My Weird Life

Chapter 1414 Easy Numbers

Chapter 1419 Yi Shu

"Is this how you can imitate the charm of the Six Paths of Heaven and Humanity?"

Ji Xingzhou looked very surprised when he saw the charm of heaven and man gathered together by Su Wu into six chapters. Although he was full of expectations for this trip, he never thought that he would gain such a huge harvest just by entering this illusion.

Six chapters are enough to create six new sects of human beings!

Su Wu also did not expect that the collection of "Ink Paintings" would progress so smoothly.

But he also knows that this situation is more likely to be caused by chance, and the matter of imitating the charm of heaven and human beings is inherently mysterious. Maybe after the entire illusion, only this "Chapter of Six Harmonies" is unknown.

What happened after that was just as Su Wu expected.

Since "He Zhizhang", although there have always been people who sang songs and wrote with their pens, the poems and paintings created by these poets, calligraphers and painters under the inspiration of inspiration are not inferior to He Zhizhang's "Zhang of Liuhe". Among them, "Zhang Jiuling" The poem "Watching the Moon and Reminiscing about the Past" begins with the image of "the bright moon rises on the sea, and we share this moment at the end of the world", which makes the fantasy world tremble slightly, and is assimilated into the vast sea and bright moon that Zhang Jiuling saw in his drunken dream—— These opening two sentences alone seem to be more exciting than He Zhizhang's "The Chapter of Liuhe".

However, even such a wonderful chapter cannot capture the charm of heaven and man.

It can be seen that although the charm of heaven and man can always be attracted by the wonderful paintings of poems and paintings, it does not mean that those wonderful poems and paintings can definitely attract the charm of heaven and man.

After He Zhizhang, five or seven people chanted poems and painted paintings.

After they displayed their talents, their respective spirits were pulled away from this illusion and returned to their respective bodies.

Su Wu didn't feel discouraged. This time in the illusion, he received He Zhizhang's "Chapter of Six Harmonies", so the trip was finally worthwhile.

And since it can seduce the sexual soul in this way, it is possible to imitate the charm of heaven and humans by practicing poetry and painting in fantasy worlds. There will always be opportunities to try this method many times in the future.

Ji Xingzhou took this opportunity to imitate the charm of the "Chapter of Six Harmonies" and resonate with his own mind——

The Chapter of Liuhe turned into the sound of silk and bamboo drums, and slowly flowed into Ji Xingzhou's ears. Following the sound of music, Ji Xingzhou seemed to see a picture scroll unfolding in front of his eyes.

In the scroll, the countless changes are unified with the poet's mind, making the will of heaven and the human heart harmonious.

The Bagua patterns appeared in Ji Xingzhou's eyes and started to rotate around each other!

Ji Xingzhou completely reflected the 'Chapter of Six Harmonies' in his mind, and the traces of the Eight Diagrams rotating in his eyes disappeared. With a happy face, he whispered to Su Wu: "This 'Chapter of Six Harmonies', each chapter It's enough to create a pair of human armor that can imprison the 'Ghost King' in levels of treachery.

After Liuhe Armor imprisoned the Ghost King each, they formed a formation to resist the 'Heaven's Creepy'! "

The level of ghost king is equivalent to the level of seriousness above the real famine level and below the disaster level.

And Tiangui is the disaster-level Ligui, as well as those legendary gods and the like.

The "Zhang of Liuhe" copied by He Zhizhang brought more and more surprises to Su Wu. Moreover, Ji Xingzhou went on to say: "This Chapter of Liuhe contains countless changes, which made someone feel deeply. ——When Wu Daozi made the "Picture of Frost Refining the Gods" before, someone also used this picture to feel a little bit about the relationship between the rotation of heavenly principles and the "Yi Shu", but he was still unable to fully understand the joints.

Now there is the "Chapter of Six Harmonies", through which someone can get a glimpse of the "Great Changes" and have a deeper understanding of the "Changes of the Changes".

If this article is generalized within the Shengong Bureau, many people will benefit, and it will also virtually lower the threshold of "Yisu", making it easier to be understood by ordinary Shengong Bureau craftsmen. "

Su Wu nodded when he heard the words: "Then after the six sects of the Six Harmonies are created, the Six Harmonies Chapter will be promoted in the Shengong Bureau so that everyone can participate in it together."

In the past, when we were on Dongliu Island, the reason why the craftsmen in the sword forging workshops had to have the "Ink Drawing" tattooed on their bodies was because most of the craftsmen thought that because they had the Ink Drawing on their bodies, they could borrow the power of ghosts and gods to speed up the process of destroying the Killing Stone. The forging - this is just a superficial understanding of the 'Ink Drawing'.

In fact, the deeper reason is that after having the "Ink Diagram" engraved on the body, it is easier to perceive the movement of heavenly principles, reflect the movements of heavenly principles in the heart, and harmonize with people and people, which is the "changes that are easy to count", which makes it easier to accept. Introduce the charm of heaven and man into the sword to be forged, improving the quality of the sword.

Therefore, most of the craftsmen on Dongliu Island at that time only knew one thing but not the other.

However, such a pattern carved into the ink pattern to sense the movement of heavenly principles is ultimately too costly. Being able to bear the "ink pattern" in one's body has already eliminated many craftsmen invisibly.

Now there happens to be this "Chapter of Six Harmonies", which can facilitate the craftsmen to initially understand the "Yi Shu", which is equivalent to raising the steps under their feet, making it easier for them to step into the door of Yili changes!

Ji Xingzhou agreed to Su Wu's words and looked into the hazy illusion of clouds and mist.

During the time he was talking with Su Wu, several more people were sent into the fantasy realm. None of the poets, calligraphers and painters who left the fantasy realm could imitate the charm of heaven and man.

Looking at the remaining eight or nine people, Ji Xingzhou no longer had any expectations for this illusion.

He probably understood that this time the illusion summoned more than fifty poets, calligraphers and painters here, but he was lucky to be able to harvest the "Chapter of Six Harmonies".

Ji Xingzhou was thinking about this when he suddenly saw Su Wu beside him with a strange look on his face. He looked at a hazy figure shaking his head in the mist. The figure dipped his finger in some wine and was sketching something on the low table. Su Wu's thoughts turned and the pen and ink were spread on the table of the figure.

The figure grabbed the pen and dipped it in thick ink. The tip of the pen was suspended above the rice paper, but it did not fall.

He shouted: "Dance the sword for me!

Dance the sword!"

Before the man finished speaking, another tall and hidden figure staggered into the mist holding a wine jar. The figure waved his hand and threw the wine jar. The whole person's momentum changed, as if he had turned into a sharp sword out of its sheath, and his sharp edge was revealed in an instant!

Seeing this, Su Wu casually drew it, and a wisp of wine turned into a flying sword, which fell into the palm of the flying man.

The big man was strong and powerful, and he was obviously a veteran of the battlefield. He was just a fierce general, so why was he brought into this illusion?

Tao Zu appeared beside Su Wu and said casually: "This man was entertaining guests at home at the time. Many of his guests were on the list you drew up. I thought it would be bad to leave him alone at home, so I brought him here."

"What is his name?"

Su Wu looked at the big man dancing with a sword and asked Tao Zu.

Tao Zu scratched his head: "It seems that his surname is Pei. I didn't hear the rest clearly at the time - why not search his soul and see?"

"..."Su Wu stopped talking and looked at the big man named Pei in the field.

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