My Virtual Kingdom of God

Chapter 120 Wit is more important than strength

The territory of the Eagle Kingdom.

An army of black-armored knights avoided the battlefield where Gray Lubao fought the eagle, and marched towards the north of the Eagle Kingdom.

A black deer head was embroidered on the banner of the Black Armored Knights.

This is the family emblem of the Grand Duke Roland's family.


Soon, the cavalry was ordered to convey the order of Grand Duke Roland, and the black-armored army stopped immediately. It looked like a well-trained army.

After the knight legion stopped, the accompanying quartermaster took out the supplies in the storage ring and began to set up camp and cook.

In the camp master account.

A young man in his early twenties was curiously questioning a middle-aged man.

"Father, although the king of the Eagle Kingdom died in battle, the Baiyin family did not perish. Father chose to send troops at this time..."

Grand Duke Roland looked at his child gently, and said dotingly, "Son, do you know how our ancestors established the Principality of Yulan?"

"It was the battle to destroy the magic empire!"

Talking about the great achievements of the ancestors, the youth is very proud.

"That's right, that was the battle." Grand Duke Roland's eyes seemed to travel through time and space, seeing the epic battle that destroyed the magic empire.

He paused, then continued: "However, the ancestor of the family was only a second-order extraordinary knight. How could he establish a principality surrounded by blood knights and grow stronger, so that he finally won the forbidden place? , become a great blood knight?"

Hearing his father's question, the young man was stunned, he had never considered these things.

In his eyes, his father is the most powerful existence in the world, and nothing can stop Duke Roland.

"It's wisdom."

Speaking of this, Grand Duke Roland's eyes were a bit complicated: "The Baiyin family seems to have some remaining strength, but under the aggressive offensive of Gray Lubao, the destruction is only in the blink of an eye.

When the huge giant of the Eagle Kingdom falls, there will be countless vultures wanting to share its corpse, but by then, how many will be left for us? "

Grand Duke Roland seems to be educating the children, but also seems to be talking to himself.

"Since this is the case, why did my father choose to attack the northern province of Andaya instead of the capital of the Eagle Kingdom, which is the richest place in the entire Eagle Kingdom?"

"Because it was targeted by more ferocious hunters."

"Grey Luburg Kingdom!" The young man reacted immediately, "But why did you choose Andaya Province?"

"Because the current province of Andaya is an undefended territory," Duke Roland said proudly, "that idiot Saiin took away all the troops in the territory and died in the battle between Gray Lubao and the Eagle. battlefield.

Now, as long as we raid Andaya Province before others react, we can seize this territory and expand the territory of the Principality of Yulan. "

"Marquis Sein died in battle?"

The youth was shocked.

Grand Duke Roland nodded, and continued: "This is a bloody lesson, child, you have to remember that no matter what you do in the future, you must have spare energy, unless you are absolutely sure."

"I remember, my lord father."

Hearing this, Roland gazed lovingly over the young man's face, looked in the direction of Andaya Province, and murmured: "Sometimes, wit is even more important than strength."


The Light of Andaya.

The brutal attacks continued.

The difference from before is that above the city, the magic shield that was originally impregnable has begun to crumble.

It seems that as long as the Templar Knights work harder, they can break it.

city ​​wall.

Fei De's face was pale, and he asked loudly: "Why is this happening? They obviously can't break through the defense of the magic defense tower, why is this happening?"

As an extraordinary knight, even though his perception of magic power is not keen,

But at this moment, he also realized that something was wrong.

"Magic power! It's magic power!"

He said crazily, "Why did the magic power around the light of Andaya disappear? Damn it!"

Thinking that after this magic shield disappeared, he would face an army of thousands of extraordinary knights, Fede felt his scalp tingling.

he will die!

He never thought that, as a marquis heir of the Eagle Kingdom, he would be killed one day.

Feder didn't expect Allen to let him go, no, not only him, but even their West family would all be wiped out.

Thinking of this, Fei De looked like a madman struggling to die, and roared: "Hurry up and get someone to restore the magic defense tower!"

"My lord, the magic defense tower is a product of the magic empire period, and we will not restore it."

The knight next to him trembled.

Hearing this, Fei De despaired.


He wants to escape!

What kind of bullshit family glory, if life is gone, what's the point of glory? As long as Feder West is still alive, he will be able to rebuild the West family one day.

Finding a reason to convince himself, Fei De quickly walked down the city wall with his entourage of knights.

Fortunately, the opponent only attacked from the front and did not surround Andaya's light. As long as they retreated from the rear, they would be able to escape.

Fei De secretly thought.

However, before that, he wanted to take away the family wealth.

After getting off the city wall, Fei De ran all the way towards Lionheart Castle.

"Get out of the way! Those who stand in my way will die!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Go away!"

Fei De led the knights and rode the earth demon lion, galloping on the streets, not caring about trampling and trampling civilians to death.

In the streets, civilians screamed.

Compared with what Zheng Dong saw when he came here for the first time, the light of Andaya at this time seems to be doomsday.

The thugs ransacked the shops on both sides of the street, and there were even more crazy ones who stopped women in the street and committed scandal.

When human beings face despair, their selfish and dark nature is exposed.

This scene is constantly being staged everywhere in the light of Andaya.

The city guards who originally maintained the city's law and order couldn't control much. Some of them were unwilling to let the city fall, thinking that after the magic defense failed, they would fight desperately with the Templar Knights.

Some thought about plundering wealth, and took advantage of the chaos to flee for their lives when the city was destroyed. No one cared about the lives of civilians at all.

The Light of Andaya is the most prosperous city in the province of Andaya, with a population of several million, and it is one of the largest cities in the Eagle Kingdom.

At this time, this huge city with a population of millions fell into the final madness.

boom! ! !

With the last loud noise, the magic shield in the sky disappeared.

Fei De looked up at the sky, he didn't care about the knights around him, and he didn't care about the wealth of Lionheart Castle, so he soared into the sky and flew forward.

After all, he is a sky knight.

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