My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1238: When the river goes eastward, the bright moon will come again (2) (12)

Chapter 1238: The river goes east, but the bright moon comes back (2) (12)

Zhong Sui’s whisper stood out in this cycle of silence.

Li Heihu, who had some ominous premonitions in his heart, turned his head to look at Zhong Sui after hearing what he said. He stared at Zhong Sui with a pair of tiger eyes, and suddenly said: "What do you mean?!"

Shao Shoushan, Taoist Su Jue, everyone in Zao Ban, the four girls from Beidi Sect, Liu Feiyan and Sun Douer from Zhi Niangniang Association all turned their attention to Zhong Sui.

In the eyes of everyone, this scholar with an aloof and cold personality was very powerful, stronger than 99% of the people present. Only the vague sexual intention in the bright sun above the square face of the middle-aged man could make him Overwhelm him.

His level of strength is far higher than that of everyone, and the strange situations he can detect must be more than what everyone can see.

What he said at that moment clearly had a bad meaning, and in line with the vague foreboding in everyone's minds, everyone became nervous for a moment.

Zhong Sui is somewhat aloof and aloof by nature, and he never cares about the attention of the outside world.

 But now that Li Qingmiao, Li Xiuxiu, Shao Shouxian and others were looking at him with all kinds of sorrowful emotions, no matter how hard-hearted Zhong Sui was, he couldn't help but hesitate.

 He squinted at the stone embedded in the gap between reincarnations, hesitating again and again—

"At that time, I came here on the 'Breath of the Underworld', and when I met him, I felt that his heart, soul, nature, and will were at the end of their strength. Now, I have combined all my thoughts with this head, Completely turned into a pillar.

The human body is transformed into a pillar, how can the pillar return to the human body? "At this time, Hong Renkun took Zhong Sui's words and confirmed a certain guess in Zhong Sui's mind. Under the sad eyes of everyone, he said without changing his expression, "His head has indeed turned into this stone now. , is indeed 'dead'..."

"How can it be?!

He told me personally at that time that he would live and die with us and live with us for a hundred years - how could he die before me? " Before Hong Renkun finished speaking, Liu Feiyan's whole body was filled with blood-red resentment. The deep resentment was in full swing, raging in the void around her. At this moment, she was the first to lose control of her emotions!

“Is it, is there no hope?” Shao Shoushan asked the square-faced middle-aged man with a trembling voice.

Hong Renkun met Shao Shoushan's gaze and shook his head seriously.

“Wow—” Ding Yin’er, who had been led by Shao Shoushan, couldn’t help crying when he saw Hong Renkun shaking his head!

 Everyone’s eyes were red!

“What I mean is—” Hong Renkun suddenly grinned and raised his voice, “There is still hope for help now!

Before Su Wu died, he buried his head in this reincarnation using the method of cultivating Tao from the devil's body. Therefore, although he turned his head into this pillar, this pillar had the "appearance of the dead" .

A ‘dead stone’ cannot be just a stone. In the final analysis, it is similar to all living beings in the world.

 Since there can be ‘death’, naturally there can be ‘life’.

Now we can reverse the law of death and life, and reincarnate this pillar from death. After the pillar is resurrected, we can connect it with the original parts of Su Wu's body, and then find the 'female Yin' to re-gestate it into an adult. "

“How to reverse the pillars of the ‘dead person’ into the ‘living person’?” Zhong Sui reacted first when he heard what Hong Renkun said. His eyes shone with light, he looked at Hong Renkun and asked directly.

The red sun above Hong Renkun's head turned, and an old voice sounded from it: "I'm here to reverse death and life for my little Taoist friend."

Zhong Sui nodded, turned to look at the phoenix-crowned figure that was being restrained by Hong Renkun - Hu Susu, the mourning master of the Red Aihui, and continued: "Then the matter of re-gestating the teacher with the 'female vagina' must be left to this person. Come and finish?”

The first ancestor of Maoshan responded: "She is the only one who can attract the 'female vagina'."

 The word "nuwa" refers to "nuwa" and does not have a different meaning.

Although the first ancestor had the ability to reincarnate the 'Pillar Stone' from death, he was unable to turn the Pillar Stone with the appearance of a living person back into a human body. Only by relying on the power of the Queen Mother to give birth to Su Wu again, could he completely turn back into a human body. True resurrection!

