The survival channels of the eastern continent are much more difficult or more deformed than those of the western continent.

Although ordinary people have promotion channels here, the road to promotion is almost blocked by people at the top.

This is the conclusion reached by Zhang Jingfeng after observation.

But Zhang Jingfeng also knows that such a situation does not exist in every place, although it is not a few, but it does block many people.

In the current region, the guild named Aotian can indeed be regarded as the existence of the dominant side of the Eastern Continent.

According to a certain theory, this Aotian Guild can be regarded as a chaebol, and they control many of the dungeon entrances in this vicinity.

The income from the next copy is the foundation of most ordinary people's survival, because there is no penalty for entering the copy and dying.

After death, it is only forcibly quit the copy, and it is a big deal to start again.

But in the wild monster gathering place is different, that will lose your life.

Therefore, controlling the entrance to the quest is equivalent to controlling the fate of others.

Either you go to the wild alone to fight monsters and level up, or you honestly hand over resources to enter the quest.

For such a situation, Zhang Jingfeng did not pay attention.

He knew that even if he rectified this Aotian Guild, there might be some Heavenly Guild, Haotian Guild and the like in the future.

Unless you can change the rules of the world, you will be forbidden to occupy the entrance to the copy like this.


Originally, Zhang Jingfeng wanted to experience this game, what is different in the mainland.

But I didn't expect to see such a scene when I came to this bottom floor.

For a while, Zhang Jingfeng couldn't raise it, and he was interested in playing copies.

Randomly found an open space, Zhang Jingfeng sat on the ground.

The same goes for Eliza.

Zhang Jingfeng sat on the grass, did not speak, but rubbed his chin and lowered his head in thought.

“... Jing Feng, what are you thinking? How to look sad............. The two sat on the ground, but Eliza saw Zhang Jingfeng's frowning appearance, and couldn't help but ask with some worry.

“...... Well, it's nothing, I just think that this game-like data continent, although it looks bright and beautiful on the surface, but many low-level people behind the ground are not satisfactory.

"I want to change that. ...... But...... Even if this Aotian Guild is rectified, it won't last long, maybe something will pop up in the future, the upper heaven, the lower heaven guild, the Haotian guild may not be able to say.

Zhang Jingfeng pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said.

This was his concern, and since Eliza asked, he only answered truthfully.

Eliza was silent after listening, although she was interested in the game-like setting of the data continent, she could not change the fact that Zhang Jingfeng said.


two were speechless, but Zhang Jingfeng signaled Eliza not to disturb him for the time being. He wanted to brainstorm and think of the perfect answer to solve the problem.

After signaling for Eliza not to disturb.

Zhang Jingfeng directly started brainstorming and pulled his current brain power to the peak.

This is Zhang Jingfeng's state when analyzing Yupei, not to say that there is no desire or want, but any external action can not interfere with Zhang Jingfeng's thoughts.

After opening the brainstorming, Zhang Jingfeng casually arranged an enchantment that enveloped the two.

So I started my own idea.

If you want to solve the problem that the entrance to the copy is occupied, Zhang Jingfeng has many ways.

But most of them are palliative, not cured.

The entrance to the quest is fixed, and without the Aotian Guild, there will definitely be other unions in the future.

So, what should be done?

Change the entrance to the copy?

So how to change it?

Changed the quest entrance, those guilds are not the same will occupy the quest entrance.

How do I change the guild so that it can't occupy the quest entrance?

At this moment, Zhang Jingfeng's thoughts are like wandering the world, from the first time he started playing the game, to now coming to this real world similar to a game.

This data continent is the real world, but it lacks a setting unique to the game world.

Thinking of the copy, Zhang Jingfeng's thoughts returned to an online game he had played.

That game also has a copy.

But there are two options for entering the quest.

The first option is to recruit teammates directly at the quest entrance, or go straight in.

The second option is the essence of countless games.

Matching mechanism!

That's right, going into the replica can choose to match.

The same is true of the online game that Zhang Jingfeng once played.

The matching mechanism allows many people to choose the copy they want to enter without moving.

Such a mechanism is the essence.

So how can this matching mechanism be added to the data continent?

For this reason, Zhang Jingfeng's brainstorm accelerated again.

Just for a moment, Zhang Jingfeng thought of it.


All players in this data continent own the system.

No one can stop that.

Therefore, after thinking of this solution, Zhang Jingfeng's divine sense began to spread outward, until it covered the entire data continent.

The world-changing system at the core of the data continent, Zhang Jingfeng could not capture, but that system was attached to the data continent heavenly way.

Or that the way of heaven is the system, and the system is also the way of heaven.

Zhang Jingfeng only needs to cover the entire plane and spread the information he wants to express.

Then this is the heavenly way of the system, and a new program will be added according to Zhang Jingfeng's idea, that is, a new rule.

Although it is impossible to make the Heavenly Dao of this data continent recognize it as the master, Zhang Jingfeng is also equivalent to having the GM authority of the Heavenly Dao system in disguise.

Adding a rule at will is just a sprinkling of water for Zhang Jingfeng.

The Heavenly Dao system of the data continent can't be taken away, but Zhang Jingfeng can still use it.

So after Zhang Jingfeng spread his ideas.

The entire data continent has ushered in a change.

【Ding! System plugin update!

Everyone's system has received this promotion, even Zhang Jingfeng, a superficial game character, has also received it.

Of course, Eliza also received it.

Eliza looked at Zhang Jingfeng with some puzzlement, but she knew that this must be what Zhang Jingfeng had just made.

For a while, he was also a little looking forward to what Zhang Jingfeng had come out.

System plug-ins, displayed in Eliza's system panel.

【System plug-in update...】

【50%... 70%...... 100%】

【Ding! Update complete! 【

Replica matching mechanism has been updated! 】 【

This plugin allows players to match all copies within a 100-kilometer radius at any time! 】 【

Players can also form their own teams! 】 【

And players use matchmaking to enter the quest, no need to enter through the quest entrance! 】 Matching incoming replicas is the same as the usual return when entering a replica.

When the plugin updated by this system appeared, everyone on the data continent was shocked.

And those guilds that hold the entrance to the quest are even more fryers!

This plugin update is equivalent to cutting off their source of wealth!

"Ah! System! What a damn you! "

A lot of union leaders started to go crazy.

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