My universe in a bottle

Chapter 288 Li Qing: I am a stick

Force can only conquer the body.

Calculation conquers the heart.

Cultural export has turned some people into walking traitors, constantly bragging about their own country and praising the free and sweet air, which makes people want to work hard to go to school and study abroad to "go to the upper world".

To be honest, if you use the big one to bully the small ones, and you are making crazy plans for a nascent civilization, what can the other side do to resist?

It’s so weird that this thing can slip out of your hands!

"This gradually controls the other party's civilization, and it can actually deduce the order of the civilization on the technological side."

Li Qing pondered,

"They look so strong, as if they are trying to beat me in every aspect."

1. The development speed of civilization is crushing.

They are still cultivating step by step here. They are not cultivating their own bodies. The research and technology only needs to explode.

There is really no limit to external force.

2. Crush the same level of civilized combat power.

They have a large number of people and are mass-producing like crazy. They have already opened weapons processing plants and mass-produced weapons. They will kill you.

To be honest, Li Qing has been a little confused recently and started to doubt his own path.

The folk martial artists of the Qing Dynasty used martial arts to triumphantly deal with the firearms army. They blocked the holes of the guns with their hands, which became a joke, and finally earned the name of barbarians.

At that time, they, who have been warriors for thousands of years, knew: Sir, times have changed!

Come up with a Gatling, can you handle it?

After all, as the saying goes, all fear stems from insufficient firepower.

Caliber is justice, range is truth.

Li Qing pondered, "I'm not the real maverick. I just stupidly followed a slow and cumbersome path."

"Sylph's Intelligent Brain, deduced the possibility that in the universe, potential races with more than thirty-three rings will naturally occur." Li Qing suddenly ordered.

【Under development】

[This kind of race naturally occurs in the universe, and the probability of its occurrence is one in 131 trillion. 】

Li Qing immediately chuckled.

Only those with level 33 or above can reach the level of Complete True God. Others who are resident in the True God realm are incomplete True Gods. They cannot stay in that state, and they will definitely not be able to last long if they are attacked by technological civilization.

In other words, there is almost no truly complete God in the universe!

"This means that technology is the mainstream. In today's universe, I may be the first extraordinary civilization in the world. I may be really a bad guy. I have read too many novels and come here to study this kind of extraordinary way. ?”

"Shatter the void with your fist and walk the universe with your body?"

Li Qing smiled bitterly.

He thought about the recording and found that he had been over the top. He felt that he could actually compile life, so he started to make flesh and blood comparable to steel bars.

Is your alloy very hard?

very good.

If you have it, I must have it too! The compilation of my life code, metal synthesis, enrichment of various minerals, and the natural production of alloy bones in my body. The bones have turned into alloys. Are you angry?

Can your laser cannon fire lasers?

Then I want it too.

I compiled the laser cannon into my flesh and blood, and then used the alloy skeleton to create gears and torques in my body. The current flesh and blood can fire the laser cannon.

Now that I think about it, I seem to be competing all the time!

In essence, life is like a mechanical program. By compiling the underlying code of life, it is equipped with various super technological instruments in the body, and then by continuously becoming stronger, it can mass-produce advanced combat mechas one after another.

This is extraordinary.

Everyone coincides with the essential laws of the universe and reaches the same destination through different paths.

However, my own assembly line looks very natural. It is already a truly extraordinary life, containing the principles of heaven and earth and various laws of the universe.

But they are mass-produced.

Although I customized it myself, it is obviously much better. It is simply a miracle of art in the universe, but I can’t bear the large number of others.

Under siege, I want to cool off.

"That is to say, if I meet most of the technological civilizations of the same level in the universe now, I will not be a match at all." Li Qing guessed: "They are crazy about the troops. I don't know how many troops they have in reserve."

"I have wandered in an inexplicable way, my damn perfectionism spirit."

Sure, transcendence is cool!

It's very cool, but it seems a bit impractical. I worked hard to be a strong practitioner, but I was irritated by the various mass-produced machines of the other party.

