria looked at Levin with eyes full of admiration.

Born in a pure-blood family, although she has a very kind nature, she also appreciates this way of making money.

She doesn't care about petty quarrels, and cutting leeks in the village is the right way to go.

Levin smiled, it was all gay for him.

But he was still a little puzzled: "I dare to set this odds because I know their strength. How dare you cheat people like this? Aren't you afraid of losing money?"

He thought for a while and suddenly said: "Someone must have leaked the information about me training Harry.

"."Who leaked the news, was it you?" He looked at Ginny,

"Or you?" He looked at Luna again.

The two girls hesitated for a moment, and Luna raised her hand proactively: "It's me."

"I knew it was you." Levin curled his lips, "As long as you are brave, nothing like this will happen to Ginny."

Levin's words were full of indulgence, without any intention of pursuing him.

Although Ginny is much more lively than Luna on the surface, when it comes to daring to cause trouble, Ginny is not as good as Luna.

But now, he still has one question he wants to figure out.

Levin turned to Gabrielle and asked: "You took the risk to be a trustee for them, how much did they pay you?"

"They actually wanted to give me money, but I didn't ask for it," Gabrielle said immediately.


Are you just helping them for nothing?

Are you so honorable?

Before Levin could ask, Gabrielle said again: "Of course I don't want this little profit, what we want is a commission!"

good guy,

Levin almost spit out a mouthful of water,

Are you so advanced in playing? You actually know you want a commission?!

Gabrielle showed a proud expression and said to Levin: "These thirty galleons were actually made up by the four of us together. I have discussed it with them. Looking back, they will pay back the thirty galleons through Ginny." Give us."

"I'm in charge of contacting you on this matter," Ginny added in a low voice.

Ginny is the biological sister of the twins, so she is the perfect contact.

"When we were discussing it, I proposed that they should share the money they make with us." Astoria continued.

"Because we are the ones who provide the inside information, we get 70% of the money earned." Luna said in a singing (Li Qianhao) tone.

After listening to the four girls talking about each other, Guowen couldn't help but clapped his hands.

The whole thing was not beyond his expectations,

It was through Levin that they learned about Harry's training situation, established an information gap, and then used this to discuss cooperation with Lee Jordan and the others to set up this bureau.

The whole situation is not complicated either.

First, it cleverly created a name, through "discrimination" in the odds, to arouse the dissatisfaction of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang wizards, and lure the "smart people" among the spectators to discover the "loopholes" in the odds.

People are always reluctant to believe what others tell them, but they always believe in what they discover with their own eyes.

But this is not enough, someone has to take the lead in placing bets,

Gabrielle took the lead in placing bets, and only the excited wizards from the two schools, as well as the "smart people" who thought they had discovered the loopholes, followed suit.

But what made Levin the most nervous was that the four girls actually negotiated a share of the profit, and successfully took advantage of Lee Jordan and the Weasley brothers.

What does "the wealthy gentry's money be returned in full, and the common people's money be divided into 30% and 70%"?!

And they took 70% of it.

Lee Jordan and the three of them became beggars on their knees.

But looking at the division of labor and cooperation between the four of them, some came up with ideas, some relied on connections, some negotiated, and some acted as support. They all performed their duties, and it was indeed a good show.

Based on their ability to make trouble, it is not a mistake to drag them into the genius club.

Pictured is Gabrielle Delacoufaner.

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