My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1170: "Nine Diasporas" (22)

 At dusk.

  Near the capital, there was a sparsely populated village with only a few families living in it, and the rest of the houses had been abandoned as soon as possible. Su Wu and others gathered in an abandoned house here.

 The congregation in Vacuum Lianxiang was broken into pieces and had long since dispersed into various places in Zhili Province.

Only Su Wu led Qingmiao and Xiuxiu, as well as the two Taoist priests Shao Shoushan and Su Jue, their respective disciples, and Li Heihu to hide in the current village.

“I have a lot of contacts in Zhili Province and various places in the capital, and I have dealt with people from all religions and professions.

Just now we collected some news from them - in the Forbidden City, the eunuchs from the "sticky pole" have been sent to the palace to go to the Taihang Mountains to collect news.

Kangxi has been in poor health since he failed to seize the "Xuanyuan Jade Coffin".

He most likely sacrificed the former 'Crown Prince' as blood food in some way to replenish himself - but even so, his injuries seem to have never healed. In recent years, there have been few rumors of him visiting certain places. .

But my friends in the capital are observing the movements in the palace, and they feel that Kangxi may be unable to restrain himself recently and go out to visit the palace—this may be related to what we are doing in the Taihang Mountains..."

The smell of decay floats in the air inside the dilapidated house.

Shao Shoushan sat on a newly repaired stool and spoke to Su Wu, who was sitting bare-chested and leaning on the back of the chair opposite, about the current situation.

Su Wu was not wearing any clothes on his upper body, and the trousers on his lower body were in tatters.

At this time, Xiuxiu, who had grown a lot taller and looked like a pretty girl, had cleaned the table against the wall, squatted on the table with the oil lamp in her hand, and pointed towards the oil lamp that had run out of oil - inside the lamp, Then a moon-white fire slowly rose, illuminating the currently dark space.

Qingmiao sat on the earthen kang that had been padded and almost repaired. In her arms lay a piece of clothing stained with red gold and blood. She was threading and sewing under the lamp, mending the tattered cloth.

Li Hu first fled with the Lianxiang congregation, and after the court's search was relaxed, he would rush to join Su Wu and others.

Listening to the rustling sounds in his ears and Shao Shoushan's slightly lowered voice, Su Wu felt a sense of peace that he hadn't felt in a long time. His eyes shone brightly in this slightly dim environment, and he said to Shao Shoushan. : "Where did the theory that the crown prince was sacrificed as a blood meal by Kangxi first come from? Do fellow Taoists know the inside story?"

Shao Shoushan nodded and said with a smile: "I do know a lot about the inside story of this matter.

The theory that Kangxi killed the crown prince was first proposed by the fortune teller Zhang, who used the situation of "dragon swallowing the dragon" to imply that Kangxi killed his own crown prince.

This ‘fortune teller Zhang’ is a friend of mine in the capital.

He is often called "Blind Zhang" and calls himself "Nine-Liu Sanren". He is the leading figure promoted by the "Zhongjiu Liu". Disputes over the nine professions: , hermit, monk, Taoist, nun, chess player, doctor, and child immortal, as well as various external exchanges.

 After the death of the crown prince, he made a divination and indeed calculated the fate of "dragon swallowing the dragon".

However, he did not spread the matter. However, his disciples leaked it through lax remarks, which eventually caused an uproar.

 The ninth-rate people in the capital suffered a lot of casualties and basically fled to all parts of the world.

Even ‘Blind Zhang’ himself was unable to save himself and fled from the capital. I have not yet been in contact with him and do not know his whereabouts. "

"This Ninth Dispatcher is quite interesting." Su Wu nodded, "If the facts are really as he predicted, his fortune-telling skills are indeed amazing. In this case, I would also like to ask him to help. I’ll calculate a few hexagrams.”

“Old blind man Zhang’s fortune-telling and divination are really incredible, and the ghosts and gods are unpredictable.”

Shao Shoushan shook his head and said, "His predictions are often called 'twenty-nine ineffective', which means that in January 30th, his predictions were ineffective for twenty-nine days.

 But there must be one day in between, and there will be no mistakes or omissions. "

"Twenty-nine doesn't work..." Su Wu fell silent for a moment.

"The day when the dragon swallows the dragon is calculated, it should be the most accurate fortune-telling day for old blind man Zhang that month." Shao Shoushan thought, "If his calculation is not accurate, the people in the palace will just think that he is talking nonsense and will spread the news If the person who spreads the rumor catches him, he will be beaten to death.

However, Kangxi's reaction was so great that it almost uprooted all the nine professions in the capital. Even now, none of the nine professions in the capital have recovered their strength. This shows that Mr. Zhang, the blind man, may have really made the right calculation..."

Su Wu nodded.

When Kangxi escaped from the Xuanyuan Tomb, a pair of his arms were torn off by him. In the process of fighting for his life, his vitality was greatly damaged.

 Under such circumstances, Kangxi indeed had the need to "repair himself."

It is actually very possible for it to use its son as blood food and sacrifice it to the Heavenly Mother in exchange for its own compensation.

 And the son who was sacrificed may also need to have the "imperial appearance" in order to meet the requirements of the "Heavenly Mother" - in this case, the only one who is closest to the emperor's appearance is the Crown Prince Yinreng.

