My Virtual Kingdom of God

Chapter 406: Competition


Zhang Geng stood up excitedly and kept pacing.

The number of places to go to the Spring Shenjie is the focus of attention of all the high-level executives of the Extraordinary Association. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important thing for the Extraordinary Association at present.

As for the detailed information of the Chunshen Realm, it is still kept secret for the time being. Everyone only knows that this is a world with a very high plane level.

This world... has real fairies!

This is not the fairy that ordinary people in the prehistoric world call immortal monks, but the immortal who has reached the realm of the earth fairy and attained longevity!

Earth Immortal Realm!

It can be said that this is the lifelong pursuit of all immortal monks in Honghuang.

Ning Daoxuan, Li Zhouji, Zhou Tao, He Xuan...

The highest levels of these extraordinary associations, without exception, all aim to achieve Taoism and become immortals!

In other words, not only the people below are fighting for the quota to go to the Spring Shenjie this time, but also the highest level of the Extraordinary Association.

There are only so many places for the first batch to go to the Chunshen Realm. If others go, they may not be able to go by themselves.

If one more person is lost by other forces, one less person will be lost by one's own power.

Don't underestimate this gap, maybe because of one more person from another force, there will be an existence of Yuanshen stage or even higher in the future, redefining the structure of the Extraordinary Association and even the prehistoric.

This is by no means alarmist.

A hundred years ago, who would have thought that there would be a martial arts monk named Yang Zhi in Dongzhou? And became one of the three major forces of the Extraordinary Association, the leader of the martial arts force.

Now that one more person is going to the Chunshen Realm, perhaps the fourth largest force of the Extraordinary Association will be born in the future.

Not only the immortal monks value quotas, but Zhang Geng values ​​them even more.

Because of resources!

Don't look at the fact that the Dongzhou Martial Arts Force seems to be the third largest force in the Extraordinary Association, but the Martial Arts Force is not a unified whole.

Martial arts are relatively scattered, although Martial Patriarch Yang Zhi has unparalleled reputation among martial arts monks,

But he has no jurisdiction over Dongzhou martial arts monks.

The martial arts forces in Dongzhou don't even have names. They are not like the Ten Thousand Monsters Alliance at all.

Unlike Penglai Fairy Academy, He Xuan has absolute dominance over the academy.

The Martial Dao Force is not so much one of the three major forces of the Extraordinary Association, but rather an alliance of Martial Dao monks who hold together to keep warm when facing Immortal Dao monks.

The most basic point is that as one of the three major forces of the Extraordinary Association, it does not have a complete organizational structure.

It's like the Chilongwei of Xianqin, all of them are martial arts monks, but do they listen to the emperor Zhang Geng, or the martial ancestor Yang Zhi?

The answer is obvious.

The force of martial arts monks may be able to hold together for warmth when faced with the oppression of immortal monks, but it is a complete joke to say who orders whom.

Moreover, compared with the immortal monks, the martial arts monks have very few resources to occupy the wild, which does not match its strength.

In fact, the immortal monks can't be blamed, because long before the rise of the martial arts monks, the resources in the prehistoric world were basically divided up by the various immortal forces of the Extraordinary Association.

After the rise of the martial arts forces in Dongzhou, they can only occupy a part of Dongzhou's resources, and they don't even dare to occupy too much. You must know that behind the immortal forces in Dongzhou, there is the Transcendent Association.

Not to mention that when Xianqin was established back then, that person proposed the two governances of immortality and mortalism!

If a martial arts monk crosses the line, he will slap that person in the face. May I ask, who in the prehistoric world has the guts?

Yang Zhi obviously didn't have it, and the others didn't even have it.

Therefore, there is only one way for martial arts monks to obtain resources, to conquer the star world!

The prehistoric world has been expanding outwards, and the ever-increasing world of stars in the sky is an example.

In order to obtain resources, martial arts monks naturally also actively participated in it.

Martial arts monks joined the ranks of opening up other worlds, and the Extraordinary Association naturally had no reason not to allow it.

Regarding the matter of opening up other worlds, the Extraordinary Association is unbelievably enlightened.

