"I have my own way to solve the problem of unbalanced combat power, you don't have to worry about this!" Zhang Jingfeng thought for a long time and said to the skull death god who had no expression.

"The problem now is ... Would you like to return the fallen elves to the elves? Zhang Jingfeng said that he did not mean to threaten death, but this sentence did sound like a hint of threat.

"Lord Genesis God can solve the problem of the balance of combat power, and the little god is naturally willing!" But the Grim Reaper didn't know ah, and he was almost scared after hearing this, of course, provided that he had that function.

"Lord Creator God! Please wait for a while! The little god will go and call all the fallen elves! Then Death made an excuse to bow and leave.

Zhang Jingfeng looked at the god of death who was like fleeing from the desert, and couldn't help but touch his nose and said, "Am I so scary?"

Then he looked at the goddess of life and the others next to him and said, "Let's wait here!" "


It didn't take long, or the Grim Reaper's movements were very fast, and it took less than ten minutes to call the fallen elves scattered everywhere.

Zhang Jingfeng also saw the Grim Reaper followed by at least hundreds of fallen elves.

Then the God of Death Kachilos walked up to Zhang Jingfeng and said, "Lord Genesis God! All the fallen elves have been assembled, a total of 999 people!

Death was very respectful, and then pointed behind him with his bone-like claws.

"Hmm!" Seeing this, Zhang Jingfeng just nodded faintly, and then looked at Eliza, I don't know what Eliza will do?

Eliza was stunned when the group of fallen elves arrived, and she looked at a leading elf in front of the group in disbelief.

"You... You are...... Narcia! Eliza looked at the familiar stranger in front of her, tears couldn't stop flowing out, the breath of this elf in front of her felt too strange

, if it weren't for her appearance or the same as before, Eliza would not recognize each other.

Eliza then tried to get closer and take a closer look at her former friend, but was stopped by the fallen elf named Narcia just a few steps away.

"You... Stay back! Eliza! The breath on your body disgusted me so much! Get away from me! Apparently Narcia remembered Eliza, but now the two camps were different, and the breath of life on Eliza made her feel disgusted.

Because she became a fallen elf, although Narcia had memories of the past, she had no past feelings, so the words she said to Eliza were very cold.

"Nasia..." Listening to Narcia's cold words, Eliza cried silently, this is not her friend Narcia, Nasia will not be so cold and heartless.

Then Eliza looked at Zhang Jingfeng with a pleading-looking gaze, as if begging Zhang Jingfeng to let them change back.

"Do you know how to convert them back?" Zhang Jingfeng looked at Eliza's gaze for help, and turned his head to look at the goddess of life and the goddess of fate.

"This... To convert them back, you need to use the bath of the fountain of life!

"But since I fell into a deep sleep, the growth of the fountain of life has stagnated, and I think the current stock of the fountain of life is probably not enough!" The Goddess of Life shook her head after saying the solution.

"Goddess-sama! Have you seen enough of these fountains of life? After hearing the Goddess of Life's method, Eliza quickly put away her sad emotions, took out the bottle that had been stolen by the magician Mosanji before, and handed it to the Goddess of Life.

"This... Too little! Just enough for one person! The Goddess of Life took the bottle and shook her head.

It is too expensive to convert the fallen elves back, and so many fountains of life are only a one-time amount for one person.

There is less than a ton of fountain of life in the bottle, but it is still too bad to face 999 fallen elves.

It's a drop in the bucket.

Zhang Jingfeng had seen this bottle before, and knew that the bottle contained about a ton of the fountain of life.

Then he remembered that the red dragon Vicornrier had said that the bottle was almost the stock of all the fountains of life of the elven family.

"Isn't the fountain of life enough? ...... Well! I'll take care of the rest!

"You don't have to worry about the fountain of life!" Zhang Jingfeng said, and then said to the god of death.

"Kachilos! Clear a clearing! Zhang Jingfeng also knew that the God of Death was a little afraid of himself, so he simply gave an order to him.

Death reacted quickly, quickly dispersing the fallen elves and clearing a clearing large enough to stand for a thousand people.

Death looked at Zhang Jingfeng's movements as if he had guessed what he was going to do, and cold sweat broke out layer by layer, oh! Provided he has that function!

Then I saw Zhang Jingfeng walk to the edge of the clearing, gently pat the ground, and the whole ground began to fill according to Zhang Jingfeng's idea, until the filling area had a depth of about one person.

Then the God of Death saw a scene that frightened him, only to see Zhang Jingfeng raise his hand and wave, and the fountain of life gushed out from the space in front of Zhang Jingfeng like a dam bursting.

"No... No, no! ...... Lord Creator God... Fast...... Stop it! Stop it!

"So many fountains of life appear in the Demon Realm, which will cause the creatures of the Demon Realm to collapse!" As the God of Death thought before, Zhang Jingfeng really did this, although I don't know where Zhang Jingfeng came from the fountain of life, but the God of Death can be regarded as having seen the strength of the Creation God.

Tai Nima is terrifying! So many fountains of life, it is simply appalling!

The stock of the fountain of life when the goddess of life has not fallen into a deep sleep is not more than one percent of the lake in front of her!

Zhang Jingfeng heard the words of the god of death, but it was too late to let him stop, because Zhang Jingfeng chose the amount to fill the small lake in front of him when he exchanged it from the system.

10 million drops of the fountain of life said to be exchanged, and it was as much as a whole lake.

So in an instant, this artificial lake was filled with the fountain of life!

However, after hearing the words of the God of Death, Zhang Jingfeng still made an enchantment to isolate the connection between the fountain of life and the demon world.

Looking at the fountain of life that was isolated by Zhang Jingfeng with a wave of his hand, the God of Death breathed a sigh of relief, oh? Provided that he is able to breathe.

The Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Fate looked at each other in disbelief, and they really couldn't see through this Creation God.

And the most shocking of them is Eliza herself!

"This... So many fountains of life! "For Eliza, who has lived in the Divine Creation Continent for a long time, she is the most aware of the value of the fountain of life, even if the goddess of fate does not understand its value.

For the Goddess of Life, it takes a long time for so many fountains of life to be produced, and she is just surprised that the Creation God can still be so all-powerful.

Eliza was first shocked by what Zhang Jingfeng did, and then full of emotion.

"Lord Creator God! Did you actually do so much for me? Eliza obviously misunderstood something, not knowing that this was just Zhang Jingfeng's own pretense behavior.

Or rather compensation for the guilt of Eliza's change of fate!

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