My Weird Life

Chapter 1524 The Only Immortal


Countless corpses of heavenly ghosts sank and floated with the rotation of the 'Great Mill of Hell'. Among these countless horrible corpses, a crescent moon suddenly rose. When illuminated by the fire hole on the top, the dim crescent moon suddenly became bright and turned into a full moon in an instant!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The originally slow rotation speed of the Great Mill of Hell suddenly accelerated at this time!

The corpses of heavenly ghosts, some broken and some deformed, all climbed out of the swirling black sea. As the vortex turned, they piled up layer by layer and circled around the full moon, trying to pick and eat the full moon that rose above the surface of the black sea--


In the full moon, the moonlight was like a veil, changing with a breath.

The peaceful green moonlight suddenly turned into pure white, then into scarlet, and in a flash, into colorful colors... After all these changes, the light in the "full moon" became clear and faint, and the clear moonlight was like liquid, rippling slightly in the full moon.

In the rippling water moon, a graceful figure became clear from blurry.

She emerged from under the water, and a full moon was broken.

Under her mutton-fat jade-like toes, the broken moon pieces were pieced together into a colorful twelve-tier lotus platform. She was wearing a bright red dress and put her hands together--

In an instant, on the twelve-tier lotus platform under her feet, each lotus petal quickly expanded and enlarged, wrapping the corpses of the heavenly ghosts that gathered together, using them as offerings, and growing more gorgeously!

In the center of the great millstone of the Great Hell, a lotus suddenly grew out.

The twelve-petal lotus lightly stretched its branches and leaves, slowly covering Lu Mu's abdomen - Lu Mu's abdomen turned into a magnificent twelve-petal lotus platform!

Danjia stepped barefoot on the lotus platform, looking at the tall figure over there, with rippling eyes: "Venerable..."

In this world supported by Su Wu Tianzhu's transcendental appearance, there is no distinction between this shore and the other shore. Now Danjia has directly turned Lu Mu's most fundamental 'Dahua Hell Breeding Great Grind' into her own practice. Now, outside of this world, she is already an undoubted other shore!

She stood higher and saw the Venerable walking further, and she was more and more delighted from the bottom of her heart.

The twelve-grade full-moon lotus pedestal held up Danga's figure, swaying gracefully in the Black Sea tide, and suddenly approached Su Wu's side——

And the corpse of the pregnant woman that emerged from the Black Sea had lost its foundation because the 'Great Hell Breeding Great Mill' was transformed into Danga's practice foundation!

As the full-moon lotus pedestal held up Danga and swayed to Su Wu's side, the 'Lu Mu' made up of many pieces of Tiangui corpses in the Black Sea fell apart!

Bang, boom, boom!

Pieces of Tiangui corpses separated from the body of 'Lu Mu', floating weakly like rotten wood in the river, swimming slowly with the rippling black water waves.

Between heaven and earth, the Lu Mu strange rhyme filled the air in an instant, and the green eyes growing in the mountains, gullies, the void of heaven and earth, and even in the air, like insects burned by fire, shattered layer by layer, turned into strands of charred traces, and fluttered into the black tide, making the black sea darker!

At this time, Su Wu opened his palm and covered the black sea tide and countless Tiangui corpses with his five fingers. His five fingers turned into five scorching suns, suppressing them into the dark sea, and wanted to completely sweep away these countless Tiangui corpses without leaving any traces!


The moment Su Wu's five fingers probed into the black tide, the originally dark and silent sea suddenly boiled!

The floating Tiangui corpses were polished layer by layer by the perfect man's aura, turned into ashes, and cleared away - the water level continued to drop like a waterfall!

Click! Click! Click!

A cold wind suddenly blew between heaven and earth!

The wind blew from all over the void and from the cracks in the dark, turning all the rivers and gullies into snow. Between heaven and earth, it was all white!

Even the boiling momentum of the dark tide that was burned and boiling by Su Wu Wanren's aura suddenly stopped. Layers of solid ice covered the dark sea, and then a snowy wind invaded, turning the dark ice layer into snow-white!

In the ice and snow, cold fog was floating.

A ball of milky white like lard, with wrinkles and gullies on it like a brain, was vaguely outlined by the cold tide fog.