Not to mention the martial arts monks in the prehistoric world, they are the original forces in the conquered star world. If they want to join the team of external expansion, the Extraordinary Association will always come.

Because the group of people at the top of the Extraordinary Association are not only for resources, but also for the merits of heaven.

But going to Chunshen Realm this time was a little different.

For one thing, the Chunshen Realm is no different than other planes, and the extraordinary path it walks is also the way of immortality.

Secondly, and most importantly, Chunshen Realm is a top-level medium-sized plane with abundant resources, far surpassing the prehistoric ones!

Not to mention resources, even the cultivation environment is simply not comparable to Honghuang.

The monks in the Extraordinary Association can actually feel that since entering the Nascent Soul Stage, the speed of cultivation has slowed down.

Among them, there are factors of insufficient resources, but there are also factors of environmental constraints.

In the prehistoric world, it may take hundreds of years for the Yuanying cultivator to break through the Yuanshen stage, but in the Chunshen world, with the support of the environment and resources, this speed may be increased several times, perhaps in a hundred years. enough!

It's impossible not to excite the immortal monk.

Before getting the Dao and becoming an immortal, saving more life yuan means a greater chance of becoming an immortal!

As for devouring the Chunshen Realm, no one dared to think about it for the time being.

Unless the great powers in the heavens make a move, relying on them, if you want to conquer a world with earth immortals, you'd better go to sleep.

In Longgan Palace.

Seeing that Emperor Xianqin kept pacing, Liang Chen didn't urge him.

After a long time, Zhang Geng stopped, looked at Wu Zu's disciple Liang Chen with piercing eyes, and said, "What does Wu Zu mean?"

He had to ask Martial Patriarch Yang Zhi what he meant. After all, in the Extraordinary Association, Yang Zhi was the leader of the martial arts forces. He was an ordinary emperor, and he was not even qualified to speak.

"The meaning of the teacher is to fight!"

"Okay! Let's fight!"

Zhang Geng's eyes shot brightly, "I'm Immortal Qin Erlang, and I'm afraid that Dongzhou monks will fail!"

With Yang Zhi's endorsement, Zhang Geng has a lot of confidence.

Besides, who is the one who proposes the competition quota? How dare the immortal monks in Nanzhan Buzhou be dissatisfied?

Zhang Geng can still trust that person's deterrence.

Just one pet under the door has become the leader of the three major forces of the Extraordinary Association.

Of course, he dared to think about this matter in his heart, and Yang Zhi didn't dare to say it out of his mouth, because that guy has a bad temper.

Liang Chen thought for a while, and said: "My teacher means that we can cooperate with the Ten Thousand Monsters Alliance."


Zhang Geng frowned, "Isn't the one from the Ten Thousand Monsters Alliance his disciple? Why, even she wants to participate in the competition?"


Liang Chen nodded, "Although I don't know what that person thinks, the Ten Thousand Monsters Alliance does want to participate in the competition!

Although the overall strength of the Ten Thousand Monsters Alliance is no less than that of my Dongzhou martial arts monks, they rely on high-level power. In fact, the foundation of the Ten Thousand Monsters Alliance is still quite weak. "

Hearing this, Zhang Geng nodded in agreement: "Indeed, compared to the giant of Penglai Fairy Academy, neither we nor the Ten Thousand Monsters Alliance are far behind! We may be able to cooperate!"

When it comes to the behemoth of Penglai Fairy Academy, the two don't know what to think.

If all the monks who graduated from Penglai Fairy Academy are counted as its forces, then more than 80% of the monks in the Extraordinary Association belong to this academy.

One can imagine the terror of this force.

Of course, the forces that He Xuan can really lead are only the teachers and students of the Penglai Fairy Academy. The strength of the students is too weak, and the real strength of the Penglai Fairy Academy is those teachers.

But even so, the strength of Penglai Fairy Academy is well-deserved number one in the Extraordinary Association, and its influence is beyond everyone's imagination.

Even the highest-level meeting of the Extraordinary Association proposed a motion to restrict He Xuan's power, but it was suppressed by the chairman Ning Daoxuan.

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