My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1145: Freshman(12)

As soon as he stepped into the cave, Chubaoer felt the strong heat.

This heat burst out from all directions, from the gravel under her feet, from the cracks in the cave rocks, and from the swimming air. It enveloped her and soaked into every part of her body, making her whole body soaked with sweat. Her hair was sticky and stuck to her cheeks.

The heat wave was rolling here, but it didn't bother her at all.

While she was surprised, the curiosity in her heart that she didn't know where to start became more intense. She held the red lantern in her hand and walked forward step by step - the lantern became much brighter in the cave, emitting A red light as thick as blood was emitted, illuminating the surrounding area as if it was dyed red by plasma.

Those stones that seemed to be stained red by blood actually felt as if they were stained with rich blood when stepped on by her shoes. When she stepped on the soles of her feet, she felt sticky. After her shoes broke away from the stones, they would still stick to the stones. Leave small shoe prints.

Chai Bao'er didn't know what was going on. Amidst the heat wave, her ability to think became weak.

 The scarlet heat wave soaked into her body, making her skin itchy.

As she walked forward holding the scarlet lantern, she freed up one hand and kept scratching her arms, cheeks, and neck. The 'yangmei' on her neck, cheeks, and skin fell off in pieces. , showing some tender red new skin underneath.

Chai Baoer walked to the cave and emerged from the cave.

 Then he stepped into a shining stream.

It wasn't until she stepped into the shining stream that she suddenly realized that the shiny golden objects she had seen outside before were not the ones she was stepping into now. A stream?

 She looked down at the stream below her—

 In the stream, water like gold flows.

The liquid soaked her ankles, knees, and lower body, causing an indescribable 'itch' in the seams between her bones. Such an itch made her unwilling to leave.

She waded deeper into the water, and when she was submerged in the golden water until only her head was exposed, she saw the source of the golden stream—

 A black-gray stone statue that looked like it was coiled by countless pythons sat there.

It has many cracks all over its body.

 From the cracks, this golden liquid flowed out.

The stone statue has a majestic face, a well-proportioned and strong body, and is three feet tall - it seems to have fluffy tails wrapped around its waist, covering the area below its waist.

Chai Baoer looked up at the three-foot-tall stone statue and suddenly his face flushed.

She lowered her head in panic and buried her head in the golden water.

 The golden liquid slowly flowed, soaking and wrapping Chubao'er's body. The indescribable 'itching' feeling became more intense at this time, making Chubao'er's brain, which was already smoky from the lingering heat, even more groggy. She completely ignored the statue in the cave. The abnormality of the three-foot-tall statue made him lose his desire to explore the various strange situations in the cave.

Chubao'er floated with the waves in this golden stream.

I don’t know how much time passed, but some words gradually became clear in her ears.


“Why is Chubaoer sleeping here? His clothes are all soaked...”

 “Move her over quickly, don’t catch a cold in such a cold weather.”

"Why did she end up in a cave?"

“What’s in the cave? It looks shiny. There must be gold, right?”

Those tiny words lingered in Chubao'er's ears. Her mind gradually returned to normal, and then she slowly opened her eyes and saw the shaky faces of several companions.

—Several prostitutes staggered on the broken stones and soil between the cave and the mountain temple, moving Chubao'er's body and moving her to the fire.

She blinked her eyes, feeling the abundant strength coming from her body, and suddenly said: "Sister Qiao'er, if I can use the strength myself, I can just walk by myself..."

 “Bao’er is awake!”

"You still blame Shen Li, we can hardly move you..."

"Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? Your clothes are soaked. What's going on?"

As soon as Chubao'er opened her mouth, several prostitutes realized that she had woken up. They quickly put her on a flat stone and watched her get up as if nothing had happened. They all leaned over to ask her questions. road.

She felt her face was itchy, so she reached out to scratch it.

 With one scratch, the small pieces of dead skin covered with 'yangmei' were pulled off the face, revealing the pink and white skin underneath. Chubao'er patted his still groggy head and spoke thoughtfully: "What time is it now? You all fell asleep earlier and the fires that were lit were all put out. I was cold, so I woke up. After lighting the fire, I saw that the cave seemed to be glowing, so I walked in to take a look...

 What happened next, I have no memory of..."

As she spoke, she turned her head and looked toward the cave.

 The deep and gloomy cave is still shining with golden light.

The light flickered on and off, causing Chubao'er to suddenly recall some of her previous experiences. She pointed in the direction of the cave with some uncertainty and said: "There seems to be another stone statue in the cave...

 It's quite tall, and the stone statue seems to be bleeding...

 The blood that flows out is golden..."

 There are bleeding stone statues in the cave.

 The blood flowing out of the stone statue is still golden.

Chua Bao'er's words made several prostitutes present look at each other, and they couldn't help but feel a little more timid when they looked at the cave. Just listening to Chua Bao'er's description, they all felt that the cave was very strange and complicated, and they didn't want to at all. To reach out.

 The prostitutes pondered for a moment.

Chubao'er You was scratching her cheeks, neck, and arms. As she kept scratching, pieces of scarred skin fell like snowflakes.

At this time, Qiao'er inadvertently raised her head and glanced at Chua Bao'er, her eyes suddenly became surprised: "Sister Bao'er, your face, your body -"

 The rest of the people, who were worried, heard Qiao'er's words and turned their attention to Chubao'er.

The expressions of the prostitutes all changed, and they were all extremely surprised!

“Sister Bao’er, the ‘yangmei’ on your face... seems to have faded and new skin has grown!”

 “This, what’s going on?”

  “My bayberry sore can actually be cured…Chuibaoer, what medicine did you take?”

 “Is the bayberry sore on your body also healed?”

The prostitutes gathered around Chua Bao'er and talked a lot. They were excited and surprised when they saw Chua Bao'er growing new pink and white skin and regaining her appearance!

Chubao'er was surrounded by everyone in the center. Listening to the discussion of her companions, she finally realized something. She immediately tore off her sleeves and peeled off the large piece of cracked dead skin, revealing a new life underneath. skin—

She didn't care that there were several people standing around her, and took off her clothes directly, peeling off pieces of dead skin on her body, and her new baby-like pink and white skin was exposed to everyone's eyes!


 It’s so good! "

Chai Baoer had tears in his eyes, his body was trembling slightly with excitement, and a pink halo filled his skin.

 Her companions gathered around her, but they noticed other changes in her body besides the recovery from her previous chronic illness.

 “The scars from the fire chopsticks on my body are gone...”

"Before, Bao'er looked very skinny and skinny. How can he still look a little bit skinny now? Now the top brand of Rouge Alley, 'Jin Zhi'er', doesn't look as good-looking as Bao'er..."

“What do those people in the pottery do?

Bao'er seems to be doing well, but you have to hide it well and don't let those evil-hearted things bump into you! "

“Bao’er, what on earth is going on?

 Would you like to talk to us?

 It only took one night..."

Chuan Bao'er listened to the words of several companions and looked at the expressions on their faces, and could sense the subtle thoughts in their hearts. Fortunately, she didn't intend to hide anything at the moment. While putting on her clothes, she said to her companions : "I took a trip to the cave last night, and there was a shining golden stream in the cave.

 It should be the blood that flowed from the stone statue in the cave and formed the stream.

At that time, I was confused and fell into the creek.

When I woke up, I looked like this now, and all the sores on my body seemed to be healed..."

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