Levin took a sip of hot tea, and the aroma of tea spread between his lips and teeth, moistening his slightly dry throat.

He put down the tea cup, looked at Lupine with a solemn gaze, and slowly said: "In the second half of the twentieth century, several potions that could alleviate the effects of deformation finally came out. Among them, the most outstanding result is undoubtedly the one we made before Mention of Wolfsbane potion. However, this is not all I want to express."

He paused for a moment before continuing to get to the point: "Why are werewolves with such a long history of existence, but the research on related potions is so slow? The root cause behind this is actually that ordinary wizards have a serious lack of understanding and research on you werewolves. This This kind of ignorance breeds discrimination and rumors, allowing them to breed and spread like maggots in wizarding society. Even some so-called authorities are deeply prejudiced against this."

Speaking of this, he gave an example: "Take Professor Everett Pickard. In his book "The Lawlessness of Wolf Nature: Why Werewolves Don't Deserve to Live," he openly declared that werewolves will be permanently The land has lost its sense of morality. This statement is obviously wrong, and it is a huge misunderstanding and prejudice against you werewolves. However, this view appears openly in the work of a famous professor and is regarded as a masterpiece by countless people. "

When Lupine heard this name, he clenched his fists unconsciously.

"When Professor Picard wrote that article, he only made one-sided reference to a few cases of out-of-control werewolves and hastily made such an unfair judgment on all werewolves. His generalization undoubtedly deepened the Misunderstanding and discrimination against us werewolves. His article made many good-natured werewolves doubt and deny themselves, and some even fell into the abyss of despair and truly became the kind of morality he described. Lost monster."

"It is in this environment of lack of mutual understanding and cooperation that research on werewolves - whether it is the popularization of knowledge, treatment methods or the development of potions - has made extraordinary progress.

Levin sighed softly, his voice full of heaviness and helplessness,

"In fact, werewolves in human form may have the same kind and upright qualities as anyone else, just like you, Remus John Lupine. But there may also be evil and cruel individuals like Fenrir Greyback. , he still tries to bite or maim others in his human form, and even keeps sharp nails for this purpose. However, these complex and changeable characteristics are generalized by the outside world, and the resulting discrimination and prejudice are like gangrene on the bones. It’s hard to eliminate.”

He paused, as if looking for more suitable words to express what he meant.

"These discriminations and prejudices are like an invisible wall, isolating you werewolves from ordinary society. And ordinary wizards have further deepened their discrimination and prejudice against you because of your avoidance and concealment. This is like a vicious The cycle makes your situation more and more difficult."

Speaking of this, Levin suddenly looked at Lupin, with a deep apology in his eyes, which made the other person a little confused.

"Lupin, there is something I have to tell you. This is what I discovered when I accidentally looked through the files of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at Catalana's place. This thing may shock you, and even hurt you, but I think you You have the right to know the truth.”

He paused to give Lupine time to mentally prepare, and then continued: "When you were four years old, the Ministry of Magic once convened a group of authorities who studied dark creatures, hoping that they could help understand and contain these threats. . Your father, Leo Lupin, was also invited to the gathering. During the gathering, he met Fenrir Greyback."

He swallowed and continued: "Your father has always been a gentle and polite man, but at that assembly, he suffered ridicule and contempt from other members. They said that he would only deal with Boggarts Such a little trick shows no understanding of the real dark creatures. This made your father very angry. In front of Greyback, he angrily shouted the words, 'The only fate a werewolf deserves is death.'"

Hearing this, Lupine opened his mouth in surprise. He seemed to have guessed what Levin was going to say.

"I know this is hard to accept, but it is the truth. And what's worse is that because of this sentence, you were viciously retaliated by Greyback a few days before your fifth birthday. He took advantage of your father not paying attention, You were deliberately infected with lycanthropy. This is a tragedy based on discrimination and misunderstanding, and you are also an innocent victim of this tragedy."

After listening to Levin's words, Lupine's face became paler and paler, his eyes full of shock and pain.

He was silent for a long time, then slowly spoke, his voice slightly hoarse: "Thank you for telling me this, anyway.

