My Virtual Kingdom of God

Chapter 67 Extraordinary Association

Linghai City.

In front of a dilapidated rental house in the village in the city, several cordons were pulled up, and the surrounding area was crowded with onlookers.

One by one, stretchers covered with white cloth were carried out of the house.

Followed by Lu Xue from the special affairs investigation team.

"I heard that four died."

"You didn't watch it, the death was so miserable that the neck was broken."

"Who said it wasn't?"

Lu Xue frowned when she heard the discussions around her.


Imperial Capital, the headquarters of the investigation team.

Office of the Chief of Information Section.

"How many extraordinary cases is this?"

Jia Chengpeng put the photo in his hand on the table and said in a deep voice.

"Report to the section chief, this is the twentieth event of this month."

"These cases have become more serious each time, from the brave acts of righteousness at the beginning, to the illegal crimes later, and this time, actually holding a gun!"

Jia Chengpeng knocked on the table loudly, "Four more died."

After a pause, he continued, "Is the murderer locked?"

"The murderer is Zhao Feng!"

"It's him?"

Obviously, Jia Chengpeng knew about Zhao Feng.

"Didn't you let you secretly monitor him?"

"Report to the section chief, Zhao Feng has a keen sense, and he is extremely vigilant, so he can't monitor secretly at all," Lu Xue shook her head, "In order not to intensify the conflict between the two parties, so..."

Jia Chengpeng nodded understandingly: "Is the cause of the case investigated?"

"Judging from the scene and the identity of the deceased, the cause of this case is likely to be the conflict caused by the deceased wanting to kidnap Zhao Feng."

"Kidnapping?" Jia Chengpeng frowned, "You mean, the player who wants to kidnap Zhao Feng is a player in the wild?"

Lu Xue nodded: "It's Lu Ze."

"It's him."

Jia Chengpeng rubbed his head, feeling a little headache.

Another top player in the wild.

Sometimes, Jia Chengpeng wanted to arrest these players and kill them all.

But he knew that this matter could only be thought about.

It's not difficult to kill these players now, but doing so will undoubtedly put the investigation team and players in serious conflict.

When the player's strength continues to increase in the future, disasters will happen in an instant.

Besides, as the Great Desolation continues to expand, the number of players is also increasing.

Although the investigation team did not find out the specific number, it is estimated that Honghuang currently has no less than one million players.

Could it be that so many players were killed?

In order to prevent these things to the greatest extent, it is necessary to establish a rule that everyone obeys among these players.

There are not many prehistoric players in the investigation team, and even fewer masters.

Therefore, if you want to do this, you have to think long-term.

However, for these defiant players, the investigation team will never tolerate them.

Thinking of this, Jia Chengpeng's eyes were sharp, and he said solemnly: "Lu Xue, make sure to catch Lu Ze and Zhao Feng."

"Section Chief, Lu Ze's father is..."

"It doesn't matter who he is!"

"Yes! Section Chief!"

Lu Xue gave a military salute.


Qinyuan District.

Zheng Dong took his sister to visit his residence, took her to a big meal, and sent her back to school.

As soon as he got back to the rental house, the phone vibrated.

Zheng Dong himself is very homely, and he doesn't have many friends in Linghai, and few people usually look for him.

Out of curiosity, Zheng Dong picked up his phone, and it was a message from Li Zhouji.

He clicked on WeChat to check the content, and as he checked, Zheng Dong's face gradually darkened.

He immediately replied: "You mean, Zhao Feng killed four gangsters who attacked him with guns and ran away?"

"Yes," Li Zhouji quickly replied,

"Zhao Feng told me personally in the game."

Hearing this, Zheng Dong held his chin with his right hand and stroked it lightly: "Is he all right?"

"Slightly injured, nothing serious."

Zheng Dong nodded.

"Do you know who did this?"

"Lu Ze."

Li Zhouji named a person.

"Lu Ze..."

Zheng Dong whispered.

He knew that the Great Desolation would have an impact on reality, but he still underestimated the greed of human nature.

For the sake of cultivating immortal skills and longevity, Lu Ze is the first, but he will never be the last.

"Brother Dong, are you free? I have something I want to discuss with you."

After hearing this, Zheng Dong hesitated for a moment: "Okay, tell me a place, and I'll come right over."

Although it is not clear what Li Zhouji did not want to say on the phone, it is clear that this matter is very important to him.

Half an hour later, in the box of Star Cafe.

Zheng Dong and Li Zhouji sat opposite each other.

It was indeed a little strange for two men to meet in a cafe, but neither of them obviously had the heart to think about it.

"People from the investigation team have looked for me."

As soon as we met, Li Zhouji cut to the chase.

"Are they looking for you? Or is it about inviting you to join the investigation team?"

However, Li Zhouji shook his head: "It's not about this."

Zheng Dong didn't make too many guesses, and said bluntly: "What's the matter?"

"They not only looked for me, but also Ning Daoxuan, Wang Yuwei, and Wu Chong. If my guess is right, they should look for you again."

Hearing this, Zheng Dong crossed his arms and said with a smile, "What do you want me for?"

"They want to rely on the Honghuang Forum to establish a semi-official organization called the Extraordinary Association."

"What do you mean?" Zheng Dong frowned.

"In the past month, players in Honghuangli have participated in as many as 21 cases relying on their own strength.

It is foreseeable that this number will increase geometrically as the player's strength continues to improve and prehistoric resources appear in reality. "

Li Zhouji paused, and continued: "So the investigation team came up with the idea of ​​setting up a semi-official organization of the Extraordinary Association, and established rules to restrict the behavior of players."

Hearing this, Zheng Dong shook his head: "It's difficult, people are very practical. If this so-called Extraordinary Association can't come up with something to attract players, it will inevitably become a loose organization in the end, which is useless."

Li Zhouji nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, I think so too."

What is currently the most attractive to prehistoric players?

Immortal Cultivation Technique! Huang Long Dan!

These things are not enough for the investigation team themselves, so how can they be provided to the players.

"But the meaning above is to build the framework of the Extraordinary Association first, and then find a way to solve the follow-up resource problem."

"Then what do you mean by asking me? You don't want me to participate, do you?"

Li Zhouji nodded slightly embarrassed.

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