“After you accommodated ‘Wan Mu Gui’ in your body, you were given the title ‘Du E Zhenren’ by Kangxi.

Did you not see him when Kangxi gave him the title? "Su Wu asked Shao Shoushan again.

Shao Shoushan shook his head: "It's just that a decree was sent to the Tianwang Temple in Jingshi Mountain. I have never seen Kangxi with my own eyes."

“You also have a name with Kangxi.

"Ten thousand eyes of treacherous people" is not a trivial matter. If you tolerate such serious treachery, Kangxi must have been deeply impressed by you, and he may be very afraid of you in his heart. In the past, strange phenomena often appeared in the Taihang Mountains, and you and your Taoist companions appeared together in the Taihang Mountains again - maybe in a few days, a decree will be sent to the Temple of the Heavenly King, and you will go to the capital to meet the emperor. Kangxi may not have been aware of the appearance of the "Red Knight" in the Taihang Mountains.

The Great Qin Sect’s plot behind such a ruthless trick is now clearly revealed.

The plans of the Da Qin Sect may be exactly contrary to what Kangxi himself pursued.

At that time, you must remind the Manchu Emperor more and order him to forbid the "Great Qin Sect" from preaching and developing in the world - although he is a fake person, his spirit still belongs to the "real person", and he is the current emperor, if Officials have shown a clear rejection of the Daqin Sect, and the development of the Daqin Sect will certainly be hindered. "

"Puppet people have unpredictable and sinister thoughts. Although these 'pure demons' can only be regarded as 'real people' wearing pseudo-human skins, from the time they began to practice the pseudo-human method and transformed into pseudo-human beings, they have become aware that they are different from mortals." Not in the same row...

Senior brother also wants to clarify our interests and interests with these pure demons, show them with emotion, and move them with reason... I think they will not only not appreciate it, but will secretly stumble us. These pure demons are the most untrustworthy! "

The crisp and clear voice came from behind Su Wu.

Su Wu turned around and saw Xiuxiu, whose figure was as hazy as the moonlight, frowning and speaking with vigilance.

This was the first time he heard Xiuxiu speak, and suddenly there was a smile on his face: "I have had a lot of dealings with the Manchu clan, and I even read the exercises practiced by those puppets - those Eight Banners puppets, in fact In the final analysis, they are just the qualifications for the Manchu princes and clans to practice in the pseudo-human way. There are clearly distinct classes within them. Since they are divided into classes, they cannot be monolithic.

I have also learned that the puppets are insidious and terrifying, and it is impossible to trust them or cooperate with them - now I just remind them aloud, hoping that they will react.

 They can respond best to the actions of the Qin Sect.

 Even if there is no response, we have nothing to lose.

 Junior sister Xiuxiu, don’t worry. "

Li Xiuxiu pursed her lips, smiled, and said a little sheepishly: "It's good if senior brother understands."

"Now in the Lianxiang Association, Xiuxiu has the final say on all major matters. Junior Brother Hu only leads people to do things." Li Qingmiao, who was mending Su Wu's clothes, raised his head at this time, looked at Li Xiuxiu and Su Wu with a smile, and asked Su Wu said.

Su Wu nodded: "Xuan Zhao Lao Dao once said that Xiu Xiu has great fortune.

Now it seems that what Xuan Zhaolao said is true. "


Xiuxiu, who already looked like a full-grown girl, was even more embarrassed. She snuggled next to Li Qingmiao and didn't dare to raise her head.

Su Wu turned around with a smile and looked at Taoist Shao: "Kangxi must be wary of you. There is no guarantee that he will not do anything bad to you. When you go to Beijing to have an audience, you can pass the news to me first.

 At that time, I will also go to the capital secretly.

 Once any dangerous situation occurs, I can provide assistance to you and fellow Taoist Su Jue. "

 “Okay.” Shao Shoushan responded.

"You can lead your disciples away from here later. Don't let anyone discover that you and I have been in contact. If Kangxi asks you about me, you only need to tell him that I am trying to be independent. The temple system attracted the 'Three Purity Projections'... After that, you and your Taoist companions fled from the mountains. You don't know what my ending will be, so let him guess on his own."

Shao Shoushan agreed repeatedly.

He stood up and looked at Su Wu. He hesitated to speak. After hesitating for a moment, he finally couldn't help but said: "Su Jue and I fell into a coma and have no memory of everything that happened after the projection of the Three Pure Ones came down.

Now I take the liberty to ask Brother Dao -

 Has the ‘back-yin temple system’ already won all the credit? "

Su Wu nodded and said nothing.

"Very good!"

Shao Shoushan looked excited and asked Su Wu: "Where are you going to open a Taoist temple? When are you going to teach the Dharma?"

"I now have five preparatory disciples. After everything is almost settled, I will choose a place to hide in seclusion, open a dojo, preach and teach." Su Wu Zhengse said.

"It's the five waiting outside..." Shao Shoushan said hesitantly.


They came from a bad background, but now they have changed. For them, what they experienced in the past was just a trial in the world of mortals. "


Shao Shoushan nodded and finally said nothing more. He turned to Su Wu and said, "In Jingshi Mountain, there is also an old friend of yours - Miss Xiaohe. She is practicing in seclusion this time. Su Jue said that she might wake up. Su Hui…

 Also, do you want to meet that boy with the ‘Xuanyuan bloodline’? "

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