When the female assassin entered the Inheritance Temple, she did not have too many thoughts like coming again in spring and autumn.

At that time, she only chose the nearest assassin class, so she did not find the unknown guest class located in the center.

Or that the owners of the profession she chose were all of the same gender as her, and the male unknown in the middle was ignored by her.

Now female assassins are wandering around, looking for opportunities they may have missed.

But walking back and forth a few times, I didn't realize anything I missed at all.

So now this inheritance temple, in the eyes of the female assassin, is really just a temple for inheriting hidden professions. So the current female assassin's eyes are full of disappointment.

"Hey! I don't know what career I will choose this spring and autumn? The female assassin shook her head and sighed.

Then I looked at where Spring and Autumn came again, and went straight away.

When the female assassin went to the vicinity of spring and autumn, spring and autumn came again, and she had already chosen her profession.

【Nameless guest】

"Hey! What kind of hidden profession did you choose? The female assassin, who was coming from spring to autumn, asked not far away.


name! Spring and autumn came to silence for a moment, feeling that they did not need to hide, so they directly pointed out their current occupation.

"No name? What kind of stuff? Can this thing still be a profession? The

female assassin looked surprised, although Nameless generally refers to players who cannot choose a class, Nameless is not a real profession.

After all, if a player did not choose a profession, his panel would look like this.






Except for all basic attributes.

This kind of profession of a nameless guest will not be revealed.

Although this kind of no-name visitor who does not choose a profession, many kinds of skills can be learned.

However, these unknown guests have never been able to use these skills to the top, because they do not have a special bonus of the class.

To get a career, you need certain attributes, and you can do it by meeting certain requirements.

But the nameless refers to the kind of player who is less than level 10.

Because players who are less than level 10 can learn various types of skills based on their own interests.

Those extra skills can not be abandoned until after level 10 has changed to specialize in a path.

So no-name guests are never a real profession.

Data continent, except for high-level players.

The most are actually players under level 10.

These players are the bottom of the entire data continent.

Some of them belong to ordinary people with no ambitions.

Some are the ones who feel that growing up along the way is too dangerous and choose to give up.

It is precisely because of these talents that they have laid the foundation of the entire data continent.

Most of the no-name guests below level 10 who did not choose a profession have also become lifestyle players.

Cooks, tailors, blacksmiths....

A series of life players almost all appear in it.

In fact, this also shows in disguise that it is not necessary to upgrade and fight monsters is the right way.

Life pro gamers can also live a good life.

For example, so far, the first chef in the data continent is an ordinary player who is less than level 10.

Many high-level players fight monsters to reveal high-quality ingredients, many of which require reservations to cook.

Of course, the reason why many people choose to become anonymous guests is also because there is a certain protection mechanism for their existence in the data continent.

Perhaps it can be called a newbie protection mechanism.

As long as you become a player level 0~10, you can be protected.

However, this protection is only for other players, and does not take effect on monsters in the wild.

This is also the reason why many students of the academy will lose the first resurrection coin because of this.

Then again.

Spring and autumn came to see the female assassin again and did not believe it, so she shared her attribute panel with the female assassin.

"Really! Don't believe it, you see. After

all this time together, Spring and Autumn came again to know the purpose of the female assassin following him.

And now that the female assassin of this purpose has clearly understood, she did not choose to hide it when spring and autumn came again.

However, for the one in the no-name guest class, the entry that can be upgraded to level 1000 is hidden by him.

So now the female assassin sees that the attribute column of spring and autumn is like this.

[Name: Spring to Autumn (LV910)] [

Health: ...] [Mana: ...] [Attack: ...] [



[......] [Class


Nameless. In

addition to all the attributes of the basics, the class column is gone, there are no warriors, swordsmen, and mages.

Instead, it was replaced by a profession called Anonymous Guest.

However, the hidden role of anonymous guests, spring and autumn are not revealed.

"It's really a nobody!"

"Does your profession have any special role?"

And for the female assassin's next inquiry, Spring and Autumn came again, and only said so.

"Specific role,...... Well..., according to the introduction when it was chosen, the system said... You can learn skills for any profession without any restrictions!

"That's all!" Spring and Autumn nodded expressionlessly, and he didn't mention anything about the hidden information being able to rise to level 1000.

The female assassin listened to the introduction of spring and autumn, and couldn't help but think of the special existence of level 0~10.

Unknown guests of level 0~10 can learn skills from other professions in addition to not being able to change jobs.

But there are many limitations.

This true no-name profession, without these restrictions, sounds pretty good.

"Is there no limit to any profession that you have?"

"What the system said, I don't know very well...!" Spring and autumn rain did not pay attention to this at first, he fancy which hidden introduction that has risen to level 1000.

"Since you don't know, why don't you try it?"

"How to try?"

"If you think about it, although you didn't change careers, you could learn some low-level skills."

"For advanced skills, you can't learn. ...... Now that there are no these restrictions, can these advanced skills also be learned? "The female assassin thought a lot more than spring and autumn, so she instantly thought of a verification method.

"Yes! Thanks for the reminder!

"I'll try it now!" Spring and Autumn nodded again, and then rummaged through his system backpack.

After a long time.

"Found it!" Spring and autumn came again, and I took out a few skill books, and I was overjoyed.

These are the advanced skill books that he dropped before fighting monsters and bursting.

It's just other vocational skills that he can't learn.

Although he is already a player with three classes, none of these classes can learn these skills.

And the profession he can change is full, so he couldn't learn these skills even if he wanted to.

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