"Don't worry, auntie, it's all right... It's safe here." Suning gently comforted Liu Yuan.

"Don't worry, it's all right now, don't be afraid."

He tried his best to be pleasant, and his words were full of spring breeze and autumn harmony.

In fact, only those who really knew Suning knew that at this moment, he was... very angry.

"Where is this?" Jiang Xiaotao's mother gradually stabilized, perhaps because the pain in her body was solved by Suning, or perhaps because of Suning's gentle voice... Anyway, I don't know why... Being next to Suning always makes people feel inexplicably safe, as if even if the sky falls, it's okay.

"Hospital." Suning said.


Jiang Xiaotao's mother Liu Yuan looked puzzled... and then nervous.

"Quick... leave here, I... I don't want to be in the hospital..." Liu Yuan said in horror.

"We can be discharged, but Aunt Jiang, can you tell me what happened?" Suning asked.

"What happened..." Liu Yuan seemed to recall something, every second was struggle and pain, misery and despair...

She didn't want to recall.

She kept shaking her head.

Tears... flowed unconsciously.

Su Ning felt bad.

After patient persuasion, he finally told the truth.

It turned out that... not long after Su Ning separated from them, the two elders went back to the hospital for a checkup and found that Jiang Yunyang's health had improved... and continued to improve.

The two elders were surprised...

But then, the disaster also came quietly.

That day... among the people who lined up with them for treatment, there was an underground leader who was also terminally ill.

He learned that Jiang Yunyang had overcome his terminal illness.

The desperate underground leader suddenly saw the light.

He asked the two elders about their well-being and then used the situation of being a fellow patient to gain their sympathy and trust.

He asked Jiang Yunyang about his recovery experience so that he could have some inspiration.

Jiang Yunyang was happy to teach because he had experienced the despair of that disease.

So he shared his lifestyle.

It's nothing more than relaxing... nothing more than looking at things more openly, being more optimistic... enjoying the beauty of life and so on.

The underground leader expressed his admiration for the two old men and praised them for being open-minded.

At first, the underground leader was indeed a good person and was very caring towards the two.

He went to ask the two elders for advice every now and then.

The two elders thought that the man had a good character.

They had a good impression of him.

Until the man proposed... Jiang Yunyang's situation was special. If someone studied it, maybe the medical community could break through ALS. He asked him if he was interested in contributing to the medical community's medical career... Jiang Yunyang was not Su Ning, so the answer must be yes.

After all, Jiang Yunyang was once an old teacher in a higher education institution, and he contributed to the progress of mankind and the development of the medical industry.

So he readily agreed.

Little did they know... this was the beginning of their nightmare.


Everything was normal.

The two elders were taken to the First Tumor Hospital of Magic City for research.

This is the leading hospital in the country for terminal tumors, and it can be ranked among the best in the world.

Jiang Yunyang's physical condition was carefully examined.

Soon they knew...

There was a special healing energy in Jiang Yunyang's body, which continuously dealt with the cause of his illness.

And this energy was very unique.

It was a brand new... unknown energy.

The man was delighted and asked if this unique existence could be replicated.

If this thing was really obtained, ALS would be removed from the list of terminal illnesses.

But the doctor told him... This thing seemed to be impossible to find in nature. What it was... How to extract it from medicine, from which medicinal materials... How long it would take to find this energy in nature, all of these were unknown!


So... Wanting to save his life... was also unknown...

The man's face began to become complicated.


He looked at the two elders meaningfully.

The two elders didn't know what that look meant.

Rejecting the hospital's offer to use the bodies of the two elders for research and guaranteeing that Jiang Yunyang's body would not be damaged, the young man insisted on taking the two elders back to the province for fear that something uncertain and dangerous might happen to the two elders.

The professor of the First Tumor Hospital of Magic City was very regretful... With Jiang Yunyang's consent, he could only leave some blood samples for slow research.

They did not force Jiang Yunyang to contribute to the cause of human medicine.

Back to the provincial capital...

The hideous face of the young man was finally exposed.

In order to survive... in order to make money...

He took the two elders into the black hospital... and tortured them inhumanely.

"Discovering unique medicinal properties from the natural biosphere? It is difficult to extract medicinal properties? What if it is extracted directly from human medicine..."

The young man, Jiang Yunyang asBecame a human medicine!

Keep drawing blood... to replenish his body... draw blood... to replenish his body... repeat this...

When Aunt Jiang saw this situation, she would naturally stand up for the old man, but... she was beaten black and blue.

Finally... Jiang Yunyang's blood had been replaced countless times, and he felt that his blood was very strange... it was not his own, and the factor that could cure the terminal illness was completely gone...

I don't know if it was because of soft-heartedness or something else, the young man did not kill the two elders directly, but let them go... and sent them to the hospital for treatment.

The two elders woke up and called the police...

The matter was quickly resolved.

The murderer who hurt the two elders was caught...

However, he was pushed out to take the blame.

What the two elders could not accept the most was that the whole process... the process of hurting the two elders... every detail... the young man completely avoided all suspicion, as if the whole thing had nothing to do with him, but it was obviously the young man who led it... but he seemed to be a person who stayed out of it. Looking back... it seemed that the man did nothing, and the things were done by others... he was innocent and could not be punished by law... that person seemed to be very knowledgeable about the law... knew how to hurt others and protect himself...

The "murderer" was caught quickly and he confessed...

However, because it was only a crime of intentional injury, not intentional homicide... the "murderer" was not sentenced to death.

It's terrifying to think about it...

It seems that the young man gave a huge benefit to make the scapegoat confess obediently.

Later... in order to punish the two elders for not listening.

The man sent someone to teach the two elders a lesson.

Soon the beater was caught again... but the young man was still at large... because the beater was stubborn, and he taught the two elders a lesson because he didn't like them...

Very helpless.

Obviously, this matter reveals suspense... but it can only end hastily.

Sometimes, you know that the person is full of evil... but you can't punish him.

That is what some people often say, the upper class makes rules, the middle class uses rules, and the lower class... can only accept the rule of rules.

It has nothing to do with kindness.

"Suning... so... you must not call the police... it will hurt you..." Jiang Xiaotao's mother said.

Suning nodded: "Don't worry... I won't call the police..."

This kind of thing... how can you call the police?

If calling the police can solve it... that person would not be at large!

"Let's go, I'll take you two home first..."



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