Even if there is a real fight, that might not be the case.

Their mass-produced demigod mechas are obviously very handicapped, not flexible enough, and have major flaws. The "mechas" they produce are all hand-forged with craftsmanship.

"Let's take a look at their mainstream orthodoxy." Li Qing, a non-mainstream civilization, planned to watch the development of their formal civilization.

Year 1581 of the Star Calendar.

The national conscription system was launched, and every citizen was obliged to serve and become a border soldier to explore, open up, and initially people paraded in the streets to demonstrate their opposition.

Two hundred years of military service is simply too long and extremely labor intensive.

Then, I was gradually convinced by a theory of patriotism:

"We are all laying the foundation for our descendants!"

“Isn’t bigger land for our better enjoyment?”

"If you just want to be comfortable and don't participate in labor, what's the difference between that and a moth?"

People are gradually convinced by an argument.

At the same time, perhaps because of the continuous expansion of the interstellar exploration team, various alien movies and stories about cosmic civilizations are emerging one after another.

Even various sighting reports of alien spacecraft began to appear in cities across the country, and blurry videos continued to circulate.

People are hotly discussing the possible existence of aliens.

As everyone knows, this is a test of the lower class people by the Black Star executives. They continue to use various entertainment media to gradually adapt the people to the concept of aliens and prepare for their official appearance.

Year 1621 of the star domain calendar.

Various basic human sciences have completely reached a bottleneck and have come to a standstill.

The fields of gravity, space, and nanomachines have entered an eighty-year bottleneck period, almost stagnating, while applied science continues to rise.

And built more advanced signal-receiving devices to listen for signals and information in the universe, but found nothing.

Year 1710 of the Star Calendar.

A large number of top universities under the Black Star Government began to appear.

Top talents are sent to the upper realm, while most of the population is piled in the lower realm, waiting for birth, old age, sickness and death, and are herded to promote the technological progress of civilization.

In June of the same year.

The Ministry of National Information issued a major news:

[We broke through a historic high, and the territory we expanded outward reached twice the territory of our birth for the first time! 】

Twice the land expansion, more people, also means more prosperity.

Star Calendar 1891.

Civilization is still stagnant, and secretly the entire civilization's top management has completely let down their guard. The twelve kings of the Black Star Empire, as well as the Black Star Emperor, have settled in the upper world, become citizens of the empire, and manage their own world.

You are the one who knows how to herd yourself best.

"It's just that that guy hasn't appeared yet."

Li Qing hesitated.

To be honest, the twelve kings and even the emperor who collected them were all outstanding people with rich heritage.

However, there is still a lack of such a strategic level existence.

Even Li Qing began to wonder if he had made a mistake. That person did not exist at all and was promoted by the group of people with more than 90 kinds of talents in front of him?

"Are you here or not? I only need a dozen more days to find out whether you will die of old age in two thousand years and still be unable to bear it."

Li Qing was very good at it.

This grabs your throat, what can you do to resist?

These traitors are everywhere, and all high-level officials of the country have taken refuge in him.

Just like Atabibia back then, why did he risk everything to build the Tower of Babel? Isn't it because he instigated the people to rebel and made them rebel against their relatives?

Li Qing said with some emotion:

"However, this Black Star Empire civilization is really a huge consumer. It is still at the demigod level, but it consumes dozens of times more resources than the martial arts civilization continent next door, where the true gods are everywhere."

This is a big project!

It’s my first time to play with something that big.

In the Martial Arts Continent, if you give him more support, he may not be able to take it. After all, cultivation is not a resource-rich thing.

But it's different here.

You can eat as much as you want, it is made by accumulating resources, and the demigod armor is still too small to be made.


Expand, expand, expand!

The bigger the subspace land, the better.

At the same time, Li Qing's eyes were completely focused on another aspect, "It has been dormant for hundreds of years, maybe it's time to break through to the next level!"

"A true god is something worth seeing."

"Don't let me down."

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