Everyone was originally in a sad mood, but after hearing the words of Hong Renkun and Zhong Sui, they knew that the square-faced middle-aged man had already made a plan in his mind, but he had deliberately teased them before. He was also a senior with a weird personality and disrespectful old age, but now they knew There was still a way to save Su Wu, and they were all in high spirits, so they didn't have to worry about pursuing anything with Hong Renkun.

At this moment, they all held their breath and pricked their ears, listening to the conversation between Zhong Sui and the first ancestor of the Maoshan witchcraft.

“Senior has said before that the Queen Mother also has other thoughts about her mentor and wants to use him to carry her. So if the mentor’s body is sent to Nuwa to be conceived again, how can it obediently give birth to her mentor?

 Something will happen on the way. "Zhong Sui stretched his eyebrows, looked at the red sun above Hong Renkun's head, and continued, "I will be responsible for monitoring Nuwa's pregnancy of her mentor.

 What do you think, senior? "

 “It should have been left to you to do it.” The first ancestor of Maoshan Wu replied.

Maoshan Wu Chuzu, Hong Renkun, and Zhong Sui discussed everything.

The red sun above Hong Renkun's head suddenly rose upwards. The red round sun continued to expand as it rose upwards - the red sun sun rose when it faced the wind. In just an instant, it was already huge. Like a wheel, after a few blinks, it transformed into the size of a house. It rose to the top, and when it approached the pillars embedded with numerous blood-red roulette wheels, it had completely expanded in this desolate world enveloped in reincarnations. , spreading the red sea of ​​fire to every place in the desolate world!

The desolate world has also become the ‘Yang God’ itself!


 The red sun, surrounded by various reincarnations, suddenly rotated, and gradually became the same frequency as the rotation of reincarnations all over the sky and the earth. At this time, a tall figure emerged from the center of the red sun!

The tall figure had black hair tied into a bun, and a black beard hanging from his chin to his belly.

He was shirtless, exposing all his muscles, and was wearing a pair of white trousers. At this time, he was standing barefoot in the naked sun, and suddenly opened his arms -

The 'First Ancestor of Maoshan Wu', who looked like a middle-aged and majestic man, but exuded an old aura, opened his arms in an instant, and his arms extended beyond the red sun. The entire world fell sharply under his figure. It became smaller, the red sun was turning in his palm, and the world that the red sun contained was also turning in his palm.

Everyone is in the world reflected by the red sun, and when they look at the first ancestor of Maoshan witches, they feel that he is like a giant spirit god. They are in the world and cannot completely see the whole picture of the first ancestor of Maoshan witches outside the heaven and earth!

The First Ancestor held up the red sun with one hand, reached into the violently rotating heavy roulette wheel with the other hand, and grabbed the huge stone embedded in the center of the roulette wheel!


 Suddenly, countless reincarnations began to tremble!

Countless roulette wheels turned into multiple worlds, like ‘TV walls’, surrounding the first ancestor in all directions. In the multiple worlds of reincarnation, scarlet intestinal cords protruded and were drawn towards the first ancestor! Intestinal cords are everywhere, even submerging the figure of the first ancestor!

The figure of the First Ancestor was like a bubble, being submerged by many intestinal cords and collapsing into nothingness!

The next moment, his figure once again appeared at the position where the intestinal cord was submerged. It seemed to be submerged by the intestinal cord, but it seemed to be far away from the intestine of reincarnation - this In an instant, he was 'on this shore', and 'this shore' was also an extremely distant 'other shore' compared to the three pure intestines in the bitter water.

The first ancestor on this shore reached into the bitter water, finally grabbed the pillar, and fished it out of the many reincarnations!

At the moment when the pillar stone of Su Wu's head was fished out of reincarnation, the intestines of the Three Purities seemed to be angered, nested one after another, and overlapped one after another, forming a big wheel in the void!

This scarlet wheel contains the world of the heavens, and its true form has crossed the bitter water and descended on "this shore"!


 The figure of the first ancestor disappeared from the other side without a trace!

 The red sun turns and its light spreads!

He took the pillar that Su Wu's head had turned into and returned to the desolate world. The most powerful, deathless light flooded the pillar he was holding, causing it to instantly dissolve all the life and decay. The phase has changed from the 'dead phase' to the 'living phase'!


