My Virtual Kingdom of God

Chapter 64 Undercurrent

Name: Zheng Dong

Race: Human

Faction: none

Title: Lord of the Wild

Cultivation: early stage of Qi refining

Shouyuan: 24/100

Root bone: 9

Merit: the merit of opening the sky, the merit is immeasurable

Karma: the lord of the prehistoric, not touched by karma

Gongfa: "Exercising the Body", "Pei Yuan Gong"

Spell: Fireball (Description: A low-level spell created by the Lord of the Wild, with extremely weak power.)

Equipment: Book of Truth, Steel Sword

Opening the virtual panel, Zheng Dong found two changes.

The most conspicuous change is naturally the newly created technique, the fireball technique.

But what excited Zheng Dong the most was not this, but the change in Shouyuan.

If Zheng Dong remembers correctly, his lifespan was displayed as 87 before, but now it is 100.

"It's useful, "Pei Yuan Gong" is really useful."

Honghuangzhong's prediction of Shouyuan is actually the judgment of the book of truth. Zheng Dong believes that the book of truth will never make mistakes in this matter.

In other words, as long as Zheng Dong doesn't die unexpectedly, he can live to be a hundred years old.

One hundred years old, although many long-lived people in modern society can live for such a long time, but extending life and living one hundred years old are completely two concepts.

What Zheng Dong values ​​more is naturally the former.

Why did he go out of his way to create a new extraordinary route? In the final analysis, it is not for longevity, for the achievement of mythical life.

But now, he could at least see a little hope, even if it was only a little bit.

Calming down, Zheng Dong once again looked at the spell he had just created.

Fireball (Description: A low-level spell created by the Lord of the Wild, with extremely weak power.)

After Zheng Dong watched it for a long time, he was sure that this fireball technique, which was rated as a low-level technique by the Book of Truth, was the technique that he almost blew up the mountain just now.

It is no exaggeration to say that with this fireball technique, it is no problem to blow up a building.

Just this power, is it weak? ! Still extremely weak? !

So what kind of power is not weak in the book of truth?

Explode the earth with one punch?

Ha ha!

Zheng Dong was powerless to complain, he really couldn't bear the fact that he had died countless times and developed the technique, which ended up being judged as extremely weak.

Withdrew from the prehistoric world, and the consciousness returned to the body.

A sense of weakness struck, and Zheng Dong knew that this was an illusion caused by the imbalance between the real body and the in-game body.

It took him a while to get used to the "feeling of weakness" brought about by the late stage of exercise.


Eastern Province, Haizhou City.

In a beautifully landscaped private estate.

A sturdy figure sat up from the bed.

His face was thin and mean, and his eyes were cold and cold, revealing a murderous look from time to time.

Under the thin sweater, the bulging muscles contained explosive power.

"Boom boom boom."

Hearing the knock on the door, the coldness in Lu Ze's eyes gradually subsided, and his face softened a bit.


Outside the door, a burly man in a black suit walked in.

"Boss, the person you are looking for has found the specific address."

The man in the suit approached Lu Ze, bowed his head and said.

"Okay," Lu Ze nodded, "Remember, this person is very strong, so bring a gun."

Hearing this, the man in the suit changed his face suddenly.

Shooting a gun means things are going to get serious.

"Boss, Zuo Zuo is just a gangster, it's inevitable to use a gun..."

Hearing the question from his subordinates, Lu Ze's face turned cold instantly.

The man in the suit felt as if the air had condensed, and he said tremblingly, "Boss, you..."

"Do you think, if you don't use a gun, you are my opponent?"

Lu Ze's cold voice came into the ears of the man in the suit,

He could hear him trembling.

The man in the suit didn't understand why his boss became so strong in such a short period of time.

As the boss's personal bodyguard, he has done a lot of dirty work for Lu Ze, and he can definitely be regarded as Lu Ze's confidant.

But even so, he still doesn't know the secret of the boss becoming stronger.

"Boss, I see."

Lu Ze nodded: "After you tie him up, I want you to find a yellow pill the size of a marble."

"Yes, boss."

After listening to Lu Ze's instructions, the man in the suit slowly left the room.

Seeing his subordinate walk out of the room, Lu Ze stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and crackled all over.

Lu Ze knew that even if he caught Zhao Feng, he might not be able to get the Huanglong Pill. Zhao Feng might have already eaten it, or it hadn't materialized in the game.

In any case, the possibility of pills in reality is not high, but it is not absolutely impossible.

"Even if it's only a one in ten thousand possibility!"

Lu Ze's eyes flashed brightly: "More importantly, cultivating immortals!"

Immortal Cultivation Technique!

This is the reason for Lu Ze's madness. He is one of the three top players who did not get the Immortal Cultivation Technique.

The road to eternal life is close in front of you, but you missed it. Lu Ze was so angry that he almost went crazy in the game.

But he knew that in the game, Zhao Feng, Li Zhouji and others were very close, and he could only die if he fought alone.

But in reality, the situation is completely opposite. He crushed Zhao Feng to death, just like crushing an ant.

Although Zhao Feng is in the early stage of physical training, no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than a gun? As long as you can get the cultivation method, a little risk is worth it.

Besides, Lu Ze chose Zhao Feng as his target, not without careful consideration.

The most important reason is that Zhao Feng is an orphan and has no relatives. If he disappears, it will not have much impact.

Even if there is influence, Lu Ze believes that with his influence, it is enough to settle it easily.

"Don't blame me, if you want to blame, you can only blame your bad luck."

Lu Ze said coldly.



Linghai City, a dilapidated village within the city.

A gangster with yellow braids was walking casually in a dirty alley, where the trash cans smelled like fish.

"Brother Zhao, are you back from get off work?"

Passing by the door of an old tenant, a middle-aged man with wretched appearance fawned over him.

"Yeah." Zhao Feng nodded while taking the cigarette from the middle-aged man.

Holding the cigarette in one hand, he put the end of the cigarette on the lighter lit by the middle-aged man, and took a deep breath.

"Nothing to show courteousness."

"Hey, Brother Zhao, you understand me," the middle-aged man rubbed his hands, "Brother Zhao, I have a batch of goods in my hands recently, I don't know..."

"Qian Laoliu," Zhao Feng was smoking a cigarette, and in the dark night, the flickering lights of the cigarette reflected his face a little gloomyly, "I told you that I have long since stopped touching those sneaky things."

Hearing this, the wretched man named Qian Laoliu smiled embarrassingly.

I saw Zhao Feng walking away.

Qian Laoliu spat and scolded: "Bah! You can change a dog to eat shit, who are you bluffing?"

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