Seeing that Lupin had finished digesting the news, Levin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lupin, I came to you today because I hope you can join us and work together to change the status quo of werewolves. I know that this may be a difficult decision for you, and maybe we cannot completely reverse the transformation that has happened to you. , allowing you to return to ordinary human life. But as long as we work together, I believe we will be able to find a better solution."

"We can work on developing longer-acting and more stable wolfsbane potions to provide more lasting help to werewolves,"

He proposed his plan, "Alternatively, we can also explore other treatment methods in order to find a way to completely cure the werewolf infection. In this way, the werewolves can get rid of the shackles of transformation, reintegrate into society, and no longer be subject to Discrimination and exclusion.

"Before I propose this invitation to you, I first analyzed the various reasons for the current situation for you. I hope you can understand our starting point and purpose."

Levin took a deep breath and continued,

"Of course, I also know that in this society, prejudice and discrimination are difficult to completely eliminate. Even Muggle-born wizards will inevitably be subject to a certain degree of prejudice. But what I want to say is, Professor Lupin, as long as we Your efforts can achieve certain results, even if it only improves the situation of werewolves and makes your life a little easier, it will be worthwhile. Maybe one day, you can be like vampires and Veelas, although they are still You will face some prejudice, but at least it will be accepted and understood by more people."

He paused, observing Lupin's reaction, and then continued: "I know you have deep feelings for Hogwarts. After we have results, if you are willing to go back and continue teaching, Jaina and I will do our best. Try your best to convince those school governors. We believe that your experience and wisdom will be invaluable to the students of Hogwarts...

Lupine listened to Levin's words and was silent for a while.

He raised his head and looked into Levin's eyes, and said slowly: "Levin, I am very grateful for your concern and invitation. But I do not plan to return to Hogwarts to be a professor. Your purpose is to want me to join the Austrian and French Alliance." The company is used for research and experiments, right? If you can guarantee that your purpose is really to help werewolves, I think I would like to be researched by you.

Levin waved his hand hurriedly and explained: "No, no, Professor Lupin, you completely misunderstood our intentions. We never wanted to use you as a test subject."

He smiled bitterly and said, "In fact, if you are just looking for experimental subjects, it will definitely not be enough for you alone. For this reason, we, Alfa United Company, have reached close cooperation with the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures of the Ministry of Magic. . From now on, those notorious werewolf criminals who are captured will no longer be sent to Azkaban, but will be sent to us and locked up in our underground laboratory. We hope that through in-depth research their physiological and magical properties, to find more effective treatments and antidotes."

After that, he waved his hand, interrupting Lupin's self-sacrificial plan:

"Lupin, please listen to me. Among all these unfortunate people, you are lucky. You have a few good friends who truly accept who you are and they are always by your side to give you support and help. Although life sometimes It was full of hardships and challenges, but after reuniting with Sirius, your life gradually gained hope and improvement.

He advised somewhat helplessly,

"I know that that report may have made you feel the urge to self-exile again. But please believe me, a werewolf like you who strives to maintain a good nature and considers the group should not have difficulty guaranteeing even a basic life. I think I will provide you with some suitable positions and job opportunities in my company. This is not only to provide you with a place to settle down and a stable source of life, but more importantly, to allow you to personally participate in the greatness of saving your own 1.2 ethnic group. Come to the cause. We need your wisdom and strength to work hard for the future of werewolves."

"Lupin, this is not charity, but a reasonable use of your unique advantages."

Levin said seriously,

"Werewolves will not be infected a second time. This characteristic makes you an ideal candidate to study those evil werewolves. You can help us with our front-line work, thus reducing the risk of infection for ordinary staff. And if our Offa United Company successfully develops Come up with a more effective 'wolfsbane potion', or even find a magic potion to solve the infection problem, you will also be the first batch of beneficiaries."

After all, he concluded: "From a business perspective, helping people like you may not bring direct financial benefits, but it is very beneficial to improving our company's social responsibility and public image. I I am very willing to invest this capital to achieve a win-win situation for both of us."

Lupine listened to Levin's words and was ready to agree to his proposal, but suddenly a thought flashed through his mind.

He frowned and asked: "Levin, I understand what you mean, but if you want to solve the infection problem, does that mean...you plan to conduct experiments on living people?"

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