The female assassins were wandering around, and they were picking a profession in the spring and autumn.

And Zhang Jingfeng?

He is analyzing the origin of these stone statues.

This is with Zhang Jingfeng's analysis, the origin of these stone statues, the more surprised Zhang Jingfeng is.

These stone statues are alive.

To be precise, it used to be alive, but now it is a stone statue.

The reason for this probably goes back a long, long time.

Zhang Jingfeng closed his eyes and began to trace the past of these stone statues.


A long, long time ago!

The data continent is not yet called the data continent.

At that time, the data continent, like the Pangea universe, was a starry world.

But one day, the starry world changed, and the starry sky was invaded.

The whole world began to transform from a starry sky into an unknowable state.

Like an overlay, it is a mixture of two states, data and reality.

The intensification of this state has made the human beings in this starry sky get another transformation.


A system that everyone has emerged.

People no longer rush for life, and directly start a life of fighting monsters and upgrades.

However, the good times did not last long, and the great terror came.

Countless powerful bosses have appeared all over the world, and many civilizations have been destroyed by this.

At that time, all kinds of bosses belonged to powerful monsters with high intelligence.

There are no restrictions, no scope for hatred, and it is completely possible to attack in disregard of any rules.

But it is precisely because of this that many human beings have begun to spontaneously unite and unanimously resist those powerful monsters from the outside world.

Under such a fight, it has been a long time!

In this state, it seems that a balance has been formed, and the changes in the world have begun to stabilize.

Countless worlds began to converge, and many things began to intersect.

In the end, it formed today's data continent.


But that was only a long, long time ago.

These statues record more than that.

Because there is an initiator behind all this, but that initiator Zhang Jingfeng can't see the way, and can only continue to analyze the past of these stone statues.

According to Zhang Jingfeng's analysis, these stone statues are actually those humans who once opened up the data continent and grew up.

At the beginning, the data continent did not have any profession to speak of, and it was completely based on the understanding of the system owner himself.

With their own excavations, there were no restrictions on which way people wanted to go at that time.

If you want to go the fast way, you can!

Just keep going down this path!

If you want to go the way of power, you can too!

Again, you just need to continue studying this path!

It was a time of genius! Countless people have obtained the ultimate power through their own efforts.

They are developers of all professions!

But that was a long, long time ago!

Most of the pioneers of those professions have reached the pinnacle of their professions!

It is not an exaggeration to call it a god!

So far, in the Inheritance Temple, all the stone statues are those who have grown to the top!

But how did this group of humans who grew to the peak become stone statues?

This brings us to what happened next.

The history of Datacontinent can be divided into three stages.

The first stage is the stage when the data continent was first formed.

It can be called a data invasion, and data changes reality and the whole world.

It was in this first stage that countless strange people were born.

It was at this stage that which career trailblazers who grew to the extreme appeared.

But it is at the end of this stage.

The initiator behind it has appeared!

Then comes the second stage.

Stage 2 is the battle between the initiators behind it and these pioneers who have grown to the extreme.

At that time, all the pioneer levels were 999, but the initiators behind it were up to 1000.

Don't underestimate the difference of only one level, but the gap is not an order of magnitude.

The Trailblazer of level 999 can hardly hurt the initiator of level 1000.

But the initiators of level 1000 could not kill those pioneers of level 999.

So in the end it was at an impasse.

But all this is only the beginning of Phase 2.

Next, I don't know what the initiator did.

It actually attracted all the pioneers to unite against him.

This becomes the second stage of the entire data continent.

If you have to describe it, then maybe it can be called Ragnarok!

Countless level 999 top players to deal with the only level 1000 player!

That's what the whole battle is all about.

But how did these people turn into stone statues in the future?

In fact, it is also because someone found the ancient inheritance before the invasion of the data continent!

It was a kind of seal.

Since then, all the pioneers of level 999 have spontaneously organized themselves and completely sealed the initiator of the full level.

And this group of level 999 players also turned into stone statues!

Perhaps it is because of the fusion of the data world and reality that this seal is even more powerful.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a simple seal inheritance to produce such an amazing effect.

After all, level 1000 is already close to the 10-dimensional plane-level powerhouse, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a half-surface level.


The overall story seems to have some holes, but in fact, the narrator N cannot observe more.

Among them, the change of the entire data continent is not only the participation of the initiator.

There's another thing.

That is the system that changes the pattern of the entire continent!

Where does the system come from?

Why did Zhang Jingfeng find that there was a relationship with Yupei in it, and why was the ultimate power of the entire data continent almost the same as the extreme ability in the unlimited point exchange system?

These all kinds of questions, Zhang Jingfeng is unknown.

But Zhang Jingfeng just wrote down this question and continued to analyze.

The end of the second stage is actually the pinnacle existence of each class, which turns into a stone statue due to the sealing of the initiator behind it.

But the 3rd stage.

This is the real beginning, without the intervention of the initiators behind it.

The whole data, the continent began to evolve itself!

Everything goes in one direction.

That's the real world that gradually becomes more like a game.

Since that time, everything before the second stage has become history, an unknown history.

Even the place where the initiator was once sealed has been preserved as a heritage shrine.

The Inheritance Temple has also become a separate inner world within the data continent.

From Phase 1 to Phase 3 now.

Many things happened, but Zhang Jingfeng only got the information before the second stage from the stone statue analyzed in front of him.

For the conjecture of the third stage, Zhang Jingfeng only combined the past, plus the results of a series of passers-by such as the analysis of spring and autumn, and the female assassin.

Since all the information before Stages 1 and 2 was hidden by the data continent, it is no wonder that Zhang Jingfeng spent a lot of time analyzing these materials.

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