Zhang Jingfeng remembers some of the skills he saw in his previous life about writing books, most of the protagonists are orphans, why is this?

But at that time, as a new Zhang Jingfeng, I didn't know ah, after all, they were all set up with their own templates, how could they not have

parents? After all, when he wrote the book in his previous life, he was also there with his parents, since he substituted himself, how could the protagonist be an orphan?

Zhang Jingfeng really didn't expect that when he was 20 years old in his previous life, they would actually leave him and leave forever.

The departure of his parents has also caused Zhang Jingfeng's increasingly withdrawn personality, from college graduation to work, almost all of them live alone without too much intersection with anyone, even former friends, rarely contact.

But now it's different! I have crossed myself, crossed into someone who has almost the same trajectory as my own life.

The parents of this world are still there, and even the memories look exactly the same as in the previous life.

Zhang Jingfeng is also glad that he crossed into a parallel world set up like himself.

At this moment, Zhang Jingfeng looked at the emotions in the caller's heart, and it was only a moment from excitement to calm.

After collecting his emotions, Zhang Jingfeng picked up the phone.

"Mom!" Zhang Jingfeng directly said the identity of the electric man, and seemed to have known it for a long time.

"Eh, how did you kid know that your mother called?" came a kind voice on the phone, and the source of the voice was obviously not his father's voice, but the voice of a middle-aged woman.

"Usually, Dad won't call me if he's fine, so I guess it's you!" "

By the way, are you looking for me for something?" Zhang Jingfeng still inquired even though he knew what Zhang's mother called for.

This dialogue is from the original plot, and Zhang Jingfeng remembered it as early as when he recalled the plot, but he has always felt uneasy about the arrival of this matter.

It wasn't until now that Zhang Mu really called, and Zhang Jingfeng's tense emotions finally fell.


My phone is down, I used your father's mobile phone to call! "Oh! You really are! I haven't contacted my family for so long!" Zhang Mu's voice hit Zhang Jingfeng's heart like a cannon, and couldn't help but make Zhang Jingfeng sigh, his mother is still the same as the world in his previous life.

"I..." Zhang Jingfeng felt a little choked in his throat for these questions, and he wanted to say something but couldn't open his mouth.

"By the way, aren't you working in that hot pot restaurant now? How is it now? Have your wages been raised! Calculate the time, you have been working there for almost five months!" Zhang Mu continued to ask when she saw that Zhang Jingfeng did not speak.

"I... Resigned!" Zhang Jingfeng still decided not to hide anything from Zhang's mother, and answered honestly, but this resignation was not his own initiative, and Zhang Jingfeng naturally would not say this to Zhang's mother.

The reason for this answer was only to listen to Zhang Mu's nagging more, and sure enough, Zhang Mu then carried out a cannon-like raid on Zhang Jingfeng.

"Ah? you..."

I know! You! Don't learn from your cousin! Now they are 278 years old, and they don't do their jobs all day! They have to change more than a dozen jobs a year! A few years ago, they told your father what to drive a Mercedes-Benz BMW back next year! Now? You! Look at it! It's been years! Now I don't know where to fool around!" When

Zhang's mother heard that Zhang Jingfeng had resigned, she was instantly unhappy, so she took Zhang Jingfeng's cousin as an example and asked him not to learn from his cousin.

And that cousin of his happened to be the mysterious relative mentioned earlier.

But these Zhang Jingfeng all know, he just listened silently without interjecting, Zhang Jingfeng just wanted to listen to Zhang Mu's voice well, although this is Zhang Mu in a parallel world, but their voices are like ah! Listening to Zhang Jingfeng's

eyes were a little moist, and then he gently wiped the corners of his eyes and continued to listen.

Let's honestly farm at home!" Perhaps Zhang Mu said that she was tired, and after a period of silence, Zhang Mu slowly spoke up.

"Okay!" replied Zhang Jingfeng very crisply, he really wanted to take this opportunity to go back, but this simple answer made Zhang Mu stunned.

Do you really think farming is easy? You should go and break into the world at such a young age, at least to see the world, but don't know like your cousin?"

Zhang Jingfeng's thousands of words into an oh word, which is different from what he imagined, in the original plot, Zhang Jingfeng refused to go back to farming, and was said by Zhang's mother "When you have suffered enough!

This is somewhat different from the original plot, perhaps it is a problem caused by the wrong way of answering, but Zhang Jingfeng also knows that Zhang Jingfeng actually wants Zhang Jingfeng to break in outside.


, you know it!" "Forget it! I don't tell you, it's so late! Remember to go to bed early! Oh! By the way, charge my phone with some bills!" Zhang Mu didn't even give Zhang Jingfeng a chance to react, so she hung up the phone.

After Zhang Mother hung up the phone, she turned to Father Zhang and said, "If you hadn't told me what happened to Zhang Zi'an some time ago, I wouldn't have called Jing Feng to confirm his situation!"

You heard that, I let him continue to work well, and if he has some savings in the future, he will not even be able to raise money for his college like us.

I just don't want him to be like his cousin Zhang Zi'an, who doesn't do his job, and his job changes and changes. "Father Zhang had a roll of leaf cigarettes in his mouth, and as for why he smoked this, it was because this cigarette was sold by the pound and was cheap.

Mother Zhang suddenly took out her mobile phone at this time, and exclaimed to Father Zhang: "Jing Feng, this baby actually charged me with five hundred phone bills, what a waste of money!" "

500 is enough to buy a lot of things." "

Eh, my mobile phone also received five hundred phone bills!" Father Zhang also looked at the phone bill text message with a confused expression, but then reacted.

"It seems that Jing Feng is at least doing well!" "

No, I want to call him to teach him a lesson, a thousand will be gone all of a sudden, isn't this kid looking for scolding?" Zhang Mu was a little distressed about money, and directly prepared to take out her mobile phone and call Zhang Jingfeng.

Jing Feng's baby is measured, and being able to pay us with so much money shows that he can at least get by in life. Father Zhang waved his hand very calmly and said.

"Besides, this phone fee has to be deducted every month, and we don't have to charge it for at least two or three years in terms of our usage."

"You said he quit his job, maybe he got some high-paying job?"

"You have to think on the bright side, and if he can come up with so much money, it means that he is not short of money now."

"Otherwise, it would be enough to charge you a few dozen yuan just now, so why should you charge so much and worry you?"


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