Those corpses of the Heavenly Ghosts that were constantly disintegrating had already lost all cause and effect and the possibility of survival, but after they were completely destroyed, they still left behind a wisp of chilly ‘death aura of annihilation’, which turned into cold mist and smoke, lingering around the brain, and was slowly absorbed by the brain.

The wrinkles on the brain trembled, and in a moment they turned into twisted human figures. Each human figure swayed and danced, causing the ‘root’ in the center of the flesh and blood of others to react, but the twisted human figure danced for only a moment before turning into a series of dripping black marks.

The many black marks pulled and shaped the brain, turning it into its original form with untied hair, white eyes, and a tiger-like lower body - the Queen Mother of the West.

Behind the Queen Mother of the West's head, a series of torture instruments coiled and gathered, and finally turned into a terrifying weapon wheel ‘The Five Evils of Heaven’!

After Su Wu destroyed the Sky Ghost, the wisps of dead air that lingered were entangled with the 'Five Evils of Heaven', causing it to evolve to the extreme, and the aura it exuded became more fierce and terrifying, so much so that now the original form of the Queen Mother of the West is constantly melting and being used to shape the 'Five Evils of Heaven'!

Or perhaps, the Queen Mother of the West herself is a 'weapon' that is being continuously cast!

Who is the master of this weapon that has been forged for so long, and it was not until the perfect Su Wu appeared that he came close to success?

Su Wu stared at the Queen Mother of the West, who was gradually melting, and the cold mist of death evaporated from her body. In the billowing cold mist, Ganoderma lucidum gradually grew, and huge Ganoderma lucidum taller than the sky surrounded and supported it. Holding an ancient archway with mottled colors.

On the archway, there are two words "Xianmen" written on it.

Seeing the archway, Su Wu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

A person's face flashed in his mind, and in an instant, that person's face actually appeared behind the archway - an old man with a fat body, a dark face and full of wrinkles appeared behind the archway.

The moment she saw the old man, Su Wu's breath froze——


That's not Master!

Burning anger suddenly filled Su Wu's chest. He raised his arms and suddenly grabbed the 'Five Strengths of Heaven' that the Queen Mother of the West was trying to raise from her house!

At this time, the 'Master' behind the archway - Li Yueshan laughed out loud, and his smile was particularly bold - this look was exactly the Master Yueshan in Su Wu's memory!

Su Wu's movements froze!

He hesitated for a moment.

At this moment, the smile on 'Li Yueshan''s face became weird and playful. 'He' stood behind the Xianmen Archway and said to Su Wu: "The year 2034 of the solar calendar..."

Solar calendar year 1715...

On February 25th, I died...

There was a writer who was down and out and had no merit,

A lot of nonsense was written about me...

September 22, 2030 on the solar calendar.

The mother's second son, 'Jinglian', was completely defeated by Su Wu.

His body was sewn to the cracks in the 'Ultimate Treasure' - he failed to pave the way for his mother to come, but instead became a stumbling block for her to come to the world.

Su Wu interrupted his mother's thousands of years of planning.

Because of his appearance, my mother could not come to the world smoothly.

He stole a "Golden Mother's Heart Banner" from the Golden Mother, and also prevented the Golden Mother from returning to reality.

Mother and Golden Mother will continue to be entangled in the ultimate terma.

After waiting for an unknown number of years, I got the second chance to come——

That opportunity is not far away.

It seems to be very close to today, but also very far away.

Everything depends on Su Wu’s own choice..."

This being who replaced the figure and face of 'Li Yueshan' appeared behind the Immortal Sect. What he said slowly was in response to the dead picture that was once sandwiched in the third page of the Daji Zang, and there was still a trace of it. All the content presented on top of the subtle charm of '三不了'!

The existence behind the Immortal Sect is closely related to ‘Guile Pi’!

Even - Guipi might have fallen off from it!

It can manipulate and control the existence and destruction of the Queen Mother of the West at will, and even the Mother of Lu - these two opposing terrifying and powerful figures are actually the whetstones it uses to sharpen the 'Five Powers of Heaven'!

There is an unknown footprint on the 'Ghost Ganoderma-Yao Ji', which is directly related to the Queen Mother of the West and is most likely derived from the Queen Mother of the West.

It was precisely because of that footprint that Ghost Lingzhi finally turned into the evil and evil spirit entrenched in Zhijin Mountain.

That footprint is related to the 'Immortal', and is identical to the existence behind the Immortal Sect - the so-called 'Immortal' is the existence behind the Immortal Sect in front of Su Wu!

