"Fly... Flying chickens? "Everyone is a little speechless when they hear this title, what a villain is also a demon beast in the realm of the Martial King! Is it appropriate for you to call it that?

The Xuanfeng Eagle on the side was puzzled by their conversation, but probably he could understand it, maybe he just wanted to ride it.

"Nope! No way! How can this king let mortals ride, if other demon beasts know, how can I still mix! Xuan Feng Ying shook his head vigorously next to him, looking very reluctant.

"What's wrong? Still want to try it? When Zhang Jingfeng saw Xuanfeng Eagle's appearance, he knew what it was thinking, and then took out the pliers again, shaking it in front of Xuanfeng Eagle's eyes and threatening.

Xuanfeng Ying trembled when he saw the pliers in Zhang Jingfeng's hand, the pliers didn't know what it was made of, as soon as it caught its feathers it could be clipped down, now the feathers on the back of its head are almost gone, and it is about to become a vulture.

"King Ben... Belch...... Good... All right! Xuan Feng Ying just wanted to refuse, but when he saw Zhang Jingfeng's imposing appearance, he was immediately stunned.

"Hmph! That's pretty much it..." Zhang Jingfeng said and withdrew the pliers. Then Zhang Jingfeng said to everyone: "Let's go!" Let's get on the plane!

When Zhang Jingfeng and his group stood on the back of Xuanfeng Eagle and prepared to leave, Xuanfeng Eagle spoke.

"Master, where are you going?" Xuanfeng Ying had already recognized Zhang Jingfeng as the master, and naturally wanted to call him master.

"This... Well! Just go to the nearest human town! Zhang Jingfeng thought about it and said. It is still necessary to go to the human town, after all, the first task is to establish a territory with at least 100,000 people, and no one can't do it.

“... Belch! How long will that go! Will it come back? Xuan Feng Ying spoke a little swallowingly, as if something was going on.

"Oh? Can I help you? Zhang Jingfeng listened to Xuan Feng Ying's tone as if something was wrong.

"Uh... This one...... Can you bring that egg from my nest with you? I...... I think the owner is so powerful, there must be a storage ring or something, right? Xuanfeng Ying said in a hurry.

Hearing Xuan Feng Ying say this, Zhang Jingfeng remembered the egg that appeared in the original plot, and this egg still had a certain use after that, but it was a little disgusting about the latest origin of this egg.

Zhang Jingfeng didn't ask much, he knew that this egg was not born as a male eagle's Xuanfeng eagle, but it snatched it from humans.

It's just that the egg Xuanfeng Eagle it feels like a dragon egg, and it has already eaten it once, it thought that eating it could increase its strength, who knew that it couldn't digest it, and pulled it out again.

So Zhang Jingfeng is disgusted by this!

"Yes! Wait for me for a while! Zhang Jingfeng nodded next, and flew out under the surprised gazes of the rest of the people.

Not long after, Zhang Jingfeng flew back again, but this time there was a giant egg floating behind Zhang Jingfeng, and Zhang Jingfeng didn't want to put this egg into his personal space, but when he thought of what Xuanfeng Ying did in the original plot, he felt that putting it into personal space would dirty his space, so he simply let it float behind him.

"The host! Don't you put it in the storage space? "

No storage space!" Zhang Jingfeng replied naturally, but he was scolding this Xuanfeng eagle in his heart: "Don't you know what you did yourself?"

"Oh! All right!

"There's nothing else but this egg, right?" Zhang Jingfeng asked again.

"It's gone! Master! Xuan Feng Ying thought for a while.

"Okay then! Let's go! Brother hold tight! Zhang Jingfeng said to Wang Dalong and several people.


As soon as Xuanfeng Ying flew together, Zhang Jingfeng said, "Slow down!" As for why Zhang Jingfeng said this, because Zhang Jingfeng knew that the Xuanfeng Eagle in the original plot walked extremely fast together, it felt like reaching the speed of sound in an instant, and everyone grasped it very tightly before starting, although they would not fall, but they would be startled because of this.

"Snap!" Xuan Feng Ying shouted in response,

"Slow down!" Right! That's the speed! Zhang Jingfeng said when he felt that the speed had reached about 100 kilometers per hour.

Everyone would not worry about falling, because when the Xuanfeng Eagle was flying, there was a strange force that protected them, as if there was an enchantment.

Of course, Zhang Jingfeng knows that this is actually equivalent to the passive skill of the Xuanfeng Eagle, which automatically covers the body with a protective film composed of wind elements when flying, which can increase speed, and the Xuanfeng Eagle itself is a demon beast known for its speed.

In this way, Zhang Jingfeng stood on the back of Xuanfeng Ying, watching the scenery in front of him flash, and various thoughts kept flashing in his heart.

"This is already the last plot I am familiar with, and after this plot, it is uncertain what will happen next, it is better to pretend to be forced like this and leave a deep impression on these people!"

"Uh-huh! The next helper should be coming soon! Zhang Jingfeng looked up at the giant egg that had been following and muttered.


Unconsciously, the Xuanfeng Eagle has been flying for most of the day.



I don't know who is hungry

and gurgling.... "That... That one...... Brother Zhang Jingfeng! I don't know if there is anything to eat? The voice that spoke was a woman, and it turned out to be Jiang Na's stomach screaming.

Belch...... Not true....


Everyone was hungry, except Zhang Jingfeng, after hearing Jiang Na's words, Zhang Jingfeng knew that the next helper was coming.

"Whirlwind! Stop the car! Zhang Jingfeng directly gave Xuanfeng Eagle a name in the original plot, and he didn't have much opinion about the name Whirlwind, and he didn't dare to have an opinion.

Although Xuan Feng Ying didn't know what stopping meant, he knew the word "stop", and then slowed down and hovered in the air: "Master! Where to stop?

Zhang Jingfeng looked down and said, "Go to that lake below!" "

Let's go fishing!" Zhang Jingfeng said that he knew that he was not hungry, just to take care of other people's feelings, and Zhang Jingfeng said that fishing was not fishing in the literal sense.

After a few moments, the whirlwind stopped at the edge of the lake.

At this moment, everyone got off the flying chicken, only Zhang Jingfeng was staring at the lake and muttering: "This lake is really big, it is perfect for hiding a demon beast!" Hum! "

When you look at the lake from the air, it's the size of a palm, but now when you look closer, you can't see the edge.

"That... Brother Zhang Jingfeng! Aren't we going to fish? That...... Fish...... Do you have a fishing rod? Jiang Na looked at Zhang Jingfeng, who was looking at the lake in a daze, and asked. As for why do you ask that? Because didn't you hear Zhang Jingfeng say it just now? They were going fishing, and they were hungry.

Xie Qiang and Fengqi also stared at Zhang Jingfeng, and their stomachs were also gurgling, and the meaning was obvious: "Give me a fishing rod, I can catch all the fish in the entire lake!" "

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