"So what does it say?" Zhang Jingfeng now has a not very mature idea in his heart, and when he heard the little fart child say this, he suddenly became interested and decided to listen to the little fart child's statement.

"Scientific and technological civilization to the extreme can indeed control the rules, but the flaws of scientific and technological civilization are also obvious, that is, personal strength is very poor, if you encounter a powerful individual cultivator in the confrontation, if you want to win, almost all rely on the tactics of the human sea!"

"And the power of scientific and technological civilization to control the rules almost always comes from external tools, and there are very few truly powerful individuals." The little fart boy cracked his fingers and said word by word.

"Oh! Is that so? Zhang Jingfeng touched his chin and fell into deep thought, and at this moment Zhang Jingfeng had a new idea.

"How about both, you say?" After thinking about it, Zhang Jingfeng said his new thoughts,

"Huh?" The little fart boy opened his mouth wide in surprise, suspecting that he had misheard.

"But... Big... Big guys... The resources required for this are not small!

"You must know that a plane may not be able to produce a plane-level powerhouse in a lifetime!" And if the scientific and technological civilization wants to grow to the level of controlling the rules, the resources required for this are even more difficult to estimate!

"If you choose both, the resources required are astronomical!"

"I don't think the resources need to be worried, the important thing is... Look at you... Would you like to help me! Zhang Jingfeng smiled softly, what else is the system with unlimited resources worried about? Then he glanced at the little fart child, and a bold idea was ready to move in his heart.

"Huh? I? ...... This..." The little fart child was suddenly a little at a loss.

"Does the big guy want to be my new master? ...... Of course this is no problem..."The little fart boy then plunged into Zhang Jingfeng's arms, and the little fart child was very satisfied with Zhang Jingfeng being his new master, and suddenly became shy after this idea appeared.

When Zhang Jingfeng heard this, he seemed to feel feasible! If you let them confess the Lord, wouldn't it be easier to realize their bold idea?

"You want to recognize me as Lord?" Zhang Jingfeng picked up and put down the little fart child, with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Of course! The big guy is so strong, he is simply the master of my dreams! The little fart nodded very decisively.

"So how do you go about it?" Zhang Jingfeng asked.

"Uh... This one...... In fact, the process is a bit troublesome!

"The first point is that you must be a formal trialist, and the second is that the contribution to the main system must be up to standard!"

"Finally, you can participate in the main system's recognition battle!"

"Is it so troublesome?" Zhang Jingfeng thought it was very simple, but he didn't expect it to be so complicated.

"Yes, this is the original setting of the main system, and my former master fought from countless trialists!" Speaking of this, the little fart scratched his head, which is why he has not had a new owner for a long time.

"But so far, no one has been able to reach this height, that is, the requirement for contribution!"

"Why didn't your previous master do it?" Zhang Jingfeng questioned.

"Follow the mission of the main system and participate in the plane-level war, which was not done in that war!"

"Have you all recognized the Lord, and you still have to follow the main system to do tasks?" Zhang Jingfeng expressed doubts.

"Uh... Recognizing the master with the main system is actually reaching a symbiotic contract with the main system! "

Symbiotic pact? So why didn't your system collapse with your former master? Zhang Jingfeng had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought that the dragon egg in the Xuantian Great World also had a symbiotic contract, and then continued to ask.

"Uh... This one...... It was the main system that detected that the battle was a must lose, so it unilaterally canceled the symbiotic contract! The little fart looked embarrassed and said that it was not his own pot.

Zhang Jingfeng was speechless, it turned out that the Lord actually had such a big pit!

"Then why are you telling me this?" Zhang Jingfeng thought about it, and the little fart told him that there should be other ways to say this, and then continued to ask.

"Hey! In fact, there are two sets of main recognition procedures, the first one mentioned earlier, is the main system and the host to reach a symbiotic contract. The little fart grinned.

"Then the second is to make a confession contract with me!"

"But big guy, let me tell you, it is different if I recognize the Lord, and if you reach a contract with me, you can truly control the main system!"

"I just want to say the second kind to the big guy! But big guy, you asked, and simply said the other one!

"Are there any restrictions on the second one?" Zhang Jingfeng asked.

"Nope! As long as you get my approval, big guy...? How about being my master? The little fart shook his head and after speaking, he looked at Zhang Jingfeng with a look of anticipation.

After Zhang Jingfeng listened, he was closing his eyes and considering, one more system might really be feasible, and then Zhang Jingfeng nodded with his eyes open and said:

"Okay!" Start confessing the Lord!

"Wow! Are you sure? Here I go! The little fart boy immediately danced and began to prepare for the confession ceremony.

The ceremony is very simple, that is, Zhang Jingfeng's spiritual power accepts the fusion of the little fart child, and then Zhang Jingfeng released his spiritual power, and the little fart child suddenly leaned over.


After a long time, there was no response, and the little fart was about to cry.

"Big guy! You...... The system in your body is too strong to let me confess the Lord! ...... Woo hoo..." The little fart child is anxious, according to common sense, it is completely no problem for a person to have multiple systems at the same time, but the system in Zhang Jingfeng's body does not play cards according to common sense, which is what the little fart child did not expect.

"Big guy, can you communicate with your system? Let me recognize you as Lord! The little fart boy thought that since the system in Zhang Jingfeng's body could refuse his confession.

Then it means that the system has its own consciousness, so I ask Zhang Jingfeng to communicate with the system and let it complete the recognition of the master.

However, after listening, Zhang Jingfeng shook his head, not that the "unlimited points exchange system" was unwilling to let the little fart recognize the master, but that the "unlimited points exchange system" could not communicate at all, or was in an unconscious state, and was wary of the new system.

"Ahhh... Is that so? The little fart boy suddenly collapsed, thinking that the system in Zhang Jingfeng's body rejected his confession.

Zhang Jingfeng did not correct the thoughts of the little fart child, let him do whatever he wants, anyway, some things are impossible to tell him.

"Don't worry! Although you can't recognize me as Lord, can't you still help me? "

Eh... Yes! How do you want me to help you? Thinking of this, the little fart nodded excitedly, he believed that the main system would grow rapidly under the protection of such a big guy.

"Don't be in a hurry now, I still need to know some more about some of your features before making a decision!" Zhang Jingfeng waved his hand.

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