 The intestines of samsara, which gathered together to form the great scarlet wheel of the heavens, dispersed and spread out again.

It rotates wildly, without the obstruction of the stone embedded in the gap of reincarnation, the rotation of the intestines of reincarnation no longer has any sluggishness, and the intestinal ropes lock everyone in an instant, and the boundless calamity of reincarnation is Then it surrounded everyone and suddenly exploded!

Hong Renkun on the ground stared at the blood-red intestines coiled between heaven and earth for a moment. He then moved his gaze away and looked at Zhong Sui beside him, and said: "I can temporarily 'borrow' the death tribulation law of the Cross Tribulation.

 Let me freeze this reincarnation in the present moment.

—You must help Nuwa re-conceive Su Wu into adulthood before this reincarnation is broken and a new ‘reincarnation’ comes. "

Zhong Sui said nothing and looked at Hu Susu, the mourner who had been silent and had a strange breath.

Hong Renkun also turned his attention to Hu Susu. Two golden crosses appeared in his eyes, and he smiled and said: "She will go all out, just don't let Nuwa affect her."

 “Okay.” Zhong Sui nodded.

 A pitch black coffin was carried over by everyone.

In the coffin, Su Wu’s flesh, blood, organs, skin, bones, and blood gathered on their own, turning into a headless corpse. Zhong Sui looked serious, holding a stone and placing it on the neck of the headless body: "Master Su, I will support your coffin now, so that you will not be taken advantage of by evil spirits or invaded by external demons.

 It will definitely make you a human being again. "

The stagnant charm that imprisoned Hu Susu dissipated, and Hu Susu regained his freedom.

The blood-red wedding paint swam like a poisonous snake under her feet. She lifted the red hijab on her head, revealing an extremely delicate and charming face. She kicked off her red-sleeved shoes, stepped on a pair of white socks, and quietly floated in. In the dark coffin, under the eyes of everyone, they lay side by side with the headless Su Wu.

 That charming but cold face without a trace of 'humanity' now showed a slightly satisfied smile.

Liu Feiyan looked at Hu Susu in the coffin. Her eyes were complicated and she hesitated to speak.

The pitch-black coffin slowly closed, and an inexplicable charm flowed in the reincarnation fixed by the golden cross. Outside the reincarnation, the blood-red intestinal cords twisted violently and slowly tightened, about to crush this stagnant reincarnation—

A white marble archway appeared at this moment, shrouding the dark coffin. The dark coffin, together with Zhong Sui's figure, suddenly disappeared in this stagnant reincarnation!


The sky is blue.

 The sea of ​​yellow mud overturned this place.

The pitch-black coffin was swaying in the sea of ​​yellow mud, pushed by the rolling yellow mud, and floated towards the crystal clear spring pool in the middle of the sea that was clearly connected to the rolling yellow mud, but was not affected by the mud and water.

There was a man and a woman buried together in this coffin, but it was so light that it seemed to have no weight at all. It was just floating on the sea, showing no signs of sinking into the yellow mud.

Zhong Sui stood next to the dark coffin, with pale arms deep in the rolling mud trying to drag him into the sea.

There was a ray of fresh air lingering around him, and that ray of fresh air made his figure become as slippery as a loach, and those pale palms grabbing at him became steps to lift his figure. He stepped on the steps formed by raising his arms and followed the dark coffin into the depths of the sea of ​​yellow mud.

The scholar has never experienced such a weird thing as "Nuwa giving birth to a human being", and he doesn't know how to cooperate with Wang Chuanzhen at this moment. Even so, he doesn't have much panic.

 Just adapt to circumstances.

Although he didn't know what the process of 'Nu Wa giving birth to a human being' was, he had seen the power of 'Nu Wa's Trace' - the only 'Nu Wa' that appeared in this archway world at the moment was not more powerful than 'Nu Wa'. He can deal with any trace of it.

Hu Susu was silent in the coffin.

She gently turned sideways and faced the headless body connected to a stone. She carefully stretched out her arms and hugged the cold body, then placed her head against the chest of the body, as if listening. There was a heartbeat that didn't exist.

—Hu Susu’s every move is cautious, as if embracing a fragile dream.

 The dark coffin was slowly pushed into the central clear spring pool.

 (End of this chapter)

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