Soon, she merged with those strange origins, and also accepted the cultivation techniques passed down by the fallen creatures.

Jiang Xiaotao's body, after doing all this, actually solidified a little.

"How do you feel now?" Su Ning asked.

"I feel much better now." Jiang Xiaotao said.

"But... I feel like there are countless villains in my body who want to escape."


"Could it be that... strange creatures can really be reborn with the help of disciples of the strange sect in the future?" Su Ning murmured to himself.

"Is that thing... a threat to you?"

"No... they are very weak... I can wipe them out at any time, but I feel so pitiful for them... they seem to be dead, and my body... is like a huge cemetery, burying them." Jiang Xiaotao looked sad.

"I can feel their emotions... very sad emotions, very unwilling..."

She was unconsciously infected by the sad atmosphere, and she already showed a sad expression.

"You can erase them..." Su Ning said.

"No... Can I not kill them? I feel so sorry for them!" Jiang Xiaotao said.

"Why do you feel sorry for them?"

Jiang Xiaotao said confusedly: "No... I don't know..."

"I'm afraid they will threaten you." Suning said.

"They can't threaten me." Jiang Xiaotao said.

Suning was silent...

For a long time: "It's up to you."

"Really? That's great... Thank you, Suning." Jiang Xiaotao was happy.

"You can practice with peace of mind... Maybe there will be a day of resurrection. Even if you can't be resurrected, you won't die at any time and be powerless." Suning instructed.

"Okay, I will practice well and repay you."

"You don't have to repay me. If you cause trouble in the future, it would be great if you don't betray me." Suning shrugged.

Turning back to ask Li Qingxuan and the others: "What is her situation?"

"If I'm not mistaken... she is the soul of the king of weirdness... all kinds of talents, she can summon terrifying weird creatures... there will be countless weird creatures who want to use her body to revive..." Li Qingxuan said.

"Hmm? Isn't that dangerous?" Su Ning said.

"Master Xian, don't worry... In fact, things are not that bad... I just saw that because she is a creature from the fairy world, those weird creatures can't take over her body at all. The difference between weird creatures and her is like the difference between us and Master Xian..."

"That's good." Su Ning's hanging heart fell.

"And... because she absorbed the weird bloodline, it is equivalent to absorbing the souls of countless weird predecessors, cultivating insights... experience, etc., when she grows up in the future, she will reach an amazing realm."

"And with her here, Master Xian will get a powerful assistant in the future."


"She is not my subordinate... she is my friend." Su Ning shrugged.

"Hmm? Not your subordinate? But you have just injected her with the original spiritual power... It is equivalent to reaching a certain contract... Her future achievements will be subject to you."

"In a sense, whether you admit it or not, she is now in a subordinate relationship with you." Li Qingxuan said.

Su Ning rolled his eyes: "I..."

I accidentally accepted a classmate as my subordinate? And... it's a ghost classmate... a girl...

How exciting will it be if this gets out?

"Master... I thought you did it on purpose..."

"Actually, this is not a bad thing. In this way... no matter what realm she reaches, she will eventually be subject to you. In other words... even if she triggers a weird revival in the future... you are the king of the weird..."

"You can also dominate the development of the weird school... they are born and die in your mind."

Su Ning:...

This is getting more and more outrageous.

"Mastering the King of Weirdness is equivalent to mastering the Weirdness lineage... If the Immortal Master wants to expand the territory, he must have enough foundation."

Expand the territory!

Do you mean to rebel against me?

Su Ning held his forehead...

Brother... What's the point of saying that?

Besides, I'm not interested in dominating the world...

His original intention was not to control Jiang Xiaotao.

Su Ning apologized to Jiang Xiaotao: "I'm very sorry, I didn't know it would be like this..."

"It doesn't matter, a subordinate relationship is a subordinate relationship, I'm happy." Jiang Xiaotao didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Anyway, I'm just missing an opportunity to repay you, isn't it the right time now?"

Su Ning:...

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

He was not familiar with the cultivation of immortals.

He didn't expect that such a misunderstanding would happen.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaotao is a ghost and is not protected by law.

Otherwise, trafficking people and privately accepting contract slaves are completely illegal.

"Don't worry, you will be free in the future, and I won't interfere with you." Suning said.

"It doesn't matter.It's okay for you to interfere. "Jiang Xiaotao's smile is like... a collection of horror stories, a perfect horror female character...

Even though Su Ning was immune to this face before, her improved cultivation now makes her face even more scary.

"Well... if it's a subordinate relationship, does it mean that I can't leave you in the future?"

"Uh..." Su Ning didn't know how to answer.

"It's late, go back and rest. Although I don't know if ghosts need to rest, you should also reflect on the gains and losses of today."

"Okay." Jiang Xiaotao said.

After washing up, Su Ning returned to the room.

Falling asleep.

The next day.

He was awakened by a "ding-dong" sound in the kitchen.

"What's that sound? Is there a mouse in the house? "Suning got up.

He went to the kitchen and looked.

On the kitchen stove, a pot of food was being stir-fried by itself.

It was shredded pork with green peppers. The green peppers and shredded pork were wrapped in sauce and rolled up. The aroma was so fragrant that Suning's stomach growled and his mouth couldn't help but drool.

He hadn't seen such delicious food for a long time.

There were a few side dishes on the table.

Three-fresh soup made of cabbage, tofu, tomatoes, and enoki mushrooms, as well as scrambled eggs with tomatoes and a plate of smashed cucumbers.

And rice...

It was fragrant and freshly baked.

Hmm... No, something seems to be wrong.

The pot on the stove!

Cooking by itself???

Suning looked back quickly...

It was really the pot on the stove that was frying by itself, and the cooking spoon was flipping the food in the air by itself, and the pot was shaking by itself?

"My pot has grown up and can already cook by itself? "

Of course not, look carefully...

It is Jiang Xiaotao, whose body is slightly transparent, who is cooking.

She is so hot...

I almost thought it was an illusion.

"Suning, you are up?" Jiang Xiaotao greeted.

"Come and wash up and eat. I will let you taste my cooking skills today."

"You made all these?" Suning was incredulous.

"Yeah... It's okay, right?" Jiang Xiaotao smiled: "It's a pity that you don't have a complete range of dishes here, otherwise you can make better ones."

"You don't have to worry about cooking in the future. Leave it to me. You can do the big things and I will be your snail girl. "

Brothers, who knows... Having a ghost at home, and it can help you cook... What kind of experience is this?

Suning was a little confused for a moment.

Is there such an operation?

"That's so embarrassing..." Suning wanted to refuse, but thinking about his cooking skills, he decided to give up.

"It's okay, just consider it as my rent for living here."

As it should be.

Today, Suning finally didn't have to cook for himself and had a good meal.

"Well... No, weren't you unable to touch the real objects in real life yesterday? How come you can touch them now?"



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