Watching Dumbledore, Jaina, and Fudge drift away, Levin also felt that he and his companions could not stay long.

He gently urged Onyxia, Tonks, Penelope and Cirilla to leave. Although his physical condition had not yet returned to its best, he believed that with Hermione, Zhang Qiu and Ginny by his side, , has been the greatest support.

At this moment, the other companions still need to stick to their posts. After all, as the dust of the war settles, the news of Voldemort's return will spread in the wizarding world like wildfire. Fudge's fall has become an indisputable fact, and their current top priority is , is to fill this power gap, stabilize and expand the results of the Ministry of Magic.

In the hall, the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only the busy figures of some Aurors responsible for the aftermath.

Levin took a deep breath and relaxed his tense body.

He ordered softly: "Let's sit down and rest for a few minutes to regain our strength and energy before we go home. I just want to have a good sleep now."

Upon hearing this, Hermione quickly took out a roll of plaid carpet from her magical seamless foldable pocket and spread it lightly on the floor. She always "prepares all kinds of gadgets to deal with various situations in advance."

Zhang Qiu transformed into her sphinx form, and her furry lioness body lay gracefully on the carpet, providing Levin with a comfortable backrest.

After everything was arranged, the four of them sat around on the carpet, quietly watching the death hall being cleaned, and watching the Aurors and employees of the Offician United Company who fell 410 times.

Ginny's brows furrowed tightly, her eyes full of sadness and helplessness: "Too many people died, this battle is too cruel."

Her voice trembled with sadness that could not be concealed.

Before that, this girl had faced all the romance on campus. The only trouble she had was her brother's incomprehension of her and how to get along with Levin. She was only a witness on the night of the World Cup and the final of the Triwizard Tournament. .......It wasn't until today that she truly saw another side of the world.

Levin nodded in admiration, his eyes lingering on the young corpses, and his heart was also full of melancholy: "Yes, these are heroes who died heroically to protect our beloved people and the magical world."

He turned to look at Hermione and reminded, "Hermione, after the list is compiled, you can provide some subsidies to the families of these heroes in the name of Alfa United Company. We cannot let their sacrifices be in vain, we must do our best. To take care of their families.”

This is not only a respect for the fallen heroes, but also a comfort to their families.

Hermione nodded heavily, with a relieved smile on her face: "Don't worry, Shanwen. I will be fine.

Suddenly, Zhang Qiu, who transformed into a sphinx, twitched her nose and her tail swung uneasily: "Besides the smell of blood, what else smells like? It smells so bad."

Her words broke the sad silence.

Hermione frowned slightly (accc), she took a deep breath, trying to distinguish the unpleasant smell, and then immediately came to a conclusion, and couldn't help but explain: "If you have learned Muggle medical knowledge, You will know that after death, the muscles will become relaxed due to the loss of electrical signals. This also includes the sphincter and bladder detrusor...

However, Zhang Qiu interrupted her helplessly: "Hermione, can you say something that I can understand? When it comes to Muggle knowledge, you always use a lot of confusing terms.

For these little wizards who grew up in the wizarding world, Muggle's knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology is still too difficult.

Hermione smiled awkwardly: "In short... people may become incontinent after death."

She tried her best to sound relaxed, but the discomfort in her heart could not be concealed. She also couldn't wait to leave here and return to her quiet home with Levin.

Just as they were enjoying the rare silence, suddenly, without any warning, a weird scream came from the depths of the archway behind the plaid carpet.

The voice seemed like an evil spirit breaking free from the abyss of hell, carrying endless terror and despair, which made people feel horrified. At the same time, a powerful attraction suddenly surged within the windless and automatic curtain, swallowing everything around it like a black hole.

At the moment when this attraction was raging, another thrust suddenly came from nowhere. The two forces intertwined and instantly pushed Levin, Hermione, Zhang Qiu and Ginny towards the arch.

In fact, whether it's the weird attraction or the sudden push, their main target is Levin. The three girls were just held by his side and ruthlessly involved in this unknown disaster.

Although Levin didn't have time to figure out what was going on, his instinctive reaction saved his and the girls' lives.

He quickly cast [Thunder Wave], a powerful repulsive magic that could push enemies away instantly. At this critical moment, he did not hesitate to push this power to the three girls, rescuing them from the claws of gravity and thrust.

However, as the main target of these two sudden forces, Levin has no regard for his own safety. His entire body was almost drawn into the other end of the curtain, as if he was about to be swallowed into an endless world of darkness.

At this life-and-death moment, he can only rely on his courage and wisdom to try to find a glimmer of hope.

When Levin passed through the curtain that seemed ordinary but contained endless mysteries, he felt an unprecedented shock.

The two ends of the arch look the same, as if they were just an ordinary door, but in fact they hide a real, invisible one-way barrier. This barrier is like an indestructible boundary, ensuring that this door can only enter but not exit.

Behind the door, there is frantic chaos and invisible death, as if entering another dimension - a desolation of order and law at the edge of the world.

In this desert, Levin felt an unspeakable loneliness and despair. There is no sky, no earth, no sun, no stars shining here. The surroundings are always emitting a dim gray light, and what is coming towards you is endless gray fog. These gray fogs are like the incarnation of death, permeating every corner, making it impossible to breathe and escape.

In this dead desert, Levin seemed to be able to feel the end of everything.

Time loses its meaning here, and space becomes distorted and blurred. He felt as if he was in an eternal nothingness, isolated from the world, lonely and helpless.

At first, Levin felt that he was familiar with this place, but he soon understood why.

Before traveling to this world, he had passed through this place vaguely. That sense of familiarity came from the memory fragments deep in his heart. These fragments were awakened at this moment, giving him a deeper understanding of this desert.

"So, behind this curtain is actually the edge of the world." Levin murmured to himself, "The attraction and push I have always felt before is actually the repulsion of the world." The world was trying to push me, the outsider, out of the world.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Levin's mind, and he vaguely guessed the reason for all this happening--as early as when he first entered the Death Hall, he had noticed something strange.

At that time, he was still highly vigilant about this arch.

However, the continuous fighting has greatly consumed his energy. Exhausted, he gradually relaxed his vigilance, and finally sat in front of the arch with several female companions without any scruples. At that moment, he completely gave up his vigilance and immersed himself in a moment of tranquility.

Now that he was in danger, he paid a heavy price for that slackness.

Unfortunately, this kind of analysis and speculation seems to be of no help to his current situation. He stood at the edge of the world blankly, not knowing how to get back to the other side of the curtain. The power of nature has become impossible to display here, and psychic powers have also lost their former effectiveness. Although the magic power can still be used, it feels quite stagnant, as if casting magic here requires ten times or more of the original magic power. At this moment, he had very little magic power left.

Levin tried several kinds of magic, but those that interfered with physics had no effect here. Everything around him no longer seemed to follow the normal laws of physics, making his magic at a loss. And the effect of the spell to manipulate space in this place with extremely chaotic spatial coordinates was completely different, putting him into a deeper dilemma.

At this time, he could only watch himself getting further and further away from the curtain.

His heart sank suddenly, and the despair and unwillingness drowned him like a raging tide. He realized that he was going to die and disappear at the edge of this desolate world.

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