Su Wu's heart boiled, and he was aware of the 'immortal' who appeared behind the Immortal Sect in the form of Li Yueshan.

The weird smile on its face grew stronger, and the corners of its mouth reached to the base of its ears, revealing its sharp canine teeth: "I am the combination of heaven and yuan.

Yuan’s brain and Heaven’s blood created me.

I am the only 'fairy'.

Perfect person, you guessed it right...

Guess again, what is the use of this weapon made by the immortal? "

When the 'immortal' was talking, a furry fox claw poked out from the fairy gate, grabbed the 'five powers of heaven', and slowly lifted it into the fairy gate.

The fox claw was covered with colorful rainbow lights.

The rainbow light swayed, making the hearts and minds of living people dance with it. It was like a strange feeling that fairy doors were opening in front of them. Even people like Danjia who were on the other side saw the fox claw covered with beautiful and colorful rainbow light. , her mind was in turmoil, and she couldn't help but look away at Fox Claw for a moment. There was an unknown force stopping her, so that she couldn't even look at Fox Claw again!

The Queen Mother of the West sitting on the ice melted into a puddle of slush.

This pile of slush was still shaking, melting into cold mist, and wrapping around the 'Five Strengths of Heaven' grabbed by the fox's claws. At this time, a muscled arm grew out of the void, and a handful of He grabbed the fox claw and lifted it together with the five powers of heaven in front of Su Wu.

The majestic and perfect Qi circled around Su Wu in a wheel. This majestic wheel wiped away all contamination and penetration!

Even the 'immortal' behind the archway could not reflect the power into Su Wu's perfect aura that turned like a wheel. But when it looked at the Five Heavenly Powers that were lifted up and photographed in front of Su Wu, it wasn't worried at all that Su Wu would take them for his own use.

Su Wu stretched out his hand and grasped the 'Five Forces of Heaven', which was composed of many weapons. The wheel of weapons turned into various instruments of torture at this moment, exuding a terrifying aura of death. There were cracks in Su Wu's perfect aura that was running like a wheel!

The transcendent and magical aura of the ‘immortal’ turned into five-colored rainbow light, invading the cracks cut by the ‘Five Evils of Heaven’!

The aura of the perfect man stagnated!


The black gold pillar that stood in the center of the world and supported the sky and the earth suddenly trembled for a moment - in the blue and clear sky that had been healed, a wisp of purple and red sky roots suddenly emerged. Those sky roots only appeared for a moment and then disappeared without a trace, and the sky returned to calm. However, after that, the peeping of the ‘great sky’ descended on this time and space. It cast its eyes on Su Wu and the ‘immortal’ in the immortal gate from all the unimaginable and unprepared corners.

It was watching the fight between the two!

"I am different from the Three Pure Ones...

The Three Pure Ones are already cunning, and cunning must always belong to the Great Heaven Sect...

But I used to be a fierce cunning, but now I have surpassed the level of fierce cunning and become an 'immortal'." The 'immortal' snickered behind the Immortal Gate. Its figure was like a picture soaked in water, suddenly becoming colorful, and gradually fading away all the colors. It turned into a fox standing up, but with a human head, dragon toes, and a bony human foot, which became its tail.

And the colorful colors it faded gathered around it and turned into a bronze coffin.

In the coffin, lay the fat and dark-skinned Li Yueshan.

"So the sky can't erode me, just like the Great Heaven can't do anything to you now..." The immortal continued to speak, and it moved the coffin from the Immortal Gate out. It seemed that an invisible hand appeared in the void, holding up the bronze coffin and carrying it to Su Wu over there. The immortal continued, "If you and I fight, we will both lose, and in the end, the great heaven will definitely benefit.

How about you return those torture instruments to me, and I will return your master to you...?

He is just a corpse now... But it doesn't matter if it is just a corpse. For a perfect person like you, it is just a piece of cake to reverse the flow of time, turn death into life, and turn decay into magic."

The bronze coffin was slowly pushed open by an invisible hand in front of Su Wu.

In the coffin, Master Yue Shan, who had lost a pair of arms and looked haggard, lay quietly in it. In his body, the Yuangen was completely dead.

The master is indeed dead.

But as the immortal said, turning death into life and turning decay into magic, for Su Wu now, how can it be difficult?

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