My Virtual Kingdom of God

Chapter 61 Reality Shock

"Soul contract...never betray Honghuang... Violators will be wiped out!"

Although he couldn't read the runes on the contract, Wu Chong could understand the meaning of the densely packed runes on the scroll.

And know that if you don't agree to sign the contract, you will never be able to enter the prehistoric world again.

"I knew it, there is no free lunch in this world!"

Wu Chong laughed wildly in his heart, and then he agreed to sign the contract.

As Wu Chong signed his name on the soul contract, the contract scroll in his mind flashed with a golden light, and then slowly burned and disappeared.

Soul contract! established!

Wu Chong suddenly felt that there was an indescribable connection between himself and Honghuang. If he had to describe it, he felt that it was very similar to the closeness between blood.

"From now on, am I completely tied to Honghuang?" Wu Chong murmured, "However, for the sake of extraordinary power and longevity, who cares about it?"

This scene not only happened here in Wu Chong, but all Honghuang new and old players encountered this phenomenon when logging into Honghuang.

Sign a soul contract!

Zheng Dong took a look at the player's login situation, and as expected, only a very small number of players chose to give up signing the contract.

For the players who gave up signing the contract, Zheng Dong didn't force, and couldn't force, he just blacklisted these players silently.

In the future, these players will never have the chance to join the Great Desolation again.

Opportunity is such a thing, it is impossible to favor the same person over and over again. Sometimes, if you miss it, you miss it.


In the prehistoric forum, the pot exploded.

A post titled "Gods and demons enslave sentient beings" was instantly pinned to the top.

Zheng Dong clicked on the post, and it was full of terrified comments from players.

"I knew that the game Honghuang was created by gods and demons to enslave human beings. The extraordinary skills and resources are all illusions. There is no free lunch in the world."

"Lord at the top, everyone must not sign this so-called soul contract. Violators will be wiped out. It's too scary."

"Yes, everyone, don't be fooled, resist together, and refuse to sign the contract."

"I heard before that a top player obtained the cultivation technique in the prehistoric world. I don't know if it is true or not."

"Are you talking about Chang Lingxian Mansion?"

"It should be true. I participated in the competition for the Immortal Ascension Order, although I failed."

"Worship the boss! Is the boss missing a pendant?"

"Big Brother Niubi!"

"What a boss!"

Followed by a bunch of sycophants.

"I just want to laugh when I see this. They're all scaremongering here and don't sign the contract. In fact, they hope that there will be as few people in Honghuang as possible, so as to save you from competing for resources, right? If there is a sand sculpture letter, I guess it will be too late to cry in the future."

"It's the truth."

"I don't believe that you will give up logging in to the Great Desolation. Anyway, I won't give up. If there are gods and demons, rather than enslaving them, I think it is more likely that He will play us as a game."

"Playing games? Are gods and demons so boring?"

"You are not a god and demon, how do you know what this kind of existence will think? I only know that we have no power to resist in the face of this mysterious power, so we might as well seize the opportunity to improve our strength. Everything else is fake, only Your own strength is real."

After Wu Chong sent this message, he turned off the computer.

A group of sand sculptures! Wu Chong sneered.

Zheng Dong continued to browse the forum.

The second most popular post was about cultivating immortals in Changling Immortal Mansion.

Zheng Dong suspects that this post should be posted by someone who has not obtained the Immortal Cultivation Technique.

Because those who have obtained the cultivation method of immortality must hope to make a fortune in silence. After all, theoretically speaking, all players in the prehistoric are their competitors.

The less information your opponent knows, the greater your advantage.


Normally, it is impossible for a person who has acquired the Immortal Cultivation Technique to reveal it voluntarily, unless it is a player who has not obtained the Immortal Cultivation Technique and is so jealous that the wall is separated.

The post described the contention process in Chang Lingxian Mansion in detail. Zheng Dong read it again and found that what was written was basically true and there was no random fabrication.

Continue to read, there is also a special message recorded in the post.

"Conjectures about Danxia Sect and overseas fairy islands."

Seeing this, the corners of Zheng Dong's mouth raised slightly.

This information was deliberately disclosed by Zheng Dong. The Danxia Sect and the Overseas Immortal Island described in Chang Ling's last words are the maps that Zheng Dong plans to open next.

This map is much larger than Firefire Island.

Zheng Dong has calculated that with the supernatural power he has accumulated during this period, it is not enough to make such a large map and the NPCs in the map.

You have to continue to attract a group of players, or wait for a while before you can accumulate enough divine power.

Zheng Dong estimated that the new map plus NPCs would require at least a million points of divine power.

With a million points of divine power, just making maps can expand the prehistoric world by one million square kilometers. Such a large area is more than enough to accommodate over 100 million players.

Of course, Zheng Dong also needs to remove the area of ​​sea water and the divine power consumed by NPCs. In this way, the new fairy island is only a few hundred thousand square kilometers at most.

An area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers is large enough, and the area of ​​a large province is generally only a few hundred thousand square kilometers.

Such a large area is enough to accommodate tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of players.

Of course, Zheng Dong didn't expect to accept so many players so soon, but after the establishment of the new fairy island, it is still very possible to recruit tens of millions of players from all over the world.

At that time, it will be the time when Hong Huang will truly appear in the eyes of the world.


Imperial Capital, an ordinary modern office building.

Ordinary people would not know that this is the headquarters of the famous special affairs investigation team.

With the emergence of more and more exercises and resources in Honghuangli, especially after Zhou Tao obtained "Peiyuan Gong", the support for the investigation team has been increased.

This independent headquarters is the best proof.

within the investigation team.

"Boom boom boom."

Lu Xue knocked on the door of the boss's office.


Hearing this, Lu Xue pushed the door open and entered.

"Section Chief!" Lu Xue saluted Jia Chengpeng with a military salute.

Jia Chengpeng nodded: "Is the cultivation technique recorded?"

Lu Xue shook her head.

"We have tried various methods, but the cultivation method of cultivating immortals mentioned by Zhou Tao cannot be recorded at all.

Whenever Zhou Tao expresses in words, what he narrates is completely messed up and unintelligible. "

Lu Xue was very annoyed, sometimes she even felt that Zhou Tao was playing tricks on her on purpose.

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